79 research outputs found

    The Use of Social Networks to Train the Intercultural Dimension of Foreign Languages at Higher Educational Institutions

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    The paper aims to identify how social networks contribute to training the intercultural dimension of foreign languages at higher educational institutions. We attempted to answer the questions of what effect the use of social networks has on foreign language training, fostering intercultural and occupational skills, and how both students and teachers perceive the intervention. To achieve research goals, we used quantitative tools, such as (1) checklists, (2) assessment records on English for Specific Purposes, (3) the cultural intelligence scale, (4) the multidimensional emotional empathy scale, and (5) the questionnaire for reflective thinking. Qualitative data were drawn from the observations and interviews. The research findings confirmed that the use of social networks provided students with a true-to-life (authentic) environment and context to gain cultural experience and train a foreign language. This strategy boosts English for Specific Purposes learning and teaching experiences using a distance-learning component. A longitudinal research design enhances transformations in students in terms of emotional empathy and reflective thinking

    Structure functional status ofgastric mucous tunic and it microbiocenosis on chronical gastritis at children

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    The purpose of the research is to estimate morphofunctional condition mucus-producing apparatus of gaster according to its microbiocenosis at chronic gastritis. The objects of the research were gastric biopsy materials from 55 children at the age from 7 to 15 with diagnosis chronic gastritis (CG) which were divided into two groups: the 1st group — 35 patients with Helicobacter pylori (H.pylori)-fssociated CG; the 2nd — 20 patients with H.pylori-nonassociated CG. During the work there were used histologic, histochemical, lectinhistochemical, morphometric, bacteriologic and statistic methods.There was registered more evident recompartmentation of the lectin receptors on H.pylori-associated CG than on H.pylori-nonassociated CG, that was expressed by the elevation of the level of lectin connection by the cells having affinity to the Foucault mucins, and the reduction of the lectin receptors selectively reacting with the sialic acids (reduction of sialomucins's level) (p<0,05). It was found out that microbiocenosis disorders on H.pylori-associated CG and H.pylori-nonassociated CG have significant differences.Цель исследования — оценить морфофункциональное состояние компонентов слизьобразующего аппарата желудка в зависимости от его микробиоценоза при хроническом гастрите у детей. Объектами исследования стали гастробиоптаты от 55 детей в возрасте от 7 до 15 лет с диагнозом хронический гастрит (ХГ), которые сформировали две группы: 1-я — 35 пациентов с Helicobacter pylori (Н.ру1оп)-ассоциированным ХГ; 2-я группа — 20 больных с H.pylori-неассоциированным ХГ. В работе использованы гистологический, гистохимический, лектиногистохимический, морфометрический, бактериологический и статистический методы исследования. При H.pylori- ассоциированном ХГ зарегистрировано более выраженное перераспределение рецепторов к лектинам, чем при ХГ, не связанном с H.pylori, что выражалось в повышении уровня связывания клетками пектинов, имеющих сродство к фукомуцинам, и снижении содержания рецепторов к лектинам, селективно реагирующим с сиаловыми кислотами (падение уровня сиаломуцинов) (р<0,05). Показано, что нарушения микробиоценоза желудка при H.pylori-ассоциированном и при H.pylori-неассоциированном ХГ также имеют достоверные различия

    Structure functional basis of remodeling of gastric mucous tunic on helicobacter pylori — associated gastritis at children

