38 research outputs found

    Governmentality of disability in the context of lifelong learning in European Union policy

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    The possibility to participate in education and lifelong learning has been introduced in EU disability policy in recent decades as one of the key means to improve the socioeconomic position of disabled persons. Simultaneously, lifelong learning has been developed as the defining concept of EU education policy to increase social cohesion and economic competitiveness. However, the education, employment rate and socioeconomic status of disabled persons have remained far below the EU average. In this article, we theorize governmentality to explore (1) how EU lifelong learning and disability policy discourses constitute and govern disabled persons and (2) how disabled persons are positioned in the policy discourses. The data consist of the most relevant EU policy documents concerning lifelong learning and disability policy in the twenty-first century. We argue that the policies constitute and govern disabled persons as a group who do not fulfil the premises set for the lifelong learner, and that consequently, policy discourses marginalize disabled persons instead.</p

    MitÀÀn ei saisi enÀÀ opettaa - osaamisen tunnustaminen ammatillisessa Àidinkielen ja suomen opetuksessa

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    Ammatillisen koulutuksen sÀÀntely muuttui vuoden 2018 alussa uudistamisprosessin myötÀ. Amisreformiksi kutsutun uudistuksen tavoitteeksi asetettiin muun muassa opintojen ja työelÀmÀsiirtymien jouhevoittaminen niin, ettÀ kaikki osaaminen saataisiin työmarkkinoiden kÀyttöön. Uudistuksessa painotettiin lisÀksi, ettÀ osaamisen alkuperÀllÀ ei ole merkitystÀ. Etnografista aineistoa hyödyntÀen analysoimme osaamisen tunnistamista ja tunnustamista ammatillisen koulutuksen arjessa, etenkin Àidinkielen ja suomen kielen opetuksessa. AnalyysissÀ suuntaamme huomiomme viestinnÀn etnografian avainsanan kÀsitteen avulla niihin merkityksiin, joita osaamisen tunnistaminen ja tunnustaminen saa koulutuksessa. Osoitamme, ettÀ opettajiin kohdistuu paineita tavoitella opiskelijoiden osaamisen kehittÀmisessÀ vÀhimmÀistÀ. EsitÀmme, ettÀ osaamisen tunnistaminen ja tunnustaminen asettuu ristivetoon koulutukseen yleensÀ liitetyn uuden oppimisen tavoitteen kanssa. Osaamiseen keskittyminen hÀivyttÀÀ nÀkyvistÀ opiskelemisen ja opettamisen ja samalla koulutuksen kontekstit.Peer reviewe

    MitÀÀn ei saisi enÀÀ opettaa - osaamisen tunnustaminen ammatillisessa Àidinkielen ja suomen opetuksessa

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    Ammatillisen koulutuksen sÀÀntely muuttui vuoden 2018 alussa uudistamisprosessin myötÀ. Amisreformiksi kutsutun uudistuksen tavoitteeksi asetettiin muun muassa opintojen ja työelÀmÀsiirtymien jouhevoittaminen niin, ettÀ kaikki osaaminen saataisiin työmarkkinoiden kÀyttöön. Uudistuksessa painotettiin lisÀksi, ettÀ osaamisen alkuperÀllÀ ei ole merkitystÀ. Etnografista aineistoa hyödyntÀen analysoimme osaamisen tunnistamista ja tunnustamista ammatillisen koulutuksen arjessa, etenkin Àidinkielen ja suomen kielen opetuksessa. AnalyysissÀ suuntaamme huomiomme viestinnÀn etnografian avainsanan kÀsitteen avulla niihin merkityksiin, joita osaamisen tunnistaminen ja tunnustaminen saa koulutuksessa. Osoitamme, ettÀ opettajiin kohdistuu paineita tavoitella opiskelijoiden osaamisen kehittÀmisessÀ vÀhimmÀistÀ. EsitÀmme, ettÀ osaamisen tunnistaminen ja tunnustaminen asettuu ristivetoon koulutukseen yleensÀ liitetyn uuden oppimisen tavoitteen kanssa. Osaamiseen keskittyminen hÀivyttÀÀ nÀkyvistÀ opiskelemisen ja opettamisen ja samalla koulutuksen kontekstit.Peer reviewe

    Terveys, toimintakyky ja estettömyyden haasteet selkÀydinvammaisten joukossa Suomessa: FinSCI-tutkimuksen protokolla 

