568 research outputs found

    On the use of ‘cool roofs’ to reduce residential heat exposure disparities in Boston, MA

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    A “cool roofs” program targeted to the hottest, most vulnerable neighborhoods in Boston has the potential to significantly reduce urban heat islands and heat exposure disparities. Boston’s hottest neighborhoods have the highest proportion of flat black roofs, such as those on our famous triple deckers, which absorb rather than reflect heat. Because of the proportion of this type of roof and housing stock in Boston, a targeted program to whiten or lighten residential rooftops would have a measurable impact on reducing extreme heat, improving thermal comfort, and reducing energy use in summer. A similar program has recently been piloted in Louisville, KY, offering lessons for potential implementation in Boston. While Boston’s recent Heat Resilience Plan (City of Boston 2022) already highlights the need for a cool roof program, the focus is on commercial or city-owned property such as schools, and the intervention calls for grants to nonprofits rather than integration with Boston’s existing residential programs. Boston has an opportunity to invest in a more focused program targeting the hottest, most vulnerable residential blocks.This work was supported by the Boston University URBAN program (NSF DGE 1735087) and the Boston University Initiative on Cities

    Global Genome Biodiversity Network:saving a blueprint of the Tree of Life - a botanical perspective

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    Background Genomic research depends upon access to DNA or tissue collected and preserved according to high-quality standards. At present, the collections in most natural history museums do not sufficiently address these standards, making them often hard or impossible to use for whole-genome sequencing or transcriptomics. In response to these challenges, natural history museums, herbaria, botanical gardens and other stakeholders have started to build high-quality biodiversity biobanks. Unfortunately, information about these collections remains fragmented, scattered and largely inaccessible. Without a central registry or even an overview of relevant institutions, it is difficult and time-consuming to locate the needed samples. Scope The Global Genome Biodiversity Network (GGBN) was created to fill this vacuum by establishing a one-stop access point for locating samples meeting quality standards for genome-scale applications, while complying with national and international legislations and conventions. Increased accessibility to genomic samples will further genomic research and development, conserve genetic resources, help train the next generation of genome researchers and raise the visibility of biodiversity collections. Additionally, the availability of a data-sharing platform will facilitate identification of gaps in the collections, thereby empowering targeted sampling efforts, increasing the breadth and depth of preservation of genetic diversity. The GGBN is rapidly growing and currently has 41 members. The GGBN covers all branches of the Tree of Life, except humans, but here the focus is on a pilot project with emphasis on ‘harvesting’ the Tree of Life for vascular plant taxa to enable genome-level studies. Conclusion While current efforts are centred on getting the existing samples of all GGBN members online, a pilot project, GGI-Gardens, has been launched as proof of concept. Over the next 6 years GGI-Gardens aims to add to the GGBN high-quality genetic material from at least one species from each of the approx. 460 vascular plant families and one species from half of the approx. 15 000 vascular plant genera

    Preparation and Anti-Tumour Activity of Some Arylbismuth(III) Oxine Complexes

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    New arylbismuth(lll) oxinates, PhBi(MeOx)2, (p-MeC6H4)Bi(Ox)2, (p-MeC6H4)Bi(MeOx)2, (p-ClC6H4)Bi(Ox)2, and (p-ClC6H4)Bi(MeOx)2 (Ox− = quinolin-8-olate and MeOx−=2-methylquinolin-8-olate) have been prepared by reaction of the appropriate diarylbismuth chlorides with Na(Ox) or Na(MeOx) in the presence of 15-crown-5. An X-ray crystallographic study has shown PhBi(MeOx)2 to be a five coordinate monomer with distorted square pyramidal stereochemistry. Chelating MeOx ligands have a cisoid arrangement in the square plane and the phenyl group is apical. The lattice is stabilised by significant π-π interactions between centrosymmetric molecules. A range of these complexes has been shown to have high in vitro biological activity (comparable with or better than cisplatin) against L1210 leukaemia, the corresponding cisplatin resistant line, and a human ovarian cell line, SKOV-3. However, initial in vivo testing against a solid mouse plasmacytoma (PC6) and P388 leukaemia has not revealed significant activity

    Accuracy of the diagnosis of hypertensive nephrosclerosis in African Americans: A report from the African American Study of Kidney Disease (AASK) Trial

