167 research outputs found

    "Los discapacitados sociales". La política de Educación Especial durante la última dictadura argentina

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    This article examines specific aspects of the social / symbolic repression undertaken by the last Argentinian Dictatorship (1976-1983) in the field of education, and how these relate to the dominant discourses and ideologies of their time. In those days, the construct of the «social disabled» was established as part of me wider category of Special Education, equating it to the rest of physical disabilities, in an attempt by the Dictatorship to suppress dissidence. Additionally, a critical analysis of the educational policies dealing with the area of Special Education is outlined in order to show the conniving role of the educational institutions in promoting and reinforcing the oppressive ideological atmosphere imposed by the military dictatorship.La categoría de los «discapacitados sociales», encuadrada dentro de la Educación Especial, refleja la represión simbólica/social llevada a cabo en la educación argentina durante la última Dictadura (1976-1983), como parte de la legitimación ideológica de supresión de cualquier tipo de oposición al régimen militar vigente. En el artículo se profundiza en la política educativa en materia de Educación Especial de aquel período, a partir del análisis del discurso crítico, para concluir que tal proceso de «normalización» derivaba en una política de segregación y discriminación, tanto en el campo de las deficiencias físicas y psíquicas, como en el de la disidencia ideológica


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    A continuación se presentan las palabras brindadas por la Dra. Carolina Kaufmann en la presentación del Nº 5 Año 6 (2010) de la Revista, el día 7 de junio de 2011. A los efectos de comprimir las informaciones brindadas en la exposición oral, se ha reducido en esta versión escrita algunas gráficas presentadas oportunamente (5 en total) y que daban cuenta del crecimiento exponencial, del ritmo y niveles del volumen de páginas y del incremento de las variables presentadas en los diferentes números publicados

    Bicicletas y alas para volar : Para ganarle al silencio en las aulas

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    Las producciones artísticas, y fundamentalmente aquellas que se interrogan por la construcción de sentido social, más allá de provocar un impacto estético y una conexión emocional con la historia; ofician como territorio fértil para sembrar ideas; como impulso creador y posibilitan la apertura de caminos que se bifurcan en nuevos interrogantes. “El arte es un laboratorio, es como el alambique del alquimista, donde se toma la materia base y se la transforma en oro”. Este ensayo trata acerca de las posibilidades que ofrecen diferentes producciones culturales y experiencias estéticas con relación a contribuir a la recuperación y reconstrucción de memorias colectivas. Y a partir de esas producciones concretas: las bicicletas de Traverso, Trescientoscincuenta, Pochormiga… y Los hombres de Buena Voluntad, reflexionaremos sobre sus potencialidades en la enseñanza de la historia argentina reciente.Dossier: Historia y ArteFacultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educació


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    Antes de proponerles iniciar la lectura de este número, quisiéramos presentar un breve recorrido por el abanico de trabajos que alberga. Internarse en estos territorios, como lo verificará el lector, supone contactarse con las complejas problemáticas que interconectan territorios y modos de indagación vinculados al campo educativo. En ese sentido, la propuesta concebida en este volumen pretende exhibir una diversidad de matices disciplinares, teóricos-metodológicos, políticos culturales involucrados en la exploración y recuperación de nuestra memoria académica

    La Dictadura como desafío temático en las aulas

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    Halperin Donghi nos recuerda que el autollamado Proceso de Reorganización Nacional, " ... aunque no logró imprimir al país el perfil que se proponía imponerle, le infligió una herida que se rehúsa a cicatrizar, y es de temer que esa huella- aunque cada vez más sumergida bajo los nuevos sedimentos depositados todos los días por una historia cuyo avance no se detiene- está destinada a permanecer como la falla subterránea que en el cuerpo mismo de la nación seguirá ofreciendo el testimonio de lo que ella debe al Proceso" (Halperin Donghi, 2001: 29)

    Short-scar facelift without temporal flap: a 10-year experience.

