80 research outputs found

    Effect of Added Solvents on the Radical Polymerization of Acrylonitrile in Liquid Sulfur Dioxide

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    Acrylonitrile was polymerized by aa\u27-azobisisobutyronitrile (AIBN) as an initiator at 50℃ in liquid sulfur dioxide mixed with an added solvent. The added solvents were cyclohexane, benzene, toluene, p-xylene, ethylbenzene, isopropylbenzene, p-cymene, chlorobenzene, benzonitrile and ethyl benozate, respectivelv. In each case, only poly-acrylonitrile was obtained and the formation of the polymer was independent on the solvent added. No acrylonitrile polysulfone was found in the reaction mixture. The added solvents showed no appreciable influence on the overall rate of polymerization (Rp) in the range of the experimental condition

    Novel scotoma detection method using time required for fixation to the random targets

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    We developed a novel scotoma detection system using time required for fixation to the random targets, or the” eye-guided scotoma detection method “. In order to verify the” eye-guided scotoma detection method “, we measured 78 eyes of 40 subjects, and examined the measurement results in comparison with the results of measurement by Humphrey perimetry. The results were as follows: (1) Mariotte scotomas were detected in 100% of the eyes tested; (2) The false-negative rate (the percentage of cases where a scotoma was evaluated as a non-scotoma) was less than 10%; (3) The positive point distribution in the low-sensitivity eyes was well matched. These findings suggested that the novel scotoma detection method in the current study will pave the way for the realization of mass screening to detect pathological scotoma earlier.[Author summary] Conventional perimeters, such as the Goldmann perimeter and Humphrey perimeter, require experienced examiners and space occupying. With either perimeter, subjects’ eye movements need to be strictly fixed to the fixation target of the device. Other perimeters can monitor fixation and automatically measure the visual field. With the eye-guided scotoma detection method proposed in the current study, subjects feel less burdened since they do not have to fixate on the fixation target of the device and can move their eyes freely. Subjects simply respond to visual targets on the display; then, scotomas can be automatically detected. The novel method yields highly accurate scotoma detection through an algorithm that separates scotomas from non-scotomas

    Pterosin B prevents chondrocyte hypertrophy and osteoarthritis in mice by inhibiting Sik3.

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    植物由来成分であるプテロシンBはSIK3を阻害し変形性関節症の治療薬開発のリード化合物となる. 京都大学プレスリリース. 2016-03-31.Yahara, Y., Takemori, H., Okada, M. et al. Correction: Corrigendum: Pterosin B prevents chondrocyte hypertrophy and osteoarthritis in mice by inhibiting Sik3. Nat Commun 7, 12117 (2016).Osteoarthritis is a common debilitating joint disorder. Risk factors for osteoarthritis include age, which is associated with thinning of articular cartilage. Here we generate chondrocyte-specific salt-inducible kinase 3 (Sik3) conditional knockout mice that are resistant to osteoarthritis with thickened articular cartilage owing to a larger chondrocyte population. We also identify an edible Pteridium aquilinum compound, pterosin B, as a Sik3 pathway inhibitor. We show that either Sik3 deletion or intraarticular injection of mice with pterosin B inhibits chondrocyte hypertrophy and protects cartilage from osteoarthritis. Collectively, our results suggest Sik3 regulates the homeostasis of articular cartilage and is a target for the treatment of osteoarthritis, with pterosin B as a candidate therapeutic

    Is the Importance of Achieving Stable Disease Different between Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors and Cytotoxic Agents in the Second-Line Setting for Advanced Non-small Cell Lung Cancer?