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    Accuracy of the diagnosis of hypertensive nephrosclerosis in African Americans: A report from the African American Study of Kidney Disease (AASK) Trial. African Americans have excess hypertension and end-stage renal disease presumed due to hypertension compared to Caucasians. The AASK was designed to examine the impact of antihypertensive therapies and two levels of blood pressure control on the rate of decline of GFR in African Americans with presumed hypertensive renal disease. During the pilot phase of the trial, eligible participants were requested to undergo renal biopsy to assess the underlying lesions in this population. Eighty-eight hypertensive (diastolic BP > 95mm Hg) non-diabetic African American patients between the ages of 18 to 70 years, with GFR between 25 to 70 ml/min/1.73m2 and without marked proteinuria were assessed for possible renal biopsy. Forty-three patients did not undergo renal biopsy due to refusal or contraindications. Adequate renal biopsies were obtained in 39 of the remaining 46 patients. Biopsy findings were analyzed and then compared to clinical parameters. The 39 patients studied, 29 men and 10 women, were on average 53.0 ± 11.0 years old, and had a MAP of 109 ± 15mm Hg and GFR 51.7 ± 13.6ml/min/1.73m2 (not significantly different from nonbiopsied patients). Thirty-eight of these 39 biopsies showed arteriosclerosis and/or arteriolosclerosis, severity on average 1.5 ± 0.9 and 1.5 ± 0.8, respectively on a 0 to 3+ scale. Interstitial fibrosis was moderate, 1.3 ± 0.9 (0 to 3+ scale). Segmental glomerulosclerosis was present in five biopsies, and in one patient, biopsy and clinical findings were consistent with idiopathic focal segmental glomerulosclerosis. Additional lesions included mesangiopathic glomerulonephritis in one patient, basement membrane thickening suggestive of diabetic nephropathy in one, and cholesterol emboli in two cases. Arteriolar and arterial sclerosis were tightly linked, and correlated with interstitial fibrosis and the reciprocal of serum creatinine. Global glomerulosclerosis was extensive, involving on average 43 ± 26% of glomeruli. The extent of this lesion did not correlate with degree of arteriolar or arterial thickening, but did correlate with systolic blood pressure (P = 0.0174), the reciprocal of serum creatinine (P = 0.0009), serum cholesterol (P = 0.0129) and interstitial fibrosis (P < 0.0001). These data underscore that renal biopsies in non-diabetic hypertensive African-Americans with mild to moderate renal insufficiency in the absence of marked proteinuria are overwhelmingly likely to show renal vascular lesions consistent with the clinical diagnosis of hypertensive nephrosclerosis

    An online evidence-based dictionary of common adverse events of antidepressants: a new tool to empower patients and clinicians in their shared decision-making process

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    Background: Adverse events (AEs) are commonly reported in clinical studies using the Medical Dictionary for Regulatory Activities (MedDRA), an international standard for drug safety monitoring. However, the technical language of MedDRA makes it challenging for patients and clinicians to share understanding and therefore to make shared decisions about medical interventions. In this project, people with lived experience of depression and antidepressant treatment worked with clinicians and researchers to co-design an online dictionary of AEs associated with antidepressants, taking into account its ease of use and applicability to real-world settings. Methods: Through a pre-defined literature search, we identified MedDRA-coded AEs from randomised controlled trials of antidepressants used in the treatment of depression. In collaboration with the McPin Foundation, four co-design workshops with a lived experience advisory panel (LEAP) and one independent focus group (FG) were conducted to produce user-friendly translations of AE terms. Guiding principles for translation were co-designed with McPin/LEAP members and defined before the finalisation of Clinical Codes (CCs, or non-technical terms to represent specific AE concepts). FG results were thematically analysed using the Framework Method. Results: Starting from 522 trials identified by the search, 736 MedDRA-coded AE terms were translated into 187 CCs, which balanced key factors identified as important to the LEAP and FG (namely, breadth, specificity, generalisability, patient-understandability and acceptability). Work with the LEAP showed that a user-friendly language of AEs should aim to mitigate stigma, acknowledge the multiple levels of comprehension in ‘lay’ language and balance the need for semantic accuracy with user-friendliness. Guided by these principles, an online dictionary of AEs was co-designed and made freely available (https://thesymptomglossary.com). The digital tool was perceived by the LEAP and FG as a resource which could feasibly improve antidepressant treatment by facilitating the accurate, meaningful expression of preferences about potential harms through a shared decision-making process. Conclusions: This dictionary was developed in English around AEs from antidepressants in depression but it can be adapted to different languages and cultural contexts, and can also become a model for other interventions and disorders (i.e., antipsychotics in schizophrenia). Co-designed digital resources may improve the patient experience by helping to deliver personalised information on potential benefits and harms in an evidence-based, preference-sensitive way

    EcoEvo-MAPS: An Ecology and Evolution Assessment for Introductory through Advanced Undergraduates

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    A new assessment tool, Ecology and Evolution–Measuring Achievement and Progression in Science or EcoEvo-MAPS, measures student thinking in ecology and evolution during an undergraduate course of study. EcoEvo-MAPS targets foundational concepts in ecology and evolution and uses a novel approach that asks students to evaluate a series of predictions, conclusions, or interpretations as likely or unlikely to be true given a specific scenario. We collected evidence of validity and reliability for EcoEvo-MAPS through an iterative process of faculty review, student interviews, and analyses of assessment data from more than 3000 students at 34 associate’s-, bachelor’s-, master’s-, and doctoral-granting institutions. The 63 likely/unlikely statements range in difficulty and target student understanding of key concepts aligned with the Vision and Change report. This assessment provides departments with a tool to measure student thinking at different time points in the curriculum and provides data that can be used to inform curricular and instructional modifications

