50 research outputs found

    Denominações de origem e indicações geográficas na tradução vitivinícola: problemas terminológicos

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    O objetivo desta dissertação é examinar problemas terminológicos e a importância da preparação e pesquisa terminológica na tradução especializada. O tema escolhido é a tradução de documentação sobre as Denominações de Origem e Indicações Geográficas dos vinhos portugueses, nomeadamente dos vinhos da Região do Dão. Começa-se por apresentar no Capítulo I uma introdução às Denominações de Origem e as classificações utilizadas para vinhos portugueses. No Capítulo II estudamos os problemas mais comuns dos recursos tradutológicos, contemplando a preparação e a pesquisa terminológica que devem anteceder o processo de tradução, discutindo a bibliografia relevante e caraterizando o corpus de análise. No Capítulo III discutimos os recursos para a tradução vitivinícola. No Capítulo IV contemplamos os problemas de tradução nos documentos escolhidos para a tradução e as suas soluções. Finalmente, apresentamos as conclusões e sugerimos vias para investigações posteriores; Designations of Origin and Geographical Indications in Translating Wine- Related Documents: Terminological Problems ABSTRACT: The purpose of this dissertation is to examine terminological problems and the importance of preparation and terminology work in the field of specialized translation. The chosen topic is the translation of documents containing terminology about Designations of Origin and Geographical Indications of Portuguese wines, namely wines from the Dão region. Chapter I provides an introduction to Designations of Origin in general and then specifically for Portuguese wines. Chapter II examines common translation resource problems and the importance of documentation and terminology work prior to the translation process; then, it discusses the relevant bibliography. Chapter III provides a translation of two documents about Designations of Origin, namely Labelling Regulations and Guide for Technical Procedures of Management and Control for the wines of the Dão. Chapter IV discusses the difficulties and solutions for the translation problems encountered during the process. Finally, the conclusions are shown and suggestions for future research are given

    Precarious Work, Unemployment Benefit Generosity and Universal Basic Income Preferences : A Multilevel Study on 21 European Countries

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    The idea of universal basic income (UBI) has been attracting increasing attention globally over recent years. However, research on the individual and institutional determinants of UBI support is scarce. The present study attempts to fills this gap by analysing workers’ attitudes towards UBI schemes in 21 European welfare states and focusing on the roles of precarious work (i.e. part-time work, temporary employment, low-skilled service employment, and solo self-employment) and unemployment benefit generosity (i.e. net replacement rate, payment duration, and qualifying period). We estimate fixed and random effects logistic models by merging country-level institutional data with the European Social Survey Round 8 data collected in 2016. The findings show that temporary employment is associated with positive attitudes towards UBI schemes, whereas other types of precarious work do not have significant influences. In addition, the results reveal that the more generous a country’s unemployment benefits, the less likely are workers in that country to support UBI schemes.Peer reviewe

    Näkymiä ympäristöön – tienvarsien kunnostustöitä Etelä-Savossa

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    Julkaisussa esitetään Näkymiä ympäristöön ESR-hanketta sekä sen avulla tehtyjä töitä. Tätä työllisyyshanketta johti Etelä-Savon ympäristökeskus vuosina 2008-2009. Hankkeen yhteistyökumppaneina olivat Etelä-Savon Te-keskus ja Tiehallinnon Kaakkois-Suomen tiepiiri. Hanke työllisti pitkäaikaistyöttömiä erilaisiin ympäristönhoitotöihin. Ympäristönhoitotyöt käsittivät rakennuskunnostusta, tienlaitaraivausta, maisemaa parantavia toimenpiteitä, luonnonhoitotöitä, vieraslajien torjuntaa, vesikasviniittoa, koekalastusta sekä muinaismuistoja hoitamista

    Effect of abrasive properties on the high-stress three-body abrasion of steels and hard metals

