780 research outputs found

    Taking Heisenberg's Potentia Seriously

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    It is argued that quantum theory is best understood as requiring an ontological duality of res extensa and res potentia, where the latter is understood per Heisenberg's original proposal, and the former is roughly equivalent to Descartes' 'extended substance.' However, this is not a dualism of mutually exclusive substances in the classical Cartesian sense, and therefore does not inherit the infamous 'mind-body' problem. Rather, res potentia and res extensa are proposed as mutually implicative ontological extants that serve to explain the key conceptual challenges of quantum theory; in particular, nonlocality, entanglement, null measurements, and wave function collapse. It is shown that a natural account of these quantum perplexities emerges, along with a need to reassess our usual ontological commitments involving the nature of space and time.Comment: Final version, to appear in International Journal of Quantum Foundation

    On Upper Bounds for Toroidal Mosaic Numbers

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    In this paper, we work to construct mosaic representations of knots on the torus, rather than in the plane. This consists of a particular choice of the ambient group, as well as different definitions of contiguous and suitably connected. We present conditions under which mosaic numbers might decrease by this projection, and present a tool to measure this reduction. We show that the order of edge identification in construction of the torus sometimes yields different resultant knots from a given mosaic when reversed. Additionally, in the Appendix we give the catalog of all 2 by 2 torus mosaics.Comment: 10 pages, 111 figure

    Cognitive aircraft hazard advisory system (CAHAS)

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    Integrated surveillance systems and methods for processing multiple sensor inputs and determining a best route for avoiding multiple hazards. An example method performed on a first aircraft includes generating a plurality of routes for avoiding a previously determined alert from a first advisory system. Then, probability of success information is generated at other advisory systems for each of the plurality of routes. The best route of the plurality of routes is determined based on the generated probabilities and output to the flight crew or other aircraft. The probability of success information includes a previously defined uncertainty value. The uncertainty value corresponds to quality of data provided to or provided by the respective advisory system

    Quantum SU(2) faithfully detects mapping class groups modulo center

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    The Jones-Witten theory gives rise to representations of the (extended) mapping class group of any closed surface Y indexed by a semi-simple Lie group G and a level k. In the case G=SU(2) these representations (denoted V_A(Y)) have a particularly simple description in terms of the Kauffman skein modules with parameter A a primitive 4r-th root of unity (r=k+2). In each of these representations (as well as the general G case), Dehn twists act as transformations of finite order, so none represents the mapping class group M(Y) faithfully. However, taken together, the quantum SU(2) representations are faithful on non-central elements of M(Y). (Note that M(Y) has non-trivial center only if Y is a sphere with 0, 1, or 2 punctures, a torus with 0, 1, or 2 punctures, or the closed surface of genus = 2.) Specifically, for a non-central h in M(Y) there is an r_0(h) such that if r>= r_0(h) and A is a primitive 4r-th root of unity then h acts projectively nontrivially on V_A(Y). Jones' [J] original representation rho_n of the braid groups B_n, sometimes called the generic q-analog-SU(2)-representation, is not known to be faithful. However, we show that any braid h not= id in B_n admits a cabling c = c_1,...,c_n so that rho_N (c(h)) not= id, N=c_1 + ... + c_n.Comment: Published by Geometry and Topology at http://www.maths.warwick.ac.uk/gt/GTVol6/paper18.abs.html Version 4: Sentence added to proof of lemma 4.1, page 536, lines 7-

    Parameter estimation for Boolean models of biological networks

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    Boolean networks have long been used as models of molecular networks and play an increasingly important role in systems biology. This paper describes a software package, Polynome, offered as a web service, that helps users construct Boolean network models based on experimental data and biological input. The key feature is a discrete analog of parameter estimation for continuous models. With only experimental data as input, the software can be used as a tool for reverse-engineering of Boolean network models from experimental time course data.Comment: Web interface of the software is available at http://polymath.vbi.vt.edu/polynome

    An extended Hubbard model with ring exchange: a route to a non-Abelian topological phase

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    We propose an extended Hubbard model on a 2D Kagome lattice with an additional ring-exchange term. The particles can be either bosons or spinless fermions . At a special filling fraction of 1/6 the model is analyzed in the lowest non-vanishing order of perturbation theory. Such ``undoped'' model is closely related to the Quantum Dimer Model. We show how to arrive at an exactly soluble point whose ground state manifold is the extensively degenerate ``d-isotopy space'', a necessary precondition for for a certain type of non-Abelian topological order. Near the ``special'' values, d=2cosπ/(k+2)d = 2 \cos \pi/(k+2), this space is expected to collapse to a stable topological phase with anyonic excitations closely related to SU(2) Chern-Simons theory at level k.Comment: 4 pages, 2 colour figures, submitted to PRL. For an extended treatment of a more general family of models see cond-mat/030912

    Quantum Invariants of Templates

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    We define invariants for templates that appear in certain dynamical systems. Invariants are derived from certain bialgebras. Diagrammatic relations between projections of templates and the algebraic structures are used to define invariants. We also construct 3-manifolds via framed links associated to tamplate diagrams, so that any 3-manifold invariant can be used as a template invariant

    Coronavirus disease (Covid-19): psychoeducational variables involved in the health emergency

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    This monograph has allowed us to present a psychoeducational view of the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. We confirm here that research in education contributes its own evidence and specific models for identifying this problem

    Diassociative algebras and Milnor's invariants for tangles

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    We extend Milnor's mu-invariants of link homotopy to ordered (classical or virtual) tangles. Simple combinatorial formulas for mu-invariants are given in terms of counting trees in Gauss diagrams. Invariance under Reidemeister moves corresponds to axioms of Loday's diassociative algebra. The relation of tangles to diassociative algebras is formulated in terms of a morphism of corresponding operads.Comment: 17 pages, many figures; v2: several typos correcte