818 research outputs found

    Low macrophage content in diabetic and aging human skeletal muscle

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    Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/97217/1/20006_ftp.pd

    Estratègies administratives i canvi de les relacions espacials a Mumbai

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    En aquest article s'explica com el control de les intervencions urbanes i les diverses legislacions al llarg dels diferents períodes de la història han creat el Mumbai actual, una de les ciutats més importants de l'Índia i una de les que té més habitants del món. A la primera part s'esmenta la història urbana, amb tot el procés colonitzador com rerefons, i el paper que ha jugat el comerç en la construcció de la ciutat. En la segona part es tracta com, a partir de la independència, a Mumbai hi ha hagut diferents lleis (Rent Control Act del 1942, Urban Land Ceiling Act del 1976) i hi ha hagut diverses actuacions (Back Bay Reclamation Scheme, la creació de Navi Mumbai, el complex Bandra-Kurla, el cinturó industrial de Thana Belapur) que han convertit Mumbai en el centre financer de l'Índia.En este artículo se explica como el control de las intervenciones urbanas y las diverses legislaciones a lo largo de la historia han creado el Mumbai actual, una de las ciudades más importantes de India y una de las que tiene más habitantes del mundo. En la primera parte se trata la historia urbana, con el proceso colonizador de trasfondo, y el papel que ha jugado el comercio en la construcción de la ciudad. En la segunda parte se trata como, a partir de la independencia, en Mumbai ha habido diferentes leyes (Rent Control Act del 1942, Urban Land Ceiling Act del 1976) y ha habido diversas actuaciones (Back Bay Reclamation Scheme, la creación de Navi Mumbai, el complejo Bandra-Kurla, el cinturón industrial de Thana Belapur) que han convertido Mumbai en el centro financiero de India.This paper reviews the effects of legal control through time on urban interventions in the creation of modern Mumbai, one of the most important cities of India, and one of the most populated cities of the world. The first section presents a summary of its urban history with special focus on the effects of the colonial period, and commercial activities in the construction of the city. The second section, analyzes the effects of several new laws enacted after the independence (Rent Control Act 1942, Urban Land Ceiling Act 1976) as well as special actions (Back Bay Reclamation Scheme, the creation of Navi Mumbai, the complex Bandra-Kurla, or the industrial belt of Thana Belapur) that have made Mumbai in the financial capital of India

    Intense ultrasonic waves in fluids: nonlinear behaviour

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    High-intensity ultrasonic wave has several engineering, biological, medical and chemical applications. High intensity acoustic waves can lead to a desired change in a medium by initiating one or more diverse mechanisms such as acoustic cavitation, heating, radiation pressure, or chemical reactions. Nonlinear nature of intense acoustic waves opens an entire new spectrum of applications. Hence there is need to understand and model the mechanism of nonlinear wave motion for practical applications of intense acoustic waves. In this research, one-dimensional motion of shock waves in an ideal fluid is studied to include nonlinearity. In nonlinear acoustics, the propagation velocity of different sections of the waveform are different, which causes distortion in the waveform and results in formation of a shock (discontinuity). Intense acoustic pressure causes particles in fluid to move forward as if pushed by a piston to generate a shock. As the piston retracts, a rarefaction, a smooth fan zone of continuously changing pressure, density, and velocity, are generated. When the piston stops, another shock is sent into the medium. The wave speed can be calculated by solving a Riemann problem. This study examined the interaction of shocks with rarefactions. The flow field resulting from these interactions shows that the shock waves are attenuated to a Mach wave and the pressure distribution within the flow field shows the initial wave becoming severely distorted at a distance from the source. The developed theory was applied to waves generated by 20kHz, 500kHz and 2MHz transducer with 50W, 150W, 500W and 1500W power levels to examine the variation in flow fields

    Análisis in vitro de la elasticidad y la flexión del Peek

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    El PEEK tiene varias aplicaciones en el ámbito de la odontología debido a su gran biocompatibilidad. No obstante, no se conoce de manera específica el comportamiento físico-mecánico de este material. Por ello, el objetivo de este estudio in vitro ha sido evaluar y comparar la resistencia a la flexión y el módulo de elasticidad de distintas muestras fabricadas a partir del PEEK. En este estudio, se fabricaron diez muestras de PEEK con unas dimensiones específicas (longitud x anchura x grosor) obteniendo así, dos grupos clasificados según el grosor/espesor de las muestras: un primer grupo con 5 muestras de 24x15x2 mm y otro grupo con 5 muestras de 24x15x15 mm. Seguidamente, todas las muestras fueron sometidas a una prueba de flexión de tres puntos en una máquina de prueba universal Zwick/Roell. Los resultados nos muestran que el primer grupo de probetas de PEEK con un espesor de 2 mm presenta valores más elevados de módulo de elasticidad y resistencia a la flexión en comparación con el grupo de probetas de 1,5 mm de grosor

    Heuristic for Optimisation of Dark Store Facility Locations for Quick Commerce Businesses

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    We present a fast, flexible heuristic for setting up warehouse locations for quick commerce businesses, with the goal of serving the largest number of customers under the constraints of delivery radius and maximum daily deliveries per warehouse. Quick commerce or direct-to-customer delivery businesses guarantee delivery within a specified time. Using experiments on various scenarios, we show that the proposed algorithm is flexible enough to handle variations such as non-uniform population distributions, variable travel times, and selection of multiple warehouse locations

    The impact of food allergy on asthma

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    Food allergy is a potentially severe immune response to a food or food additive. Although a majority of children will outgrow their food allergies, some may have lifelong issues. Food allergies and other atopic conditions, such as asthma, are increasing in prevalence in Western countries. As such, it is not uncommon to note the co-existence of food allergy and asthma in the same patient. As part of the atopic march, many food allergic patients may develop asthma later in life. Each can adversely affect the other. Food allergic patients with asthma have a higher risk of developing life-threatening food-induced reactions. Although food allergy is not typically an etiology of asthma, an asthmatic patient with food allergy may have higher rates of morbidity and mortality associated with the asthma. Asthma is rarely a manifestation of food allergy alone, but the symptoms can be seen with allergic reactions to foods. There may be evidence to suggest that early childhood environmental factors, such as the mother’s and child’s diets, factor in the development of asthma; however, the evidence continues to be conflicting. All food allergic patients and their families should be counseled on the management of food allergy and the risk of developing co-morbid asthma

    Professional development for digital competencies in early childhood education and care. A systematic review

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    Digitalisation places new demands on the early childhood education and care (ECEC) workforce to navigate the care and well-being of children in the digital age. This literature review examines frameworks for digital competencies (DC) in education, with a focus on ECEC, as well as variation in DC requirements for ECEC staff with different responsibilities. It explores strategies for a successful integration of DC in ECEC workforce development programmes. The review shows there has been limited research and policy support regarding the development of DC in ECEC and discusses the importance for the ECEC workforce to understand how digital technologies may be incorporated to their work, encompassing both technical aspects and responsible use, as well as the social and collaborative dimensions of professional development in this area. The review examines also how attitudes towards technology use with young children condition skills development in the sector

    Gender differences among professionals dedicated to Oral Implantology in Spain : an observational study

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    Despite the development of society and the educational progress achieved at the university education level, women continue to face obstacles that hinder their professional development. This study aims to determine whether there are gender differences in

    Removal of a migrated dental implant from a maxillary sinus through an intraoral approach : a case report

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    The replacement of maxillary posterior teeth often challenges the clinician due to bone resorption after dental exodontia and low bone quality. Currently, attempts are being made to shorten treatment times by placing implants simultaneously to sinus lif