271 research outputs found

    An antennae specific odorant-binding protein is involved in Bactrocera dorsalis olfaction

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    Insect antennae are important olfactory organs that house high concentrations of odorant-binding proteins (OBPs) in the sensillum lymph. Previous studies in other insects have shown that OBPs play important roles in transporting odorants and enhancing the sensitivity of the olfactory system. However, the functions of OBPs in the oriental fruit fly, Bactrocera dorsalis, especially those specifically expressed in antennae, have not been fully elucidated. In this study, cDNA libraries were constructed from both the male and female antennal transcriptome, and twenty OBPs were identified in total. The expression profiles of these OBPs were examined in the adult antenna, head, thorax, leg, and abdomen of both sexes. Seven of the identified OBP genes had significantly higher expression in both the male and female antennae than in other tissues, while the transcript levels of the remaining OBPs varied across different tissues. Regarding the function of antenna-specific OBPs, we targeted Bdorsobp2 as a representative for further RNA interference (RNAi) and identified via electrophysiology a decrease in detection of a potential species-specific a potent attractant, methyl eugenol. Moreover, subsequent behavioral assay data showed that the behavioral response of B. dorsalis toward this odorant decreased when Bdorobp2 was silenced with injection of double-stranded RNA (dsRNA). Combined, these results support our initial hypothesis that antennae-specific OBPs are of critical importance for insect odorant detection, sensitivity, and behavior

    Plant-based natural product chemistry for integrated pest management of Drosophila suzukii

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    Since the first reports of damage by Drosophila suzukii, the spotted-wing Drosophila (SWD), over a decade ago in Europe, widespread efforts have been made to understand both the ecology and the evolution of this insect pest, especially due to its phylogenetic proximity to one of the original model organisms, D. melanogaster. In addition, researchers have sought to find economically viable solutions for the monitoring and management of this agricultural pest, which has now swept across much of Europe, North America and Asia. In a new direction of study, we present an investigation of plant-based chemistry, where we search for natural compounds that are structurally similar to known olfactory cues from parasitoid wasps that in turn are welldescribed ovipositional avoidance cues for many Drosophila species. Here we test 11 plant species across two plant genera, Nepeta and Actinidia, and while we find iridoid compounds in both, only those odorants from Actinidia are noted to be detected by the insect antenna, and in addition, found to be behaviorally active. Moreover, the Actinidia extracts resulted in oviposition avoidance when they were added to fruit samples in the laboratory. Thus we propose the possible efficacy of these plants or their extracted chemistry as a novel means for establishing a cost-effective integrated pest management strategy towards the control of this pest fly

    Ice Age megafauna rock art in the Colombian Amazon?

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    Megafauna paintings have accompanied the earliest archaeological contexts across the continents, revealing a fundamental inter-relationship between early humans and megafauna during the global human expansion as unfamiliar landscapes were humanized and identities built into new territories. However, the identification of extinct megafauna from rock art is controversial. Here, we examine potential megafauna depictions in the rock art of Serranía de la Lindosa, Colombian Amazon, that includes a giant sloth, a gomphothere, a camelid, horses and three-toed ungulates with trunks. We argue that they are Ice Age rock art based on the (i) naturalistic appearance and diagnostic morphological features of the animal images, (ii) late Pleistocene archaeological dates from La Lindosa confirming the contemporaneity of humans and megafauna, (iii) recovery of ochre pigments in late Pleistocene archaeological strata, (iv) the presence of most megafauna identified in the region during the late Pleistocene as attested by archaeological and palaeontological records, and (v) widespread depiction of extinct megafauna in rock art across the Americas. Our findings contribute to the emerging picture of considerable geographical and stylistic variation of geometric and figurative rock art from early human occupations across South America. Lastly, we discuss the implications of our findings for understanding the early human history of tropical South America. This article is part of the theme issue ‘Tropical forests in the deep human past’.1. Introduction 2. Early rock art in the Americas, study region and brief archaeological background 3. The La Lindosa rock art 4. The megafauna paintings (a) Giant ground sloth (Megatheriidae) (b) Proboscidean (Gomphotheriidae) (c) Horse (Equidae) (d) Camelid (Camelidae) (e) Macraucheniid (Macraucheniidae) 5. Concluding remark

