19 research outputs found

    Transcriptional regulation of virulence gene families in "Plasmodium falciparum"

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    To date, malaria caused by Plasmodium falciparum is still a major health threat. It contributes to illness and severe disease and is responsible for up to one million deaths per year. The intra-erythrocytic asexual life cycle stage is responsible for the pathology associated with malaria. The major virulence factor P. falciparum erythrocyte membrane protein 1 (PfEMP1) is exposed at the surface of infected red blood cells (iRBC) and mediates binding to endothelial cells. This leads to sequestration of iRBC in the microvasculature and consequently to evasion of removal in the spleen. PfEMP1 is encoded by the 60-member var gene family, which undergoes antigenic variation by in-situ switching. Importantly, var genes are expressed in a mutually exclusive way, such that only one member is expressed whereas all other copies remain silenced. var genes as well as other gene families such as rif, stevor, phist and pfmc-2tm are located in subtelomeric heterochromatic regions. The function of these additional families is largely unknown, but they are thought to be implicated in host-parasite interactions and to contribute to antigenic variation. With this work, I provide deeper insights into the transcriptional regulation of virulence gene families in P. falciparum by using transfection-based approaches. We functionally identified autonomous cis-acting var promoter elements including an upstream activating sequence that is essential for promoter activation. Notably, an element downstream of the transcriptional start site determines mutually exclusive locus recognition. Further, I used comparative transcriptional profiling to show that mutually exclusive expression is restricted to the var gene family and is not used in the transcription of other subtelomeric gene families. I show for the first time that knock-down of endogenous var gene transcription is also conferred by promoters of a var gene subfamily that is implicated in severe malaria. Taken together, this work provides important insight into the mechanisms involved in the regulation of virulence gene families and antigenic variation in P. falciparum. Moreover, the findings presented here are consistent with a novel mechanism of mutually exclusive gene choice in eukaryotes

    Conditional expression of PfAP2-G for controlled massive sexual conversion in Plasmodium falciparum

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    --- - i: - Plasmodium falciparum content: - "Malaria transmission requires that some asexual parasites convert into sexual forms termed gametocytes. The initial stages of sexual development, including sexually committed schizonts and sexual rings, remain poorly haracterized, mainly because they are morphologically identical to their sexual counterparts and only a small subset of parasites undergo sexual development. Here, we describe a system for controlled sexual conversion in the human malaria parasite " - ", based on conditional expression of the PfAP2-G transcription factor. Using this system, ~90 percent of the parasites converted into sexual forms upon induction, enabling the characterization of committed and early sexual stages without further purification. We characterized sexually committed schizonts and sexual rings at the transcriptomic and phenotypic levels, which revealed down-regulation of genes involved in solute transport upon sexual commitment, among other findings. The new inducible lines will facilitate the study of early sexual stages at additional levels, including multiomic characterization and drug susceptibility assays.

    Using scRNA-seq to identify transcriptional variation in the malaria parasite ookinete stage

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    The crossing of the mosquito midgut epithelium by the malaria parasite motile ookinete form represents the most extreme population bottleneck in the parasite life cycle and is a prime target for transmission blocking strategies. However, we have little understanding of the clonal variation that exists in a population of ookinetes in the vector, partially because the parasites are difficult to access and are found in low numbers. Within a vector, variation may result as a response to specific environmental cues or may exist independent of those cues as a potential bet-hedging strategy. Here we use single-cell RNA-seq to profile transcriptional variation in Plasmodium berghei ookinetes across different vector species, and between and within individual midguts. We then compare our results to low-input transcriptomes from individual Anopheles coluzzii midguts infected with the human malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum. Although the vast majority of transcriptional changes in ookinetes are driven by development, we have identified candidate genes that may be responding to environmental cues or are clonally variant within a population. Our results illustrate the value of single-cell and low-input technologies in understanding clonal variation of parasite populations

    A single-cell atlas of Plasmodium falciparum transmission through the mosquito

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    Malaria parasites have a complex life cycle featuring diverse developmental strategies, each uniquely adapted to navigate specific host environments. Here we use single-cell transcriptomics to illuminate gene usage across the transmission cycle of the most virulent agent of human malaria - Plasmodium falciparum. We reveal developmental trajectories associated with the colonization of the mosquito midgut and salivary glands and elucidate the transcriptional signatures of each transmissible stage. Additionally, we identify both conserved and non-conserved gene usage between human and rodent parasites, which point to both essential mechanisms in malaria transmission and species-specific adaptations potentially linked to host tropism. Together, the data presented here, which are made freely available via an interactive website, provide a fine-grained atlas that enables intensive investigation of the P. falciparum transcriptional journey. As well as providing insights into gene function across the transmission cycle, the atlas opens the door for identification of drug and vaccine targets to stop malaria transmission and thereby prevent disease

    Transmission of Artemisinin-Resistant Malaria Parasites to Mosquitoes under Antimalarial Drug Pressure.

