517 research outputs found

    No Fear

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    The English teachers at MTs Muhammadiyah 02 Pekanbaru has implemented some strategies to increase students’ speaking ability such as the teacher taught students by giving explanation about the materials and then the teacher asked the students to question and give responds, sometimes the teacher used guessing games and discussion. The teacher has applied an interesting strategy and it was not monotonous teaching strategy. In fact, the students still cannot speak English well of narrative paragraph. This study was carried out at MTs Muhammadiyah 02 Pekanbaru. The subject of this research was the students at the second year of MTs Muhammadiyah 02 Pekanbaru, and the objective of the research is to know speaking ability of students’ before being taught by Storytelling strategy, to know speaking ability of students after being taught by Storytelling strategy, to know there is any significant effect of storytelling strategy toward students’ speaking ability of narrative text at the second year of MTs Muhammadiyah 02 Pekanbaru. In this research, the type of research used was pre experimental research. The writer took one group pretest-posttest design. The writer used one class as sample that consists of 30 students. Before giving the treatment, the students were given pre-test and post-test were given after the treatment. The technique of collecting data was the observation and test. The observation was used in order to find out the implementation of Storytelling strategy and the test was used in order to find out the students’ speaking ability of narrative text at the second year of MTs Muhammadiyah 02 Pekanbaru.The technique of data analysis used T-test in order to find out the relationship between pre-test and post-test by using SPSS 16.00 Version. Based on the data analysis, the writer has concluded that there is significant effect of storytelling strategy toward speaking ability of narrative text at the second year of MTs Muhammadiyah 02 Pekanbar


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    The aim is to find out how the influence of small business loans, operational costs, the Jakarta Islamic index, and covid 19 on economic growth. The methodology used in this research is descriptive quantitative analysis. The data used were obtained from OJK and BPS. The findings of the test results show that the business credit variable has a high level of significance and the data used is normally distributed. Practical implications in this research can be used as a form of government benchmark to maintain economic stability. Originality in this study was carried out using a multiple linear analysis model by looking at the influence between variables. The results of the tests carried out resulted in all variables having a significant effect

    Pola Pendidikan Keagamaan Pesantren dan Radikalisme: Studi Kasus Pesantren-pesantren di Provinsi Jambi

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    Islamic boarding school has been recently exposed with negative issues: becoming a source of terrorists and teaching radical ideologies that will disrupt the nation security stabilization. This article encourages to reveal the fact behind those issues based on the pattern of education adopted at the Islamic education system. Five Islamic schools in the province of Jambi will be the data source. It shows that in one side, Islamic education curriculum tends to be an understanding of belief of the conservative religious-dogmatic, while on the other side, tends to be moderate principle. The subjects of Fikh, tafsir (interpretation), and akidah (belief) lead to a conservative attitude in religious issues and politics. While in the social field, the curriculum is taught in a moderate way. Meanwhile, the tutor or ustaz encourages students to have a conservative attitude in praying and partly in the political field. However, the tutor or ustaz does not encourage students to act radically

    Extracellular Production and Degradation of Superoxide in the Coral Stylophora pistillata and Cultured Symbiodinium

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    Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are thought to play a major role in cell death pathways and bleaching in scleractinian corals. Direct measurements of ROS in corals are conspicuously in short supply, partly due to inherent problems with ROS quantification in cellular systems.In this study we characterized the dynamics of the reactive oxygen species superoxide anion radical (O(2)(-)) in the external milieu of the coral Stylophora pistillata. Using a sensitive, rapid and selective chemiluminescence-based technique, we measured extracellular superoxide production and detoxification activity of symbiont (non-bleached) and aposymbiont (bleached) corals, and of cultured Symbiodinium (from clades A and C). Bleached and non-bleached Stylophora fragments were found to produce superoxide at comparable rates of 10(-11)-10(-9) mol O(2)(-) mg protein(-1) min(-1) in the dark. In the light, a two-fold enhancement in O(2)(-) production rates was observed in non-bleached corals, but not in bleached corals. Cultured Symbiodinium produced superoxide in the dark at a rate of . Light was found to markedly enhance O(2)(-) production. The NADPH Oxidase inhibitor Diphenyleneiodonium chloride (DPI) strongly inhibited O(2)(-) production by corals (and more moderately by algae), possibly suggesting an involvement of NADPH Oxidase in the process. An extracellular O(2)(-) detoxifying activity was found for bleached and non-bleached Stylophora but not for Symbiodinium. The O(2)(-) detoxifying activity was partially characterized and found to resemble that of the enzyme superoxide dismutase (SOD).The findings of substantial extracellular O(2)(-) production as well as extracellular O(2)(-) detoxifying activity may shed light on the chemical interactions between the symbiont and its host and between the coral and its environment. Superoxide production by Symbiodinium possibly implies that algal bearing corals are more susceptible to an internal build-up of O(2)(-), which may in turn be linked to oxidative stress mediated bleaching