    Functional olfactory evolution in Drosophila suzukii and the subgenus Sophophora

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    Comparative analysis of multiple genomes has been used extensively to examine the evolution of chemosensory receptors across the genus Drosophila. However, few studies have delved into functional characteristics, as most have relied exclusively on genomic data alone, especially for non-model species. In order to increase our understanding of olfactory evolution, we have generated a comprehensive assessment of the olfactory functions associated with the antenna and palps for Drosophila suzukii as well as several other members of the subgenus Sophophora, thus creating a functional olfactory landscape across a total of 20 species. Here we identify and describe several common elements of evolution, including consistent changes in ligand spectra as well as relative receptor abundance, which appear heavily correlated with the known phylogeny. We also combine our functional ligand data with protein orthologue alignments to provide a high-throughput evolutionary assessment and predictive model, where we begin to examine the underlying mechanisms of evolutionary changes utilizing both genetics and odorant binding affinities. In addition, we document that only a few receptors frequently vary between species, and we evaluate the justifications for evolution to reoccur repeatedly within only this small subset of available olfactory sensory neurons

    NMJ-morph reveals principal components of synaptic morphology influencing structure–function relationships at the neuromuscular junction

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    The ability to form synapses is one of the fundamental properties required by the mammalian nervous system to generate network connectivity. Structural and functional diversity among synaptic populations is a key hallmark of network diversity, and yet we know comparatively little about the morphological principles that govern variability in the size, shape and strength of synapses. Using the mouse neuromuscular junction (NMJ) as an experimentally accessible model synapse, we report on the development of a robust, standardized methodology to facilitate comparative morphometric analysis of synapses (‘NMJ-morph’). We used NMJ-morph to generate baseline morphological reference data for 21 separate pre- and post-synaptic variables from 2160 individual NMJs belonging to nine anatomically distinct populations of synapses, revealing systematic differences in NMJ morphology between defined synaptic populations. Principal components analysis revealed that overall NMJ size and the degree of synaptic fragmentation, alongside pre-synaptic axon diameter, were the most critical parameters in defining synaptic morphology. ‘Average’ synaptic morphology was remarkably conserved between comparable synapses from the left and right sides of the body. Systematic differences in synaptic morphology predicted corresponding differences in synaptic function that were supported by physiological recordings, confirming the robust relationship between synaptic size and strength

    A single-blinded trial of methotrexate versus azathioprine as steroid-sparing agents in generalized myasthenia gravis

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Long-term immunosuppression is often required in myasthenia gravis (MG). There are no published trials using methotrexate (MTX) in MG. The steroid-sparing efficacy of azathioprine (AZA) has been demonstrated after 18-months of starting therapy. However, AZA is considered expensive in Africa. We evaluated the steroid-sparing efficacy of MTX (17.5 mg weekly) compared with AZA (2.5 mg/kg daily) in subjects recently diagnosed with generalized MG by assessing their average monthly prednisone requirements.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The primary outcome was the average daily prednisone requirement by month between the two groups. Prednisone was given at the lowest dose to manage MG symptoms and adjusted as required according to protocol. Single-blinded assessments were performed 3-monthly for 2-years to determine the quantitative MG score and the MG activities of daily living score in order to determine those with minimal manifestations of MG.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Thirty-one subjects (AZA n = 15; MTX n = 16) satisfied the inclusion criteria but only 24 were randomized. Baseline characteristics were similar. There was no difference between the AZA- and MTX-groups in respect of prednisone dosing (apart from months 10 and 12), in quantitative MG Score improvement, proportions in sustained remission, frequencies of MG relapses, or adverse reactions and/or withdrawals. The MTX-group received lower prednisone doses between month 10 (p = 0.047) and month 12 (p = 0.039). At month 12 the prednisone dose per kilogram bodyweight in the MTX-group (0.15 mg/kg) was half that of the AZA-group (0.31 mg/kg)(p = 0.019).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>This study provides evidence that in patients with generalized MG methotrexate is an effective steroid-sparing agent 10 months after treatment initiation. Our data suggests that in generalized MG methotrexate has similar efficacy and tolerability to azathioprine and may be the drug of choice in financially constrained health systems.</p> <p>Trial registration</p> <p>SANCTR:DOH-27-0411-2436</p