12 research outputs found

    Yield Response of Peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) to Compound Fertilizer

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    Harahap SM, Ramija KE, Erythrina E. 2020. Yield response of peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.)  to compound fertilize. Jurnal Lahan Suboptimal: Journal of Suboptimal Lands 9(1): 41-49.The purpose of this study was to evaluate the application effects of three different compound fertilizers on yield, and assess the income increase at different rates of compound fertilizers. Three compound fertilizers namely NPK 14-0-46, NPK 19-9-19 and NPK 11-11-11 was conducted at three different farmers’ field in Langkat District, North Sumatra Province under upland conditions. In each farmers’ field, a Randomized Complete Block Design was applied with four replications per treatment.  Seven treatments tested consisted of full rate of farmer fertilizer practice and six rates of each compound fertilizer plus half rate of farmer fertilizer practice. In each of compound fertilizer tested, pod yield and seed yield increased quadratically as increasing compound fertilizer rates. The highest pod yield and seed yield of peanut were 1649 kg/ha and 1072 kg/ha, respectively with half rate of FFP + 200 kg of NPK 14-0-46. For compound fertilizer NPK 19-9-19 the highest pod yield and seed yield were 1632 kg/ha and 1032 kg/ha with half rate of FFP + 500 kg of NPK 19-9-19 while for compound fertilizer NPK 11-11-11 the highest pod yield seed yield were 1421 kg/ha and 930 kg/ha with half rate of FFP + 250 kg of NPK 11-11-11. However, adding each  half rate of farmer fertilizer practices with  200 kg of NPK 14-0-46 or 300 kg of NPK 19-9-19 or 250 kg of NPK 11-11-11 with HypoMa-1 cultivar gave the highest values of the benefit for the farmers under upland soil in Langkat, North Sumatra


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    ABSTRACT The Enhancement of Rice Farming Efficiency through Fertilization Techonology at Ipar Bondar Village, Mandailing Natal District, North Sumatera Province. Rice productivity at Ipar Bondar Village in Mandailing Natal Regency (4.34 t/ha) is under productivity of North Sumatera Province (4.97 t/ha). Thus, the increasing sustainable productivity effort is needed through fertilization efficiency. The assessment of the improvement of rice fertilization technology was done in 2012 by used five treatments that were applied directly in farmers’ land. Among five treatments, there were three applied an-organic fertilizers and the rest used organic fertilizers (cow shed manure and hay). The objectives of this assessment were to support the achievement of Increasing National Rice Production program by applying specific location of fertilization recommendation, maintained stability of rice land fertility and to increased farmer’s income. The result shown that treatment P4 (290 kg Urea + 110 kg SP36 + 115 kg KCl + 100 kg ZA) gave better production than the others (7.30 t/ha) which was insignificant with treatment P1:6.26 t/ha (5 ton straw + 180 kg Urea + 75 kg SP36) and treatment P5:7.17 t/ha (200 kg Urea + 100 kg SP36 + 50 KCl), while treatment P3 (200 kg Urea + 75 kg SP36 + 50 kg KCl) gave the lowest production (5.02 t/ha). The result of farming analysis shown that treatment P5 gave the highest B/C (2.97) and followed by treatment P1, P4, P3 and treatment P2 at 2.67, 2.66, 1.82 and 1.80 respectively. There were IDR4,895,000 for the net income between the best treatment (P5) and the control (P3). Keywords: Rice, organic fertilizer, an-organic fertilizer, farming analysis, efficiency of fertilization ABSTRAKProduktivitas padi sawah di Desa Ipar Bondar, Kabupaten Mandailing Natal (4,34 t/ha) masih di bawah produktivitas padi di Provinsi Sumatera Utara (4,97 t/ha). Oleh karena itu perlu upaya peningkatan produktivitas tanaman secara berkelanjutan diantaranya melalui efisiensi pemupukan. Kajian tentang perbaikan teknologi pemupukan padi sawah telah dilakukan pada tahun 2012 di lahan petani menggunakan lima perlakuan pemupukan. Dari lima perlakuan tersebut, tiga diantaranya hanya mengaplikasikan pupuk anorganik dan sisanya dengan pupuk organik (pupuk kandang dan jerami). Kajian ini bertujuan mendukung pencapaian program Peningkatan Produksi Beras Nasional (P2BN) dengan memberikan rekomendasi pemupukan spesifik lokasi, menjaga kestabilan kesuburan lahan sawah dan meningkatkan pendapatan petani. Hasil pengkajian menunjukkan bahwa perlakuan P4 (290 kg Urea + 110 kg SP36 + 115 kg KCl + 100 kg ZA) memberikan hasil produksi yang lebih baik yakni 7,3 t/ha yang tidak berbeda nyata dengan perlakuan P1 6,26 t/ha (5 t jerami + 180 kg Urea + 75 kg SP36) dan P5 7,17 t/ha (200 kg Urea + 100 kg SP36 + 50 KCl), sedangkan perlakuan P3 (200 kg Urea + 75 kg SP36 + 50 kg KCl) memberikan hasil produksi terendah yakni 5,02 t/ha. Hasil analisis usahatani menujukkan bahwa perlakuan P5 memberikan nilai rasio B/C tertinggi,  yakni 2,97 dan diikuti perlakuan P1, P4, P3 dan P2 dengan masing – masing nilai B/C yaitu 2,67, 2,66, 1,82 dan 1,80. Selisih pendapatan bersih antara perlakuan dengan hasil terbaik (P5) dengan kontrol (P3) yakni Rp4.895.000. Kata kunci: Padi, pupuk organik, pupuk anorganik, analisis usahatani, effisiensi pemupuka