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    The purpose of the work is to estimate interaction between gelatinizes, tissular inhibitor of metalloproteinase-1 and growth factor in remodeling of gastric mucous tunic on Helicobacter pylori (H.pylori)-associated chronic gastritis (CG) at children. There were examined gastric biopsy materials from 35 children (25 boys and 10 girls) at the age from 7 to 15: 24 patients with H.pylori-associated CG (the 1st group) and 11 patients with functional dyspepsia (FD) (the 2nd group). There were used histologic, hietochemical, immunohistochemical. morphometric, bacteriologic and statistic methods. The results indicate reduction of production of the transforming growth factor-p receptors and elevation of production of the epidermal growth factor receptors, gelatinizes and tissular inhibitor of matrix metalloproteinase-1 on H.pylori-associated CG at children, that shows the formation of misbalance among growth factors, endoproteases and their inhibitors on this disease. There was proved the necessity of albation of the contagium at the earliest period of the disease beginning, and marked the ways for the target medical influence on some pathogenic points of the disease.Цель работы — оценить характер взаимодействий между желатиназами, тканевым ингибитором металлопротеиназ-1 и ростовыми факторами в ремоделировании слизистой оболочки желудка при Helicobacter pylori (H.pylori)-ассоциированном хроническом гастрите (ХГ) у детей. Изучены гастробиоптаты 35 детей (25 мальчиков и 10 девочек) в возрасте от 7 до 15 лет: 24 пациента с H.pylori-ассоциированным ХГ (1-я группа) и 11 больных с функциональной диспепсией (ФД) (2-я группа). Использовались гистологические, гистохимические, иммуногистохимические, морфометрические и статистические методы исследования. Полученные результаты свидетельствуют о снижении экспрессии рецепторов трансформирующего фактора роста-p и повышении уровня экспрессии рецепторов эпидермального фактора роста, желатиназ и тканевого ингибитора матриксных металлопротеиназ-1 при H.pylori-ассоциированном ХГ у детей, что свидетельствует о формировании при этом заболевании дисбаланса между факторами роста, эндопротеазами и их ингибиторами. Обоснована необходимость проведения эрадикации инфекта в наиболее ранние сроки от начала болезни, намечены подходы к таргетному медикаментозному воздействию на некоторые патогенетические звенья болезни

    Structural characteristics of the processes of cell renewal in the gastric mucosa in chronic atrophic gastritis of various genesis

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    It was carried out histological analysis of gastric biopsies from 76 patients aged 19-74, which had chronic atrophic gastritis with immunopathological component, associated with H.pylori (CAG H.pylori-positive) and associated with absence of H.pylori (CAG H.pylori-negative). In the first group there were 30 patients with CAG H.pylori-positive, in the second group there were 46 patients with CAG H.pylori-negative. Proliferation index in gastric body in cases with HAG H.pylori-positive was authentically higher than in cases with CAG H.pylori-negative. Apoptosis index both in antrum and in gastric body in cases with CAG H.pylori-positive was also authentically higher than in cases with CAG H.pylori-negative. So CAG H.pylori-positive has morphological features, which can be characterized as "inflammatory type" of chronic gastritis with high levels of proliferation and apoptosis indexes. It can lead to intraepithelial neoplasia. CAG H.pylori-negative can be characterized as “atrophic type" of chronic gastritis with two variants of atrophy: absolute and metaplastic.Проведено гистологическое исследование гастробиоптатов от 76 пациентов с диагнозом хронический атрофический гастрит с иммунопатологическим компонентом. Среди обследованных было 30 пациентов в возрасте 19-74 лет с Н.pylori-ассоциированным атрофическим гастритом с иммунопатологическим компонентом, 46 больных с H.pylori-неассоциированным атрофическим гастритом с иммунопатологическим компонентом того же возраста. Изучение индекса пролиферации при Н.pylori-ассоциированном гастрите с иммунопатологическим компонентом показало, что в теле желудка этот показатель был выше, чем при Н.pylori-неассоциированном гастрите с иммунопатологическим компонентом. Индекс апоптоза при Н.pylori-ассоциированном гастрите с иммунопатологическим компонентом, зарегистрированный и в теле и в антруме, был также выше, чем при Н.pylori-неассоциированном гастрите с иммунопатологическим компонентом. Н.pylori-ассоциированный хронический атрофический гастрит с иммунопатологическим компонентом имеет морфологические признаки, характерные для «воспалительного типа» гастрита с наличием значительных показателей индексов апоптоза и пролиферации в теле желудка, что может способствовать развитию интразпителиальной неоплазии. Н.pylori-неассоциированный хронический атрофический гастрит с иммунопатологическим компонентом характеризуется гистологической картиной, свойственной «атрофическому типу» гастрита и вариантами атрофии, как абсолютной, так и метапластической


