80 research outputs found

    Uji Efektivitas Air Kelapa Muda (Cocos Nucifera L.) Terhadap Hemoglobin Pada Tikus Putih (Rattus Norvegicus) Sebagai Anti Anemia Setelah Diinduksi Siklofosfamid

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    Latar Belakang: Penggunaan obat siklofosfamid menimbulkan efek samping berupa supresi sumsum tulang sehingga menurunkan jumlah hemoglobin. Air kelapa yang mengandung zat-zat yang diduga mampu menstimulasi proliferasi sel sumsum tulang. Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efek pemberian air kelapa muda terhadap jumlah hemoglobin darah tepi. Metodologi: Desain penelitian ini adalah true experimental dengan pendekatan pretest and posttest control group design. Penelitian ini menggunakan 30 tikus dan dibagi menjadi 5 kelompok. Kontrol positif (K1) diberikan injeksi intraperitoneal akuades 5ml/kgBB; kelompok kontrol negatif (K2) diberikan injeksi intraperitoneal cyclophosphamide 50mg/kgBB; kelompok perlakuan dosis 1,2,3 (D1,D2,D3) diberikan injeksi intraperitoneal cyclophosphamide 50mg/kgBB dan air kelapa dengan dosis masing-masing 2ml/100g BB, 4ml/100g BB dan 6ml/100g BB. Semua perlakuan dilakukan selama 14 hari. Pemberian cyclophosphamide dilakukan sekali pada hari ke-1. Pemeriksaan darah pretest dilakukan pada hari ke-1, posttest 1 ke-4, dan posttest 2 ke-15 masa perlakuan. Data dianalisa dengan uji Repeated ANOVA dan One way ANOVA yang dilanjutkan dengan analisis Post Hoc Test. Hasil: Penilaian jumlah hemoglobin darah tepi berdasarkan kelompok dosis menunjukan tidak terjadi peningkatan jumlah hemoglobin yang bermakna (p<0,05) pada kelompok K2, D1, D2, dan D3. Kesimpulan: Pemberian air kelapa tidak mampu meningkatkan jumlah hemoglobin darah tepi pada tikus yang diinduksi siklofosfamid

    Klasifikasi Inceptisol Pada Ketinggian Tempat Yang Berbeda Di Kecamatan Lintong Nihuta Kabupaten Hasundutan

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    This research aims to classify inceptisol soil at sub-district of Lintong Ni Huta, Regency ofHumbang Hasudutan on the various elevation. On the elevation of 1200-1300, 1300-1400, 1400-1500, and &gt;1500m on above sea level. The sampling of soil was took at 3 soil profile holes on FieldMap unit and Key to Soil Taxonomy 2010 . Of the result of this research, it obtain the classification ofprofile 1, 2, and 3 with Ordo, Sub Ordo, and Great Groupin the same is Inceptisol, Udept,and Dystrudept. OnSub Group category the classification of profile 1 is Psammentic Dystrudept. On Sub Group category theclassification of profile 2 is Pachic Dystrudept. On Sub Group category the classification of profile 3 isFluventic Dystrudept


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    This study’s objective was to investigate the income and R / C of sheep business. This research was conducted on Cilawan Village,Pantai Cermin Sub District, Serdang Bedagai Regency, Sumatera Utara Province for 2 months starting from September until November 2017. The study was a survey which used Determination Method. Number of samples were 30% of total number of breeder in research area; there were 8 respondents whose intensive breeders and 30 respondents whose semi intensive breeders. The data used in this research were primary data and secondary data. Primary data were the result of interviews with respondents and secondary data were obtained from the Central Bureau of Statistics. The results showed that intensive breeder earned income smaller compared to semi intensive breeder. Income on every sheep sale was Rp 3.468.241,-on intensive and Rp 5.794.982,- on semi intensive breeder and the value of R/C was 0.144. The conclusion of this study that sheep breeding system in Celawan Village Regency consisted of two maintenance system, intensive and semi intensive system which gave different effect to farmer's income. This was because intensive maintenance systems required more costs for feed and labor costs compared to semi intensive system


