342 research outputs found

    Aprendizaje basado en retos para el desarrollo de competencias digitales en estudiantes de un instituto, Ica

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    The purpose of this work was to determine the influence of challenge-based learning for the development of digital skills in students of an Ica institute. To achieve the objective, the following methodology was obtained: experimental type, quantitative approach and pre-experimental design. In this regard, it should be said that a program was used, developed in 16 sessions. We worked with a sample of 21 students in the Technological Research and Innovation course. For the objective evaluation, the rubric instrument was applied —pretest and posttest—; the observation technique allowed the variable to be measured. Likewise, the data was processed using the static SPSS v.26, which was explained through illustrations —tables and figures—. The statistical results of Wilcoxon show values ​​to accept the H1 raised in the investigation. The study concluded that there is an influence on the development of digital skills in students of an Ica institute.  El propósito de este trabajo fue determinar la influencia que tiene el aprendizaje basado en retos para el desarrollo de competencias digitales en estudiantes de un instituto de Ica. Para alcanzar el objetivo se utilizó la siguiente metodología: tipo experimental, El enfoque cuantitativo y el diseño preexperimental. Al respecto conviene decir que se empleó un programa, desarrollado en 16 sesiones. Se trabajó con una muestra de 21 estudiantes en el curso de Investigación e Innovación Tecnológica. Para la evaluación objetiva se aplicó el instrumento de la rúbrica —pretest y postest—; la técnica de la observación permitió medir la variable. Asimismo se procesó los datos mediante el estático SPSS v.26, los cuales se explicaron a través de lustraciones —cuadros y figuras—. Los resultados estadísticos de Wilcoxon evidencian valores para aceptar la H1 planteada en la investigación. El estudio concluyó que existe una influencia en el desarrollo de las competencias digitales en estudiantes de un instituto de Ica

    Neighborhood and Social Environmental Influences on Child Chronic Disease Prevalence

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    We investigate how distinct residential environments uniquely influence chronic child disease. Aggregating over 200,000 pediatric geocoded medical records to the census tract of residence and linking them to neighborhood-level measures, we use multiple data analysis techniques to assess how heterogeneous exposures of social and environmental neighborhood conditions influence an index of child chronic disease (CCD) prevalence for the neighborhood. We find there is a graded relationship between degree of overall neighborhood disadvantage and children’s chronic disease such that the highest neighborhood CCD scores reside in communities with the highest concentrated disadvantage. Finally, results show that higher levels of neighborhood concentrated disadvantage and air pollution exposure associate with higher risks of having at least one chronic condition for children after also considering their individual- and family-level characteristics. Overall, our analysis serves as a comprehensive start for future researchers interested in assessing which neighborhood factors matter most for child chronic health conditions

    Child Obesity and the Interaction of Family and Neighborhood Socioeconomic Context

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    The literature on neighborhoods and child obesity links contextual conditions to risk, assuming that if place matters, it matters in a similar way for everyone in those places. We explore the extent to which distinctive neighborhood types give rise to social patterning that produces variation in the odds of child obesity. We leverage geocoded electronic medical records for a diverse sample of over 135,000 children aged 2 to 12 and latent profile modeling to characterize places into distinctive neighborhood contexts. Multilevel models with cross-level interactions between neighborhood type and family socioeconomic standing (SES) reveal that children with different SES, but living in the same neighborhoods, have different odds of obesity. Specifically, we find lower-SES children benefit, but to a lesser degree, from neighborhood advantages and higher-SES children are negatively influenced, to a larger degree, by neighborhood disadvantages. The resulting narrowing of the gap in obesity by neighborhood disadvantage helps clarify how place matters for children’s odds of obesity and suggests that efforts to improve access to community advantages as well as efforts to address community disadvantages are important to curbing obesity and improving the health of all children

    Modelo de medición servqual y calidad del servicio en una institución educativa particular Ica – 2022

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    Determine the relationship between the servqual measurement model and service quality in a private educational institution Ica - 2022. Design: non-experimental. Approach: quantitative. Type: applied. Level: correlative. Population, finite sample Survey: 31 parents. Two instruments were applied: adapted servqual measurement model (22 articles) and service quality (14 articles). The information was compiled and the data was processed through the SPSS v.29 statistic. The non-parametric hypothesis Spearman's Rho was inferred. A result p= 0.01 was obtained to contrast the general hypothesis. That is, the connections are significant enough to accept the h1 and reject the h0 formulated at the beginning of the investigation. The study concludes that there is a very strong positive confirmation between the servqual measurement model and service quality from the perception of parents of a particular institution in the province of Ica.Objetivo. Determinar la relación que existe entre el modelo de medición servqual y calidad del servicio en una institución educativa particular Ica, durante el 2022. Metodos. El estudio tuvo un enfoque cuantitativo, de diseño no experimental, de tipo aplicada. La poblacion fueron 31 padres. Se aplicó dos instrumentos: Modelo de medición servqual adaptado (22 ítems) y calidad del servicio (14 ítems). Resultados. Se hizo la inferencia de la hipótesis mediante la prueba no paramétrico Rho de Spearman. Se obtuvo un resultado p= 0,01 para contrastar la hipótesis general. Es decir, la correlación es significativa como para aceptar la h1 y rechazar la h0 formulada al inicio de la investigación. Conclusión. Existe una correlación  positiva muy fuerte entre el Modelo de medición servqual y calidad del servicio desde la percepción de los padres de una institución particular de la provincia de Ica