    Binary Contamination in the SEGUE sample: Effects on SSPP Determinations of Stellar Atmospheric Parameters

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    Using numerical modeling and a grid of synthetic spectra, we examine the effects that unresolved binaries have on the determination of various stellar atmospheric parameters for SEGUE targets measured using the SEGUE Stellar Parameter Pipeline (SSPP). To model undetected binaries that may be in the SEGUE sample, we use a variety of mass distributions for the primary and secondary stars in conjunction with empirically determined relationships for orbital parameters to determine the fraction of G-K dwarf stars, as defined by SDSS color cuts, that will be blended with a secondary companion. We focus on the G-K dwarf sample in SEGUE as it records the history of chemical enrichment in our galaxy. To determine the effect of the secondary on the spectroscopic parameters, we synthesize a grid of model spectra from 3275 to 7850 K (~0.1 to 1.0 \msun) and [Fe/H]=-0.5 to -2.5 from MARCS model atmospheres using TurboSpectrum. We analyze both "infinite" signal-to-noise ratio (S/N) models and degraded versions, at median S/N of 50, 25 and 10. By running individual and combined spectra (representing the binaries) through the SSPP, we determine that ~10% of the blended G-K dwarf pairs with S/N>=25 will have their atmospheric parameter determinations, in particular temperature and metallicity, noticeably affected by the presence of an undetected secondary. To account for the additional uncertainty from binary contamination at a S/N~10, uncertainties of ~140 K and ~0.17 dex in [Fe/H] must be added in quadrature to the published uncertainties of the SSPP. (Abridged)Comment: 68 pages, 20 figures, 9 table

    CCNF mutations in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and frontotemporal dementia

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    Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and frontotemporal dementia (FTD) are overlapping, fatal neurodegenerative disorders in which the molecular and pathogenic basis remains poorly understood. Ubiquitinated protein aggregates, of which TDP-43 is a major component, are a characteristic pathological feature of most ALS and FTD patients. Here we use genome-wide linkage analysis in a large ALS/FTD kindred to identify a novel disease locus on chromosome 16p13.3. Whole-exome sequencing identified a CCNF missense mutation at this locus. Interrogation of international cohorts identified additional novel CCNF variants in familial and sporadic ALS and FTD. Enrichment of rare protein-altering CCNF variants was evident in a large sporadic ALS replication cohort. CCNF encodes cyclin F, a component of an E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase complex (SCFCyclin F). Expression of mutant CCNF in neuronal cells caused abnormal ubiquitination and accumulation of ubiquitinated proteins, including TDP-43 and a SCFCyclin F substrate. This implicates common mechanisms, linked to protein homeostasis, underlying neuronal degeneration

    Behavioral impacts of disentanglement of a right whale under sedation and the energetic cost of entanglement

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    Author Posting. © The Author(s), 2013. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here by permission of Society for Marine Mammalogy for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Marine Mammal Science 30 (2014): 282–307, doi:10.1111/mms.12042.Protracted entanglement in fishing gear often leads to emaciation through reduced mobility and foraging ability, and energy budget depletion from the added drag of towing gear for months or years. We examined changes in kinematics of a tagged entangled North Atlantic right whale (Eg 3911), before, during and after disentanglement on 15 Jan 2011. To calculate the additional drag forces and energetic demand associated with various gear configurations, we towed three sets of gear attached to a load-cell tensiometer at multiple speeds. Tag analyses revealed significant increases in dive depth and duration; ascent, descent and fluke stroke rates; and decreases in root mean square fluke amplitude (a proxy for thrust) following disentanglement. Conservative drag coefficients while entangled in all gear configurations (mean ± SD Cd,e,go = 3.4x10-3 ± 0.0003, Cd,e,gb = 3.7x10-3 ± 0.0003, Cd,e,sl = 3.8x10-3 ± 0.0004) were significantly greater than in the nonentangled case (Cd,n = 3.2x10-3±0.0003; P = 0.0156, 0.0312, 0.0078 respectively). Increases in total power input (including standard metabolism) over the nonentangled condition ranged 1.6%-120.9% for all gear configurations tested; locomotory power requirements increased 60.0%-164.6%. These results highlight significant alteration to swimming patterns, and the magnitude of energy depletion in a chronically entangled whale.Funding sources include NOAA Cooperative Agreement NA09OAR4320129, PO EA133F09SE4792, the M.S. Worthington Foundation, the North Pond Foundation, Sloan and Hardwick Simmons.2014-05-2
