177 research outputs found

    Effect of impurities on the transition between minority ion and mode conversion ICRH heating in (3He)-H tokamak plasmas

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    Hydrogen majority plasmas will be used in the initial non-activated phase of ITER operation. Optimizing ion cyclotron resonance heating (ICRH) in such scenarios will help in achieving H-mode in these plasmas. Past JET experiments with the carbon wall revealed a significant impact of intrinsic impurities on the ICRH performance in (3He)-H plasmas relevant for the full-field initial ITER phase. High plasma contamination with carbon impurities resulted in the appearance of a supplementary mode conversion layer and significant reduction in the transition concentration of 3He minority ions, defined as the concentration at which the change from minority heating to mode conversion regime occurs. In view of the installation of the new ITER-like wall at JET, it is important to evaluate the effect of Be and W impurities on ICRH scenarios in (3He)-H plasmas. In this paper, an approximate analytical expression for the transition concentration of 3He minority ions is derived as a function of plasma and ICRH parameters, and accounting for typical impurity species at JET. The accompanying 1D wave modeling supports the analytical results and suggests a potential experimental method to reduce 3He level needed to achieve a specific heating regime by puffing a small amount of 4He ions additionally to (3He)-H plasma.Comment: 23 pages, 9 figure

    Peculiarities of memory reproduction function in patients with exogeno-organic (cerebrotravmatic) pathology

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    In order to establish the features of the reproductive function of memory in patients with pathology of exogenous-organic (cerebrotraumatic) genesis, 82 patients with a traumatic brain injury was examined. The patients was divided into two groups according to the severity of traumatic brain injury: the first group of the study included 30 patients with mild traumatic brain injury, the second group of the study included 32 patients with severe traumatic brain injury. As part of the study, anamnestic, clinical, neurological, psychopathological, psychodiagnostic, and follow-up studies was used. All patients underwent magnetic resonance imaging of the brain in dynamics. The psychodiagnostic study included the method of retained members of the series (G. Ebbingauz) with the presentation of verbal stimulus material and the analysis of the results three times: after the two submissions and 2 hours after the last submission. Patients were examined four times - after 3 months, after 6 months, after 1 year and after 3 years after traumatic brain injury. The study made it possible to establish the severity and dynamics of mnestic disorders depending on the time elapsed after traumatic brain injury and on the localization of damage to brain tissue. The maximum decrease in the reproductive function of memory was noted during the first three months after a traumatic brain injury; in the period between six months and the year after a traumatic brain injury, the reproductive function of memory was resumed, its indicators took the form of a plateau; in the future, outside this period, the violations of the mnestic disorders was resumed, negative dynamics was noted. The obtained data expands the idea of the features and dynamics of the reproductive function of memory in patients with pathology of exogenous-organic (cerebrotraumatic) genesis. This allows to improve the quality of the prognosis of the course of the disease and indicates the need to adjust therapeutic approaches in accordance with the established features of violations of the mnestic sphere in patients after traumatic brain injury

    Progress with applications of three-ion ICRF scenarios for fusion research: A review

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    Proceedings of the 24TH TOPICAL CONFERENCE ON RADIO-FREQUENCY POWER IN PLASMAS 26–28 September 2022 Annapolis, USAThe viability of magnetic confinement fusion as an energy source depends on achieving the high ion temperatures required for D-T fusion. Among the available techniques, plasma heating with waves in the ion cyclotron range of frequencies (ICRF) is a prominent method for bulk ion heating in fusion plasmas. Furthermore, a detailed understanding of the non-linear physics of alpha heating and the complex impact of MeV-range fast ions on plasma dynamics becomes progressively more important. This paper provides a comprehensive overview of recent developments with the three-ion ICRF scenarios on Alcator C-Mod, ASDEX Upgrade and JET tokamaks. The results demonstrate the flexibility of these novel scenarios for heating bulk ions in D-T ≈ 50%-50% plasmas and efficient generation of MeV-range fast ions in multi-ion species plasmas. Several key results relevant for ITER and future fusion reactors are highlighted.This work has been carried out within the framework of the EUROfusion Consortium, funded by the European Union via the Euratom Research and Training Programme (Grant Agreement No 101052200 – EUROfusion). Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Commission. Neither the European Union nor the European Commission can be held responsible for them. We thank the ITPA Energetic Particle Physics Topical Group for its support. Part of this work was also carried out in the framework of projects done for the ITER Scientist Fellow Network (ISFN). ITER is the Nuclear Facility INB No. 174. The views and opinions expressed herein do not necessarily reflect those of the ITER Organization. This publication is provided for scientific purposes only. Its contents should not be considered as commitments from the ITER Organization as a nuclear operator in the frame of the licensing process.Peer Reviewed"Article signat per 78 autors/es: Ye. O. Kazakov; J. Ongena; M. Nocente; V. Bobkov; J. Garcia; V. G. Kiptily; M. Schneider; S. Wukitch; J. C. Wright; M. Dreval; K. K. Kirov; S. Mazzi; R. Ochoukov; S. E. Sharapov; Ž. Štancar; H. Weisen; Y. Baranov; M. Baruzzo; A. Bierwage; R. Bilato; A. Chomiczewska; R. Coelho; T. Craciunescu; K. Crombé; E. Delabie; E. de la Luna; R. Dumont; P. Dumortier; F. Durodié; J. Eriksson; M. Fitzgerald; J. Galdon-Quiroga; D. Gallart; M. Garcia-Munoz; L. Giacomelli; C. Giroud; J. Gonzalez-Martin; A. Hakola; R. Henriques; P. Jacquet; I. Jepu; T. Johnson; A. Kappatou; D. Keeling; D. King; C. Klepper; Ph. Lauber; M. Lennholm; E. Lerche; B. Lomanowski; C. Lowry; M. J. Mantsinen; M. Maslov; S. Menmuir; I. Monakhov; F. Nabais; M. F. F. Nave; C. Noble; E. Panontin; S. D. Pinches; A. R. Polevoi; D. Rigamonti; A. Sahlberg; M. Salewski; P. A. Schneider; H. Sheikh; K. Shinohara; P. Siren; S. Sumida; A. Thorman; R. A. Tinguely; D. Valcarcel; D. Van Eester; M. Van Schoor; J. Varje; M. Weiland; N. Wendler; JET Contributors, the ASDEX Upgrade Team and the EUROfusion MST1 Team"Postprint (author's final draft