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    Background and purpose: The purpose of the Finnish Spinal Cord Injury Study (FinSCI) is to identify factors related to the health and functioning of people with spinal cord injury, their challenges with accessibility, and how such factors are interconnected. The International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) is used as a structured framework in the study. Design: Protocol of mixed methods study. Results: Study participants were recruited from all 3 spinal cord injury outpatient clinics in Finland. The final target group consists of 1,789 subjects with spinal cord injury. The final questionnaire was formed from 5 different patient-reported instruments. The spinal cord injury-specified instruments are the Spinal Cord Injury Secondary Condition Scale, the Spinal Cord Independence Measure, and the Nottwil Environmental Factors Inventory Short Form. In addition, questions from the following generic instruments were chosen after a selection process: the Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System, PROM'S (R), and the National Study of Health, Well-being and Service, FinSote. Altogether, the final questionnaire covers 64 ICF categories and consists of 151 ICF-linked questions. Conclusion: The formulated questionnaire covers widely different aspects of health, functioning and accessibility. The questionnaire results and subsequent interviews will help in developing care and rehabilitation policies and services for people with spinal cord injury.Peer reviewe

    Prevalence of comorbidities and secondary health conditions among the Finnish population with spinal cord injury

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    Study design A cross-sectional study. Objectives To explore the prevalence of comorbidities, secondary health conditions (SHCs), and multimorbidity in the Finnish population with spinal cord injury (SCI). Setting The data were collected from the Finnish Spinal Cord Injury Study (FinSCI). Participants were identified from three SCI outpatient clinics responsible for the lifelong follow-up of persons with SCI in Finland, (n = 884 participants, response rate; 50%). Methods The FinSCI-questionnaire included a question from the National Study of Health, Well-being, and Service (FinSote) for screening 12 comorbidities. The reference data of the general population for that question were received from the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare. The Spinal Cord Injury Secondary Condition Scale (SCI-SCS) was used to screen 16 SHCs. The data were analysed with univariate testing and multivariable negative binomial regression modelling. Results The most common comorbidities were high blood pressure/hypertension (38%), back problems (28%), and high cholesterol (22%). The most common SHCs were joint and muscle pain (81%), muscle spasms (74%), chronic pain (71%), and bowel problems (71%). The prevalence of comorbidities was highest among persons aged >= 76 years (mean; 2.0; scale range; 0-12). The prevalence of SHCs was highest in the severity of SCI group C1-4 AIS A, B, and C (mean; 8.9; scale range; 0-16). Conclusions Further research on geriatrics in SCI, non-traumatic SCI, and knowledge of the needs of persons with cervical lesion AIS A, B, or C is required, due to the fact that the prevalence of multimorbidity is high in these groups.Peer reviewe

    Health-related factors for work participation in persons with spinal cord injury in Finland

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    Objective: To explore work participation and the health-related factors affecting work participation among the Finnish Spinal Cord injury (FinSCI) study population (n = 884). Methods: A cross-sectional explorative observational study in the FinSCI community survey applying Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System (PROMISÂź) forms on Social Health and Global Health. Analyses of socio-demographic and injury-related data were performed. Results: Employment among the study population (n = 452) was 26.5%. Physical, Mental, Social and General Health were better in the employed group compared with work-age persons not working. Logistic regression showed that work participation was related to all health domains, but Physical Health and Ability to Participate in Social Roles and Activities in Social Health were the strongest indicators of likelihood of being at work. Paraplegia and young age were associated with increased likelihood of work participation. Conclusion: The first national survey among people with spinal cord injury in Finland shows low level of employment. The results suggest that pain, physical function, and ability to participate in social roles should be monitored by health and vocational professionals when assessing a person's likelihood of being in work.Peer reviewe

    Case-control analysis of truncating mutations in DNA damage response genes connects TEX15 and FANCD2 with hereditary breast cancer susceptibility

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    Several known breast cancer susceptibility genes encode proteins involved in DNA damage response (DDR) and are characterized by rare loss-of-function mutations. However, these explain less than half of the familial cases. To identify novel susceptibility factors, 39 rare truncating mutations, identified in 189 Northern Finnish hereditary breast cancer patients in parallel sequencing of 796 DDR genes, were studied for disease association. Mutation screening was performed for Northern Finnish breast cancer cases (n = 578-1565) and controls (n = 337-1228). Mutations showing potential cancer association were analyzed in additional Finnish cohorts.c.7253dupT in TEX15, encoding a DDR factor important in meiosis, associated with hereditary breast cancer (p = 0.018) and likely represents a Northern Finnish founder mutation. A deleterious c.2715 + 1G > A mutation in the Fanconi anemia gene, FANCD2, was over two times more common in the combined Finnish hereditary cohort compared to controls. A deletion (c.640_644del5) in RNF168, causative for recessive RIDDLE syndrome, had high prevalence in majority of the analyzed cohorts, but did not associate with breast cancer. In conclusion, truncating variants in TEX15 and FANCD2 are potential breast cancer risk factors, warranting further investigations in other populations. Furthermore, high frequency of RNF168 c.640_644del5 indicates the need for its testing in Finnish patients with RIDDLE syndrome symptoms.Peer reviewe