    Genetic and metabolic analyses of Candidatus Liberibacter solanacearum infecting carrot

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    Insect-vectored plant bacterial pathogens are gaining attention in recent years due to crop threatening outbreaks around the world. Candidatus Liberibacter spp. are infecting crops of different botanical families: Solanaceae, Rutaceae, and Apiaceae and are vectored by psyllids. Five genetic haplotypes (A-E) have been described thus far for the species Ca. Liberibacter solanacearum (Lso). Haplotypes A and B infecting solanaceous plants, haplotypes C-E infecting Apiaceae crops. To better understand the genetic basis that governs host specificity of Lso haplotypes, we sequenced the genome of haplotype D (LsoD). The LsoD genome size is 1.23 Mbp, with a GC content of 34.8% and 1167 predicted genes. Enzyme Commission (EC) numbers were assigned using the JGI software tool and 358 ECs were identified. ECs were mapped to metabolic pathways and compared with other sequenced Liberibacters. Phylogenetic analysis based on ECs and assigned metabolic pathways shows that LsoD groups together with Lso haplotypes (A and B) and is clearly different than Liberibacter species infecting citrus. Differences between LsoD and LsoA/B haplotypes were also found, hinting on host specific enzymes. The LsoD genome was also scanned to identify putatively secreted proteins using the SignalP tool. Thirty-one putative genes were identified, most of them with unknown function. While some genes have homologous in other Lso haplotypes, some were unique to LsoD. By quantitative-PCR we examined the expression of the putatively secreted proteins in the different hosts; the psyllid vector Bactericera trigonica, and carrot. Several genes with significantly higher expression levels in carrot compared with psyllid and vice versa were identified. These genes may have host specific functions. Overall, our analyses reveal genetic and metabolic elements differentiating the carrot-infecting Lso from Lso haplotypes infecting potato/tomato. Research is underway to identify the function of these elements


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    Skripsi ini berjudul tentang “Perceraian Sepihak ditinjau dari Perspektif Hukum Islam dan Undang Undang No 16 Tahun 2019 tentang Perkawinan (Studi desa Bedaro Kecamatan Muko Muko Batin VII Kabupaten Bungo). Penelitian ini mengkaji tentang Penomena perceraian sepihak yang terjadi di desa Bedaro tujuan Penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui Hukum Perceraian Sepihak yang dilakukan oleh masyarakat, Faktor penyebab terjadinya Serta Pandangan pandangan Masyarakat tentang penomena perceraian sepihak tersebut. Metode dalam penelitian ini Adalah Kualitatif tipe pendekatan Hukum empiris. Yang mengacu pada melihat hukum dalam artian yang nyata atau dapat dilakukan sebagai penelitian yang melihat bagaimana bekerjanya hukum di masyarakat dengan pendekatan penelitian kualitatif dengan metode pengumpulan data melalui wawancara dan documentasi. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian oleh peneliti menarik beberapa kesimpulan Pertama Masyarakat Desa Bedaro 95 % melakukan percerain sepihak (di luar pengadilan), dengan alasan bahwa perceraian sepihak tersebut tidak ribet dan mudah. Jika suami mengucapkan “saya talak kamu”, maka pada waktu itu juga perceraian sudah sah walaupun menurut hukum perundang-undangan perceraian harus diucapkan di depan sidang pengadilan. Dewasa ini, Perceraian sepihak Tetap berlaku dan telah menjadi kebiasan ditengah masyarakat karna adanya beberapa faktor diantaranya ialah, Faktor kebiasaan dari orang tua terdahulu sampai sekarang, Karna dinilainya Percraian sepihak lebih mudah dibandingkan perceraian di pengadilan yang memekan waktu dan biaya, dan tentunya juga tidak bias lepas dari kurangnya kesadaran hukum masyarakat itu sendiri. Adapun ditengah masyarkat penomena perceraian sepihak ini bukanlah suatu yang aneh karena hampir seluruh dari masyarakat sampai detik ini melakukannya dan bahkan telah menyatu dalam ditengah kehidupan masyarakat pada umumnya

