11 research outputs found

    DNA methylation dynamics of the human preimplantation embryo

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    In mammals, cytosine methylation is predominantly restricted to CpG dinucleotides and stably distributed across the genome, with local, cell type-specific regulation directed by DNA binding factors1-3. This comparatively static landscape dramatically contrasts the events of fertilization, where the paternal genome is globally reprogrammed. Paternal genome demethylation includes the majority of CpGs, though methylation is maintained at several notable features4-7. While these dynamics have been extensively characterized in the mouse, only limited observations are available in other mammals, and direct measurements are required to understand the extent to which early embryonic landscapes are conserved8-10. We present genome-scale DNA methylation maps of human preimplantation development and embryonic stem cell (ESC) derivation, confirming a transient state of global hypomethylation that includes most CpGs, while sites of persistent maintenance are primarily restricted to gene bodies. While most features share similar dynamics to mouse, maternally contributed methylation is divergently targeted to species-specific sets of CpG island (CGI) promoters that extend beyond known Imprint Control Regions (ICRs). Retrotransposon regulation is also highly diverse and transitions from maternally to embryonically expressed, species-specific elements. Together, our data confirm that paternal genome demethylation is a general attribute of early mammalian development that is characterized by distinct modes of epigenetic regulation

    Role of increased male age in IVF and egg donation: Is sperm DNA fragmentation responsible?

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    The well documented increase in age that women conceive their first child has detracted from a similar change observed in males. As both males and females decide to conceive later, the question of whether this may impact their fertility individually and as a couple becomes even more crucial. A paternal age of over 40 years at the time of conception is a frequently quoted male age threshold, however, currently there is no clearly accepted definition of advanced paternal age or even a consensus on the implications of advancing male age. In this paper, we review some of the potential risks to the offspring of advancing male age and examine. The data available regarding pregnancy outcomes based on paternal age in both the fertile and infertile populations. Within the infertile population specifically, we examine the association between male age and outcomes based on treatment modality, including intrauterine insemination (IUI), in vitro fertilization (IVF), and donor oocyte IVF. Finally, we discuss the various mechanisms by which male age may impact sperm and fertility potential, including sperm DNA damage. Copyright © 2013 American Society for Reproductive Medicine, Published by Elsevier Inc

    The effects of increased dose of exercise-based therapies to enhance motor recovery after stroke: a systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Background: Exercise-based therapy is known to enhance motor recovery after stroke but the most appropriate amount, i.e. the dose, of therapy is unknown. To determine the strength of current evidence for provision of a higher dose of the same types of exercise-based therapy to enhance motor recovery after stroke. Methods: An electronic search of: MEDLINE, EMBASE, CINHAL, AMED, and CENTRAL was undertaken. Two independent reviewers selected studies using predetermined inclusion criteria: randomised or quasi randomised controlled trials with or without blinding of assessors; adults, 18+ years, with a clinical diagnosis of stroke; experimental and control group interventions identical except for dose; exercise-based interventions investigated; and outcome measures of motor impairment, movement control or functional activity. Two reviewers independently extracted outcome and follow-up data. Effect sizes and 95% confidence intervals were interpreted with reference to risk of bias in included studies. Results: 9 papers reporting 7 studies were included. Only 3 of the 7 included studies had all design elements assessed as low risk of bias. Intensity of the control intervention ranged from a mean of 9 to 28 hours over a maximum of 20 weeks. Experimental groups received between 14 and 92 hours of therapy over a maximum of 20 weeks. The included studies were heterogeneous with respect to types of therapy, outcome measures and time-points for outcome and follow-up. Consequently, most effect sizes relate to one study only. Single study effect sizes suggest a trend for better recovery with increased dose at the end of therapy but this trend was less evident at follow-up Meta-analysis was possible at outcome for: hand-grip strength, -10.1 [-19.1,-1.2] (2 studies, 97 participants); Action Research Arm Test (ARAT), 0.1 [-5.7,6.0] (3 studies, 126 participants); and comfortable walking speed, 0.3 [0.1,0.5] (2 studies, 58 participants). At follow-up, between 12 and 26 weeks after start of therapy, meta-analysis findings were: Motricity Arm, 10.7 [1.7,19.8] (2 studies, 83 participants); ARAT, 2.2 [-6.0,10.4] (2 studies, 83 participants); Rivermead Mobility, 1.0 [-0.6, 2.5] (2 studies, 83 participants); and comfortable walking speed, 0.2 [0.0,0.4] (2 studies, 60 participants). Conclusions: Current evidence provides some, but limited, support for the hypothesis that a higher dose of the same type of exercised-based therapy enhances motor recovery after stroke. Prospective dose-finding studies are required

    Geometrical structures for radiation biology research as implemented in the TOPAS-nBio toolkit

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    Computational simulations, such as Monte Carlo track structure simulations, offer a powerful tool for quantitatively investigating radiation interactions within cells. The modelling of the spatial distribution of energy deposition events as well as diffusion of chemical free radical species, within realistic biological geometries, can help provide a comprehensive understanding of the effects of radiation on cells. Track structure simulations, however, generally require advanced computing skills to implement. The TOPAS-nBio toolkit, an extension to TOPAS (TOol for PArticle Simulation), aims to provide users with a comprehensive framework for radiobiology simulations, without the need for advanced computing skills. This includes providing users with an extensive library of advanced, realistic, biological geometries ranging from the micrometer scale (e.g. cells and organelles) down to the nanometer scale (e.g. DNA molecules and proteins). Here we present the geometries available in TOPAS-nBio

    Global economic burden of unmet surgical need for appendicitis

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    Background There is a substantial gap in provision of adequate surgical care in many low- and middle-income countries. This study aimed to identify the economic burden of unmet surgical need for the common condition of appendicitis. Methods Data on the incidence of appendicitis from 170 countries and two different approaches were used to estimate numbers of patients who do not receive surgery: as a fixed proportion of the total unmet surgical need per country (approach 1); and based on country income status (approach 2). Indirect costs with current levels of access and local quality, and those if quality were at the standards of high-income countries, were estimated. A human capital approach was applied, focusing on the economic burden resulting from premature death and absenteeism. Results Excess mortality was 4185 per 100 000 cases of appendicitis using approach 1 and 3448 per 100 000 using approach 2. The economic burden of continuing current levels of access and local quality was US 92492millionusingapproach1and92 492 million using approach 1 and 73 141 million using approach 2. The economic burden of not providing surgical care to the standards of high-income countries was 95004millionusingapproach1and95 004 million using approach 1 and 75 666 million using approach 2. The largest share of these costs resulted from premature death (97.7 per cent) and lack of access (97.0 per cent) in contrast to lack of quality. Conclusion For a comparatively non-complex emergency condition such as appendicitis, increasing access to care should be prioritized. Although improving quality of care should not be neglected, increasing provision of care at current standards could reduce societal costs substantially