    MetsÀtalouden pohjavesivaikutukset : MEPO-hankkeen loppuraportti 2021

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    MetsĂ€talouden pohjavesivaikutukset (MEPO) hankkeen tavoite oli antaa tutkimustietoon perustuvia suosituksia pohjavesialueiden metsĂ€nhoitotoimenpiteisiin. Luokiteltuja pohjavesialueita on Suomen pinta-alasta 4 % ja metsĂ€talous on alueiden merkittĂ€vin maankĂ€yttömuoto. MetsĂ€talouden toimia, joilla voi olla vaikutusta pohjaveteen, ovat hakkuut, maanmuokkaus, ojaston kunnossapito, kasvinsuojeluaineet, metsĂ€lannoitus sekĂ€ kulotus. Omana erityispiirteenÀÀn tarkasteltiin myös happamia sulfaattimaita. Tutkimustieto koottiin kirjallisuudesta sekĂ€ pohjavesiseurannoista. Pohjavesialueiden turvemaiden mÀÀrÀÀ, ojitusta, luontoarvoja ja metsĂ€nkĂ€yttöÀ arvioitiin paikkatietomenetelmin. LisĂ€ksi viimeisteltiin metsĂ€talouden ojien kunnostuksen vaikutusten arviointiin kehitetty KUNNOS-työkalu. Hakkuut voivat nostaa pohjavedenpintaa ja lisĂ€tĂ€ purkautumista reuna-alueilla ja lĂ€hteissĂ€. HakkuutĂ€hteistĂ€ vapautuvat ravinteet kohottavat tyypillisesti pohjaveden NO3-N-pitoisuutta. Myös pohjaveden lĂ€mpötilan on joissakin tutkimuksissa havaittu kohoavan. Muiden toimenpiteiden vaikutusten osalta Suomesta ei ole tutkimus- ja seurantatietoja ja arvioissa on tukeuduttu kansainvĂ€lisiin tutkimustietoihin. TĂ€rkeĂ€ jatkotoimenpide on seurannan kehittĂ€minen. Hanke toteutettiin v. 2020–2021 yhteistyössĂ€ Suomen ympĂ€ristökeskuksen, Luonnonvarakeskuksen, Tapio Oy:n ja Oulun yliopiston tutkijoiden kanssa. TĂ€rkeĂ€ssĂ€ roolissa työkalujen kehittĂ€misessĂ€ olivat WaterHope ja Gain Oy.TĂ€mĂ€ julkaisu on toteutettu osana valtioneuvoston selvitys- ja tutkimussuunnitelman toimeenpanoa. (tietokayttoon.fi) Julkaisun sisĂ€llöstĂ€ vastaavat tiedon tuottajat, eikĂ€ tekstisisĂ€ltö vĂ€lttĂ€mĂ€ttĂ€ edusta valtioneuvoston nĂ€kemystĂ€

    Case-control analysis of truncating mutations in DNA damage response genes connects TEX15 and FANCD2 with hereditary breast cancer susceptibility

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    Several known breast cancer susceptibility genes encode proteins involved in DNA damage response (DDR) and are characterized by rare loss-of-function mutations. However, these explain less than half of the familial cases. To identify novel susceptibility factors, 39 rare truncating mutations, identified in 189 Northern Finnish hereditary breast cancer patients in parallel sequencing of 796 DDR genes, were studied for disease association. Mutation screening was performed for Northern Finnish breast cancer cases (n = 578–1565) and controls (n = 337–1228). Mutations showing potential cancer association were analyzed in additional Finnish cohorts. c.7253dupT in TEX15, encoding a DDR factor important in meiosis, associated with hereditary breast cancer (p = 0.018) and likely represents a Northern Finnish founder mutation. A deleterious c.2715 + 1G > A mutation in the Fanconi anemia gene, FANCD2, was over two times more common in the combined Finnish hereditary cohort compared to controls. A deletion (c.640_644del5) in RNF168, causative for recessive RIDDLE syndrome, had high prevalence in majority of the analyzed cohorts, but did not associate with breast cancer. In conclusion, truncating variants in TEX15 and FANCD2 are potential breast cancer risk factors, warranting further investigations in other populations. Furthermore, high frequency of RNF168 c.640_644del5 indicates the need for its testing in Finnish patients with RIDDLE syndrome symptoms.</p