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    There are 3 subtypes of tick-borne encephalitis virus (TBEV) distinguished, at present time: European (EU), Siberian (SIB) and Far Eastern (FE). The former one is associated with Ixodes ricinus tick, whereas the latter two - with I. persulcatus. The circulation of TBEV in nature is mediated by the non-viraemic transmission, between infected and. uninfected ticks co-feeding on the same hosts and. it was shown that transmission rate of «Hypr» strain (EU subtype) is much higher than rate of «Vasilchenko» strain (SIB subtype) - 60 and 5 % respectively. To reveal the viral determinants of transmission efficacy, we constructed the series of recombinant viruses with gradually exchanged genes coding structural (str) and. non-structural (ns) viral proteins. The recombinant virus Hypr[str]Vs[ns] achieved the rate of non-viraemic transmission of 70 %. The introduction of separate structural genes of Hypr into Vs infectious clone has enhanced the transmission efficacy as well, though not to such extent as entire structural region but up to 33 % only. Thus, it was shown that efficacy of non-viraemic transmission of TBEV depends from properties of viral structural proteins mainly

    Allergenomics of the tick Ixodes ricinus reveal important α-Gal-carrying IgE-binding proteins in red meat allergy

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    Supplementary material: [http://cherry.chem.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/3864]This is the peer-reviewed version of the following article: Apostolovic, D.; Mihailovic, J.; Commins, S. P.; Wijnveld, M.; Kazimirova, M.; Starkhammar, M.; Stockinger, H.; Platts-Mills, T. A. E.; Cirkovic Velickovic, T.; Hamsten, C.; et al. Allergenomics of the Tick Ixodes Ricinus Reveals Important α-Gal–Carrying IgE-Binding Proteins in Red Meat Allergy. Allergy: European Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology 2020, 75 (1), 217–220. [https://doi.org/10.1111/all.13978

    Towards an alternative testing strategy for nanomaterials used in nanomedicine: lessons from NanoTEST.

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    In spite of recent advances in describing the health outcomes of exposure to nanoparticles (NPs), it still remains unclear how exactly NPs interact with their cellular targets. Size, surface, mass, geometry, and composition may all play a beneficial role as well as causing toxicity. Concerns of scientists, politicians and the public about potential health hazards associated with NPs need to be answered. With the variety of exposure routes available, there is potential for NPs to reach every organ in the body but we know little about the impact this might have. The main objective of the FP7 NanoTEST project ( www.nanotest-fp7.eu ) was a better understanding of mechanisms of interactions of NPs employed in nanomedicine with cells, tissues and organs and to address critical issues relating to toxicity testing especially with respect to alternatives to tests on animals. Here we describe an approach towards alternative testing strategies for hazard and risk assessment of nanomaterials, highlighting the adaptation of standard methods demanded by the special physicochemical features of nanomaterials and bioavailability studies. The work has assessed a broad range of toxicity tests, cell models and NP types and concentrations taking into account the inherent impact of NP properties and the effects of changes in experimental conditions using well-characterized NPs. The results of the studies have been used to generate recommendations for a suitable and robust testing strategy which can be applied to new medical NPs as they are developed

    Geographical Distribution and Genetic Diversity of Bank Vole Hepaciviruses in Europe

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    The development of new diagnostic methods resulted in the discovery of novel hepaciviruses in wild populations of the bank vole (Myodes glareolus, syn. Clethrionomys glareolus). The naturally infected voles demonstrate signs of hepatitis similar to those induced by hepatitis C virus (HCV) in humans. The aim of the present research was to investigate the geographical distribution of bank vole-associated hepaciviruses (BvHVs) and their genetic diversity in Europe. Real-time reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-qPCR) screening revealed BvHV RNA in 442 out of 1838 (24.0%) bank voles from nine European countries and in one of seven northern red-backed voles (Myodes rutilus, syn. Clethrionomys rutilus). BvHV RNA was not found in any other small mammal species (n = 23) tested here. Phylogenetic and isolation-by-distance analyses confirmed the occurrence of both BvHV species (Hepacivirus F and Hepacivirus J) and their sympatric occurrence at several trapping sites in two countries. The broad geographical distribution of BvHVs across Europe was associated with their presence in bank voles of different evolutionary lineages. The extensive geographical distribution and high levels of genetic diversity of BvHVs, as well as the high population fluctuations of bank voles and occasional commensalism in some parts of Europe warrant future studies on the zoonotic potential of BvHVs.Peer reviewe