51 research outputs found

    Disease-related p63 DBD mutations impair DNA binding by distinct mechanisms and varying degree

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    : The transcription factor p63 shares a high sequence identity with the tumour suppressor p53 which manifests itself in high structural similarity and preference for DNA sequences. Mutations in the DNA binding domain (DBD) of p53 have been studied in great detail, enabling a general mechanism-based classification. In this study we provide a detailed investigation of all currently known mutations in the p63 DBD, which are associated with developmental syndromes, by measuring their impact on transcriptional activity, DNA binding affinity, zinc binding capacity and thermodynamic stability. Some of the mutations we have further characterized with respect to their ability to convert human dermal fibroblasts into induced keratinocytes. Here we propose a classification of the p63 DBD mutations based on the four different mechanisms of DNA binding impairment which we identified: direct DNA contact, zinc finger region, H2 region, and dimer interface mutations. The data also demonstrate that, in contrast to p53 cancer mutations, no p63 mutation induces global unfolding and subsequent aggregation of the domain. The dimer interface mutations that affect the DNA binding affinity by disturbing the interaction between the individual DBDs retain partial DNA binding capacity which correlates with a milder patient phenotype

    Protein aggregation of the p63 transcription factor underlies severe skin fragility in AEC syndrome.

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    The p63 gene encodes a master regulator of epidermal commitment, development, and differentiation. Heterozygous mutations in the C-terminal domain of the p63 gene can cause ankyloblepharon-ectodermal defects-cleft lip/palate (AEC) syndrome, a life-threatening disorder characterized by skin fragility and severe, long-lasting skin erosions. Despite deep knowledge of p63 functions, little is known about mechanisms underlying disease pathology and possible treatments. Here, we show that multiple AEC-associated p63 mutations, but not those causative of other diseases, lead to thermodynamic protein destabilization, misfolding, and aggregation, similar to the known p53 gain-of-function mutants found in cancer. AEC mutant proteins exhibit impaired DNA binding and transcriptional activity, leading to dominant negative effects due to coaggregation with wild-type p63 and p73. Importantly, p63 aggregation occurs also in a conditional knock-in mouse model for the disorder, in which the misfolded p63 mutant protein leads to severe epidermal defects. Variants of p63 that abolish aggregation of the mutant proteins are able to rescue p63's transcriptional function in reporter assays as well as in a human fibroblast-to-keratinocyte conversion assay. Our studies reveal that AEC syndrome is a protein aggregation disorder and opens avenues for therapeutic intervention.This work was supported by Telethon Grants GGP09230 and GGP16235 (to C.M.), ERA-Net Research Program on Rare Diseases (ERARE-2) Skin-Dev (C.M.), Italian Association for Cancer Research Grant IG2011-N.11369 (to C.M.), Fondation Dind-Cottier pour la recherche sur la peau (C.M.), DFG Grant DO 545/8-1 (to V.D.), the Centre for Biomolecular Magnetic Resonance, and the Cluster of Excellence Frankfurt (Macromolecular Complexes). P.G. is supported by a Lichtenberg Professorship of the Volkswagen Foundation. C.R. is a PhD student in molecular oncology at the European School of Molecular Medicine

    Loss of p63 and its microRNA-205 target results in enhanced cell migration and metastasis in prostate cancer

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    p63 inhibits metastasis. Here, we show that p63 (both TAp63 and ΔNp63 isoforms) regulates expression of miR-205 in prostate cancer (PCa) cells, and miR-205 is essential for the inhibitory effects of p63 on markers of epithelial–mesenchymal transition (EMT), such as ZEB1 and vimentin. Correspondingly, the inhibitory effect of p63 on EMT markers and cell migration is reverted by anti–miR-205. p53 mutants inhibit expression of both p63 and miR-205, and the cell migration, in a cell line expressing endogenous mutated p53, can be abrogated by pre–miR-205 or silencing of mutated p53. In accordance with this in vitro data, ΔNp63 or miR-205 significantly inhibits the incidence of lung metastasis in vivo in a mouse tail vein model. Similarly, one or both components of the p63/miR-205 axis were absent in metastases or colonized lymph nodes in a set of 218 human prostate cancer samples. This was confirmed in an independent clinical data set of 281 patients. Loss of this axis was associated with higher Gleason scores, an increased likelihood of metastatic and infiltration events, and worse prognosis. These data suggest that p63/miR-205 may be a useful clinical predictor of metastatic behavior in prostate cancer

