617 research outputs found

    Exceptional circumstances:Changes in teachers’ work characteristics and well-being during COVID-19 lockdown

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    The COVID-19 pandemic extensively changed the work life of many employees. Teachers seemed particularly challenged, confronted with sudden remote teaching due to school closures. Drawing on the job demands–resources (JD-R) model, we investigated (a) changes in seven work characteristics (job demands: emotional demands, interpersonal conflict, workload; job resources: autonomy, social support, feedback, task variety) and three job-related well-being indicators (fatigue, psychosomatic complaints, job satisfaction), (b) how changes in work characteristics correlated with well-being, and (c) the impact of two individual difference factors (caretaking responsibilities, career stage). Data were collected in two waves (just prior to and a few months into the COVID-19 pandemic) across Germany from 207 teachers with an average work experience of 6 years (range: 1–36 years). Using latent change score (LCS) modeling, we found significant, small-to-medium-sized decreases over time for both job demands and resources as well as fatigue, with variability in the magnitude of changes. Decreases in job demands correlated with decreases in fatigue and psychosomatic complaints, whereas decreases in job resources correlated with decreases in job satisfaction. Teachers with caretaking responsibilities and more experienced teachers were more vulnerable to the crisis as they experienced a smaller or no decrease in job demands in concert with diminished job resources. These findings reveal the double-edged consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic for teachers’ work life

    Freiwillige Mitarbeit in der schweizerischen Bewährungshilfe

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    Eine Untersuchung zu den Rahmenbedingungen der Einsätze von Freiwilligen in den kantonalen Bewährungshilfen der deutschsprachigen Schweiz Die vorliegende Arbeit untersucht, wo und wie freiwillige Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter durch die kantonalen Bewährungshilfen eingesetzt werden und wie die Rahmenbedingungen ihrer Tätigkeit sind. Dabei interessieren mich nicht nur die Rahmenbedingungen innerhalb der Bewährungshilfe für die Freiwilligen, sondern auch die Rahmenbedingungen in welchen die Sozialarbeitenden der Bewährungshilfe selbst arbeiten. Einer meiner Hypothesen dazu war, dass die Freiwilligenarbeit in anderen Kantonen anders organisiert ist und sich wahrscheinlich auch die Schulung, wie auch Einsatzgebiete und Aufgaben unterscheiden. Folgende Leitfragen sind deshalb grundlegend für die gesamte Arbeit: Wie ist die aktuelle Situation der Freiwilligenarbeit in der Schweiz? Welche gesellschaftspolitischen, ökonomischen und sozialberufspolitischen Aspekte der Freiwilligenarbeit sind für das Verständnis der Situation von Freiwilligen in der Bewährungshilfe hilfreich? In welchen Bereichen wird Freiwilligenarbeit geleistet? Welche Relevanz hat Freiwilligenarbeit im Bereich Sozialer Arbeit und welche Entwicklungen in der Sozialen Arbeit selbst sind in Bezug auf Freiwilligenarbeit relevant? Welche gesetzlichen Grundlagen hat die Bewährungshilfe in der Schweiz? Wie arbeitet die Bewährungshilfe und welche Entwicklungsaufgaben stehen in diesem Bereich der Sozialen Arbeit an? Wie ist die Lebenslage der AdressatInnen der Bewährungshilfe

    A respeito da compreensão da geografia pelos artistas viajantes nos séculos XVIII e XIX - Tradução: Pablo Diener

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    Na segunda metade do século XVIII se verifica uma coincidência nos interesses dos pintores de paisagem e os dos naturalistas empíricos. O anseio comum de uma observação naturalista minuciosa e a necessidade de apreender a geografia de países estranhos conduziram à colaboração e redundou numa influência recíproca. Durante as viagens, cientistas e artistas enfrentavam a tarefa de apropriar-se em palavras e imagens das vistas exóticas. Segundo pretende demonstrar este artigo, no final do século XVIII e inícios do XIX, a percepção dos espaços geográficos desconhecidos se encontra em íntima relação com o desenvolvimento de novos meios de representação visual. A apreensão estética do espaço desempenhou um papel central nas viagens, mas também na recepção do Panorama, entendido como sucedâneo da vivência da paisagem e substituto das viagens

