306 research outputs found

    Neural Signatures of Value Comparison in Human Cingulate Cortex during Decisions Requiring an Effort-Reward Trade-off

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    UNLABELLED: Integrating costs and benefits is crucial for optimal decision-making. Although much is known about decisions that involve outcome-related costs (e.g., delay, risk), many of our choices are attached to actions and require an evaluation of the associated motor costs. Yet how the brain incorporates motor costs into choices remains largely unclear. We used human fMRI during choices involving monetary reward and physical effort to identify brain regions that serve as a choice comparator for effort-reward trade-offs. By independently varying both options' effort and reward levels, we were able to identify the neural signature of a comparator mechanism. A network involving supplementary motor area and the caudal portion of dorsal anterior cingulate cortex encoded the difference in reward (positively) and effort levels (negatively) between chosen and unchosen choice options. We next modeled effort-discounted subjective values using a novel behavioral model. This revealed that the same network of regions involving dorsal anterior cingulate cortex and supplementary motor area encoded the difference between the chosen and unchosen options' subjective values, and that activity was best described using a concave model of effort-discounting. In addition, this signal reflected how precisely value determined participants' choices. By contrast, separate signals in supplementary motor area and ventromedial prefrontal cortex correlated with participants' tendency to avoid effort and seek reward, respectively. This suggests that the critical neural signature of decision-making for choices involving motor costs is found in human cingulate cortex and not ventromedial prefrontal cortex as typically reported for outcome-based choice. Furthermore, distinct frontal circuits seem to drive behavior toward reward maximization and effort minimization. SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT: The neural processes that govern the trade-off between expected benefits and motor costs remain largely unknown. This is striking because energetic requirements play an integral role in our day-to-day choices and instrumental behavior, and a diminished willingness to exert effort is a characteristic feature of a range of neurological disorders. We use a new behavioral characterization of how humans trade off reward maximization with effort minimization to examine the neural signatures that underpin such choices, using BOLD MRI neuroimaging data. We find the critical neural signature of decision-making, a signal that reflects the comparison of value between choice options, in human cingulate cortex, whereas two distinct brain circuits drive behavior toward reward maximization or effort minimization

    Transferring structural knowledge across cognitive maps in humans and models

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    Relations between task elements often follow hidden underlying structural forms such as periodicities or hierarchies, whose inferences fosters performance. However, transferring structural knowledge to novel environments requires flexible representations that are generalizable over particularities of the current environment, such as its stimuli and size. We suggest that humans represent structural forms as abstract basis sets and that in novel tasks, the structural form is inferred and the relevant basis set is transferred. Using a computational model, we show that such representation allows inference of the underlying structural form, important task states, effective behavioural policies and the existence of unobserved state-trajectories. In two experiments, participants learned three abstract graphs during two successive days. We tested how structural knowledge acquired on Day-1 affected Day-2 performance. In line with our model, participants who had a correct structural prior were able to infer the existence of unobserved state-trajectories and appropriate behavioural policies

    A circuit mechanism for irrationalities in decision-making and NMDA receptor hypofunction: behaviour, computational modelling, and pharmacology

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    Decision-making biases can be systematic features of normal behaviour, or deficits underlying neuropsychiatric symptoms. We used behavioural psychophysics, spiking-circuit modelling and pharmacological manipulations to explore decision-making biases in health and disease. Monkeys performed an evidence integration task in which they showed a pro-variance bias (PVB): a preference to choose options with more variable evidence. The PVB was also present in a spiking circuit model, revealing a neural mechanism for this behaviour. Because NMDA receptor (NMDA-R) hypofunction is a leading hypothesis for neuropathology in schizophrenia, we simulated behavioural effects of NMDA-R hypofunction onto either excitatory or inhibitory neurons in the model. These were tested experimentally using the NMDA-R antagonist ketamine, yielding changes in decision-making consistent with lowered cortical excitation/inhibition balance from NMDA-R hypofunction onto excitatory neurons. These results provide a circuit-level mechanism that bridges across explanatory scales, from the synaptic to the behavioural, in neuropsychiatric disorders where decision-making biases are prominent. Significance People can make apparently irrational decisions because of underlying features in their decision circuitry. Deficits in the same neural circuits may also underlie debilitating cognitive symptoms of neuropsychiatric patients. Here, we reveal a neural circuit mechanism explaining an irrationality frequently observed in healthy humans making binary choices – the pro-variance bias. Our circuit model could be perturbed by introducing deficits in either excitatory or inhibitory neuron function. These two perturbations made specific, dissociable predictions for the types of irrational decisionmaking behaviour produced. We used the NMDA-R antagonist ketamine, an experimental model for schizophrenia, to test if these predictions were relevant to neuropsychiatric pathophysiology. The results were consistent with impaired excitatory neuron function, providing important new insights into the pathophysiology of schizophrenia

    Combined model-free and model-sensitive reinforcement learning in non-human primates