    Analysing the attributes of Comprehensive Cancer Centres and Cancer Centres across Europe to identify key hallmarks.

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    There is a persistent variation in cancer outcomes among and within European countries suggesting (among other causes) inequalities in access to or delivery of high-quality cancer care. European policy (EU Cancer Mission and Europe's Beating Cancer Plan) is currently moving towards a mission-oriented approach addressing these inequalities. In this study, we used the quantitative and qualitative data of the Organisation of European Cancer Institutes' Accreditation and Designation Programme, relating to 40 large European cancer centres, to describe their current compliance with quality standards, to identify the hallmarks common to all centres and to show the distinctive features of Comprehensive Cancer Centres. All Comprehensive Cancer Centres and Cancer Centres accredited by the Organisation of European Cancer Institutes show good compliance with quality standards related to care, multidisciplinarity and patient centredness. However, Comprehensive Cancer Centres on average showed significantly better scores on indicators related to the volume, quality and integration of translational research, such as high-impact publications, clinical trial activity (especially in phase I and phase IIa trials) and filing more patents as early indicators of innovation. However, irrespective of their size, centres show significant variability regarding effective governance when functioning as entities within larger hospitals

    Ovarian damage from chemotherapy and current approaches to its protection

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    BACKGROUND: Anti-cancer therapy is often a cause of premature ovarian insufficiency and infertility since the ovarian follicle reserve is extremely sensitive to the effects of chemotherapy and radiotherapy. While oocyte, embryo and ovarian cortex cryopreservation can help some women with cancer-induced infertility achieve pregnancy, the development of effective methods to protect ovarian function during chemotherapy would be a significant advantage.OBJECTIVE AND RATIONALE: This paper critically discusses the different damaging effects of the most common chemotherapeutic compounds on the ovary, in particular, the ovarian follicles and the molecular pathways that lead to that damage. The mechanisms through which fertility-protective agents might prevent chemotherapy drug-induced follicle loss are then reviewed.SEARCH METHODS: Articles published in English were searched on PubMed up to March 2019 using the following terms: ovary, fertility preservation, chemotherapy, follicle death, adjuvant therapy, cyclophosphamide, cisplatin, doxorubicin. Inclusion and exclusion criteria were applied to the analysis of the protective agents.OUTCOMES: Recent studies reveal how chemotherapeutic drugs can affect the different cellular components of the ovary, causing rapid depletion of the ovarian follicular reserve. The three most commonly used drugs, cyclophosphamide, cisplatin and doxorubicin, cause premature ovarian insufficiency by inducing death and/or accelerated activation of primordial follicles and increased atresia of growing follicles. They also cause an increase in damage to blood vessels and the stromal compartment and increment inflammation. In the past 20 years, many compounds have been investigated as potential protective agents to counteract these adverse effects. The interactions of recently described fertility-protective agents with these damage pathways are discussed.WIDER IMPLICATIONS: Understanding the mechanisms underlying the action of chemotherapy compounds on the various components of the ovary is essential for the development of efficient and targeted pharmacological therapies that could protect and prolong female fertility. While there are increasing preclinical investigations of potential fertility preserving adjuvants, there remains a lack of approaches that are being developed and tested clinically

    Multisite aggregation of p53 and implications for drug rescue

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    Damage limitation

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    p53 Family Proteins: Damage limitation

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    A spring-loaded mechanism can explain the activation process for a protein that has a crucial role in maintaining the genomic integrity of immature eggs cell