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    Especially in tunneling, the abrasiveness of rock is an important property, which can easily be determined by several methods developed for the purpose. With this in mind, it is rather surprising that the effects of different rock types on the wear mechanisms of engineering materials have not been too widely studied. In this paper, high stress three-body abrasive tests were conducted with four different abrasives with a relatively large (2-10 mm) particle size. As test materials, three different steels and three hard metals were used. The tests clearly showed that material type has an influence on how different abrasive and material properties affect the abrasive wear mechanisms and severity. For example with hard metals, the most important property of the abrasives is their crushability, as only small abrasive particles are able to properly attack the binder phase and cause high wear rates. On the other hand, it seems that the abrasiveness of rock is not the dominating property determining the severity of wear in the current test conditions for any of the tested materials. In fact, with steels no single abrasive property could be shown to clearly govern the abrasive wear processes. In any case, when using the determined abrasiveness values in wear estimations, the contact conditions in the method used for determining the abrasiveness values should be as similar as possible with the end application

    Sienijuuri vähentää mansikan fosforilannoitustarvetta

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    Sienijuuriymppäys keinotekoiseen kasvualustaan sekä peltomaan luontainen sienijuuri edistivät merkitsevästi mansikan kasvua alhaisilla fosforitasoilla astiakokeissa. Myös peltokokeissa mansikka sai sienijuurisymbioosin avulla fosforiköyhästä, karkeasta kivennäismaasta riittävän määrän fosforia, jotta kykeni täysipainoiseen kasvuun ja sadontuottoon ilman fosforilannoitusta kolmen viljelyvuoden aikana.Luke Sotkamon kolmivuotinen peltokoe perustettiin fosforiköyhälle lohkolle (mHe / mhsHHt) vuonna 2014. Fosforipitoisuus ennen lannoitusta oli keskimäärin 3,1 mg l-1. Fosforilannoitus annettiin pitoisuuksilla 30/15, 60/30 ja 90/45 kg P ha-1, joista ensimmäinen vuosi rakeisena ja muut vuodet nestemäi-senä. P0 kontrollina toimi fosforilannoittamaton peltomaa.Luke Laukaan kaksivuotisessa astiakokeessa vuonna 2014 käytettiin kasvualustaseosta, jonka fosfori-pitoisuus ennen lannoitusta oli 0 mg l-1. Muut fosforitasot olivat 10, 20, 30 ja 50 mg l-1. Kasvualustalle tehtiin ymppäyskäsittely (Myko-Ymppi®) ja kontrollina toimi ymppäämätön kasvualusta. Vuonna 2015 käytettiin luontaista sienijuurta sisältävää peltomaata (mhsHHt), jonka fosforipitoisuus oli 4,9 mg l-1. Muut fosforitasot olivat 10, 20 ja 40 mg l-1. Kontrollina toimi höyrytetty peltomaa. Muiden ravinteiden riittävä saanti turvattiin pelto- ja astiakokeissa lannoittein. Koetaimina käytettiin mikrolisättyä, jatkuvasatoista Ria-lajiketta, joka tuotti jo istutusvuonna satoa.Fosforilannoitus ei vaikuttanut myönteisesti peltokokeen sadontuottoon. Lannoittamattomaan kontrollikäsittelyyn nähden fosforilannoituskäsittelyt tuottivat tilastollisesti analysoituna joko heikomman tai yhtä suuren sadon. Istutusvuonna mansikka näytti lisäksi hyötyvän alhaisesta fosforipitoisuudesta tuottamalla enemmän juuri- ja lehtimassaa kuin runsaan fosforilannoituksen saaneet taimet. Sienijuuren kolonisaatioanalyysit osoittivat, että edellytykset mansikan sienijuurisymbioosiin olivat olemassa kaikilla peltokokeen lannoitustasoilla jo istutusvuonna.Astiakokeiden turvepohjaisessa kasvualustassa fosforilannoitus 20 mg l-1 toi parhaan sadon eikä sienijuuren lisäyksellä ollut merkitsevää vaikutusta. Sienijuurta sisältävässä peltomaassa fosforipitoisuus 5 mg l-1 riitti kuitenkin tuottamaan muita käsittelyjä vastaavan sadon. Sienijuuri edisti mansikan kasvua alhaisilla fosforitasoilla kasvualustasta riippumatta. Sienijuurettomat mansikat jäivät kuivapainoltaan selvästi muita heikommiksi, kun fosforia oli vähän tarjolla. Sienijuuri aikaisti myös kukinnan alkua ja voimisti rönsyntuottoa.Tutkimus oli osa Makeran rahoittamaa Vihannesten ja marjakasvien tasapainoinen N- ja P-lannoitus ja ravinnepäästöjen vähentäminen –hankett