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    BackgroundIt is controversial whether achieving stable disease leads to a survival benefit and whether the importance of achieving stable disease differs between cytotoxic agents and molecular targeted agents. To examine these questions, the authors retrospectively reviewed phase II and III studies in the second-line setting for advanced non-small cell lung cancer using epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs) and cytotoxic agents separately.MethodsThe authors chose 45 trials for the chemotherapy group and nine for the EGFR TKI group by searching the PubMed database. All nine trials in the EGFR TKI group concern gefitinib and erlotinib.ResultsThe median survival time increased 0.0375 month with each 1% increase in stable disease rate (p = 0.039), and each 1% increase in response rate resulted in 0.0744 (p < 0.001) month of median survival time in the analysis combined with both cytotoxic agents and EGFR TKIs. Main and interaction terms for EGFR TKI treatment were not statistically significant. With respect to time to progression, only response rate showed a statistically significant relationship with survival.ConclusionsTo obtain response seems to be more important than to achieve stable disease for both cytotoxic agents and EGFR TKIs, although achieving stable disease is still valuable. The relationship between survival and response or stable disease appears similar for cytotoxic agents and EGFR TKIs

    Glyburide inhibits the bone resorption induced by traumatic occlusion in rats.

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    To examine whether glyburide inhibits bone destruction caused by traumatic occlusion in a rat occlusal trauma model.Excessive mechanical stress, such as traumatic occlusion, induces expression of IL-1β and may be involved in bone resorption. NLRP3 inflammasomes have been linked to IL-1β expression, but it is currently unclear whether glyburide, the inhibiter of NLRP3 inflammasome, suppresses occlusal trauma in rats.Male SD rats aged 7 weeks were used. In the trauma group, the occlusal surface of the maxillary first right molar was raised by attaching a metal wire to apply occlusal trauma to the mandibular first right molar. In the trauma + glyburide group, the NLRP3 inhibitor glyburide was administered orally every 24 hours from 1 day before induction of occlusal trauma. Rats were euthanized after 5 or 10 days, and the maxillary first molars were harvested with the adjacent tissues for histopathological investigation. Immunohistochemical expression of IL-1β, NLRP3, and RANKL was also assessed.On day 5, bone resorption was significantly greater in the trauma group compared with the control group or the trauma + glyburide group, and there were significantly higher numbers of osteoclasts and cells positive for IL-1β, NLRP3, and RANKL in the trauma group.In this study, glyburide inhibits bone resorption by traumatic occlusion in rats. It suggests that the NLRP3/IL-1β pathway might be associated with bone resorption induced by traumatic occlusion.福岡歯科大学2019年

    SLITRK1-mediated noradrenergic projection suppression in the neonatal prefrontal cortex

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    SLITRK1 is an obsessive-compulsive disorder spectrum-disorders-ssociated gene that encodes a neuronal transmembrane protein. Here we show that SLITRK1 suppresses noradrenergic projections in the neonatal prefrontal cortex, and SLITRK1 functions are impaired by SLITRK1 mutations in patients with schizophrenia (S330A, a revertant of Homo sapiensspecific residue) and bipolar disorder (A444S). Slitrk1-KO newborns exhibit abnormal vocalizations, and their prefrontal cortices show excessive noradrenergic neurites and reduced Semaphorin3A expression, which suppresses noradrenergic neurite outgrowth in vitro. Slitrk1 can bind Dynamin1 and L1 family proteins (Neurofascin and L1CAM), as well as suppress Semaphorin3A-induced endocytosis. Neurofascin-binding kinetics is altered in S330A and A444S mutations. Consistent with the increased obsessive-compulsive disorder prevalence in males in childhood, the prefrontal cortex of male Slitrk1-KO newborns show increased noradrenaline levels, and serotonergic varicosity size. This study further elucidates the role of noradrenaline in controlling the development of the obsessive-compulsive disorder-related neural circuit

    Fundamental electron-transfer and proton-coupled electron-transfer properties of Ru(iv)-oxo complexes

