213 research outputs found

    Drinking related internal-external locus of control scale. Outcomes measurement tool: attitudes & feelings - attitudes (towards drug and alcohol use).

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    The DRIE was developed to define an individual’s beliefs about the extent to which life events are under personal control (internal locus of control) or under the influence of chance, fate, or powerful others (external locus of control). The DRIE assesses these beliefs specifically with respect to the individual’s perceptions of control around alcohol, drinking behaviour, and recovery


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    La presente investigación tuvo como finalidad investigar sobre La rotación de personal, muchas veces la rotación de personal influye en la productividad de la empresa, y una mala productividad ocasionaría una pérdida económica para la empresa, pero una empresa con una rotación laboral mínima nos traería beneficios como una mayor productividad, no nos estaríamos viendo en la necesidad de capacitar a nuevos trabajadores. La presente investigación tiene como finalidad medir la rotación de personal de la empresa Pídelo Huánuco, y en base a eso redactar recomendaciones óptimas para la empresa. El informe realizado en dicha investigación tuvo como: Tipo aplicada, también tiene el enfoque cuantitativo, con un alcance descriptivo y un diseño no experimental. Para conocer más sobre las dimensiones se empleó la técnica de la observación, y de encuestas lo cual se llevó a cabo con su aplicación a una muestra de 16 colaboradores que laboran en Pídelo Delivery Huánuco. Concluyendo la investigación se plantearon recomendaciones y conclusiones, hacia la empresa, esperando que el dueño de la empresa Pídelo Delivery Huánuco, tome las decisiones más óptimas.Trabajo de Investigació

    Designing personal informatics for self-reflection and self-awareness: the case of children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder

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    A main challenge in designing for children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is to support the learning process of supressing undesired behaviour on daily routines by means of positive feedback and rewards. Personal Informatics (PI) is a model that supports capturing and integration of personal data to facilitate reflection and action that is used as a design platform to support behavioral learning. This paper presents a designdriven research study that illustrates the potential of PI to support selfawareness and self-reflection of ADHD children. Two design approaches are described which aim to support self-behavioral inhibition learning: (a) KITA, a Kinesiofeedback Toy for ADHD, being a Tangible User Interface that measures and assesses children’s activity and provides them with feedback as to whether or not behavior is within appropriate limits; and (b) WRISTWIT, a Wearable device presenting information on attention and time for ADHD to increase ontask behavior. KITA and WRISTWIT were tested in the field with children as design means to implement PI to positively modify children behavior during daily school routines

    A motivação no ensino de química : a música como alternativa

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    Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (graduação)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Química, 2017.No ensino de química, são recorrentes relatos de estudantes que tem aversão a disciplina química, rejeitando-a. Essa problemática, em parte, pode ser correlacionada a um emprego demasiado de metodologias tradicionais. Assim, com o objetivo de modificar essa realidade muitos professores e pesquisadores vêm buscando alternativas didáticas, como por exemplo, através do uso de recursos lúdicos como música, teatro e jogos. Contudo, é preciso ser cuidadoso ao se utilizar tais atividades para que não se tornem apenas diversão, mas cumpram seu papel em auxiliar o estudante em seu aprendizado. Um ponto constantemente abordado por autores que em seus trabalhos utilizaram de recursos lúdicos é o fato deles promoverem a motivação dos alunos, porém não trazem dados que mensurem tal afirmação, além de não explicitarem o que entendem por motivação, pois motivar para atrair a atenção do estudante é diferente de motivá-lo para aprender. Desse modo, com o objetivo de contribuir nessa lacuna, este trabalho teve como norteador dois objetivos: (1) A partir da teoria motivacional da autodeterminação, elaborar um questionário para mensurar as Necessidades Psicológicas Básicas (NPB) de estudantes envolvidos em uma atividade. (2) Mensurar a percepção das NPB em estudantes que participaram da elaboração de paródias químicas. O questionário elaborado foi composto por 15 questões de 5 pontos na escala Likert divididas igualmente entre os fatores competência, pertença e autonomia. A consistência interna, calculada a partir do alfa de Cronbach, para cada constructo foi superior a 0,7 indicando a confiabilidade do instrumento proposto. Além disso, o desenvolvimento da atividade em questão gerou valores paras as NPB superiores a 3 indicando a nutrição da autonomia, competência e pertença. Desse modo, pode-se concluir que o questionário desenvolvido é adequado e que a atividade realizada proporciona uma percepção de nutrição nas NPB