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    Growth and Production of Three New Rice Varieties in Prima Tani Mandailing Natal. The use ofNew Rice Superior Variety has a future prospect. It is not only high productivity but also reduces the risk ofcrop failure. This Assessment was aimed to study growth performances, yield component, and production ofthree types of New Rice Superior Varieties of Seed Stock (SS) at Prima Tani Location in Ipar Bondar Village,Mandailing Natal District, North Sumatera. The study was done by 5 farmers in their own rice field with totalof farm area used was 4 ha. Cultivation for seed production of new seed variety (NSV) was done in dry season(March-July 2008), while seed processing was executed in August 2008. Rice varieties used were Mekongga,Conde dan Angke. The seeds used was originated from Indonesian Center for Rice Reseach at Sukamandi, withthe method of paddy cultivation followed the Integrated Crop Management (ICM) approach. The research useda Random Block Design with 5 repetation. The result showed that Mekongga variety gave highest yield of 8.30t/ha , Conde 7. 7 t/ha, and Angke 7.80 t/ha. Data were analysed using descriptive of rice productivity to comparerice productivity among varieties. Improvement productivities of Conde, Angke, and Mekongga was .67-2.80t/ha (the average of 2.26 t/ha) or increase between 30.36 - 50.90% (with the average of 4 .09%), compare withCiherang (5.5 t/ha) in location area. Total rice seed production of SS seed class was 38.5 t. The seed of NSV wassold Rp.5,200/kg per package and has been distribute to 37 villages of 0 sub-districts in Mandailing Natal District.It was concluded that the Mekongga variety gave the highest yield of 8.3 t/ha of dry grain harvested, comparewith two other variety. Thus, these varieties can be developed for seed multiplication. While, Conde and Angkevarieties are also an alternative varieties to be developed in this location because their production are also high.Key words: Paddy seed source, new rice superior varietyPenggunaan Varietas Padi Unggul Baru ditingkat petani cukup prospektif, selain memiliki produktivitasyang tinggi juga mengurangi resiko gagal panen. Pengkajian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui keragaan pertumbuhan,komponen hasil dan produksi tiga jenis benih sumber padi Varietas Unggul Baru (VUB) di lokasi Prima Tani diKabupaten Mandailing Natal. Pengkajian ini melibatkan 5 orang petani di lahan sawah milik petani di Desa IparBondar, Kecamatan Panyabungan, Kabupaten Mandailing Natal. Total luas lahan yang digunakan 4 ha. Penanamanpadi VUB untuk produksi benih dilaksanakan pada MK Maret-Juli 2008 sedangkan prosesing benih dilaksanakanpada bulan agustus 2008. Benih padi yang diproduksi meliputi: Mekongga,Conde dan Angke. Benih yang digunakanberasal dari Balai Besar Penelitian Tanaman Padi Sukamandi. Dalam penanaman padi menggunakan pendekatanmodel PTT. Rancangan yang digunakan Acak kelompok dengan 5 ulangan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan varietasMekongga memberikan hasil tertinggi yaitu 8.30 t/ha, disusul varietas Conde 7. 7 t/ ha dan Angke 7.80 t/ha. Dataproduktivitas antar varietas dikumpulkan juga dianalisis secara deskriptif untuk membandingkan produktivitasKeragaan Pertumbuhan Komponen Hasil dan Produksi Tiga Varietas Padi Unggul Baru di Lokasi Primatani KabupatenMandailing Natal (Khadijah El Ramija, Novia Chairuman, Didik Harnowo)43antar varietas. Peningkatan produktivitas Conde, Angke, dan Mekongga adalah .67-2.80 t ha- (rata-rata 2.26t/ha) atau terjadi peningkatan antara 30.36-50.90% (rata-rata 4 .09%) dibandingkan dengan Ciherang(5.5 t/ha) yang ditanam petani di sekitar lokasi pengkajian. Total produksi benih padi 38.5 ton kelas SS.Benih padi VUB dijual dalam bentuk kemasan dengan harga Rp. 5200/kg dan telah tersebar ke 37 desadi 0 kecamatan di Kabupaten Mandailing Natal. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa dari 3 VUB yang diamati,varietas Mekongga memberikan hasil tertinggi yaitu sebesar 8.30 t/ha gabah kering panen dibanding2 varietas lainnya, sehingga varietas ini dapat dikembangkan untuk perbanyakan benih. Sedangkanvarietas Conde dan Angke juga merupakan varietas alternatif untuk dikembangkan di lokasi pengkajiankarena produksinya juga tinggi.Kata kunci: Benih sumber, VUB, mekongga, conde, angk

