364 research outputs found

    Modeling and Control of High-Voltage Direct-Current Transmission Systems: From Theory to Practice and Back

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    The problem of modeling and control of multi-terminal high-voltage direct-current transmission systems is addressed in this paper, which contains five main contributions. First, to propose a unified, physically motivated, modeling framework - based on port-Hamiltonian representations - of the various network topologies used in this application. Second, to prove that the system can be globally asymptotically stabilized with a decentralized PI control, that exploits its passivity properties. Close connections between the proposed PI and the popular Akagi's PQ instantaneous power method are also established. Third, to reveal the transient performance limitations of the proposed controller that, interestingly, is shown to be intrinsic to PI passivity-based control. Fourth, motivated by the latter, an outer-loop that overcomes the aforementioned limitations is proposed. The performance limitation of the PI, and its drastic improvement using outer-loop controls, are verified via simulations on a three-terminals benchmark example. A final contribution is a novel formulation of the power flow equations for the centralized references calculation

    The strategy of developing the domestic tourism sector in Algeria in light of the Corona pandemic

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    Domestic (internal) tourism is currently considered as an important strategic option, as it is one of the most important sectors contributing to achieving economic and social development goals, as Algeria has natural, cultural, and heritage tourism potentials that make it a tourist destination and a tourist attraction by excellence, and we have relied in our research on the descriptive approach in an attempt to know the strategy followed by the government in order to advance this sector in light of the significant decline left by the Corona Covid-19 pandemic, the results showed that appropriate strategies must be followed that target the internal tourism markets in order to attract more tourists by providing various services and entertainment at the same time, at competitive prices with diversification of promotional activities and marketing through social networking sites, in addition to attention to monitoring, evaluation and follow-up of tourist destinations and attention to their cleanliness

    Detection of Broken Bars in Induction Motors Using an Extended Kalman Filter for Rotor Resistance Sensorless Estimation

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    International audienceThis paper deals with the broken bars detection in induction motors. The hypothesis on which detection is based is that the apparent rotor resistance of an induction motor will increase when a rotor bar breaks. To detect broken bars, measurements of stator voltages and currents are processed by an Extended Kalman Filter for the speed and rotor resistance simultaneous estimation. In particular, rotor resistance is estimated and compared with its nominal value to detect broken bars. In the proposed extended Kalman Filter approach, the state covariance matrix is adequacy weighted leading to a better states estimation dynamic. Its main advantage is the correct rotor resistance estimation even for an unloaded induction motor. As part of this estimation process, it is necessary to compensate for the thermal variation in the rotor resistance. Computer simulations, carried out for a 4-kW four-pole squirrel cage induction motor, provide an encouraging validation of the proposed sensorless broken bars detection technique

    Lecture de la poésie de Kabīr à la lumière de la tripartie soufisme, bhakti et doctrine des Nāths yogīs

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    La période pré moderne en Inde voit se développer la bhakti comme nouvelle religiosité distincte et dominer de façon quasi-totale la scène religieuse en Inde. Bien que nous n’avons pas atteint une masse critique des études qui établissent une incidence de la mystique musulmane sur la poésie dévotionnelle de Kabīr, ce papier de recherche aura pour objectif de démontrer l’existence d’un lien entre la bhakti et le soufisme indo-persan implanté depuis le sultanat de Delhi jusqu’à la fin de la période moghole en se concentrant sur une question : Dans quelle mesure les pratiques ascétiques du poète Kabīr se sont développées sous l'influence de l’idéologie et la mystique soufie? Il examine comment une figure de bhakti comme Kabīr a embrassé la conception soufie de la spiritualité dans un rapport d’emprunt et d’association intime sans modifier la généalogie hindoue de cette sensibilité dévotionnelle. Les mouvements bhakti et soufi du sous-continent n'ont pas seulement montré la quête d'un individu ou d'un groupe d'individus pour atteindre la connaissance, la grâce, ou l'unicité avec l'Être suprême, ils ont insufflé à la masse des dévots hindous et musulmans une voie unique afin de rejoindre la Réalité ultime en transcendant le phénomène des identités religieuses peu ou pas définies à cette époque d’hybridité religieuse et qui furent amplement forgées par l’idée du salut par la voie mystique indépendamment du concept de la religion tel que comprise par l’érudition moderne.The pre-modern period in India sees the development of bhakti as a new and distinct religiosity and almost completely dominates the religious scene in India. Although we have not reached a critical mass of studies that establish an impact of Muslim mysticism on Kabīr's devotional poetry, this research paper will aim to demonstrate the existence of a link between bhakti and Indo-Persian Sufism implanted from the Delhi Sultanate to the end of the Mughal period by focusing on one question: To what extent did the ascetic practices of the poet Kabīr develop under the influence of Sufi ideology and mysticism? It examines how a bhakti figure like Kabīr embraced the Sufi conception of spirituality in a relationship of borrowing and intimate association without altering the Hindu genealogy of this devotional sensibility. The bhakti and Sufi movements of the subcontinent did not merely demonstrate the quest of an individual or group of individuals to attain knowledge, grace, or oneness with the Supreme Being, they instilled in the mass of Hindu and Muslim devotees a unique path to reach the Ultimate Reality by transcending the phenomenon of religious identities that were little or not defined in that era of religious hybridity and that were amply forged by the idea of salvation through the mystical path independently of the concept of religion as understood by modern scholarship