    Sphingosine kinase 1 overexpression induces MFN2 fragmentation and alters mitochondrial matrix Ca2+ handling in HeLa cells

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    Sphingosine kinase 1 (SKI) converts sphingosine to the bioactive lipid sphingosine 1-phosphate (SIP). SW binds to G-protein-coupled receptors (S1PR(1-5)) to regulate cellular events, including Ca2+ signaling. The SK1/S1P axis and Ca2+ signaling both play important roles in health and disease. In this respect, Ca2+ microdomains at the mitochondria-associated endoplasmic reticulum (ER) membranes (MAMs) are of importance in oncogenesis. Mitofusin 2 (MFN2) modulates ER-mitochondria contacts, and dysregulation of MFN2 is associated with malignancies. We show that overexpression of SKI augments agonist-induced Ca2+ release from the ER resulting in increased mitochondria] matrix Ca2+. Also, overexpression of SK1 induces MFN2 fragmentation, likely through increased calpain activity. Further, expressing putative calpain-cleaved MFN2 N- and C-terminal fragments increases mitochondrial matrix Ca2+ during agonist stimulation, mimicking the SK1 overexpression in cells. Moreover, SK1 overexpression enhances cellular respiration and cell migration. Thus, SK1 regulates MFN2 fragmentation resulting in increased mitochondrial Ca2+ and downstream cellular effects.Peer reviewe

    GIT1 protects against breast cancer growth through negative regulation of Notch

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    Notch signalling is reported to be hyperactivated in oestrogen receptor-negative (ER-) breast cancer. Here the authors show that G protein-coupled receptor kinase-interacting protein 1 (GIT1) negatively regulates Notch signalling and tumour growth in ER- breast cancer by blocking Notch ICD nuclear translocation.Hyperactive Notch signalling is frequently observed in breast cancer and correlates with poor prognosis. However, relatively few mutations in the core Notch signalling pathway have been identified in breast cancer, suggesting that as yet unknown mechanisms increase Notch activity. Here we show that increased expression levels of GIT1 correlate with high relapse-free survival in oestrogen receptor-negative (ER(-)) breast cancer patients and that GIT1 mediates negative regulation of Notch. GIT1 knockdown in ER(-) breast tumour cells increased signalling downstream of Notch and activity of aldehyde dehydrogenase, a predictor of poor clinical outcome. GIT1 interacts with the Notch intracellular domain (ICD) and influences signalling by inhibiting the cytoplasm-to-nucleus transport of the Notch ICD. In xenograft experiments, overexpression of GIT1 in ER(-) cells prevented or reduced Notch-driven tumour formation. These results identify GIT1 as a modulator of Notch signalling and a guardian against breast cancer growth.</p

    Nya cancerrelaterade regleringsmål för sfingolipiderna sfingosin-1-fosfat och sfingosylfosforylkolin