    Unidad de deshidratación y unidad DOMGAS. Planta de licuación Gorgon LNG

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    In this Project, a preliminary design of a dehydration unit for domestic gas will be outlined. This unit that is the subject of the study belongs to a project named Gorgon. Such project is currently been developed by Chevron in Barrow Island, Australia. In order to conduct a proper design of such unit, characteristics of the natural gas that is being extracted shall be detailed, as well as proper specifications of the pipeline to which the gas will supply. After this, different techniques for dehydrating the gas are evaluated; the technique that fits better this Project is absorption by glycol and following such assumption will be chosen as the best one. More accurately, the most suitable type of glycol for this particular unit is triethilene glycol, considering that it fits better the conditions of the project. Once the method is chosen, a simulation shall be undertaken with the purpose of determining the number of stages required for the correct functioning of the unit, the glycol rate and its purity. Besides, it is needed to estimate its pressure and temperature and the dimensions that would then follow. In addition, pressures and temperatures are estimated at the regeneration glycol process, together with dimensions of some units. Furthermore, it is necessary to estimate pressure and temperature at which natural gas is leaving the dehydration unit. In addition, both compression needed to secure the flux at the pipeline and the resulting pressure at the reception shall be studied. Finally, an economic study is carried out in order to conclude whether or not this specific Project is feasible

    An end-user perspective on smart home energy systems in the PowerMatching City demonstration project

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    In discussions on smart grids, it is often stated that residential end-users will play a more active role in the management of the electric power system. Experience in practice on how to empower end-users for such a role is however limited. This paper presents a field study in the first phase of the PowerMatching City project in which twenty-two households were equipped with demand-response-enabled heating systems and white goods. Although end-users were satisfied with the degree of living comfort afforded by the smart energy system, the user interface did not provide sufficient control and energy feedback to support an active contribution to the balancing of supply and demand. The full potential of demand response was thus not realized. The second phase of the project builds on these findings by design, implementation and evaluation of an improved user interface in combination with two demand response propositions

    Squeeze, rock and roll: Can tangible interaction with affective products produce stress reduction

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    ABSTRACT Affective computing focuses on the interpretation of users emotions via physiological and behavioral inputs. Irrelevant gestures with a pen were found to increase when users were given a mentally demanding task. Accordingly, an embedded tangible interface was developed which afforded and measured a rolling behavior, and guided the user towards reaching a balanced state of movement. During informal evaluations users acknowledged how the device could contribute to stress reduction. Conclusion, tangible interfaces appear to offer a non-obtrusive means towards interpreting and reducing stress in the office work context

    Implementing an integrated meter and sensor system (IMSS) in existing social housing stock

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    The current rollout of smart meters for gas and electricity, both in the UK and internationally, will help suppliers to better forecast demand and supply accurate bills to consumers. However, even with an in-home display (IHD), the benefits of a smart meter to a domestic customer are limited by the so-called ‘double invisibility’ of energy [1] and the standardisation of IHD design for an imagined home ‘micro-resource manager’ [2]. Furthermore, low-income households may be limited in the benefits they can reap from such systems; already living within a tight budget, suggestions for further energy-related cost savings may be detrimental to their health and wellbeing. This makes it important that the impact of actions taken to save energy is communicated. This can be done using indoor environmental measures, including carbon dioxide, relative humidity and temperature, as part of an integrated meter and sensor system (IMSS) and an associated IHD or digital application. Such a system gives users the ability to make informed decisions about their energy use and indoor environmental health. This paper explores the potential barriers to implementing an IMSS in practice. It explains how an IMSS was designed, based on a review of meter and sensor systems; details the process is taken to trial the IMSS in 19 social housing properties in the English Midlands; and makes recommendations for a larger scale rollout of IMSSs. The paper also reviews current progress in cloud storage and security as relevant to IMSSs and smart metering