    Optical properties of the massive Vanadium dioxide

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    We can easily extract the optical properties from a material starting from its permittivity complexes Ô‘; . The real part of this dielectric function clearly takes its place in the Colombian interaction of an exciton. We are interested in exciton 1S in the case of the massive vanadium dioxide. We will solve Schrdingers equation for this exciton by variational method and we obtain  according to energy E of the same exciton. We make a simulation by means of the Maple software of and of the index of refraction n according to energy E of the exciton 1S, around and far from the band gap of this material while being based on the approximation of the effective mass. We will extract the reflectivity R and transmittivity T of the massive vanadium dioxide for the normal incidence of the incidental photons by considering a slightly absorbent semiconductor state

    The philosophy of religion of ReneDescartes

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    إن كمال فلسفة الدين عند ديكارت يتمظهر في الله وعلاقته بالوجود العيني المتمثل في المعرفة الإلهية الفطرية، وفهم الدين، بل وفلسفة الدين على أساس أنه موجود بالفعل وبالقوة. فلا يمكن الفصل بين الماهية والوجود، إذ لا يمكن الفصل عندها بين الله ومخلوقاته وهو أمر يصدق جوهره على عرضه، ففلسفة الدين الديكارتية تكمن في العلاقة الإلهية الثاوية في البشر، والتي تعبر عنها الروح في أسمى تجلياتها عبر الأخلاق، وكل ذلك بديهي بالنسبة لديكارت، لأن الوجود الإلهي معلوم وثابت ومعلل، وهو من نتائج ما توصل إليه ديكارت في أولويات أدلة وجود الله. ففلسفة الدين عنده تتماهى بين الله والعالم والإنسان لإثبات سيطرة الله على الوجود بالقوة فالوجود بالفعل.For Descartes, The perfectness of the philosophy of religion seems in God and his relation with the visual existence which consider in the innate divine knowledge, religion understanding, yet philosophy of religion based on God existence and power. So there is no ability to separate between the essence and the existence, also between God and his creature, and this is believable in its essence rather than its propos. The Cartesian philosophy of religion lies in the divine relation that is innate in human bieng .This later can be expresses by the soul in a supreme reflections through ethics. All of this is axiomatic for Descartes because the divine existence is known, fixes, and reasoned. This is the results that Descartes connected in the priorities of God existence‘s evidences. Here, the philosophy of religion identied between God and the world and  human bieng to proof God domination over existence by force is Indeed existence

    Optical properties of a thin layer of the Vanadium dioxide at the metal state

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    The vanadium dioxide VO? currently became very motivating for the nanotechnologies’ researchers. It makes party of the intelligent materials because these optical properties abruptly change semiconductor state with metal at a critical temperature ? = 68 °C. This transition from reversible phase is carried out from a monoclinical structure characterizing its semiconductor state at low temperature towards the metal state of this material which becomes tétragonal rutile for ? > 68°????; it is done during a few nanoseconds. Several studies were made on this material in a massive state and a thin layer. We will simulate by Maple the constant optics of a thin layer of VO? thickness z = 82 nm for the metal state according to the energy ? of the incidental photons in the energy interval: 0.001242 ? ? (ev) ? 6, from the infra-red (I.R) to the ultra-violet (U.V) so as to be able to control the various technological nano applications, like the detectors I.R or the U.V, the intelligent windows to increase the energy efficiency in the buildings in order to save the cost of energy consumption by electric air-conditioning and the paintings containing nano crystals of this material. The constant optics, which we will simulate, is: the index of refraction, the reflectivity, the transmittivity, the coefficient of extinction, the dielectric functions ?1 real part and ?2 imaginary part of the permittivity complexes ? of this material and the coefficient absorption.&nbsp

    Optical properties of the Vanadium dioxide

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    The vanadium dioxide is a material thermo chromium which sees its optical properties changing at the time of the transition from the phase of semiconductor state†” metal, at a critical temperature of 68°C. The study of the optical properties of a thin layer of VOâ‚‚ thickness 82 nm, such as the dielectric function, the index of refraction, the coefficient of extinction, the absorptions coefficient, the reflectivity, the transmittivity, in the photonic spectrum of energy ω located in the interval: 0.001242 ≤ ω (ev) ≤ 6, enables us to control well its practical utility in various applications, like the intelligent panes, the photovoltaic, paintings for increasing energy efficiency in buildings, detectors of infra-red (I.R) or ultra-violet (U.V). We will make simulations with Maple and compare our results with those of the literatur

    Optimisation des Pertes par Commutation dans un Convertisseur Modulaire Multiniveaux (MMC)

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    International audienceLes pertes dans une liaison à courant continu àhaute tension sont un facteur pénalisant (4000 €/kW sur une duréede 30 ans). L’inconvénient vient des structures de type Onduleurde tension qui ont des pertes élevées (1.8%) relativement auxstructures à base de thyristors. L’arrivée des convertisseurs detype Modulaires Multiniveaux (MMC) a permis de réduire cespertes à 1%. Cet avantage permet d’envisager une forte utilisationde cette structure dans des applications HVDC. Le but de cetravail est d’étudier le contrôle bas niveau de ce convertisseur quicorrespond au choix des sous-modules à utiliser et à l’équilibragedes condensateurs afin de minimiser la fréquence de commutation.En se focalisant sur un contrôle de type ondulation des tensions dessous modules, une amélioration a été apportée via une réductionde la fréquence de commutation moyenne de ces sous-modules. Dessimulations sous MATLAB/Simulink ont été conduites et ontpermis de valider la méthode proposée

    A Metric Observer for Induction Motors Control

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    This paper deals with metric observer application for induction motors. Firstly, assuming that stator currents and speed are measured, a metric observer is designed to estimate the rotor fluxes. Secondly, assuming that only stator currents are measured, another metric observer is derived to estimate rotor fluxes and speed. The proposed observer validity is checked throughout simulations on a 4 kW induction motor drive