1,042 research outputs found

    Barriers to and facilitators for finding and keeping competitive employment:A focus group study on autistic adults with and without paid employment

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    PurposeThe aim of the study was to gain more insight into barriers to and facilitators for finding and keeping competitive employment for autistic adults. Research questions were: (1) What barriers and facilitators do autistic adults report in finding and keeping competitive employment?; and (2) What are differences and similarities between autistic adults with and without paid employment regarding barriers and facilitators for sustainable employment?MethodsEight focus groups were conducted (N = 64 autistic adults). Four groups included only participants without paid employment (N = 24), and four groups consisted exclusively of participants with current paid employment (including part-time, N = 40). All discussions were audiotaped and transcribed verbatim to enable inductive thematic content analysis. Data were analyzed using ATLAS.ti 9.ResultsTen themes and thirty-four subthemes were found. Many were interconnected. Themes facilitating sustainable employment included a positive workplace atmosphere, a supportive supervisor, being able to do work that aligns with interests and talents, favorable physical working conditions, coaching, higher self-insight, higher self-esteem, and proactivity. Most themes and subthemes emerged from both groups. Differences between the groups were that those with paid employment seemed to have experienced more friendly workplaces and supervisors, had received better coaching in finding and keeping employment, had higher self-insight and higher self-esteem, were more assertive and proactive.ConclusionsAs many (sub-)themes were interrelated, the results suggest that to improve work participation, particularly two key areas are promising: (1) to realize more friendly, well-being oriented and inclusive workplaces, and (2) to increase autistic adults’ self-insight into personal needs for positive wellbeing and self-knowledge regarding talents, wishes and well-being boundaries

    Edge contribution to forward scattering by spheres

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    Edge functions T1 and T2, which describe the polarization-dependent edge contribution to forward scattering by spheres, are derived from the exact Mie solution. All the relative refractive indices and the 64 , x , 2048 size parameter range are considered. The edge functions significantly improve the approximation methods that can be used to calculate forward-scattering patterns. For m close to 1, an asymptotic approximation is used. Otherwise, the familiar geometrical optics approximation and the similar physical optics approximation for glory rays are used. Both geometrical and physical optics equations can be deduced from the above-mentioned asymptotic approximation

    Принципи реалізму і теорії націоналізму

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    Статтю присвячено порівняльному аналізові теорій націоналізму й теорії політичного реалізму. Здійснена спроба синтезу цих двох теоретичних формацій з метою вдосконалення пізнавального апарату політології міжнародних відносин. На підставі базових положень реалізму, розглянуто роль націоналізму, як глобальної соціальної сили в світовій політиці, а також реалістські теоретичні інтерпретації цієї сили. Особливу увагу надано витлумаченню націоналізму як фактору міжнародних конфліктів та наслідкам для систем міжнародних відносин національних державотворчих процесів.Статья посвящена сравнительному анализу теорий национализма и теории политического реализма. С целью усовершенствования познавательного аппарата политологии международных отношений, осуществлена попытка синтеза этих двух теоретических систем. На основании базовых положений реализма рассмотрена роль национализма в мировой политике, а также реалистские интерпретации этой определяющей силы современности. Особое внимание уделено интерпретации роли национализма в международных конфликтах и последствиям для международных систем процессов образования новых государств.The article deals with comparative analysis of the theories of nationalism and theory of political realism. This study aimed at methodological synthesis of these two groups of theories in order to improve a cognitive potential of political science in the sphere of its application to international relations. The role of nationalism as a global social factor and interpretation of this factor by realism is regarded. The special research attention is paid to the ways modern international conflicts and state1building processes are inspired by nationalism

    特集 がん検診

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    Aims—To investigate whether the analysis of immunoglobulin (Ig)/T cell receptor (TCR) rearrangements is useful in the diagnosis of lymphoproliferative disorders. Methods—In a series of 107 consecutive cases with initial suspicion of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (NHL), Southern blot (SB) analysis of Ig/TCR rearrangements was performed. Results—In 98 of 100 histopathologically conclusive cases, Ig/TCR gene results were concordant. In one presumed diffuse large B cell lymphoma (DLCL) and one follicular lymphoma (FL) case no clonality could be detected by SB analysis, or by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) at second stage. In the DLCL, sampling error might have occurred; the FL was revised after an initial diagnosis of reactivity. In many of the histopathologically inconclusive cases Ig/TCR gene SB analysis was helpful, giving support for the histopathological suspicion. However, because of a lack of (clinical) follow up data this could not be confirmed in a few cases. Conclusions—Experienced haematopathologists or a pathologist panel can diagnose malignant versus reactive lesions in most cases without the need for Ig/TCR gene analysis and can select the 5–10% of cases that might benefit from molecular clonality studies. Key Words: B cell lymphoma • immunoglobulin and T cell receptor genes • clonality analysis • Southern blottin

