1,476 research outputs found

    Lightweight SFRC benefitting from a pre-soaking and internal curing process

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    The presented research program is focused on the design of a structural lightweight fiber-reinforced concrete harnessing an internal curing process. Pre-soaked waste red ceramic fine aggregate and pre-soaked artificial clay expanded coarse aggregate were utilized for the creation of the mix. Copper-coated steel fiber was added to the mix by volume in amounts of 0.0%, 0.5%, 1.0%, and 1.5%. Test specimens in forms of cubes, cylinders, and beams were tested to specify the concrete characteristics. Such properties as consistency, compressive strength, splitting tensile strength, static and dynamic modulus of elasticity, flexural characteristics, and shear strength were of special interest. The achieved concrete can be classified as LC12/13. A strength class, according to fib Model Code, was also assigned to the concretes in question. The proposed method of preparation of concrete mix using only pre-soaked aggregate (with no extra water) proved to be feasible.Web of Science1224art. no. 415

    Reconfiguraciones organizacionales, procesos políticos y territorialización : los Huarpes como "comunidades indígenas"

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    En los años 1998 y 1999, un conjunto de familias reconocidas como Huarpes, residentes en el departamento de Lavalle, han sido inscriptas como "comunidades indígenas" en el Instituto Nacional de Asuntos Indígenas. Dichas familias vienen protagonizando un momento de reorganización social vinculado fundamentalmente a una constante lucha en defensa de su territorio. Conceptualizando el nucleamiento jurídico de los Huarpes en "comunidades indígenas" como situación histórica y la reestructuración social endógena resultante como proceso de territorialización, el objetivo central de este artículo es analizar los procesos administrativos y jurídicos a través de los cuales el Estado reconoce los derechos indígenas sobre la tierra y las implicancias que tienen en las formas organizacionales indígenas, respecto a sus valoraciones, demandas y estrategias de acción.In 1998 and 1999, a set of families recognized as Huarpes, residents in the department of Lavalle, has been inscribed as "indigenous communities" in the National Institute of Indigenous Subjects. These families come fundamentally developing a social reorganization to a constant fight in defense of their ten -itory. Thinking the legal organization of the Huarpes in "indigenous communities" like historical situation and the social reconstruction endogenous resultant like territorialization process, the central objective of this article is to analyze the administrative and legal processes through which the State recognizes the indigenous right on the territory and the implication that they have in the indigenous organization forms, with respect to its valuations, demands and strategies of action.Fil: Katzer, Leticia . Universidad Nacional de La Plat

    Virtual Construction for our industry – an advantage now, a necessity soon

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    Some key facts about the economic environment of construction industry are explained. It is shown that construction industry is very heterogeneous and has changed drastically during the recent years due to a rapidly moving commercial environment. Two examples of todays’s use of virtual construction tools in construction projects are presented. The first example is the document control for a large international project. The second is the application of 4D modelling in the preconstruction phase of a dam project. It is shown that virtual construction, is a major international trend that currently takes up speed. Some generic industry needs for Research and Development which aims at short and medium term results are presented

    Structure, function and regulation of the CCaMK/CYCLOPS complex during root symbioses

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    The 4th generation of nuclear reactors

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    Tato bakalářská práce se zabývá vytvořením přehledu jednotlivých generací jaderných reaktorů. Největší část práce, je pak věnována revolučním projektům reaktorů IV. generace, určených pro nasazení kolem roku 2030. Jednotlivé návrhy vycházejí ze studie mezinárodního fóra GIF, které vybralo šest revolučních návrhu jaderných reaktorů. Poslední kapitola se zabývá podrobnějším popisem a možností využití jednoho z těchto návrhů v České republice.My thesis reviews the particular generations of nuclear reactors. The greatest part of the thesis focuses on the groundbreaking projects of the IV.generation reactors, which should be put into operation in 2030 or later. The individual projects come out from the analysis of the international forum GIF where six revolutionary nuclear reactors were chosen. The last chapter is devoted to the detailed description of one of the chosen reactors and its possible installation in the Czech Republic.

    Tatort Internet - Herausforderung für Politik, Bildung & Erziehung

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    Song of Solomon - Hoheslied

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    Song of Solomon - Hoheslied Vokalquartett von Georg Katzer nach Martin Luther und der King James Bibl

    Razón gubernamental, biopolítica y mecanismos de capitalización de la praxis indígena en Mendoza

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    En un mundo en constante transformación, los dispositivos pedagógicos también se modifican. La escuela produce nuevas formas de regular las conductas, distintas a las que conocimos en las sociedades disciplinarias. Para dar cuenta de esos cambios, focalizaremos la atención en algunas situaciones discursivas de los docentes, padres y estudiantes en la escuela, que nos permiten aproximarnos a las prácticas de regulación cotidianas y también a las formas de oposición, de contraconductas o conductas en la escuela del siglo XXI.In a constantly changing world, educational devices also change. The school produces new forms of behavior regulation, different from those we met in disciplinary societies. To give an account of these changes we will focus on certain school situations through discursive practices of teachers, parents and students, which will allow us to approach day-to-day regulatory practices and also the forms of opposition, counter-conducts or conducts that in its generality cannot take place in the XXIth century school.Fil: Katzer Molina, Maria Leticia. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo. Área Antropológica; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mendoza; Argentin