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    Rendahnya kandungan mineral pada jerami jagung berakibat terhadap ketidakcukupankebutuhan mineral dalam tubuh ternak, sehingga menyebabkan terjadinya defisiensimineral.Oleh karena itu perlu adanya pakan tambahan / suplemen sebagai pelengkap.Secara umum pakan suplemen bermanfaat bagi ternak untuk melengkapi zat-zatmakananyang diperlukan tubuh, sehingga terdapat komposisi yang seimbang untuk berproduksisecara optimal.Urea Gula Aren Block (UGB) adalah suplemen yang merupakan suatu modifikasi pakancampuran yang terdiri dari beberapa bahan pakan seperti gula merah, urea, dedak padi,bungkil/kelapa, zeolit/CaO dan garam, yang diolah dan dibentuk menjadi blok.Gula merah (gula aren) digunakan dalam pakan ternak sebagai Readily AvailableCarbohydrate (RAC) yang berfungsi sebagai kerangka karbon, sedangkan urea berfungsisebagai sumber nitrogen non protein (NPN) bagi sintesa protein mikroba rumen.Dengan mencampurkan urea sebagai sumber nitrogen dan gula merah sebagai sumberenergi yang siap pakai dan bahan–bahan lain sebagai pelengkap zat-zat makanan, maka akanterbentuk suatu pakan suplemen (UGB) yang diharapkan dapat mempengaruhi kualitas karkassehingga diharapkan bagian daging semakin besar. UGB sangat sederhana pembuatannya,selain bahan bakunya yaitu gula merah, yang mudah diperoleh dibandingkan dengan molases.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian gula aren blok padakambing. Manfaat dari penelitian ini adalah diperolehnya informasi mengenai profil karkasdari kambing yang diberi UGB.Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di desa Pandu, Kecamatan Wori selama 2 bulan, dengan masaadaptasi 14 hari. Ternak yang digunakan terdiri dari 12 ekor kambing betina lokal, berumursekitar 1 tahun dengan berat badan berkisar 15 – 16 kg. Kandang yang digunakan adalahkandang individu dengan ukuran 2 x 2 x 1m, yang dilengkapi dengan tempat makan khususuntuk penempatan UGB. Hijauan yang digunakan adalah jerami jagung. Pakan tambahan UGBdiberikan secara konstan sebanyak 300 gr/ekor/hari dan air minum diberikan secara ad libitum.Ransum perlakuan yang diberikan diatur sebagai berikut : R0 = jerami jagung ad libitum + 0 grUGB dan R1 = jerami jagung + 300 gr UGB.Variabel yang diamati adalah bobot hidup, bobot karkas, prosentase karkas dan analisakimia karkas. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis dengan menggunakan t-tes.Kesimpulan yang didapat dari penenlitian ini adalah bahwa pemberian mineral blok(UGB) dalam ransum dapat meningkatkan profil karkas dari kambing.____________________________________________________________________Kata Kunci: Kambing, Jagung, UGB, Profil karka


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    This study aims to (1) Analyzing Potential of Beef Cattle Development with Pattern of Integration of Coconuts in Tabaru Subdistrict of West Halmahera Regency (2) fresh forage production coconut plant area in Tabaru Subdistrict of West Halmahera Regency (3) the nutrional content of forage the coconut plant area in Tabaru Subdistrict of West Halmahera Regency (4) potential population of cattle and animal unit (AU) in Tabaru Subdistrict of West Halmahera Regency (5) revenue through integration and non integration in Tabaru Subdistrict of West Halmahera Regency. The research was conducted in Tabaru district of West Halmahera district since Desember 2017 to February 2018. The determination of respondents was performed using simple random sampling method. Criteria of respondents involved in this study were household farmers running a coco-beef integration, at least animal maintenance of more than one year and they had sold cattle. The results showed the particular characteristics of household farmers including coconut plantation ownership of 3.8 ha with the average number of animals of 10.2 heads, the average education level of primary school, the animal breeding experience of 12,7 years and animal maintenance purposes as beef production and animal labor. Management aspects of farm animals were still under the traditional maintenance systems, animals were resistant to disease, and house hold farmer knowledge on animal reproduction was still limited. Aspects of feed resources were positively supporting in the development of beef cattle under integration pattern, especially the nutritional value of forage and land carrying capacities and Livestock productivity aspects had quite well potential