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    Contemporary reinforcement learning (RL) theory suggests that potential choices can be evaluated by strategies that may or may not be sensitive to the computational structure of tasks. A paradigmatic model-free (MF) strategy simply repeats actions that have been rewarded in the past; by contrast, modelsensitive (MS) strategies exploit richer information associated with knowledge of task dynamics. MF and MS strategies should typically be combined, because they have complementary statistical and computational strengths; however, this tradeoff between MF/MS RL has mostly only been demonstrated in humans, often with only modest numbers of trials. We trained rhesus monkeys to perform a two-stage decision task designed to elicit and discriminate the use of MF and MS methods. A descriptive analysis of choice behaviour revealed directly that the structure of the task (of MS importance) and the reward history (of MF and MS importance) significantly influenced both choice and response vigour. A detailed, trial-by-trial computational analysis confirmed that choices were made according to a combination of strategies, with a dominant influence of a particular form of model sensitivity that persisted over weeks of testing. The residuals from this model necessitated development of a new combined RL model which incorporates a particular credit assignment weighting procedure. Finally, response vigor exhibited a subtly different collection ofMFand MS influences. These results provide new illumination onto RL behavioural processes in non-human primates

    Comparison of stimulus-evoked cerebral hemodynamics in the awake mouse and under a novel anesthetic regime

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    Neural activity is closely followed by a localised change in cerebral blood flow, a process termed neurovascular coupling. These hemodynamic changes form the basis of contrast in functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and are used as a correlate for neural activity. Anesthesia is widely employed in animal fMRI and neurovascular studies, however anesthetics are known to profoundly affect neural and vascular physiology, particularly in mice. Therefore, we investigated the efficacy of a novel ‘modular’ anesthesia that combined injectable (fentanyl-fluanisone/midazolam) and volatile (isoflurane) anesthetics in mice. To characterize sensory-evoked cortical hemodynamic responses, we used optical imaging spectroscopy to produce functional maps of changes in tissue oxygenation and blood volume in response to mechanical whisker stimulation. Following fine-tuning of the anesthetic regime, stimulation elicited large and robust hemodynamic responses in the somatosensory cortex, characterized by fast arterial activation, increases in total and oxygenated hemoglobin, and decreases in deoxygenated hemoglobin. Overall, the magnitude and speed of evoked hemodynamic responses under anesthesia resembled those in the awake state, indicating that the novel anesthetic combination significantly minimizes the impact of anesthesia. Our findings have broad implications for both neurovascular research and longitudinal fMRI studies that increasingly require the use of genetically engineered mice

    The representation of abstract task rules in the human prefrontal cortex

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    We have previously reported sustained activation in the ventral prefrontal cortex while participants prepared to perform 1 of 2 tasks as instructed. But there are studies that have reported activation reflecting task rules elsewhere in prefrontal cortex, and this is true in particular when it was left to the participants to decide which rule to obey. The aim of the present experiment was to use functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to find whether there was activation in common, irrespective of the way that the task rules were established. On each trial, we presented a word after a variable delay, and participants had to decide either whether the word was abstract or concrete or whether it had 2 syllables. The participants either decided before the delay which task they would perform or were instructed by written cues. Comparing the self-generated with the instructed trials, there was early task set activation during the delay in the middle frontal gyrus. On the other hand, a conjunction analysis revealed sustained activation in the ventral prefrontal and polar cortex for both conditions. We argue that the ventral prefrontal cortex is specialized for handling conditional rules regardless of how the task rules were established

    Contralateral dissociation between neural activity and cerebral blood volume during recurrent acute focal neocortical seizures

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    OBJECTIVE: Whether epileptic events disrupt normal neurovascular coupling mechanisms locally or remotely is unclear. We sought to investigate neurovascular coupling in an acute model of focal neocortical epilepsy, both within the seizure onset zone and in contralateral homotopic cortex. METHODS: Neurovascular coupling in both ipsilateral and contralateral vibrissal cortices of the urethane-anesthetized rat were examined during recurrent 4-aminopyridine (4-AP, 15 mm, 1 μl) induced focal seizures. Local field potential (LFP) and multiunit spiking activity (MUA) were recorded via two bilaterally implanted 16-channel microelectrodes. Concurrent two-dimensional optical imaging spectroscopy was used to produce spatiotemporal maps of cerebral blood volume (CBV). RESULTS: Recurrent acute seizures in right vibrissal cortex (RVC) produced robust ipsilateral increases in LFP and MUA activity, most prominently in layer 5, that were nonlinearly correlated to local increases in CBV. In contrast, contralateral left vibrissal cortex (LVC) exhibited relatively smaller nonlaminar specific increases in neural activity coupled with a decrease in CBV, suggestive of dissociation between neural and hemodynamic responses. SIGNIFICANCE: These findings provide insights into the impact of epileptic events on the neurovascular unit, and have important implications both for the interpretation of perfusion-based imaging signals in the disorder and understanding the widespread effects of epilepsy. A PowerPoint slide summarizing this article is available for download in the Supporting Information section here

    Impacts of climate change on aquaculture

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    • Aquaculture is a significant industry in UK coastal waters, with annual turnover valued at more than £1.8bn. It particularly important in western and northern Scotland. • Aquaculture is sensitive to the marine environment and changes therein. • The dominant contribution of a single species (Atlantic salmon) to production tonnage and value potentially increases vulnerability to climate change. • Temperature increase is expected to increase growth rates for most species farmed. • Increased problems associated with some diseases and parasites, notably sea lice and gill disease (which has emerged as a serious problem), are likely to increase in the short term and to get worse in the longer term. Impacts may be synergistic. • Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs) and jellyfish swarms/invasions may also get worse, however complex ecosystem interactions make responses uncertain. • The situation for shellfish is similar to finfish, although they are additionally at risk of accumulation of toxins from HABs, and recruitment failure, and, in the longer term, to sea-level rises and ocean acidification. • Technical and management changes in the rapidly evolving aquaculture industry make long-term impacts of climate change difficult to forecast