    Treatment of Intrusive Suicidal Imagery Using Eye Movements

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    Suicide and suicidal behavior are major public health concerns, and affect 3–9% of the population worldwide. Despite increased efforts for national suicide prevention strategies, there are still few effective interventions available for reducing suicide risk. In this article, we describe various theoretical approaches for suicide ideation and behavior, and propose to examine the possible effectiveness of a new and innovative preventive strategy. A model of suicidal intrusion (mental imagery related to suicide, also referred to as suicidal flash-forwards) is presented describing one of the assumed mechanisms in the etiology of suicide and the mechanism of therapeutic change. We provide a brief rationale for an Eye Movement Dual Task (EMDT) treatment for suicidal intrusions, describing techniques that can be used to target these suicidal mental images and thoughts to reduce overall behavior. Based on the available empirical evidence for the mechanisms of suicidal intrusions, this approach appears to be a promising new treatment to prevent suicidal behavior as it potentially targets one of the linking pins between suicidal ideation and suicidal actions

    DNA Nucleobase Synthesis at Titan Atmosphere Analog by Soft X-rays

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    Titan, the largest satellite of Saturn, has an atmosphere chiefly made up of N2 and CH4 and includes traces of many simple organic compounds. This atmosphere also partly consists of haze and aerosol particles which during the last 4.5 gigayears have been processed by electric discharges, ions, and ionizing photons, being slowly deposited over the Titan surface. In this work, we investigate the possible effects produced by soft X-rays (and secondary electrons) on Titan aerosol analogs in an attempt to simulate some prebiotic photochemistry. The experiments have been performed inside a high vacuum chamber coupled to the soft X-ray spectroscopy beamline at the Brazilian Synchrotron Light Source, Campinas, Brazil. In-situ sample analyses were performed by a Fourier transform infrared spectrometer. The infrared spectra have presented several organic molecules, including nitriles and aromatic CN compounds. After the irradiation, the brownish-orange organic residue (tholin) was analyzed ex-situ by gas chromatographic (GC/MS) and nuclear magnetic resonance (1H NMR) techniques, revealing the presence of adenine (C5H5N5), one of the constituents of the DNA molecule. This confirms previous results which showed that the organic chemistry on the Titan surface can be very complex and extremely rich in prebiotic compounds. Molecules like these on the early Earth have found a place to allow life (as we know) to flourish.Comment: To appear in Journal of Physical Chemistry A.; Number of pages: 6; Number of Figures: 5; Number of Tables: 1; Number of references:49; Full paper at http://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/jp902824