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    EFFECT OF N,P,K FERTILIZER LEVELS ON PLANT COMPONENTS OF BRACHIARIA HUMIDICOLA CV.TULLY AND PENNISETUM PURPUREUM CV.MOTT IN COCONUT PLANTATIONS. In North Sulawesi there are vast grasslands as pastures so that breeders only utilize the existing land in the coconut plantations as cattle raising area. Existing land under the coconut plantation can be utilized or planted variety of agricultural commodities, including forage, where feed was instrumental in the success of  animal farm. In increasing the productivity of forage among others, animal grass needs to be supported by the physical environment, ideal soil and climate. The problem in this research was the area under coconut cultivation had low soil fertility (marginal), so one alternative was given by way of fertilization. Therefore the NPK fertilization is one of the most alternative method to overcome the low soil fertility. The objective of this study was to determine the effect of the combination of NPK fertilizer levels on plant components of Brachiaria humidicola cv. Tully and Pennisetum purpureum cv.mott in coconut plantations. This research was conducted in the western districts of Malalayang 1, Manado city from October 2013 – February 2014. Factorial design method was performed on the basis of completely randomized design with 4 replications. The result in this study showed that the influence of fertilization was demonstrated for the macro elements NPK fertilization required to increase the component of leaves. These elements were met the needs of forage for ruminants. Otherwise the rod components of both grass types were decreased by more complete combination of macro elements of NPK fertilization. In term of different types of grass, the statistical analysis showed that the leaves of the grass component of Pennisetum purpureum were 153.87 g/plot, significantly higher (P<0.05) than Brachiaria humidicola. The stem components were not significantly different for both types of grass. Therefore, the results of this study showed that both types of grass treatment elements required the complete NPK macro to get result with higher leaf components. Keywords: Land, Forage, NPK Fertilizer, coconut plantation are

    Respons Rumput Brachiaria Humidicola CV. Tully Dan Pennisetum Purpureum CV. Mott Terhadap Pemupukan Unsur Hara Makro N, P, K

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian pupuk NPK terhadap Potensi Produksi Rumput Brachiaria .humidicola cv. Tully dan Penisetum purpureum cv. Mott. Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah model experimental dengan menggunakan Rancangan Acak kelompok (RAK) dengan pola Faktorial. Faktor A jenis rumput : a1 = Rumput B. humidicola cv. Trully ; a2 = Rumput P. purpureum cv. Mott. Faktor B jenis pupuk b1 = Pupuk tunggal N (Urea) ; b2 = Pupuk kombinasi NP (Urea + TSP) ; b3 = pupuk kombinasi NPK (Urea + TSP + KCl). Dosis pupuk yang digunakan Urea= 150 kg/ha, TSP = 75 kg/ha, KCl = 75 kg/ha, sehingga terdapat 6 kombinasi perlakuan dan masing-masing perlakuan diulang sebanyak 4 kali. Jumlah keseluruhan satuan percobaan adalah 24 satuan percobaan. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Kebun Percobaan, yang terletak di desa Talawaan Bantik Kecamatan Wori Kabupaten Minahasa Utara Provinsi Sulawesi Utara. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa jenis rumput, jenis pupuk dan interaksi jenis rumput dan jenis pupuk memberikan hasil yang berbeda sangat nyata (P<0.01) terhadap potensi produksi segar, potensi produksi bahan kering dan potensi produksi protein. Potensi produksi segar, potensi bahan kering, dan potensi produksi protein rumput B sangat nyata (P<0,01) lebih tinggi dari rumput A. Potensi produksi segar, produksi bahan kering, produksi protein rumput yang diberikan pupuk NPK sangat nyata lebih tinggi (P<0.01) dari rumput yang diberikan pupuk NP dan N secara tunggal.Pemberian pupuk NPK menghasilkan potensi produksi segar, potensi produksi bahan kering dan potensi produksi protein masing-masing 53,15%, 40,48%, dan 77,26% lebih tinggi dibandingkan pemberian pupuk N secara tunggal. Rumput B yang diberikan pupuk NPK menghasilkan potensi produksi segar, potensi produksi bahan kering dan potensi produksi protein yang paling tinggi