    Respon Beberapa Varietas Padi pada Lahan Rawa Pasang Surut di Kabupaten Serdang Bedagai dalam Mendukung Ketahanan Pangan

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    AbstrakLahan rawa pasang surut mempunyai masalah dan kendala yang cukup berat untuk dijadikan lahan pertanian yang produktif khususnya tanaman padi sawah. Tingkat salinitas yang tinggi dapat menyebabkan gagal panen. Salah satu upaya untuk pengembangan lahan rawa pasang surut adalah menggunakan varietas padi yang tahan terhadap perubahan salinitas dan perbaikan kesuburan lahan. Kegiatan ini bertujuan melihat respon beberapa varietas padi pada lahan pasang surut Kabupaten Serdang Bedagai. Kegiatan dilaksanakan di Desa Lubuk Saban, Kecamatan Pantai Cermin, Kabupaten Serdang Bedagai pada bulan April hingga Agustus 2020. Varietas yang diuji terdiri atas Inpara 3, 10, Inpari 32 dan 34 Salin Agritan. Metode penelitian yang dilakukan yaitu metode survey. Hasil kegiatan memperlihatkan bahwa varietas Inpara mampu beradaptasi baik pada lokasi pengkajian. Hasil gabah terbanyak diperoleh dari varietas Inpara 10, selanjutnya Inpara 3, Inpari 34 salin agritan dan yang terendah oleh varietas Inpari 32. Varietas Inpari 34 memiliki penampilan yang tertinggi dan umur panen yang tercepat atau genjah dibandingkan varietas Inpari 32, Inpara 3 dan 10. Umur panen yang terdalam adalah varietas Inpara 10. Hasil gabah kering panen terbanyak diperoleh dari varietas Inpara 10 sebanyak 6,90 t/ha

    Keragaan Empat Varietas Padi pada Sistem Tanam Benih Langsung (TABELA) di Sawah Irigasi Sumatera Utara

