12,372 research outputs found

    Comments on a Major Range Extension of the Little-Known Acrocera bakeri (Diptera: Acroceridae)

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    The spider fly Acrocera bakeri Coquillett, 1904 (Diptera: Acroceridae) is reported as a new state record for Wisconsin. This is a major range extension, because this rarely-encountered species was previously known only from the western U.S., specifically Arizona, California, and Nevada. The taxonomic history of the species is briefly discussed and hypotheses are offered for its unexpected presence in Wisconsin

    The Psychological Effects of Starvation in the Holocaust: The Dehumanization and Deterioration of its Victims

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    My paper exposes the inherent link between the intense starvation implemented by the Nazi regime in concentration camps during the Holocaust and the psychological state of the victims of the camp system. Explored in this essay are the deteriorative and dehumanizing effects that starvation played on the mind of the camp prisoner. In this paper, I explore the widespread and intense malnutrition among the prisoners that led to cognitive decay such as comprehension complications and loss of concentration. I also examine the cognitive and psychological processes that led to acts of desperation, such as cannibalism, as well as the specifically psychological effects of starvation, including depression, anxiety, apathy or loss of motivation, and feelings of lessening self-worth. I discuss starvation\u27s role in the Nazi goal of mass extermination and its place in the camp structure, and I analyze the complications that starvation places upon the formation and maintenance of prisoner relationships. A close study of this method of Nazi dehumanization directly exposes the link between the physical and psychological factors of the concentration camp system and the connection to the lack of resistance and general sense of submission among the prisoners. Throughout my analysis I often reference Doctor Ancel Keys\u27 experiment with men who volunteered to participate in controlled starvation at the University of Minnesota Memorial Football Stadium in 1944. By applylng the information obtained from this experiment on the effects of starvation to my study on starvation\u27s psychological implications in the Holocaust, the extremity and severity of starvation\u27s toll on human life is recognizable

    The Use of Spectral Remote Sensing to Detect, Monitor, and Predict Harmful Algal Bloom Location and Intensity

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    Harmful algal blooms (HABs) are becoming an increasing worldwide concern due to the rapid increase of eutrophic waters across the globe. In New York State specifically, cyanobacteria and harmful algal blooms are present in over 70,000 acres of water with 63,000 located in Western New York. Current methods for monitoring HABs are expensive, laborious and slow which decreases the efficiency of bloom management and demonstrates the need for more effective bloom documentation. This project represents a pilot study prefacing the use of hyperspectral sensing via both aerial and waterborne vehicles as a method of monitoring HABs in Lake Chautauqua and Lake Seneca. In this study Landsat 8 imagery was processed to obtain chlorophyll-a and algal biovolume data for both lakes. Time series modeling was used to create comprehensive figures diagraming the location and intensity of the blooms. The results showed that blooms had the highest volumes between May and October. Blooms formed in the southern basin of both lakes which was likely due to the presence of stagnant waters. Correlation coefficients of chlorophyll-a concentrations to algal biovolume reveled 0.95-0.99 correlations. This project will ultimately produce a chlorophyll-a and cyanobacteria concentration map, methodology for calibration of hyperspectral data and an algorithm for future cyanobacteria detection.https://orb.binghamton.edu/research_days_posters_spring2020/1096/thumbnail.jp

    Commentary on Plug

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    The Caboose by a Longshot: Impact of Large Age Gaps on Youngest Siblings

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    Siblings play a large role in developmental experiences and views of oneself. However, most research addressing siblings looks at individuals who grow up close in age with their siblings. What is currently known about sibling relationships does not seem to fit for those who have siblings but are not close in age to them, referred to in this study as a sibling age gap. To learn more about what it was like to grow up with siblings who are much older, I interviewed 11 individuals who were the youngest siblings in their family and five or more years younger than their next oldest sibling. A research team analyzed the data from these interviews and found three major themes that were common among the 11 participants. These themes were 1) separation of lived experience, meaning participants expressed having vastly different childhood experiences than their siblings, 2) Connection, most participants expressed wishing they could be emotionally closer to their older siblings, and 3) searching for identity, as many of these participants spent a lot of their time trying to measure up to their siblings so that they could be noticed, accepted, and included

    Iowa : small town pauses

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    Book Club for Early Primary Students

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    Recipe for Unicorn Horns

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    Comparison of 3D scanned human models for off-body communications using motion capture

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    Body area networks are complex to analyze as there are several channel mechanisms occurring simultaneously, i.e. environmental multipath together with body motion and close coupling between worn antennas and human tissue. Electromagnetic (EM) simulation is an important tool since not all studies can be done on a real human. In order to gain insight into off-body communication involving a worn antenna, this paper uses a 3D animated model obtained from a 3D surface scanner and a motion capture system for full wave simulation of channels at 2.45 and 5.5GHz. To evaluate if the model can represent body area radio channels in general, a comparison of S21 of the simulated model with measurements from 5 other models of similar height to the main test subject is presented
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