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    Teknologi biogas saat ini sudah dikembangkan oleh masyarakat pedesaan. Teknologi biogas bermanfaat dalam meminimalkan pencemaran lingkungan. Teknologi biogas telah dikembangkan di pedesaan dengan memanfaatkan limbah kotoran ternak sapi. Permasalahannya sejauhmana teknologi biogas dimanfaatkan oleh masyarakat pedesaan. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan mengetahui pemanfaatan kotoran sapi dan manfaat biogas bagi masyarakat pedesaan Kabupaten Bolaang Mongondow Utara. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode survei, dengan pendekatan PRA dan studi kasus. Data yang dikumpulkan adalah data primer dan sekunder. Penentuan lokasi Kecamatan dan Desa sampel adalah secara purposive sampling. Kecamatan yang dipilih adalah Kecamatan Sangkub yang memiliki populasi sapi terbanyak. Desa yang dipilih adalah Desa Sidodadi dan Tombolango yang memiliki kelompok petani yang telah memanfaatkan biogas bersumber dari kotoran sapi. Responden ditentukan secara purposive sampling yaitu petani yang memanfaatkan biogas, pejabat Dinas Pertanian Peternakan dan penyuluh. Analisis data menggunakan analisis deskriptif. Teknologi biogas diintroduksi bagi petani yang memiliki ternak sapi yang dikandangkan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa jumlah ternak sapi milik petani dalam kelompok Beringin Jaya berjumlah 6 ekor dan kelompok Keong Mas 24 ekor. Limbah ternak sapi bila tidak diminimalkan memberikan dampak negatif terhadap pencemaran lingkungan. Reaktor dibangun untuk menampung limbah kotoran sapi dan menghasilkan gas. Biogas bersumber dari limbah sapi telah dihasilkan dan dimanfaatkan oleh petani peternak. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa teknologi biogas bermanfaat bagi petani dalam minimalisasi biaya pembelian gas LPG dan menghasilkan pupuk cair. Saran, perlu sosialisasi dan intervensi pemerintah untuk introduksi biogas bagi petani yang lain.Kata Kunci : teknologi, biogas, limbah, ternak sapiBIOGAS TECHNOLOGY WITH RAW MATERIALS SOURCED FROM CATTLE WASTECurrently, biogas technology has been developed by rural communities. Biogas technology was useful in minimizing environmental pollution. Biogas technology was developed in rural areas by utilizing cattle waste. The problem was the extent to which biogas technology was used by rural communities. This study was conducted with the aim of knowing the use of cattle waste and the benefits of biogas for rural communities in North Bolaang Mongondow Regency. The research method used was a survey method, with the PRA approach and case studies. The data collected were primary and secondary data. The determination of the locations of the sample districts and villages was purposive sampling. The district chosen was Sangkub District which had the largest cattle population. The villages chosen were Sidodadi and Tombolango which had groups of farmers who have used biogas from cattle waste. Respondents were determined by purposive sampling, namely farmers who use biogas, officials from the Department of Agriculture and Livestock and extension workers. Data were analyzed using descriptive analysis. Biogas technology was introduced for farmers who had cattles that were penned. The results showed that the number of cattles belonging to farmers in the Beringin Jaya group was 6 cows and 24 cows in the Keong Mas group. If not minimized, cattle waste had a negative impact on environmental pollution. The biogas reactor was built to accommodate cattle waste and produce gas. Biogas with raw materials sourced from cow waste was produced and utilized by farmers. Based on the research results, it can be concluded that biogas technology was beneficial for farmers in minimizing the cost of purchasing LPG gas and producing liquid fertilizer. Suggestions, socialization and government intervention was needed for the introduction of biogas for other farmers.Keywords: technology, biogas, waste, cattl