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    Berdasarkan data WHO menunjukkan sekitar 1,13 miliar orang menyandang hipertensi, artinya 1 dari 3 orang di dunia terdiagnosis hipertensi, pada tahun 2025 diperkirakan akan ada 1,5 miliar orang yang terkena hipertensi, dan diperkirakan setiap tahunnya 10,44 juta orang meninggal akibat hipertensi dan komplikasinya, kasus penderita hipertensi di kota Medan menempati posisike2 tertinggi dengan jumlah kasus sebanyak 89.333 jiwa dengan persentase 18,03%. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui determinan hipertensi pada pedagang pasar tradisional Petisah dikota Medan tahun 2023. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan studi crossectional, dengan sampel 94 responden dengan teknik pengambilan accidental sampling, pengolahan data bivatiate menggunakan uji chi-square. Hasil uji statistik menunjukkan tidak ada hubungan kualitas tidur dengan kejadian hipertensi pada pedagang (P-value0,119), ada hubungan stres kerja dengan kejadian hipertensi pada pedagang (P-value0,000), ada hubungan merokok dengan kejadian hipertensi pada pedagang (p-value 0,000), ada hubungan antara obesitas dengan kejadian hipertensi dengan (p-value 0,002), diharapkan kepada dinas kesehatan bekerja sama dengan PD pasar dalam melakukan menyuluhan dan edukasi guna meningkatkan pengetahuan pedagang sehingga dapat meminimalisir kejadian hipertensi pada pedagan


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    ABSTRACTMyristicin (C11H12O3) is one of the most important constituents of the nutmeg oil.  Myristicin is toxic and hallucinogenic agent in nutmeg and mace.  Isolation of myristicin can be carried out by steam distillation.  The objective of this research was to extract myristicin from nutmeg oil by steam distillation. Nutmeg oil was distilled at  pressure 15 mmHg, 145, 150 and 155oC for concentration.  The highest myristicin content in oil fraction was 70.10% with concentration 786.99 g/l obtained by distillation at 145oC.  Under this operating condition the yield of oil fraction was 6.72%.  Isolation myristicin by steam distillation method was conducted at atmospheric pressure for 2, 2.5 and 3 hours.  The highest myristicin content in oil fraction was 84.44% with concentration 916.25 g/l which was obtained by steam distillation of 3 hours.Key words : Myristicaceae, myristicin, nutmeg oil, steam distillatio

    Peranan Penyidik Pegawai Negeri Sipil (Ppns) Perpajakan dan Penyidik Polri dalam Penanganan Tindak Pidana Perpajakan

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    The tax is an important thing as welfare state as one of income source for the increasing of social welfare in a state. Indonesia is one of nation that put tax as one of state income source although it has not yet put tax as one of increasing of society welfare. In the law enforcement process include the tax law enforcement, it always face to criminal justice system. This system is one of system to eradicate the crime in a society. Crimnal justice system has any components, i.e. police, attorney, court, and correctional instituation. In addition to the component of the criminal justice system, there is one specific component for the case of tax, i.e. the civil servant investigator (PPNS) who has responsibility to do the investigation if there is a crime in tax to support the public attorney in handle the tax case. The role of PPNS as instuation out of Police aims to help the task of police in to the investigation that determined in the Crime Procesure Law and Act No. 2 of 2002 concerning to the Police of republic of Indonesia. PPNS or Police must helpot one to the others especially in provide the required information about the crime case to support the crime investigation actually and completely to avoid the intersect of authority in do the investigation that requires the coordination and supervision between the related instituation in enforcement, and socialization of the rule related to the authority in any investigation and to obtain the understanding about the task and authority for each instituation. Through this socialization it will eliminate the gap between the instituation and realize the complete instituation