    Zoonotic Diseases Report 2014

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    De Staat van zoönosen geeft jaarlijks een overzicht van infectieziekten die overgaan van dier op mens, de zogenoemde zoönosen. Het gaat om de mate waarin meldingsplichtige zoönosen voorkomen en de ontwikkelingen daarvan op de lange termijn. Hierbij betreft het zowel het aantal ziektegevallen bij mensen als het voorkomen van deze ziekteverwekkers bij dieren. Ook worden elk jaar opmerkelijke voorvallen uitgelicht en wordt een thema behandeld. Voor de meeste zoönosen zijn in 2014 geen uitgesproken veranderingen waargenomen. Wel is het aantal mensen met leptospirose (waarvan de bekendste vorm de ziekte van Weil is) aanmerkelijk hoger dan het vorige jaar, van gemiddeld 30 gevallen in de afgelopen jaren naar 97 in 2014. Ook steeg het aantal Hantavirusinfecties (van gemiddeld 13 in de voorgaande jaren naar 36 in 2014). UItgelicht Een opmerkelijke gebeurtenis in 2014 is dat twee patiënten in een ziekenhuis zijn opgenomen met een ernstige longontsteking na een infectie met Chlamydia caviae. Beide patiënten bleken thuis cavia's te houden die een luchtweginfectie hadden doorgemaakt. Verder was er sinds 2003 weer een uitbraak van vogelgriep bij pluimveebedrijven veroorzaakt door een hoogpathogeen virus. Hierbij zijn vier van de vijf besmette bedrijven onafhankelijk van elkaar besmet geraakt. Het virus was vermoedelijk afkomstig van trekkende watervogels. Het is onbekend of dit virustype overdraagbaar is op de mens; wereldwijd zijn daar geen gevallen van bekend. Vogels Het thema van dit jaar is 'Onze gevleugelde vrienden' en gaat over zoönosen die via vogels kunnen worden overgebracht, zoals de papegaaienziekte. Hierbij wordt onder andere beschreven op welke vliegroutes van trekvogels gezamenlijke broed- en voederplaatsen liggen waar ze elkaar kunnen treffen en zoönoseverwekkers aan elkaar zouden kunnen overdragen.The Zoonotic Diseases Report provides an annual overview of infectious diseases transmitted from animals to humans, so-called zoonotic diseases or zoonoses. It focuses on the degree to which notifiable zoonoses occur and how they develop over the long term. Specifically, this concerns both the number of human cases and the occurrence of these pathogens in animals. Noteworthy incidents of zoonoses are also highlighted each year and a particular theme is discussed. For most zoonoses, no pronounced changes were observed in 2014. Nonetheless, the number of people with leptospirosis (of which the most well-known form is Weil's disease) was considerably higher than in the previous year, rising from an average of 30 cases in recent years to 97 cases in 2014. The number of Hantavirus infections also rose (from an average of 13 cases in the previous years to 36 cases in 2014). A closer look A notable event in 2014 is the admission of two patients to hospital with serious lung infections after being infected with Chlamydia caviae. Both patients kept guinea pigs at home that suffered from respiratory infections. There was also the first outbreak of highly pathogenic avian influenza since 2003 affecting five poultry farms. Four of the five farms became contaminated independently of each other. It is thought that the virus was transmitted from waterfowls. It is not known whether the particular virus strain can be transmitted to humans; worldwide no cases of such transmission have been reported. Birds This year's theme is 'Our winged friends'. It focuses on zoonoses that can be transmitted by birds, such as psittacosis (parrot fever). The migratory routes that coincide with shared breeding and feeding locations where migratory birds can come into contact with one another and thereby possibly transmit zoonotic pathogens to each other are also described.NVW

    Hysterectomy Does Not Cause Constipation

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    PURPOSE: This study was designed to evaluate the risk on development and persistence of constipation after hysterectomy. METHODS: We conducted a prospective, observational, multicenter study with three-year follow-up in 13 teaching and nonteaching hospitals in the Netherlands. A total of 413 females who underwent hysterectomy for benign disease other than symptomatic uterine prolapse were included. All patients underwent vaginal hysterectomy, subtotal abdominal hysterectomy, or total abdominal hysterectomy. A validated disease-specific quality-of-life questionnaire was completed before and three years after surgery to assess the presence of constipation. RESULTS: Of the 413 included patients, 344 (83 percent) responded at three-year follow-up. Constipation had developed in 7 of 309 patients (2 percent) without constipation before surgery and persisted in 16 of 35 patients (46 percent) with constipation before surgery. Preservation of the cervix seemed to be associated with an increased risk of the development of constipation (relative risk, 6.6; 95 percent confidence interval, 1.3-33.3; P=0.02). Statistically significant risk factors for the persistence of constipation could not be identified. CONCLUSIONS: Hysterectomy does not seem to cause constipation. In nearly half of the patients reporting constipation before hysterectomy, this symptom will disappear

    Stability and Change of Neuroticism in Aging

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    Data from the Longitudinal Aging Study Amsterdam were used to study the relationship between neuroticism and aging. At baseline, cross-sectional analyses of data from 2,117 respondents (aged 55–85 years, M = 70) showed no significant age differences. The magnitude of the 3- and 6-year stability coefficients was high, and 12% of the elderly participants showed a clinically relevant mean level change. Longitudinal multilevel analyses showed a small but statistical significant change with aging, but the mean change was not considered clinically relevant. A U-formed course was found, showing a slight decrease until respondents reached the age of 70. Adjusting the model for physical health-related variables slightly increased the stability. An additional interaction analysis showed that the individual trajectory of neuroticism was not affected by the physical health status. In conclusion, neuroticism remains rather stable in middle and older adulthood, with some apparent increase in late life