    Development Potential of Integrated Farming System (Local Cattle - Food Crops)

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    Local cattle farming as an income source for farmers in rural areas is mostly developed traditionally. The local cattle farm continues, even though it is a side business, but is a mainstay in supporting national beef needs. The problem is whether integration of local cattle and food crops have the potential to be developed by farmers. The research was conducted to determine the potential integration of local cattle local and corn in North Bolaang Mongondow Regency. A survey method using a purposive sampling selected 60 farmers from Sangkub District where farmers practiced an integrated cattle-crops farming. Data were subjected to proximate and feasibility analysis. The results showed that the total cattle owned by respondents were 209. The feed consisted of grass and corn waste, with an average consumption of 5.33 and 11.15 kg/head/day, respectively. A proximate analysis of waste corn reported 86.48% dry material, 7.36% crude protein, 1.84% fat, 28.95% crude fiber, 9.10% ash and 68.18% carbohydrate.  Respondents' income from cattle farming in Bintauna and Sangkub Districts were Rp. 151,000,000 vs. Rp. 169,900,000, production costs were Rp. 101,150,625 vs. Rp. 107,298,593.8, and RC ratio was 1.49 vs. 1.58. In conclusion, corn waste consumption was greater (67.66%) than the grass. RC ratio value >1 indicated that cattle farming was feasible. The corn-cattle farming integration system can minimize environmental pollution because it enables the concept of LEISA (Low External Input Sustainability Agriculture)


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    Tujuan penelitian ini untuk (1) mengetahui potensi hijauan pakan dan kapasitas tampung ternak sapi yang terdapat di area pohon kelapa, (2) mengetahui komposisi botanis dan produksi hijauan diareal perkebunan kelapa, dan (3) Mengetahui berapa satuan ternak (ST) yang digembalakan dalam luasan tertentu secara efisien tanpa mengabaikan kelestarian padang rumput diareal perkebunan kelapa. Penelitian ini dilakukan selama 2 (dua) bulan yaitu bulan Agustus – September 2015. Lokasi Penelitian di 6 Kampung di Kecamatan Tabukan Utara yaitu Beha, Raku, Naha Mala, Kalurae dan Moade. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode survey. Penentuan desa sampel dilakukan dengan cara “Purpose Sampling”dengan pengambilan sampel luas setiap ubinan 1 m² dengan jarak antara ubinan yang kedua yakni 10 meter, dan mengidentifikasi jenis jenis hijauan pakan ternak di areal perkebunan kelapa umur di bawah 20 tahun dan di atas 20 tahun. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian maka padang rumput alam di areal perkebunan kelapa baik umur di bawah 20 tahun maupun kelapa diatas umur 20 tahun di Kecamatan Tabukan Utara mempunyai produksi hijauan yang lazim dimakan ternak rata-rata 11.060 kg/ha. Komposisi botanis hijauan segar diareal perkebunan kelapa diatas 20 tahun dengan produksi Rumput 5.910 kg/ha (54%), Leguminosa dengan produksi 1.550 kg/ha (14%) Gulma dengan produksi 3450 kg/ha (32%) dan di areal perkebunan kelapa di bawah 20 tahun, rumput dengan produksi 5.348 kg/ha (48%) Leguminosa dengan produksi 3.818 kg/ha (34%) Gulma dengan produksi 2.015 kg/ha (18%). Daya Tampung di areal perkebunan kelapa baik kelapa dalam maupun hibrida di Kecamatan Tabukan Utara dengan rata-rata 1,52 st/ha/thn

    RESPONS RUMPUT Brachiaria humidicola cv. Tully dan Pennisetum purpureum cv. Mott TERHADAP PEMUPUKAN UNSUR HARA MAKRO N, P, K

