82 research outputs found

    The Perception of the Teachers about the Children with Specific Learning Disability as a Special Education Need: Brayaty Primary School Case in Erbil

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    Students with special learning difficulties are categorized as people in need of special education. The field of special education is very wide, and it also covers specific learning disability. Specific learning disability is mistakenly perceived as a lack of intelligence because it is considered as the main reason behind students’ failures to a large extent. These students have the potential to be integrated into society with special education. This study was conducted to reveal how this situation is perceived by the teachers

    Problems encountered in conventional HIV 1/2 Algorithms: lack of necessity for immunoblot assays to confirm repeated ELISA reactive results

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    Background: The use of conventional (serologically based) HIV 1/2 diagnostic algorithms has become controversial in recent years.Objectives: Sera from patients who underwent verification tests were evaluated because repeated ELISA-reactive results demonstrated a HIV1+HIV2 positive band pattern.Methods: The line immunoassay (LIA) test was used for repeated HIV enzyme immunoassays (EIA)-reactive sera in patients at three centers. The Bio-Rad Geenius™ HIV 1/2 and the HIV-1 RNA tests were used. HIV-1 and RNA HIV-2 were investigated using PCR.Results: LIA was used to evaluate 3,224 out of 10,591 samples with repeated ELISA reactivity (30%). We found that 32 (1%) of the sera, along with HIV1 bands and HIV2 gp36 bands, were positive. Only 28 of the 32 verified serum samples with gp36 bands were repeated, and no gp36 band positivity was detected using the Bio-Rad Geenius™ HIV-1/2 confirmatory assay in these serum samples. The HIV-2 proviral DNAs were also negative. Therefore, we excluded the possibility of HIV1+2 co-infection. All samples from the 32 patients were positive for HIV-1 RNA.Conclusion: Our findings highlight the need to exclude confirmatory tests like the LIA test from the current diagnostic HIV algorithm and replace it with rapid HIV-1 and HIV-2 confirmatory immunochromotographic tests.Keywords: HIV, AIDS, HIV-2

    The Prevalence of Tonsillar Human Papilloma Virus Infection in İstanbul, Turkey: A Human Cadaver Study

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    Objective:To investigate the prevalence of tonsillar human papillomavirus infection in İstanbul, the most populous city of Turkey.Methods:Tonsil specimens were obtained from 206 cadavers aged 18 to 89 years. Tonsillectomy was performed during routine autopsy for each subject in the 24 hours after death. After dissolution, tissues were processed with the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) method to identify HPV DNA. The data obtained from the DNA sequencer were processed in the database of GenBank®.Results:One hundred sixty-six (80.6%) male and 40 (19.4%) female cadavers were included in the study. One case demonstrated HPV-16, one had HPV-82, one had HPV-55 and one had HPV-13. All four cases were male. Prevalence of tonsillar HPV was 1.94% and of HPV 16 was 0.48%.Conclusion:The prevalence of tonsillar HPV infection was found 1.94% and of HPV 16 0.48% in our study

    Problems encountered in conventional HIV 1/2 Algorithms: lack of necessity for immunoblot assays to confirm repeated ELISA reactive results

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    Background: The use of conventional (serologically based) HIV 1/2 diagnostic algorithms has become controversial in recent years. Objectives: Sera from patients who underwent verification tests were evaluated because repeated ELISA-reactive results demonstrated a HIV1+HIV2 positive band pattern. Methods: The line immunoassay (LIA) test was used for repeated HIV enzyme immunoassays (EIA)-reactive sera in patients at three centers. The Bio-Rad Geenius\u2122 HIV 1/2 and the HIV-1 RNA tests were used. HIV-1 and RNA HIV-2 were investigated using PCR. Results: LIA was used to evaluate 3,224 out of 10,591 samples with repeated ELISA reactivity (30%). We found that 32 (1%) of the sera, along with HIV1 bands and HIV2 gp36 bands, were positive. Only 28 of the 32 verified serum samples with gp36 bands were repeated, and no gp36 band positivity was detected using the Bio-Rad Geenius\u2122 HIV-1/2 confirmatory assay in these serum samples. The HIV-2 proviral DNAs were also negative. Therefore, we excluded the possibility of HIV1+2 co-infection. All samples from the 32 patients were positive for HIV-1 RNA. Conclusion: Our findings highlight the need to exclude confirmatory tests like the LIA test from the current diagnostic HIV algorithm and replace it with rapid HIV-1 and HIV-2 confirmatory immunochromotographic tests