    Genome Analysis of Haplotype D of Candidatus Liberibacter Solanacearum

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    Candidatus Liberibacter solanacearum (Lso) haplotype D (LsoD) is a suspected bacterial pathogen, spread by the phloem-feeding psyllid Bactericera trigonica Hodkinson and found to infect carrot plants throughout the Mediterranean. Haplotype D is one of six haplotypes of Lso that each have specific and overlapping host preferences, disease symptoms, and psyllid vectors. Genotyping of rRNA genes has allowed for tracking the haplotype diversity of Lso and genome sequencing of several haplotypes has been performed to advance a comprehensive understanding of Lso diseases and of the phylogenetic relationships among the haplotypes. To further pursue that aim we have sequenced the genome of LsoD from its psyllid vector and report here its draft genome. Genome-based single nucleotide polymorphism analysis indicates LsoD is most closely related to the A haplotype. Genomic features and the metabolic potential of LsoD are assessed in relation to Lso haplotypes A, B, and C, as well as the facultative strain Liberibacter crescens. We identify genes unique to haplotype D as well as putative secreted effectors that may play a role in disease characteristics specific to this haplotype of Lso

    A Genetic Screen Reveals Arabidopsis Stomatal and/or Apoplastic Defenses against Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato DC3000

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    Bacterial infection of plants often begins with colonization of the plant surface, followed by entry into the plant through wounds and natural openings (such as stomata), multiplication in the intercellular space (apoplast) of the infected tissues, and dissemination of bacteria to other plants. Historically, most studies assess bacterial infection based on final outcomes of disease and/or pathogen growth using whole infected tissues; few studies have genetically distinguished the contribution of different host cell types in response to an infection. The phytotoxin coronatine (COR) is produced by several pathovars of Pseudomonas syringae. COR-deficient mutants of P. s. tomato (Pst) DC3000 are severely compromised in virulence, especially when inoculated onto the plant surface. We report here a genetic screen to identify Arabidopsis mutants that could rescue the virulence of COR-deficient mutant bacteria. Among the susceptible to coronatine-deficient Pst DC3000 (scord) mutants were two that were defective in stomatal closure response, two that were defective in apoplast defense, and four that were defective in both stomatal and apoplast defense. Isolation of these three classes of mutants suggests that stomatal and apoplastic defenses are integrated in plants, but are genetically separable, and that COR is important for Pst DC3000 to overcome both stomatal guard cell- and apoplastic mesophyll cell-based defenses. Of the six mutants defective in bacterium-triggered stomatal closure, three are defective in salicylic acid (SA)-induced stomatal closure, but exhibit normal stomatal closure in response to abscisic acid (ABA), and scord7 is compromised in both SA- and ABA-induced stomatal closure. We have cloned SCORD3, which is required for salicylic acid (SA) biosynthesis, and SCORD5, which encodes an ATP-binding cassette (ABC) protein, AtGCN20/AtABCF3, predicted to be involved in stress-associated protein translation control. Identification of SCORD5 begins to implicate an important role of stress-associated protein translation in stomatal guard cell signaling in response to microbe-associated molecular patterns and bacterial infection
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