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    BACKGROUND: The understanding of facial anatomy and its changes through aging has led to the development of several different facelift techniques that focus on being less invasive and traumatic and, at the same time, providing natural long-lasting results. In this article we describe step by step our facelift technique as it has been done over the past 10 years by the senior author. METHODS: This is a retrospective, descriptive, transversal study in which all patients who underwent a rhytidectomy using our technique from January 2002 to September 2012 were included. All patients were operated on under local anesthesia and superficial conscious sedation. All surgeries were performed by the same surgeon. A complete step-by-step description of the surgical technique can be found in the main article. RESULTS: Between January 2002 and September 2012, a total of 113 patients underwent facelift surgery. Of these, 88.9 % were women and 11.1 % were men. The mean age was 55.3 (± 8.66) years. Primary surgeries represented 80.3 % (n = 94), secondary 18.8 % (n = 22), and tertiary 0.85 % (n = 1). Only one major complication, representing 0.8 %, consisting of a right-sided temporal paresis with 2 months complete recovery was seen. The minor complications rate was 23.1 %. The most common minor complication was hypertrophic/keloid scars which made up 77.8 % of all minor complications. CONCLUSIONS: The technique described provides good and long-lasting aesthetic results with shorter scars, smaller areas of dissection (without temporal and postauricular flaps), and a shorter recovery period. LEVEL OF EVIDENCE V: This journal requires that authors assign a level of evidence to each article. For a full description of these Evidence-Based Medicine ratings, please refer to the Table of Contents or the online Instructions to Authors http://www.springer.com/00266 .Revisión por pare

    Morfologia e morfometria do forame magno em cães das raças Poodle Toy e Yorkshire terrier

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    The occipital dysplasia has been characterized by a dorsal enlargement of the foramen magnum which can vary in size and shape. Clinical signs may be present or not in animals with occipital dysplasia. The purpose of this study was to radiographically analyze the morphology and morphometry of the foramen magnum of thirty healthy dogs. This study chose to use fifteen Yorkshire terrier dogs and fifteen Toy Poodle dogs in order to characterize the radiographic aspects of the foramen magnum and contribute to the diagnosis and critical analysis of the occipital dysplasia importance. According to the foramen magnum morphology and tracings, it was possible to classify the radiographic aspects into different shapes varing from oval and quadrangular. Out of 26 (86.7%) animals had a dorsal enlargement and 4 (13.3%) showed normal foramen magnum. Animals without any clinical signs that are radiographically classified as dysplastic dogs may simply represent an anatomic variation of the foramen magnum.A displasia do occipital é o alargamento dorsal do forame magno, o qual pode variar a sua forma e tamanho e os animais com esta alteração morfológica podem ou não apresentar manifestações clínicas. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi avaliar radiograficamente a morfologia e a morfometria do forame magno de 30 cães assintomáticos das raças Poodle toy e Yorkshire terrier, sendo 15 de cada, a fim de se caracterizar os aspectos radiográficos do forame magno e contribuir para o diagnóstico e análise crítica da relevância da displasia do occipital. O forame magno apresentou aspectos que variaram de oval a quadrangular. A presença do alargamento dorsal ocorreu em 26 (86,7%) animais e a ausência em apenas quatro (13,3%). Animais sem manifestações clínicas, que apresentam graus variados de alargamento dorsal e são classificados radiograficamente como displásicos, podem apenas representar variações anatômicas do forame magno

    Measuring cell-type specific differential methylation in human brain tissue

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    The behavior of epigenetic mechanisms in the brain is obscured by tissue heterogeneity and disease-related histological changes. Not accounting for these confounders leads to biased results. We develop a statistical methodology that estimates and adjusts for celltype composition by decomposing neuronal and non-neuronal differential signal. This method provides a conceptual framework for deconvolving heterogeneous epigenetic data from postmortem brain studies. We apply it to find cell-specific differentially methylated regions between prefrontal cortex and hippocampus. We demonstrate the utility of the method on both Infinium 450k and CHARM data