    Fıkıh mezhepleri açısından temizlenme ve suların mahiyeti

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    Fıkhî hükümler çerçevesince içmede ve temizlikte kullanılan suyun sahip olması gereken özellikler arasında “temiz” ya da “temizleyici” özellikte olması şartları aranmaktadır. Bu şartların bulunmadığı suların kullanımında ise bazı ibadetlerin sıhhati açısından ya da insan sağlığını koruyucu tedbirlerin alınması amacıyla bir takım kısıtlamalar bulunmaktadır. Söz konusu kısıtlamalardan kurtulabilmek ya da böyle bir duruma düşmemek için de sulardan istifade ederken fıkhî kriterler doğrultusunda hareket edilmesi gerekmektedir. Temelde fıkhî açıdan temizlenme ve suların mahiyetini incelediğimiz bu çalışmada, bir şeyin şer‟î olarak kirlendiğinin anlaşılabilmesi için şer‟an necâset kabul edilen kirletici unsurların bilinmesi gerektiğinden dolayı öncelikle birinci bölümde suların da mahiyetini değiştirerek necis hale gelmesine sebep olan necâsetler hakkında bilgi verilmiştir. Bu bölümde ayrıca çalışmamızın ilerleyen safhalarındaki bazı meselelere ışık tutmak amacıyla başta su ile yıkama olmak dahil olmak üzere diğer temizlik yöntemlerine de yer verilmiştir. İkinci bölümde ise fıkhî yönden suların mahiyeti üzerinde durulmuştur. Suların mahiyetinden bahsederken de içine karışan temiz ya da necis maddelerin ve abdestte kullanılmasının suyun mahiyetine olan etkisi, sular değişik tasniflerle incelenerek değerlendirilmiştir. Ayrıca bu bölümde necis hale gelen suların, hangi klasik yöntemlerle tekrardan temiz ya da temizleyici olma vasfını kazanacağı anlatılmıştır. Üçüncü bölümde ise necis hükmündeki atıksuların, modern/bilimsel tekniklerle arıtılmaları durumunda fıkhî hükmünün ne olabileceği üzerinde durulmuştur. Bunun için öncelikle atıksuların arıtılmasında kullanılan modern/bilimsel teknikler ve bu teknikler uygulanarak arıtılmış atıksuların bilimsel açıdan kullanılabilirlik durumu incelenmiştir. Sonrasında ise modern/bilimsel teknikler kullanılarak arıtılmış olan atıksuların fıkhî değerlendirmesi yapılmıştır.Within the framework of fiqh provisions, conditions such as "clean" or "cleansing" properties are required among the features that water used for drinking and cleaning should have. Unfortunately, there are some restrictions depending on the location in the use of waters that do not have these conditions. In order to get rid of these restrictions or not to fall into such a situation, it is necessary to act in accordance with the fiqh criteria while using the waters. In this study, in which we basically examine the nature of water and cleaning according to jurisprudence, in order to understand that something is religiously polluted, it is necessary to know the pollutants that are considered religiously dirty, and in the first part, information is given about the impurities that cause the water to become dirty by changing its nature. This section also includes other cleaning methods, including washing with water, in order to shed light on some of the issues in the later stages of our study. In the second part, the nature of waters in terms of fiqh is emphasized. While talking about the content of water, the effect of clean or dirty substances mixed into it and their use in ablution on the water content has been evaluated by examining the water with different classifications. In addition, in this section, it is explained by which classical methods the water that becomes dirty will regain the feature of being clean or cleaner. In the third part, what can happen in terms of fiqh if wastewater, which has a dirty nature, is treated with modern techniques is discussed. For this, first of all, modern / scientific techniques used in the treatment of wastewater and the scientific usability status of the treated wastewater by applying these techniques were examined. Afterwards, the wastewater treated using modern / scientific techniques was evaluated according to the fiqh

    Effects of Duraseal (R) and Fibrin Glue on healing of normal and ischemic colon anastomosis

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    Background and Aims: Anastomotic leaks represent a major complication of colorectal surgery. This study, involving a rat model of normal and ischemic colon anastomosis, aims to compare the effects of Duraseal (R) with those of Fibrin Glue (FG)

