38 research outputs found

    Report of the panel on geopotential fields: Gravity field, section 8

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    The objective of the Geopotential Panel was to develop a program of data acquisition and model development for the Earth's gravity and magnetic fields that meet the basic science requirements of the solid Earth and ocean studies. Presented here are the requirements for gravity information and models through the end of the century, the present status of our knowledge, data acquisition techniques, and an outline of a program to meet the requirements

    Explorations into the Viability of Coupled Radius-Orbit Evolutionary Models for Inflated Planets

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    The radii of some transiting extrasolar giant planets are larger than would be expected by the standard theory. We address this puzzle with the model of coupled radius-orbit tidal evolution developed by \citet{Ibgui_and_Burrows_2009}. The planetary radius is evolved self-consistently with orbital parameters, under the influence of tidal torques and tidal dissipation in the interior of the planet. A general feature of this model, which we have previously demonstrated in the generic case, is that a possible transient inflation of the planetary radius can temporarily interrupt its standard monotonic shrinking and can lead to the inflated radii that we observe. In particular, a bloated planet with even a circular orbit may still be inflated due to an earlier episode of tidal heating. We have modified our model to include an orbital period dependence of the tidal dissipation factor in the star, QPγQ'_{\ast} \propto P^{\gamma}, 1γ1-1 \leqslant \gamma \leqslant 1. With this model, we search, for a tidally heated planet, orbital and radius evolutionary tracks that fall within the observational limits of the radius, the semimajor axis, and the eccentricity of the planet in its current estimated age range. We find that, for some inflated planets (WASP-6b and WASP-15b), there are such tracks; for another (TrES-4), there are none; and for still others (WASP-4b and WASP-12b), there are such tracks, but our model might imply that we are observing the planets at a special time. Finally, we stress that there is a two to three order-of-magnitude timescale uncertainty of the inspiraling phase of the planet into its host star, arising from uncertainties in the tidal dissipation factor in the star QQ'_{\ast}.Comment: Submitted to ApJ; 13 pages, 3 figures, 2 tables; (emulateapj format

    Jupiter's Moment of Inertia: A Possible Determination by JUNO

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    The moment of inertia of a giant planet reveals important information about the planet's internal density structure and this information is not identical to that contained in the gravitational moments. The forthcoming Juno mission to Jupiter might determine Jupiter's normalized moment of inertia NMoI=C/MR^2 by measuring Jupiter's pole precession and the Lense-Thirring acceleration of the spacecraft (C is the axial moment of inertia, and M and R are Jupiter's mass and mean radius, respectively). We investigate the possible range of NMoI values for Jupiter based on its measured gravitational field using a simple core/envelope model of the planet assuming that J_2 and J_4 are perfectly known and are equal to their measured values. The model suggests that for fixed values of J_2 and J_4 a range of NMOI values between 0.2629 and 0.2645 can be found. The Radau-Darwin relation gives a NMoI value that is larger than the model values by less than 1%. A low NMoI of ~ 0.236, inferred from a dynamical model (Ward & Canup, 2006, ApJ, 640, L91) is inconsistent with this range, but the range is model dependent. Although we conclude that the NMoI is tightly constrained by the gravity coefficients, a measurement of Jupiter's NMoI to a few tenths of percent by Juno could provide an important constraint on Jupiter's internal structure. We carry out a simplified assessment of the error involved in Juno's possible determination of Jupiter's NMoI.Comment: accepted for publication in Icaru

    First MESSENGER orbital observations of Mercury's librations

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    We have coregistered laser altimeter profiles from 3 years of MErcury Surface, Space ENvironment, GEochemistry, and Ranging (MESSENGER) orbital observations with stereo digital terrain models to infer the rotation parameters for the planet Mercury. In particular, we provide the first observations of Mercury's librations from orbit. We have also confirmed available estimates for the orientation of the spin axis and the mean rotation rate of the planet. We find a large libration amplitude of 38.9 ± 1.3 arc sec and an obliquity of the spin axis of 2.029 ± 0.085 arc min, results confirming that Mercury possesses a liquid outer core. The mean rotation rate is observed to be (6.13851804 ± 9.4 × 10−7)°/d (a spin period of 58.6460768 days ± 0.78 s), significantly higher than the expected resonant rotation rate. As a possible explanation we suggest that Mercury is undergoing long‐period librational motion, related to planetary perturbations of its orbit

    Edgar on Dover Cliff: An Emblematic Reading

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    Will and Reason in Troilus and Cressida

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    Physico-Chemical Processes in Planetary Evolution

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    Data returned from exploration of the planets teach us that planets are highly individualistic despite the assumed underlying universality of the processes. It is argued that the diversity of evolutionary outcomes arises mainly because of the interplay of thermal and compositional effects, both in the assembly of planets and in their subsequent convective evolution. The role of compositional differences and phase transitions invalidates any view of planets that relies heavily on models consisting of a small number of homogeneous layers. Four illustrative examples of real planetary behaviour are discussed: sold-solid phase transitions in terrestrial mantles, volcanic styles and recycling in Venus, heat flows of the giant planets and the role of the Lorentz force in the dynamics of the non-metallic portions of giant planets