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian pupuk NPK terhadap Potensi Produksi Rumput Brachiaria .humidicola cv. Tully dan Penisetum purpureum cv. Mott. Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah model experimental dengan menggunakan Rancangan Acak kelompok (RAK) dengan pola Faktorial. Faktor A jenis rumput : a1 = Rumput B. humidicola cv. Trully ; a2 = Rumput P. purpureum cv. Mott. Faktor B jenis pupuk b1 = Pupuk tunggal N (Urea) ; b2 = Pupuk kombinasi NP (Urea + TSP) ; b3 = pupuk kombinasi NPK (Urea + TSP + KCl). Dosis pupuk yang digunakan Urea= 150 kg/ha, TSP = 75 kg/ha, KCl = 75 kg/ha, sehingga terdapat 6 kombinasi perlakuan dan masing-masing perlakuan diulang sebanyak 4 kali. Jumlah keseluruhan satuan percobaan adalah 24 satuan percobaan. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Kebun Percobaan, yang terletak di desa Talawaan Bantik Kecamatan Wori Kabupaten Minahasa Utara Provinsi Sulawesi Utara. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa jenis rumput, jenis pupuk dan interaksi jenis rumput dan jenis pupuk memberikan hasil yang berbeda sangat nyata (P<0.01) terhadap potensi produksi segar, potensi produksi bahan kering dan potensi produksi protein. Potensi produksi segar, potensi bahan kering, dan potensi produksi protein rumput B sangat nyata (P<0,01) lebih tinggi dari rumput A. Potensi produksi segar, produksi bahan kering, produksi protein rumput yang diberikan pupuk NPK sangat nyata lebih tinggi (P<0.01) dari rumput yang diberikan pupuk NP dan N secara tunggal.Pemberian pupuk NPK menghasilkan potensi produksi segar, potensi produksi bahan kering dan potensi produksi protein masing-masing 53,15%, 40,48%, dan 77,26% lebih tinggi dibandingkan pemberian pupuk N secara tunggal. Rumput B yang diberikan pupuk NPK menghasilkan potensi produksi segar, potensi produksi bahan kering dan potensi produksi protein yang paling tinggi

    Global patient outcomes after elective surgery: prospective cohort study in 27 low-, middle- and high-income countries.

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    BACKGROUND: As global initiatives increase patient access to surgical treatments, there remains a need to understand the adverse effects of surgery and define appropriate levels of perioperative care. METHODS: We designed a prospective international 7-day cohort study of outcomes following elective adult inpatient surgery in 27 countries. The primary outcome was in-hospital complications. Secondary outcomes were death following a complication (failure to rescue) and death in hospital. Process measures were admission to critical care immediately after surgery or to treat a complication and duration of hospital stay. A single definition of critical care was used for all countries. RESULTS: A total of 474 hospitals in 19 high-, 7 middle- and 1 low-income country were included in the primary analysis. Data included 44 814 patients with a median hospital stay of 4 (range 2-7) days. A total of 7508 patients (16.8%) developed one or more postoperative complication and 207 died (0.5%). The overall mortality among patients who developed complications was 2.8%. Mortality following complications ranged from 2.4% for pulmonary embolism to 43.9% for cardiac arrest. A total of 4360 (9.7%) patients were admitted to a critical care unit as routine immediately after surgery, of whom 2198 (50.4%) developed a complication, with 105 (2.4%) deaths. A total of 1233 patients (16.4%) were admitted to a critical care unit to treat complications, with 119 (9.7%) deaths. Despite lower baseline risk, outcomes were similar in low- and middle-income compared with high-income countries. CONCLUSIONS: Poor patient outcomes are common after inpatient surgery. Global initiatives to increase access to surgical treatments should also address the need for safe perioperative care. STUDY REGISTRATION: ISRCTN5181700


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    This research was aimed to investigate biological value of silage forage (panicium maximum CV. Riversdale + Centrocema pubescens) without fertilization and manure 25 ton/ha + sulfuric water 50%. The experiment used 12 sheep (average liveweight 34 kg) during 28 days laters. The result showed that forage silage treatment (P. maximum CV. Riversdale + C. pubescens) with manure 25 ton/ha and sulfuric water 50% positive respons to sheep performance