    Spain; from the aspect of political geography

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    *Arıbaş, Kenan ( Aksaray, Yazar )İspanya güneybatı Avrupa’da stratejik bir noktada, Akdeniz ve Atlantik’te kıyısı olan iki ülkeden biridir. Cebelitarık boğazının ülkenin güneyinde olması, stratejik önemini artırmaktadır. Ülkenin Jeotarihi, hem Osmanlı Devleti hem de Dünya açısından belirleyici role sahiptir. İspanya, Amerika’nın keşfi ile dünya tarihini değiştirmiştir. Bu keşifle birlikte yeni ticari yolların açılmasında, Osmanlı Devletinin gerilemesinde, I. Viyana mağlubiyeti ve İnebahtı deniz savaşının kaybedilmesinde hatta kapitülasyonların var olmasında İspanya’nın rolü büyüktür. Orta ve Güney Amerika’da Latin Amerika devletlerini kuran İspanya’nın, sömürgecilik, kapitalizm, merkantilizm ve köle ticaretinin başlatılmasındaki ilksel rolü de dikkat çekicidir. Maya, İnka ve Aztek medeniyetlerinin yok edilmesini sağlaması da insanlık değerleri açısından bir trajedidir. Ülke içinde aristokratlar, kilise, burjuva, işçi ve köylü sınıfı arasındaki çekişmeye sürekli dâhil olan ordu, çalkantılı bir tarihin yaşatılmasına neden olmuştur. Fransızların İspanya’yı istila etmesinin ardından Latin Amerika sömürgelerinin elinden çıkması sömürge gelirlerinden yoksun kalınmasını sağlarken, ABD ile 1898’de yaşanan ilk küresel savaşla, Küba, Porto Rico ve Filipinlerin kaybedilmesi ülke tarihi açısından belirleyici olmuş ve çöküşe itmiştir. Uzun süre Franco rejimi ile dış dünyadan kopan İspanya, 1986 yılında Avrupa Birliğine dâhil olarak, ekonomik açıdan gelişmeye başlamıştır. Ayrılıkçı; Bask, Katalonya ve Galiçya ile başı dertte olan İspanya’nın son yıllarda Türkiye ile önderliğini yaptıkları Medeniyetler ittifakı çalışması, uluslararası düzen içinde yeni bir çalışma olarak dikkatle takip edilmektedir.Spain located in a very strategic point at southwest Europe is one of two countries having a coast on Mediterranean Sea and Pacific Ocean. Being of Gibraltar on the south coast of the country increased its strategic position. The geo-history of Spain has significant role not only for Ottoman Empire but also for the world. Spain changed the world’s history by discovering America. Spain has important effects on new commercial routes, decadence of Ottoman Empire, 1st Vienna defeat, the lost of Inebahti Sea Battle, and even giving capitulations. The pioneer role of Spain that founded Central and South America countries for initiating colonialism, capitalism, mercantilism, and slave trade is striking. It is a tragedy in terms of human values that Spain eradicated Maya, Inca, and Aztec civilizations. The military of Spain which interfered with conflicts among church, aristocracy, bourgeois, labor and villager classes caused a turbulent history in the country. The first global war which occurred in 1898 against USA and caused the lost of Cuba, Porto Rico, and Philippines was significant in terms of the country’s history and that pushed the country to decadence. Spain that broke its connections with outer world at the Franco regime era became an EU member in 1986 and started it economic development. Being in trouble with separatists of Bask, Catalan, and Galicia, Spain is being observed in recent years since it is leading the Civilization Alliance with Turkey in the international area

    Altı Bitki Ekstraktının Patates Böceğinin (Leptinotarsa decemlineata SAY (Col: Chrysomelidae)) Farklı Dönemlerdeki Larvaları Üzerine Kontakt Etkileri

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    Discovery of new eco-friendly methods for insect pest management is very important in integrated pest management program. Contact toxicity of six plant extracts i.e. Acanthus dioscoridis L. (Acanthaceae), Achillea millefolium L. (Asteraceae), Bifora radians Bieb. (Apiaceae), Heracleum platytaenium Boiss (Apiaceae), Humulus lupulus L. (Cannabaceae) and Phlomoides tuberosa (L.) Moench (Lamiaceae), were tested on the 1 st to 4 th instar larvae of Colorado potato beetle (Leptinotarsa decemlineata Say. (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae)). The H. platytaenium and H. lupulus extracts were the most effective among the tested extracts, so dose-response bioassay was carried out only with H. lupulus and H. platytaenium against larval stages of Colorado potato beetle. The H. platytaenium extract was the most effective extract with calculated LD 50 values 0.126, 0.204, 0.206 and 0.458 ?L insect -1 , LD 90 values were calculated as 0.345, 0.342, 0.402, 0.566 ?L insect -1 for 1 st , 2 nd , 3 rd and 4 th instars larvae respectively. These results indicate that H. platytaenium and H. lupulus extracts have great potentials as insecticides in the management of larvae of L. decemlineata.Zararlı böcekler ile mücadelede yeni çevre dostu metodların keşfi entegre zararlı yönetiminde çok önemlidir. Farklı familyalara ait altı bitki ekstraktının (Acanthus dioscoridis L. (Acanthaceae), Achillea millefolium L. (Asteraceae), Bifora radians Bieb. (Apiaceae), Heracleum platytaenium Boiss (Apiaceae), Humulus lupulus L. (Cannabaceae) and Phlomoides tuberosa (L.) Moench (Lamiaceae)) kontakt toksisiteleri patates böceğinin (Leptinotarsa decemlineata (Coleoptera:Chysomelidae)) 1-4 dönem larvalarına karşı laboratuvar koşullarında test edilmiştir. H. platytaenium ve H. lupulus ekstraktları test edilen ekstraktlar arasında tüm larval dönemler için en yüksek toksik etkiye sahip olmuştur. Çalışmanın ikinci kısmında, H. lupulus ve H. platytaenium ekstraktların ile Patates böceğinin farklı larva dönemlerinde doz-etki ile denemeleri yürütülmüştür. H. platytaenium ekstraktı en yüksek toksik etkiye sahip olmuş ve bu bitki ekstraktı için LD 50 değerleri birinci, ikinci, üçüncü ve dördüncü dönem larvalar için sırasıyla 0.126, 0.204, 0.206 ve 0.458 ?L böcek -1 olarak, LD 90 değerleri ise 0.345, 0.342, 0.402, 0.566 ?L böcek -1 olarak hesaplanmıştır. Bu sonuçlar H. platytaenium’un patates böceği ile mücadele de potansiyele sahip olduğunu göstermektedir