    The contribution of tsunami evacuation analysis to evacuation planning in Chile: Applying a multi-perspective research design

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    Research on evacuation behavior in natural disasters provides a valuable contribution in the development of effective short- and long-term strategies in disaster risk management (DRM). Many studies address evacuation simulation utilizing mathematical modeling approaches or GIS-based simulation. In this contribution, we perform a detailed analysis of an entire evacuation process from the decision to evacuate right up to the arrival at a safe zone. We apply a progressive research design in the community of Talcahuano, Chile by means of linking a social science approach, deploying standardized questionnaires for the tsunami affected population, and a GIS-based simulation. The questionnaire analyzes evacuation behavior in both an event-based historical scenario and a hypothetical future scenario. Results reveal three critical issues: evacuation time, distance to the evacuation zone, and method of transportation. In particular, the excessive use of cars has resulted in congestion of street sections in past evacuations, and will most probably also pose a problem in a future evacuation event. As evacuation by foot is generally recommended by DRM, the results are extended by a GIS-based modeling simulating evacuation by foot. Combining the findings of both approaches allows for added value, providing more comprehensive insights into evacuation planning. Future research may take advantage of this multi-perspective research design, and integrate social science findings in a more detailed manner. Making use of invaluable local knowledge and past experience of the affected population in evacuation planning is likely to help decrease the magnitude of a disaster, and, ultimately, save lives

    A time-lapse imaging platform for quantification of soil crack development due to simulated root water uptake

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    Plants are major drivers of soil structure dynamics. Root growth creates new macropores and provides essential carbon to soil, while root water uptake may induce crack formation around roots. Cracks can facilitate root growth as they provide pathways of least resistance and improve water infiltration and soil aeration. Due to the lack of suitable quantification methods, knowledge on the effects of root water uptake on soil crack formation remains limited. In the current study, we developed a time-lapse imaging platform that allows i) simulating root water uptake through localized soil drying and ii) quantifying the development of two-dimensional crack networks. Customized soil boxes that were 50 mm wide, 55 mm high and 5 mm deep were designed. Artificial roots made of dialysis tubes were inserted into the soil boxes and polyethylene glycol solution was circulated through the tubes. This induced a gradient in osmotic potential at the contact area (150 mm(2)) between the soil and the dialysis tubes, resulting in controlled soil drying. Drying intensity was varied by using different polyethylene glycol concentrations. Experiments were conducted with three soils that were subjected to three drying intensities for 6.5 days. We developed a time-lapse imaging system to record soil crack formation at two-minute intervals in twelve samples simultaneously. Resulting crack networks were quantified with an automated image analysis pipeline. Across soils and drying intensities, crack network development slowed down after 24-48 h of soil drying. The extent and complexity of crack networks increased with drying intensity and crack networks were larger and more complex in the clay and clay loam soil than in the silt loam soil. Smaller and less complex crack networks were better connected than larger and more complex networks. These results demonstrate that the platform developed in this study is suitable to quantify crack network development in soil due to simulated root water uptake at high temporal resolution and high throughput. Thereby, it can provide information needed to improve our understanding on how plants modify soil structure

    Actin-Mediated Gene Expression Depends on RhoA and Rac1 Signaling in Proximal Tubular Epithelial Cells