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    Resistance to artemisinin-based combination therapy (ACT) in the Plasmodium falciparum parasite is threatening to reverse recent gains in reducing global deaths from malaria. While resistance manifests as delayed parasite clearance in patients, the phenotype can only spread geographically via the sexual stages and mosquito transmission. In addition to their asexual killing properties, artemisinin and its derivatives sterilize sexual male gametocytes. Whether resistant parasites overcome this sterilizing effect has not, however, been fully tested. Here, we analyzed P. falciparum clinical isolates from the Greater Mekong Subregion, each demonstrating delayed clinical clearance and known resistance-associated polymorphisms in the Kelch13 (PfK13var) gene. As well as demonstrating reduced asexual sensitivity to drug, certain PfK13var isolates demonstrated a marked reduction in sensitivity to artemisinin in an in vitro male gamete formation assay. Importantly, this same reduction in sensitivity was observed when the most resistant isolate was tested directly in mosquito feeds. These results indicate that, under artemisinin drug pressure, while sensitive parasites are blocked, resistant parasites continue transmission. This selective advantage for resistance transmission could favor acquisition of additional host-specificity or polymorphisms affecting partner drug sensitivity in mixed infections. Favored resistance transmission under ACT coverage could have profound implications for the spread of multidrug-resistant malaria beyond Southeast Asia

    A Major Role for the Plasmodium falciparum ApiAP2 Protein PfSIP2 in Chromosome End Biology

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    The heterochromatic environment and physical clustering of chromosome ends at the nuclear periphery provide a functional and structural framework for antigenic variation and evolution of subtelomeric virulence gene families in the malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum. While recent studies assigned important roles for reversible histone modifications, silent information regulator 2 and heterochromatin protein 1 (PfHP1) in epigenetic control of variegated expression, factors involved in the recruitment and organization of subtelomeric heterochromatin remain unknown. Here, we describe the purification and characterization of PfSIP2, a member of the ApiAP2 family of putative transcription factors, as the unknown nuclear factor interacting specifically with cis-acting SPE2 motif arrays in subtelomeric domains. Interestingly, SPE2 is not bound by the full-length protein but rather by a 60kDa N-terminal domain, PfSIP2-N, which is released during schizogony. Our experimental re-definition of the SPE2/PfSIP2-N interaction highlights the strict requirement of both adjacent AP2 domains and a conserved bipartite SPE2 consensus motif for high-affinity binding. Genome-wide in silico mapping identified 777 putative binding sites, 94% of which cluster in heterochromatic domains upstream of subtelomeric var genes and in telomere-associated repeat elements. Immunofluorescence and chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) assays revealed co-localization of PfSIP2-N with PfHP1 at chromosome ends. Genome-wide ChIP demonstrated the exclusive binding of PfSIP2-N to subtelomeric SPE2 landmarks in vivo but not to single chromosome-internal sites. Consistent with this specialized distribution pattern, PfSIP2-N over-expression has no effect on global gene transcription. Hence, contrary to the previously proposed role for this factor in gene activation, our results provide strong evidence for the first time for the involvement of an ApiAP2 factor in heterochromatin formation and genome integrity. These findings are highly relevant for our understanding of chromosome end biology and variegated expression in P. falciparum and other eukaryotes, and for the future analysis of the role of ApiAP2-DNA interactions in parasite biology

    Virtual reality crowd simulation: effects of agent density on user experience and behaviour

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    Agent-based crowd simulations are used for modelling building and space usage, allowing designers to explore hypothetical real-world scenarios, including extraordinary events such as evacuations. Existing work which engages virtual reality (VR) as a platform for crowd simulations has been primarily focussed on the validation of simulation models through observation; the use of interactions such as gaze to enhance a sense of immersion; or studies of proxemics. In this work, we extend previous studies of proxemics and examine the effects of varying crowd density on user experience and behaviour. We have created a simulation in which participants walk freely and perform a routine manual task, whilst interacting with agents controlled by a typical social force simulation model. We examine and report the effects of crowd density on both affective state and behaviour. Our results show a significant increase in negative affect with density, measured using a self-report scale. We further show significant differences in some aspects of user behaviours, using video analysis, and discuss how our results relate to VR simulation design for mixed human–agent scenarios

    A var gene upstream element controls protein synthesis at the level of translation initiation in Plasmodium falciparum

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    Clonally variant protein expression in the malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum generates phenotypic variability and allows isogenic populations to adapt to environmental changes encountered during blood stage infection. The underlying regulatory mechanisms are best studied for the major virulence factor P. falciparum erythrocyte membrane protein 1 (PfEMP1). PfEMP1 is encoded by the multicopy var gene family and only a single variant is expressed in individual parasites, a concept known as mutual exclusion or singular gene choice. var gene activation occurs in situ and is achieved through the escape of one locus from epigenetic silencing. Singular gene choice is controlled at the level of transcription initiation and var 5' upstream (ups) sequences harbour regulatory information essential for mutually exclusive transcription as well as for the trans-generational inheritance of the var activity profile. An additional level of control has recently been identified for the var2csa gene, where an mRNA element in the 5' untranslated region (5' UTR) is involved in the reversible inhibition of translation of var2csa transcripts. Here, we extend the knowledge on post-transcriptional var gene regulation to the common upsC type. We identified a 5' UTR sequence that inhibits translation of upsC-derived mRNAs. Importantly, this 5' UTR element efficiently inhibits translation even in the context of a heterologous upstream region. Further, we found var 5' UTRs to be significantly enriched in uAUGs which are known to impair the efficiency of protein translation in other eukaryotes. Our findings suggest that regulation at the post-transcriptional level is a common feature in the control of PfEMP1 expression in P. falciparum