    Aprendizaje basado en evidencias como estrategia didáctica para la producción de textos funcionales en estudiantes universitarios

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    The objective of the research is to demonstrate that evidence-based learning as a didactic strategy influences the production of functional texts in university students in times of COVID-19. For this, the following methodology was obtained: quantitative approach, experimental level, quasi-experimental design. For data collection, the observation and survey technique was used: the instrument used was the rubric —differential semantic scale—, and knowledge test —measures the intellectual part—. To express the data, visual representations, tables and graphs were produced, obtained through the SPSS v.26 software. The statistical results acquired allowed us to test the hypothesis through the Mann-Whitney U, indicating that the experimental group presents a better result in relation to the control group. In conclusion, evidence-based learning is an advantage for the development of the production of functional texts.El objetivo de la investigación es demostrar que el aprendizaje basado en evidencias como estrategia didáctica influye en la producción de textos funcionales en estudiantes universitarios en tiempos del COVID-19. Para ello, se utilizó la siguiente metodología, enfoque cuantitativo, nivel experimental, diseño cuasi experimental. Para la recolección de los datos se empleó la técnica de la observación y la encuesta: el instrumento utilizado la rúbrica —escala semántica diferencial—, y prueba de conocimiento —mide la parte intelectual—. Para expresar los datos se utilizó representaciones visuales, tablas y gráficos, obtenido a través del software SPSS v.26. Los resultados estadísticos adquiridos permitieron probar la hipótesis a través de la U de Mann-Whitney indicando que el grupo experimental presenta mejor resultado en relación al grupo de control. En conclusión, el aprendizaje basado en evidencias es una ventaja para el desarrollo de la en la producción de textos funcionales

    Comprehensive Neighborhood Portraits and Child Asthma Disparities Introduction

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    Objectives Previous research has established links between child, family, and neighborhood disadvantages and child asthma. We add to this literature by first characterizing neighborhoods in Houston, TX by demographic, economic, and air quality characteristics to establish differences in pediatric asthma diagnoses across neighborhoods. Second, we identify the relative risk of social, economic, and environmental risk factors for child asthma diagnoses. Methods We geocoded and linked electronic pediatric medical records to neighborhood-level social and economic indicators. Using latent profile modeling techniques, we identified Advantaged, Middle-class, and Disadvantaged neighborhoods. We then used a modified version of the Blinder-Oaxaca regression decomposition method to examine differences in asthma diagnoses across children in these different neighborhoods. Results Both compositional (the characteristics of the children and the ambient air quality in the neighborhood) and associational (the relationship between child and air quality characteristics and asthma) differences within the distinctive neighborhood contexts influence asthma outcomes. For example, unequal exposure to PM2.5 and O3 among children in Disadvantaged and Middle-class neighborhoods contribute to asthma diagnosis disparities within these contexts. For children in Disadvantaged and Advantaged neighborhoods, associational differences between racial/ethnic and socioeconomic characteristics and asthma diagnoses explain a significant proportion of the gap. Conclusions for Practice Our results provide evidence that differential exposure to pollution and protective factors associated with non-Hispanic White children and children from affluent families contribute to asthma disparities between neighborhoods. Future researchers should consider social and racial inequalities as more proximate drivers, not merely as associated, with asthma disparities in children

    Assessing Libras sign comprehension by deaf children in elementary school

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    A educação brasileira carece de instrumentos para avaliar o desenvolvimento lingüísitco da população escolar surda. O Teste de Vocabulário Receptivo de Sinais da Libras (TVRSL1) avalia a compreensão de sinais da Libras. Foi aplicado com sinalização ao vivo coletivamente na sala de aula em duas sessões de 45 minutos a 505 estudantes de 6 a 41 anos, a maioria sinalizadora com surdez profunda pré-lingual e perilingual, de 1ª série do ensino fundamental até 1ª do médio, de seis escolas do estado de São Paulo, quatro Escolas Municipais de Educação Especial e duas particulares. Foi normatizado de 1ª a 8ª série e validado por comparação com dez testes normatizados de desenvolvimento de compreensão de sinais, leitura e escrita. Resultados revelaram aumento significativo da compreensão de sinais de 1ª a 8aª série, e maiores correlações com nomeação de sinais por escolha de palavras e por escrita livre do que com nomeação de figuras por escolha de palavras e por escrita livre, com competência de leitura de palavras ou com compreensão de leitura de sentenças. Análise de itens permitiu obter a versão reordenada, com grau de dificuldade crescente, e a abreviada com apenas 66 itens para permitir avaliação ainda mais rápida e eficaz. Palavras-chave: linguagem; vocabulário; Libras. The Brazilian school system is in need of assessment tools to evaluate language development of its deaf students . Libras Receptive Sign Vocabulary Test (LRSVT) assesses sign comprehension in Brazilian Sign Language. It was applied collectively with live signing in a population 505 students aged 6 to 41 years in 1st to 9th grades. Most of the signers were with profound prelingual or perilingual deafness, enrolled in six Sao Paulo State schools, four special public and two private schools . LRSVT was standardized from the 1st to the 8th grades and validated by comparison with ten standardized tests for assessing comprehension for word and sentence reading, picture and sign naming through matching-to-sample and spelling. Results revealed a significant increase in receptive sign vocabulary from the 1st to the 8th grade. Correlation with sign naming by matching-to-sample and spelling was greater than those with picture naming by matching-to-sample and spelling, word and sentence reading comprehension. Item analysis permitted obtaining a reordered version with increasing difficulty level, and a short version for faster assessment. Keywords: language; vocabulary; Libras.