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    Morphological alterations of cells can lead to modulation of gene expression. An essential link is the MKL1-dependent activation of serum response factor ( SRF), which translates changes in the ratio of G-and F-actin into mRNA transcription. SRF activation is only partially characterized in non-transformed epithelial cells. Therefore, the impact of GTPases of the Rho family and changes in F-actin structures were analyzed in renal proximal tubular epithelial cells. Activation of SRF signaling was compared to the regulation of a known MKL1/ SRF target gene, connective tissue growth factor ( CTGF). In the human proximal tubular cell line HKC-8 overexpression of two actin mutants either favoring or preventing the formation of F-actin fibers regulated SRF-mediated transcription as well as CTGF expression. Only overexpression of constitutively active RhoA activated SRF-dependent gene expression whereas no effect was detected upon overexpression of Rac1 mutants. To elucidate the functional role of Rho kinases as downstream mediators of RhoA, pharmacological inhibition and genetic inhibition by transient siRNA knock down were compared. Upon stimulation with lysophosphatidic acid ( LPA) Rho kinase inhibitors partially suppressed SRF-mediated transcription, whereas interference with Rho kinase expression by siRNA reduced activation of SRF, but barely affected CTGF expression. Together with the partial inhibition of CTGF expression by the pharmacological inhibitors Y27432 and H1154, Rho kinases seem to be less important in mediating RhoA signaling related to CTGF expression in HKC8 epithelial cells. Short term pharmacological inhibition of Rac1 activity by EHT1864 reduced SRF-dependent CTGF expression in HKC-8 cells, but was overcome by a stimulatory effect after prolonged incubation after 4-6 h. Similarly, human primary cells of proximal but not of distal tubular origin showed inhibitory as well as stimulatory effects of Rac1 inhibition. Thus, RhoA signaling activates MKL1-SRF-mediated CTGF expression in proximal tubular cells, whereas Rac1 signaling is more complex with adaptive cellular responses

    Die Sorben aus volkskundlicher Sicht

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    Lusatia constitutes the largest traditional folk costume region in Germany. However, upon careful examination one discovers that this area in east ern Saxony and southeastern Brandenburg is not a homogenous, ethnically delimited cultural domain, but a composition of several small,discrete sub- districts, each historically shaped by once prevalent economic and social relationships. We introduce these „sub-districts“ through the four costume regions in which traditional clothing is still worn on a daily basis: Lower Lusatia, the area around Hoyerswerda, the parish of Schleife, the Catholic region between Bautzen, Kamenz and Wittichenau. Through th is particular local custom, these regions draw attention to the wide variety of traditions in Lusatia. Like Hermann Bausinger, we interpret the concept of „region“ in the sense of „communications space“ - an area that is decisively influenced by the expe riences, interests and social connections of the people who live within it.Die Lausitz ist die größte traditionelle Trachtenregion in Deutschland. Bei sorgfältiger Prüfung stellt man jedoch jetzt, dass dieses Gebiet im Osten Sachens und im Südosten Brandenburgs kein homogener, ethnisch abgegrenzter Kulturbereich ist, sondern aus mehreren kleinen, getrennten Teilbereichen besteht, wobei jeder dieser kleinen Teilbereiche wiederum durch die einst herrschenden ökonomischen und gesellschaftlichen Verhältnisse historisch geformt wurde. Wir stellen diese “Teilbereiche” durch die vier Trachtenregionen vor, in denen noch täglich die traditionelle Kleidung getragen wird: die Niederlausitz, das Gebiet rund um Hoyerswerda, das Kirchspiel Schleife, die katholische Region zwischen Bautzen, Kamenz und Wittichenau. Durch diesen speziellen örtlichen Brauch lenken diese Regionen die Aufmerksamkeit auf die breite Vielfalt der Traditionen in der Lausitz. Wie Hermann Bausinger interpretieren wir den Begriff der “Region” im Sinne von “Kommunikationsraum” – ein Gebiet, das entscheidend von den Erfahrungen, Interessen und sozialen Verbindungen der Menschen beeinflusst wird, die dort leben

    Treatment of Resistant Fever: New Method of Local Cerebral Cooling

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    Background: Fever in neurocritical care patients is common and has a negative impact on neurological outcome. The purpose of this prospective observational study was (1) to evaluate the practicability of cooling with newly developed neck pads in the daily setting of neurointensive care unit (NICU) patients and (2) to evaluate its effectiveness as a surrogate endpoint to indicate the feasibility of neck cooling as a new method for intractable fever. Methods: Nine patients with ten episodes of intractable fever and aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage were treated with one of two different shapes of specifically adapted cooling neck pads. Temperature values of the brain, blood, and urinary bladder were taken close meshed after application of the cooling neck pads up to hour8. Results: The brain, blood, and urinary bladder temperatures decreased significantly from hour0 to a minimum in hour5 (P<0.01). After hour5, instead of continuous cooling in all the patients, the temperature of all the three sites remounted. Conclusion: This study showed the practicability of local cooling for intractable fever using the newly developed neck pads in the daily setting of NICU patient