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    В останній час приділяється значна увага характеру змін маркерів системного запалення у розвитку і прогресуванні патологічних процесів та наголошується на ролі порушень функції ендотелію і особливостях змін первинного гемостазу (ПГ)

    Predictive simulations of NBI ion power load to the ICRH antenna in Wendelstein 7-X

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    In Wendelstein 7-X (W7-X), a new ion cyclotron resonance heating (ICRH) antenna will be commissioned during the operational campaign OP2.1. The antenna will have to sustain power loads not only from thermal plasma and radiation but also fast ions. Predictive simulations of fast-ion power loads to the antenna components are therefore important to establish safe operational limits. In this work, the fast-ion power loads from the W7-X neutral beam injection (NBI) system to the ICRH antenna was simulated using the ASCOT suite of codes. Five reference magnetic configurations and five antenna positions were considered to provide an overview of power load behavior under various operating conditions. The NBI power load was found to have an exponential dependence on the antenna insertion depth. Differences between magnetic configurations were significant, with the antenna limiter power load varying between 380 W and 100 kW depending on the configuration. Qualitative differences in power load patterns between configurations were also observed, with the low mirror and low iota configurations exhibiting higher loads to the sensitive antenna straps. The local fast-ion power flux to the antenna limiter was also considered and found to exceed the 2.0 MW m−2 steady-state safety limit only in specific cases. The NBI system might thus pose a safety concern to the ICRH antenna during concurrent NBI-ICRH operation, but additional heat propagation simulations of antenna components are needed to establish more realistic operational time limits

    Two-strap RF antenna in Uragan-2M stellarator

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    A unshielded two-strap antenna had been installed in Uragan-2M. A vacuum chamber inner walls conditioning regime with the two-strap antenna is studied in a weak magnetic field. Plasma with the density nₑ~ (0.2…0.95)·10¹²сm⁻³ and sustained. The RF frequency was f₀~5 MHz, RF plasma was sustained in stationery magnetic field B₀≈0.01 T, at hydrogen pressure range 3·10⁻³…3·10⁻² Pa.Введена в експлуатацію на Урагані-2М багатофункціональна неекранована двонапіввиткова антена. Відпрацьована можливість роботи двонапіввиткової антени в режимі чистки внутрішніх поверхонь вакуумної камери в слабкому магнітному полі. Плазма створювалась і підтримувалась густиною nₑ~ (0.2…0.95)·10¹²сm⁻³. За робочої частоти f₀~5 МГц ВЧ-плазма створювалась у стаціонарному магнітному полі B₀≈0.01 Tл за тиску водню 3·10⁻³…3·10⁻² Па.Введена в эксплуатацию на Урагане-2М многофункциональная неэкранированная двухполувитковая антенна. Отработана возможность работы двухполувитковой антенны в режиме чистки внутренних поверхностей вакуумной камеры в малом магнитном поле Плазма создавалась и поддерживалась с плотностью ne~ (0.2…0.95)·10¹²сm⁻³. При рабочей частоте f₀~5 МГц ВЧ-плазма создавалась в стационарном магнитном поле B₀≈0.01 Tл при давлении водорода 3·10⁻³…3·10⁻² Па

    Modelling of advanced three-ion ICRF heating and fast ion generation scheme for tokamaks and stellarators

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    Absorption of ion-cyclotron range of frequencies waves at the fundamental resonance is an efficient source of plasma heating and fast ion generation in tokamaks and stellarators. This heating method is planned to be exploited as a fast ion source in the Wendelstein 7-X stellarator. The work presented here assesses the possibility of using the newly developed three-ion species scheme (Kazakov et al (2015) Nucl. Fusion 55 032001) in tokamak and stellarator plasmas, which could offer the capability of generating more energetic ions than the traditional minority heating scheme with moderate input power. Using the SCENIC code, it is found that fast ions in the MeV range of energy can be produced in JET-like plasmas. The RF-induced particle pinch is seen to strongly impact the fast ion pressure profile in particular. Our results show that in typical high-density W7-X plasmas, the three-ion species scheme generates more energetic ions than the more traditional minority heating scheme, which makes three-ion scenario promising for fast-ion confinement studies in W7-X