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    Angka kematian akibat virus corona di Indonesia  tertinggi di Asia setelah Cina, meninggal 181 orang, persentase kematian 9,11%, jumlah kasus virus corona 1.986 kasus, sembuh 134 orang.  Sampai tanggal 5 April 2020 terkonfirmasi Covid-19 berjumlah 2.273 orang, sembuh 164 orang dan meninggal 198 orang. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk Menjelaskan faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan kepatuhan perawat melakukan 3M dalam mencegah infeksi covid-19 di RSUD Aceh Singkil. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian survey bersifat analitik menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan desain penelitian cross sectional. Desain penelitian cross sectional merupakan jenis survei yang mengamati sebuah objek penelitian, baik satu maupun beberapa variabel, dengan cara menghimpun data pada suatu masa yang sama. Hasil analisis bivariat diperoleh hasil Pengetahuan Perawat tentang Covid-19 dan 3M dengan Kepatuhan Perawat  melakukan 3M dalam Mencegah Infeksi Covid-19   didapat nilai p = 0,000 &lt; 0,05, Hubungan Sikap  Perawat tentang Covid-19 dan 3M dengan Kepatuhan Perawat  melakukan 3M dalam Mencegah  Infeksi Covid-19 didapat nilai p = 0,011 &lt; 0,05, Hubungan Ketersediaan fasilitas atau sarana yang mendukung pelaksanaan 3M tentang Covid-19 dengan Kepatuhan Perawat  melakukan 3M dalam Mencegah Infeksi Covid-19 didapat nilai p = 0,039 &lt; 0,05, Disimpulkan bahwa semua variabel independen berhubungan dengan Kepatuhan Perawat  melakukan 3M dalam Mencegah  Infeksi Covid-19   di RSUD Aceh Singki

    Penggunaan beluntas, vitamin C dan E sebagai antioksidan untuk menurunkan off-odor (25%) daging itik alabio dan Citaheup

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    Meat consumption of Indonesian society is not limited to the beef and chicken. Meat ducks are now starting to become popular and food products that are brilliant prospects. Sources of duck meat usually from male and female ducks dismissed that as a result of low-quality meat. The purpose of this study is looking at providing beluntas, vitamin c and e on the effectiveness of local men ducks. In the present study utilized two strain Cihateup male duck and Alabio male duck, each of which consists of three repeats with four treatment of forages, namely: 1. KO (control), 2. Beluntas commercial feed + 0.5% (KB), 3. Beluntas commercial feed + 0.5% + vitamint c 250 mg/kg (KBC), 4. Beluntas commercial feed+ 0.5% + vitamint e 400 IU/kg/dose (KBE). Design made of CRD. The results showed that the feed treatment (KB, KBC, KBE) has no effect on feed intake, feed conversion, final weight, body weight gain, weight cut, the percentage of carcasses and carcass parts percentage Alabio duck, but duck feed Cihateup treatment (KBE) significant effect on final weight, percentage body weight gain and carcass parts of the chest compared with treatment C, KB and KBC. The use of leaf starch levels beluntas 0.5°/o yield better feed conversion. Wheat leaf beluntas as much as 0.5% + Vitamint E in the diet, is able to maintain good performance with the ducks

    Penggunaan beluntas, vitamin C dan E sebagai antioksidan untuk menurunkan off-odor (25%) daging itik alabio dan Citaheup

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    Meat consumption of Indonesian society is not limited to the beef and chicken. Meat ducks are now starting to become popular and food products that are brilliant prospects. Sources of duck meat usually from male and female ducks dismissed that as a result of low-quality meat. The purpose of this study is looking at providing beluntas, vitamin c and e on the effectiveness of local men ducks. In the present study utilized two strain Cihateup male duck and Alabio male duck, each of which consists of three repeats with four treatment of forages, namely: 1. KO (control), 2. Beluntas commercial feed + 0.5% (KB), 3. Beluntas commercial feed + 0.5% + vitamint c 250 mg/kg (KBC), 4. Beluntas commercial feed+ 0.5% + vitamint e 400 IU/kg/dose (KBE). Design made of CRD. The results showed that the feed treatment (KB, KBC, KBE) has no effect on feed intake, feed conversion, final weight, body weight gain, weight cut, the percentage of carcasses and carcass parts percentage Alabio duck, but duck feed Cihateup treatment (KBE) significant effect on final weight, percentage body weight gain and carcass parts of the chest compared with treatment C, KB and KBC. The use of leaf starch levels beluntas 0.5°/o yield better feed conversion. Wheat leaf beluntas as much as 0.5% + Vitamint E in the diet, is able to maintain good performance with the ducks