    Factores asociados a la malignización del líquen plano oral. Revisión de la literatura

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    Introducción: El liquen plano (LP) es una enfermedad sistémica autoinmune de etiología desconocida y curso crónico que puede resultar en el desarrollo de carcinoma oral de células escamosas (COCE). Objetivo: Evaluar la evidencia relacionada con la malignización del LPO, así como las características clí-nicas y la incidencia de las lesiones que pueden desarrollan un COCE. Material y métodos: Se revisa la base de datos MEDLINE PubMed de los últimos 5 años (2013-2018) utilizando las siguientes palabras clave: "malignant transformation of oral lichen planus" and "squamous cell oral carcinoma". Resultados: Se obtuvieron 48 artículos de los cuales tras la lectura resúmenes y la aplicación de nuestros criterios de inclusión y exclusión obtuvimos un total de 19 artículos, además de los 4 artículos añadidos mediante búsqueda manual. La revisión se basa en la comparación de 9 estudios de cohortes para analizar la incidencia de la progresión de LPO a COCE. Conclusiones: Debemos considerar el LPO como una enfermedad potencialmente maligna (0.5- 1%) sien-do el sexo femenino, el tipo erosivo y la localización en la lengua factores de riesgo para la transformación a COCE. Teniendo en cuenta el riesgo de malignización es esencial el control de las lesiones para poder realizar un diagnóstico precoz

    The Vehicle, Spring 1985

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    Vol. 26, No. 2 Table of Contents Beyond the FieldsKeila Tooleypage 3 Lonely Sculptor Accustomed to Living AloneMichelle Mitchellpage 4 Mona LisaBob Zordanipage 4 Poet Born in Pearl HarborAngelique Jenningspage 5 IntroductionsGraham Lewispage 6 Living InsideJennifer Soulepage 9 PictureKathy Greypage 10 Salvadore Dali in a Wheelchair on TVAngelique Jenningspage 11 Sonata in E FlatBecky Lawsonpage 12 Myopia and Wild KingdomMichelle Mitchellpage 12 On Becoming a GrandmotherKeila Tooleypage 13 A VisionJennifer D. Pringlepage 14 The Covered BridgeDebbie Woodleypage 14 Jacob\u27s LifeJoan Sebastianpage 15 ForgotGraham Lewispage 15 A Dozen and One TrainsongsAngelique Jenningspage 16 Women\u27s PlaceJennifer Soulepage 19 Night SailingKim Dumentatpage 20 She Isn\u27t There WhenMichelle Mitchellpage 20 A Case for the Common ColdMaggie Kennedypage 21 the cityTammy Batespage 22 The RattlesnakeEric S. McGeepage 22 New PictureKeila Tooleypage 23 Lewis and SinGraham Lewispage 24 Funny BarbecueBob Zordanipage 26 In a DreamF. Link Rapierpage 26 The Winter\u27s ColdJennifer Soulepage 27 Diary EntryTammy Batespage 27 Minor God and Patron Saint of Rabbits SpeaksAngelique Jenningspage 28 A MomentBrett Wilhelmpage 29 The Bishop SeatF. Link Rapierpage 30 The Thought of Being Rid of MyselfKeila Tooleypage 33 I Saw A ChildBea Cessnapage 33 Complacent gourmetGary Burrowspage 34 Night DreamsJennifer Soulepage 35 Changing ImagesAmy Callpage 35 Olsen Rug Co. Waterfall & ParkMaggie Kennedypage 36 Edge of the WildF. Link Rapierpage 37 DragonS. Hillpage 37 Harvests of CornBob Zordanipage 38 The Club JeromeGary Burrowspage 39 Tarzan And The CabPatrick Peterspage 39 The Rain That Never CameLynanne Feilenpage 40 Wonderment of the Far CrescentF. Link Rapierpage 40https://thekeep.eiu.edu/vehicle/1047/thumbnail.jp
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