52 research outputs found

    Divergence in wine characteristics produced by wild and domesticated strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae

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    The budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae is the primary species used by wine makers to convert sugar into alcohol during wine fermentation. Saccharomyces cerevisiae is found in vineyards, but is also found in association with oak trees and other natural sources. Although wild strains of S. cerevisiae as well as other Saccharomyces species are also capable of wine fermentation, a genetically distinct group of S. cerevisiae strains is primarily used to produce wine, consistent with the idea that wine making strains have been domesticated for wine production. In this study, we demonstrate that humans can distinguish between wines produced using wine strains and wild strains of S. cerevisiae as well as its sibling species, Saccharomyces paradoxus. Wine strains produced wine with fruity and floral characteristics, whereas wild strains produced wine with earthy and sulfurous characteristics. The differences that we observe between wine and wild strains provides further evidence that wine strains have evolved phenotypes that are distinct from their wild ancestors and relevant to their use in wine production

    A genome-wide association study on the seedless phenotype in banana (Musa spp.) reveals the potential of a selected panel to detect candidate genes in a vegetatively propagated crop

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    Banana (Musa sp.) is a vegetatively propagated, low fertility, potentially hybrid and polyploid crop. These qualities make the breeding and targeted genetic improvement of this crop a difficult and long process. The Genome-Wide Association Study (GWAS) approach is becoming widely used in crop plants and has proven efficient to detecting candidate genes for traits of interest, especially in cereals. GWAS has not been applied yet to a vegetatively propagated crop. However, successful GWAS in banana would considerably help unravel the genomic basis of traits of interest and therefore speed up this crop improvement. We present here a dedicated panel of 105 accessions of banana, freely available upon request, and their corresponding GBS data. A set of 5,544 highly reliable markers revealed high levels of admixture in most accessions, except for a subset of 33 individuals from Papua. A GWAS on the seedless phenotype was then successfully applied to the panel. By applying the Mixed Linear Model corrected for both kinship and structure as implemented in TASSEL, we detected 13 candidate genomic regions in which we found a number of genes potentially linked with the seedless phenotype (i.e. parthenocarpy combined with female sterility). An additional GWAS performed on the unstructured Papuan subset composed of 33 accessions confirmed six of these regions as candidate. Out of both sets of analyses, one strong candidate gene for female sterility, a putative orthologous gene to Histidine Kinase CKI1, was identified. The results presented here confirmed the feasibility and potential of GWAS when applied to small sets of banana accessions, at least for traits underpinned by a few loci. As phenotyping in banana is extremely space and time-consuming, this latest finding is of particular importance in the context of banana improvement. (Résumé d'auteur

    Development of a High-Density Linkage Map and Tagging Leaf Spot Resistance in Pearl Millet Using Genotyping-by-Sequencing Markers

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    Pearl millet [Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br; also Cenchrus americanus (L.) Morrone] is an important crop throughout the world but better genomic resources for this species are needed to facilitate crop improvement. Genome mapping studies are a prerequisite for tagging agronomically important traits. Genotyping-by-sequencing (GBS) markers can be used to build high-density linkage maps, even in species lacking a reference genome. A recombinant inbred line (RIL) mapping population was developed from a cross between the lines ‘Tift 99D2B1’ and ‘Tift 454’. DNA from 186 RILs, the parents, and the F1 was used for 96-plex ApeKI GBS library development, which was further used for sequencing. The sequencing results showed that the average number of good reads per individual was 2.2 million, the pass filter rate was 88%, and the CV was 43%. High-quality GBS markers were developed with stringent filtering on sequence data from 179 RILs. The reference genetic map developed using 150 RILs contained 16,650 single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and 333,567 sequence tags spread across all seven chromosomes. The overall average density of SNP markers was 23.23 SNP/cM in the final map and 1.66 unique linkage bins per cM covering a total genetic distance of 716.7 cM. The linkage map was further validated for its utility by using it in mapping quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for flowering time and resistance to Pyricularia leaf spot [Pyricularia grisea (Cke.) Sacc.]. This map is the densest yet reported for this crop and will be a valuable resource for the pearl millet community

    Hybridization and adaptive evolution of diverse Saccharomyces species for cellulosic biofuel production

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    Additional file 15. Summary of whole genome sequencing statistics

    Data from: Mixing of vineyard and oak-tree ecotypes of Saccharomyces cerevisiae in North American vineyards

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    Humans have had a significant impact on the distribution and abundance of Saccharomyces cerevisiae through its widespread use in beer, bread and wine production. Yet, similar to other Saccharomyces species, S. cerevisiae has also been isolated from habitats unrelated to fermentations. Strains of S. cerevisiae isolated from grapes, wine must and vineyards worldwide are genetically differentiated from strains isolated from oak-tree bark, exudate and associated soil in North America. However, the causes and consequences of this differentiation have not yet been resolved. Historical differentiation of these two groups may have been influenced by geographic, ecological or human-associated barriers to gene flow. Here, we make use of the relatively recent establishment of vineyards across North America to identify and characterize any active barriers to gene flow between these two groups. We examined S. cerevisiae strains isolated from grapes and oak-trees within three North American vineyards and compared them to those isolated from oak-trees outside of vineyards. Within vineyards we found evidence of migration between grapes and oak-trees and potential gene flow between the divergent oak-tree and vineyard groups. Yet, we found no vineyard genotypes on oak-trees outside of vineyards. In contrast, S. paradoxus isolated from the same sources showed population structure characterized by isolation by distance. The apparent absence of ecological or genetic barriers between sympatric vineyard and oak-tree populations of S. cerevisiae implies that vineyards play an important role in the mixing between these two groups


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    S. paradoxus assembl


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    Sequence alignment (concatenated) and corresponding genomic positions for S. cerevisia


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    fastq files split by barcode for S. paradoxus isolate