190 research outputs found

    Combinatorial models of rigidity and renormalization

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    We first introduce the percolation problems associated with the graph theoretical concepts of (k,l)(k,l)-sparsity, and make contact with the physical concepts of ordinary and rigidity percolation. We then devise a renormalization transformation for (k,l)(k,l)-percolation problems, and investigate its domain of validity. In particular, we show that it allows an exact solution of (k,l)(k,l)-percolation problems on hierarchical graphs, for k≤l<2kk\leq l<2k. We introduce and solve by renormalization such a model, which has the interesting feature of showing both ordinary percolation and rigidity percolation phase transitions, depending on the values of the parameters.Comment: 22 pages, 6 figure

    Distribution and density of the partition function zeros for the diamond-decorated Ising model

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    Exact renormalization map of temperature between two successive decorated lattices is given, and the distribution of the partition function zeros in the complex temperature plane is obtained for any decoration-level. The rule governing the variation of the distribution pattern as the decoration-level changes is given. The densities of the zeros for the first two decoration-levels are calculated explicitly, and the qualitative features about the densities of higher decoration-levels are given by conjecture. The Julia set associated with the renormalization map is contained in the distribution of the zeros in the limit of infinite decoration level, and the formation of the Julia set in the course of increasing the decoration-level is given in terms of the variations of the zero density.Comment: 8 pages,8figure

    Semiclassical approximations for Hamiltonians with operator-valued symbols

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    We consider the semiclassical limit of quantum systems with a Hamiltonian given by the Weyl quantization of an operator valued symbol. Systems composed of slow and fast degrees of freedom are of this form. Typically a small dimensionless parameter ε≪1\varepsilon\ll 1 controls the separation of time scales and the limit ε→0\varepsilon\to 0 corresponds to an adiabatic limit, in which the slow and fast degrees of freedom decouple. At the same time ε→0\varepsilon\to 0 is the semiclassical limit for the slow degrees of freedom. In this paper we show that the ε\varepsilon-dependent classical flow for the slow degrees of freedom first discovered by Littlejohn and Flynn, coming from an \epsi-dependent classical Hamilton function and an ε\varepsilon-dependent symplectic form, has a concrete mathematical and physical meaning: Based on this flow we prove a formula for equilibrium expectations, an Egorov theorem and transport of Wigner functions, thereby approximating properties of the quantum system up to errors of order ε2\varepsilon^2. In the context of Bloch electrons formal use of this classical system has triggered considerable progress in solid state physics. Hence we discuss in some detail the application of the general results to the Hofstadter model, which describes a two-dimensional gas of non-interacting electrons in a constant magnetic field in the tight-binding approximation.Comment: Final version to appear in Commun. Math. Phys. Results have been strengthened with only minor changes to the proofs. A section on the Hofstadter model as an application of the general theory was added and the previous section on other applications was remove

    Long Range Magnetic Order and the Darwin Lagrangian

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    We simulate a finite system of NN confined electrons with inclusion of the Darwin magnetic interaction in two- and three-dimensions. The lowest energy states are located using the steepest descent quenching adapted for velocity dependent potentials. Below a critical density the ground state is a static Wigner lattice. For supercritical density the ground state has a non-zero kinetic energy. The critical density decreases with NN for exponential confinement but not for harmonic confinement. The lowest energy state also depends on the confinement and dimension: an antiferromagnetic cluster forms for harmonic confinement in two dimensions.Comment: 5 figure

    Role of fractal dimension in random walks on scale-free networks

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    Fractal dimension is central to understanding dynamical processes occurring on networks; however, the relation between fractal dimension and random walks on fractal scale-free networks has been rarely addressed, despite the fact that such networks are ubiquitous in real-life world. In this paper, we study the trapping problem on two families of networks. The first is deterministic, often called (x,y)(x,y)-flowers; the other is random, which is a combination of (1,3)(1,3)-flower and (2,4)(2,4)-flower and thus called hybrid networks. The two network families display rich behavior as observed in various real systems, as well as some unique topological properties not shared by other networks. We derive analytically the average trapping time for random walks on both the (x,y)(x,y)-flowers and the hybrid networks with an immobile trap positioned at an initial node, i.e., a hub node with the highest degree in the networks. Based on these analytical formulae, we show how the average trapping time scales with the network size. Comparing the obtained results, we further uncover that fractal dimension plays a decisive role in the behavior of average trapping time on fractal scale-free networks, i.e., the average trapping time decreases with an increasing fractal dimension.Comment: Definitive version published in European Physical Journal