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    Peningkatan produksi beras sebagai bahan pangan pokok masyarakat Indonesia dihadapkan pada permasalahan besar, seperti rendahnya tingkat pemanfaatan varietas bersertifikat dan kelangkaan tenaga kerja.  Untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut, telah dilakukan penelitian pengenalan sistem tanam benih langsung dan empat varietas padi bersertifikat.  Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di sawah irigasi Kebun Percobaan Pasar Miring, Kecamatan Pagar Merbau Kabupaten Deli Serdang Provinsi Sumatera Utara pada bulan Oktober 2019 sampai Februari 2020. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui pertumbuhan dan produksi empat varietas padi pada sistem tanam benih langsung dengan cara tabur benih rata (broadcast seeding) di lahan sawah irigasi Penelitian menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok non faktorial dengan enam ulangan.  Empat varietas padi yang diuji adalah: Inpari 30, Inpari 32, Mekongga, serta Ciherang.  Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa adanya perbedaan yang signifikan pada empat varietas yang diuji terhadap variable jumlah anakan produktif, panjang malai dan hasil gabah.Varietas Inpari 30, Inpari 32, serta Mekongga memberikan produksi masing-masing 19.30%; 23.14%; dan 21.00% lebih tinggi daripada varietas Ciherang

    Effectiveness Performance of Sodium Hypochlorite (NaOCl) to Increase Hatchability of KUB Chicken Eggs in Artificial Hatchery

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    This study aims to determine the effect of 40°C warm water and sodium hypochlorite solution (NaOCl) on the hatchability of KUB chickens through artificial hatchery. The NaOCl concentrations used in this study were 0.25% and 0.5%. The hatching eggs used are the production of KUB hens which are kept intensively in the UPBS Poultry Departmen, Assessment Institute for Agricultural Technology (AIAT) of North Sumatra. The research procedures applied in this study were collection of hatching eggs, fumigation of machines and equipment, setting of machines and hatching eggs, washing of eggs with cherry leaf extract and hatching of eggs for 21 days. During the hatching process, observations were made on the variables that had been determined. The observed variables were egg shape index, egg weight loss, shell temperature and hatchability. The method used was a completely randomized design (CRD) with 3 treatments and 300 replications. The results showed that the shape index of the eggs that hatched in this study was 76.71 - 77.38%, the P2 treatment experienced the most stable weight loss compared to other treatments. The conclusion in this study P2 (0.25% NaOCl) effective in the highest egg hatchability

    Influence of El Niño 2015/2016 on Climate Variability and Production of Main Crops in Langkat Regency

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    El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) is a global phenomenon that drives local and regional climate variability. It also affects various sectors in daily life, including agriculture. Influence of El Niño is well documented in literatures and generally it gives detrimental effects on agriculture. But, our understanding on local impact to main crops in Langkat Regency, North Sumatra is limited. This study explored the influence of the 2015/16 El Niño in Langkat Regency particularly on local climate variability, and production of on rice, corn, and soybean. We used daily climate data for 1981-2016 combined with agricultural production for 2010-2016. The onset of rainy season was determined using climate data, and we divided the analysis based on the seasonal zone (ZOM). Then we statistically compared agricultural production of each main crops (rice, corn, soybean) annually to the annual mean production for 2010-2016. The results showed that El Niño shorten a wet season in 2015/16 for all ZOMs, with a decreased rainfall between 7% to 30% compared to the normal year.  In contrast, agricultural production had risen for 6%-16% due to human interventions during El Niño period. The interventions were comprised of two activities: the use of climate information for agricultural management and expansion of planting area.  The findings suggested that climate information will be benefit to society when it is properly used

    Potential of goat manure as organic fertilizer in North Sumatera

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    The North Sumatera province has the fifth largest goat population in Indonesia after Central, East, Lampung and West Java. Meanwhile, solid and liquid goat manures have great potential as a source of organic fertilizer. Therefore, this study aims to examine the potential of goat manure as a source of organic fertilizer and its role in improving soil quality, growth and crop production. The data were collected from the Central Bureau of Statistics and the results of previous studies. Furthermore, the potential of goat manure was calculated by multiplying the total goat population in North Sumatra by the goat manure production /head/day and converted to one year. The parameter measured was the total goat population in North Sumatera, goat manure production/head/day, and the covered agricultural land area. The results showed that goat manure only fulfilled 3.69% of the agricultural land area in North Sumatera. In addition, the case study in Deli Serdang District showed that the application of goat manure compost with biourine and balanced inorganic fertilizers increased red chilies’ productivity by 46%. Therefore, it was concluded that the potential of goat manure as organic fertilizer is still very low