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    The signalling sphingolipid sphingosine-1-phosphate (S1P) is necessary for development of the immune system and vasculature and on a cellular level regulates migration, proliferation and survival. Due to these traits S1P has an important role in cancer biology. It is considered a primarily cancer-promoting factor and the enzyme which produces it, sphingosine kinase (SphK), is often over-expressed in tumours. S1P is naturally present in the blood, lymph, tissue fluids and cell cytoplasm and functions through its cell surface receptors (S1P1-5) and as an intracellular second messenger. Sphingosylphosphorylcholine (SPC) is closely related to S1P and has similar regulatory functions but has not been extensively studied. Both S1P and SPC are able to evoke either stimulatory or inhibitory effects on cancer cells depending on the context. The aim of this thesis work was to study novel regulatory targets of S1P and SPC, which mediate the effects of S1P/SPC signalling on cancer cell behaviour. The investigated targets are the transcription factor hypoxia-inducible factor 1 (HIF-1), the intermediate filament protein vimentin and components of the Hippo signalling pathway. HIF-1 has a central role in cancer biology, as it regulates a multitude of cancer-related genes and is potently activated by intratumoural hypoxia through stabilization of the regulatory subunit HIF-1α. Tumours typically harbour high HIF-1α levels and HIF-1, in turn, facilitates tumour angiogenesis and metastasis and regulates cancer cell metabolism. We found S1P to induce follicular thyroid cancer cell migration in normal oxygen conditions by increasing HIF-1α synthesis and stability and subsequently HIF-1 activity. Vimentin is a central regulator of cell motility and is also commonly over-expressed in cancers. Vimentin filaments form a cytoskeletal network in mesenchymal cells as well as epithelial cancer cells which have gone through epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT). Vimentin is heavily involved in cancer cell invasion and gives tumours metastatic potential. We saw both S1P and SPC induce phosphorylation of vimentin monomers and reorganization of the vimentin filament network in breast and anaplastic thyroid cancer cells. We also found vimentin to mediate the anti-migratory effect of S1P/SPC on these cells. The Hippo pathway is a novel signalling cascade which controls cancer-related processes such as cellular proliferation and survival in response to various extracellular signals. The core of the pathway consists of the transcriptional regulators YAP and TAZ, which activate predominantly cancer-promoting genes, and the tumour suppressive kinases Lats1 and Lats2 which inhibit YAP/TAZ. Increased YAP expression and activity has been reported for a wide variety of cancers. We found SPC to regulate Hippo signalling in breast cancer cells in a two-fold manner through effects on phosphorylation status, activity and/or expression of YAP and Lats2. In conclusion, this thesis reveals new details of the signalling function of S1P and SPC and regulation of the central oncogenic factors HIF-1 and vimentin as well as the novel cancer-related pathway Hippo

    Kuuluuko opiskelijan ääni verkkolehdessä? : prosessikanvaasin luominen opiskelijakeskeisempään viestintään

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    Tämän opinnäytetyön tavoitteena oli muotoilla ammattikorkeakoulujen verkkojulkaisuista opiskelijakeskeisempiä käyttäen informaatiomuotoilun ja liiketoiminnan prosessimallinnuksen työkaluja. Työn tarkoituksena oli tuoda informaatiomuotoilua laajempaan tietoisuuteen ja pyrkiä opiskelijakeskeisempään verkkoviestintään hyödyntäen verkkojulkaisuja. Opinnäytteen tutkimusaineistona käytettiin ammattikorkeakoulujen verkkolehtiä ja menetelmänä oli laadullinen tutkimus, jossa käytettiin apuna informaatiomuotoilun, prosessimallinnuksen ja opiskelijakeskeisyyden teorioita. Työkaluna mallinnuksessa oli liiketoiminnan prosessikanvaasi. Opinnäytteen lopputuloksena oli prosessikanvaasi ammattikorkeakoulujen viestintävastaavien käyttöön. Tutkimusaineistoa analysoitiin havainnoimalla ja sitä sovellettiin prosessikanvaasin rakentamiseen, joka myös suomennettiin opinnäytetyön aikana. Johtopäätöksenä voidaan todeta, että julkaisut hyödyntävät jo nyt verkkoviestinnän hyviä käytäntöjä, mutta niitä voitaisiin kehittää vieläkin enemmän opiskelijakeskeiseen suuntaan. Informaatiomuotoilun periaatteet tarjoavat sopivia työkaluja verkkojulkaisujen jäsentelyyn ja opiskelijakeskeisyyden rakentamiseen. Prosessikanvaasin toivotaan hyödyttävän ammattikorkeakoulujen viestintävastaavia tulevaisuuden verkkolehtiä suunnitellessa.This thesis aimed at designing more student-centric practices for online magazines published by universities of applied sciences by using information design and business process modelling tools. This work aimed to draw attention to information design and use online magazines for more student-centric online communication. The material used in this thesis comprised of online magazines by universities of applied sciences and the research method was qualitative, supported by theories on information design, process modelling, and student-centricity. The chosen modelling tool was the business process canvas. The product of the thesis is a process model canvas for the use of communications officers at universities of applied sciences. The material was analysed by gathering empirical data and this was applied for building the process model canvas, which was also translated into Finnish during the thesis process. In a conclusion, it could be said that online magazines are already implementing good practices for online communication, but they could be developed in an even more student-centric manner. The information design principles offer suitable tools for structuring online magazines’ information and building student-centricity. It is hoped that the process model canvas benefits communication officers of universities of applied sciences for designing online magazines in the future