    Thermal Resonance in Signal Transmission

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    We use temperature tuning to control signal propagation in simple one-dimensional arrays of masses connected by hard anharmonic springs and with no local potentials. In our numerical model a sustained signal is applied at one site of a chain immersed in a thermal environment and the signal-to-noise ratio is measured at each oscillator. We show that raising the temperature can lead to enhanced signal propagation along the chain, resulting in thermal resonance effects akin to the resonance observed in arrays of bistable systems.Comment: To appear in Phys. Rev.

    Medial-lateral centre of mass displacement and base of support are equally good predictors of metabolic cost in amputee walking

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    Amputees are known to walk with greater metabolic cost than able-bodied individuals and establishing predictors of metabolic cost from kinematic measures, such as centre of mass (CoM) motion, during walking are important from a rehabilitative perspective, as they can provide quantifiable measures to target during gait rehabilitation in amputees. While it is known that vertical CoM motion poorly predicts metabolic cost, CoM motion in the medial-lateral (ML) and anterior-posterior directions have not been investigated in the context of gait efficiency in the amputee population. Therefore, the aims of this study were to investigate the relationship between CoM motion in all three directions of motion, base of support and walking speed, and the metabolic cost of walking in both able-bodied individuals and different levels of lower limb amputee. 37 individuals were recruited to form groups of controls, unilateral above- and below-knee, and bilateral above-knee amputees respectively. Full-body optical motion and oxygen consumption data were collected during walking at a self-selected speed. CoM position was taken as the mass-weighted average of all body segments and compared to each individual’s net non-dimensional metabolic cost. Base of support and ML CoM displacement were the strongest correlates to metabolic cost and the positive correlations suggest increased ML CoM displacement or Base of support will reduce walking efficiency. Rehabilitation protocols which indirectly reduce these indicators, rather than vertical CoM displacement will likely show improvements in amputee walking efficiency

    Scaling and universality in the phase diagram of the 2D Blume-Capel model

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    We review the pertinent features of the phase diagram of the zero-field Blume-Capel model, focusing on the aspects of transition order, finite-size scaling and universality. In particular, we employ a range of Monte Carlo simulation methods to study the 2D spin-1 Blume-Capel model on the square lattice to investigate the behavior in the vicinity of the first-order and second-order regimes of the ferromagnet-paramagnet phase boundary, respectively. To achieve high-precision results, we utilize a combination of (i) a parallel version of the multicanonical algorithm and (ii) a hybrid updating scheme combining Metropolis and generalized Wolff cluster moves. These techniques are combined to study for the first time the correlation length of the model, using its scaling in the regime of second-order transitions to illustrate universality through the observed identity of the limiting value of ξ/L\xi/L with the exactly known result for the Ising universality class.Comment: 16 pages, 7 figures, 1 table, submitted to Eur. Phys. J. Special Topic

    Critical aspects of the random-field Ising model

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    We investigate the critical behavior of the three-dimensional random-field Ising model (RFIM) with a Gaussian field distribution at zero temperature. By implementing a computational approach that maps the ground-state of the RFIM to the maximum-flow optimization problem of a network, we simulate large ensembles of disorder realizations of the model for a broad range of values of the disorder strength h and system sizes  = L3, with L ≤ 156. Our averaging procedure outcomes previous studies of the model, increasing the sampling of ground states by a factor of 103. Using well-established finite-size scaling schemes, the fourth-order’s Binder cumulant, and the sample-to-sample fluctuations of various thermodynamic quantities, we provide high-accuracy estimates for the critical field hc, as well as the critical exponents ν, β/ν, and γ̅/ν of the correlation length, order parameter, and disconnected susceptibility, respectively. Moreover, using properly defined noise to signal ratios, we depict the variation of the self-averaging property of the model, by crossing the phase boundary into the ordered phase. Finally, we discuss the controversial issue of the specific heat based on a scaling analysis of the bond energy, providing evidence that its critical exponent α ≈ 0−
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