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    Isolation and characterisation of Ru-IV(O) complexes were accomplished to investigate their fundamental electron transfer (ET) and proton-coupled ET (PCET) properties. Reorganisation energies (lambda) in electron transfer (ET) and proton-coupled ET (PCET) from electron donors to the isolated Ru-IV(O) complexes have been determined for the first time to be in the range of 1.70-1.88 eV (ET) and 1.20-1.26 eV (PCET). It was suggested that the reduction of the lambda values of PCET in comparison with those of ET should be due to the smaller structural change in PCET than that in ET on the basis of DFT calculations on 1 and 1e(-)-reduced 1 in the absence and presence of TFA, respectively. In addition, the smaller lambda values for the Ru-IV(O) complexes than those reported for Fe-IV(O) and Mn-IV(O) complexes should be due to the lack of participation of d(sigma) orbitals in the ET and PCET reactions. This is the first example to evaluate fundamental ET and PCET properties of Ru-IV(O) complexes leading to further understanding of their reactivity in oxidation reactions

    A case of placenta percreta with massive hemorrhage during cesarean section

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    We describe a case of a 39-year-old woman diagnosed with placenta percreta complicated by massive hemorrhage during a cesarean section. At 27 weeks of gestation, she underwent an emergency cesarean section under general anesthesia for vaginal bleeding and an intrauterine infection. Soon after delivery, a massive hemorrhage was encountered while attempting to separate the placenta percreta from the bladder wall. Although total abdominal hysterectomy and partial cystectomy were performed, massive hemorrhaging persisted. Bleeding was finally controlled following bilateral internal iliac artery embolization. We used a cell salvage device and a rapid infuser for hemodynamics stabilization. Total blood loss was 47,000 mL, and anesthesia time was 12 h and 47 min. The patient was discharged on the 32nd postoperative day without major complications. Placenta accreta can be associated with life-threatening hemorrhage and it is vital to plan accordingly preoperatively

    Observation of the embolus protection filter for carotid artery stenting

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    Background: Carotid artery stenting (CAS) in high-surgical-risk patients is considered as an effective alternative to carotid endarterectomy. Since the occurrence of distal embolization with CAS is still major concern, embolus protection device is usually employed during the procedure. We developed a technique for observation of embolus protection filter and evaluate the debris or thrombus microscopically, and the pathological findings were compared with preoperative imaging studies.Patients and Methods: After completing CAS, filter membrane was stained with hematoxylin & eosin (HE) solution and removed from filer strut. Mounting onto a glass slide, filter was evaluated under microscope. Plaque debris and appearance of filter membrane were evaluated and the covered area was measured. The pathological findings were compared with preoperative imaging studies.Results: Microscopical observation of the slide revealed atheromatous debris as well as thrombotic material to the filter membrane. HE stain facilitates the characterization of the debris composition, namely thrombotic debris, calicified debris, organized debris, fibrous debris, lipid-rich debris. The subtypes of debris were consistent with preoperative imaging studies. Thus. in cases of intraprocedural flow impairment, more than 50% of filter area was covered with debris or thrombotic material.Conclusion: Carotid plaque debris captured during carotid stenting with protection filter can be visualized with HE stain on the glass side. This simple method allows us to better understand plaque debris and appearance of embolus protection filter

    The detection of carotid plaque rupture caused by intraplaque hemorrhage by serial high-resolution magnetic resonance imaging: a case report.

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    BACKGROUND: Plaque rupture is believed to be a critical event that leads to thromboembolic complications in atherosclerotic carotid artery disease. Intraplaque hemorrhage can also cause fibrous cap disruption and may be related to the progression of atherosclerosis. However, the mechanism that leads to fibrous cap disruption is not well defined, and there have been few reports in the literature that carotid plaque rupture could be clearly visualized by serial high-resolution MRI. CASE DESCRIPTION: We describe a case of a 79-year-old man who presented with minor ischemic stroke. On diffusion-weighted image, new multiple embolic spots were detected. Plaque rupture caused by intraplaque hemorrhage could be clearly detected by serial high-resolution MRI of the cervical carotid artery. The patient underwent carotid endarterectomy, and an atheromatous plaque was extracted intact for histologic analysis. In the histologic section corresponding to the MRI slices, plaque rupture caused by intraplaque hemorrhage was demonstrated. CONCLUSIONS: This case represents a valuable example of artery-to-artery embolisms from a carotid plaque rupture secondary to intraplaque hemorrhage. High-resolution MRI may have important applications in natural history studies and in clinical trials of carotid plaques