232 research outputs found

    Неполнота и целостность знаний в интеллектуальных системах

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    Анализируются свойства неполноты и целостности структур знаний в интеллектуальных системах. Рассматривается целостность знаний, представленных в вычислительной среде, с позиций определения их смыслов. Исследование проводится с целью последующего построения формальных структур знаний для моделирования процессов образно-понятийного мышления в компьютерных технологиях

    Hydrogen generation from the chemical energy carrier methanol: mechanistic insights into the ruthenium-catalysed dehydrogenation reaction and the implementation of a novel base-metal catalyst system

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    This thesis deals with the aqueous-phase reforming of methanol catalysed by homogeneous pincer complexes. Based on extensive kinetic experiments, spectroscopic investigations and supporting theoretical calculations, a complete mechanistic cycle could be proposed for a Ru-pincer catalyst and its methylated derivative. Furthermore, a highly stable catalyst system based on the base metal manganese was implemented for the low-temperature dehydrogenation of methanol

    Факторы функционирования региона: отечественные подходы

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    Факторы размещения элементов региональной системы отображают не только собственно размещение, но и территориальное развитие. Регион подвержен влиянию системы разнонаправленных внутренних и внешних факторов.Чинники розмiщення елементiв регiональної системи вiдображають не тiльки власне розмiщення, але й территорiальний розвиток. Регiон знаходиться пiд впливом системи як внутрiшнiх, так i зовнiшнiх чинникiв.Location's factors of regional elements reflect location and territorial development. Region has been influence upon different internal and external factors

    Post-collisional polycyclic plutonism from the Zagros hinterland: the Shaivar Dagh plutonic complex, Alborz belt, Iran

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    The petrological and geochronological study of the Cenozoic Shaivar Dagh composite intrusion in the Alborz Mountain belt (NW Iran) reveals important clues to decipher complex relations between magmatic and tectonic processes in the central sectors of the Tethyan (Alpine-Himalayan) orogenic belt. This pluton is formed by intrusion at different times of two main magmatic cycles. The older (Cycle 1) is formed by calc-alkaline silicic rocks, which range in composition from diorites to granodiorites and biotite granites, with abundant mafic microgranular enclaves. The younger cycle (Cycle 2) is formed by K-rich monzodiorite and monzonite of marked shoshonitic affinity. The latter form the larger volumes of the exposed plutonic rocks in the studied complex. Zircon geochronology (laser ablation ICP-MS analyses) gives a concordia age of 30.8 ± 2.1 Ma for the calc-alkaline rocks (Cycle 1) and a range from 23.3 ± 0.5 to 25.1 ± 0.9 Ma for the shoshonitic association (Cycle 2). Major and trace element relations strongly support distinct origins for each magmatic cycle. Rocks of Cycle 1 have all the characteristic features of active continental margins. Shoshonitic rocks (Cycle 2) define two continuous fractionation trends: one departing from a K-rich basaltic composition and the other from an intermediate, K-rich composition. A metasomatized-mantle origin for the two shoshonitic series of Cycle 2 is proposed on the basis of comparisons with experimental data. The origin of the calc-alkaline series is more controversial but it can be attributed to processes in the suprasubduction mantle wedge related to the incorporation of subducted mélanges in the form of silicic cold plumes. A time sequence can be established for the processes responsible of the generation of the two magmatic cycles: first a calc-alkaline cycle typical of active continental margins, and second a K-rich cycle formed by monzonites and monzodiorites. This sequence precludes the younger potassic magmas as precursors of the older calc-alkaline series. By contrast, the older calc-alkaline magmas may represent the metasomatic agents that modified the mantle wedge during the last stages of subduction and cooked a fertile mantle region for late potassic magmatism after continental collisio

    Internet-based language production research with overt articulation: Proof of concept, challenges, and practical advice

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    Language production experiments with overt articulation have thus far only scarcely been conducted online, mostly due to technical difficulties related to measuring voice onset latencies. Especially the poor audiovisual synchrony in web experiments (Bridges et al. 2020) is a challenge to time-locking stimuli and participants’ spoken responses. We tested the viability of conducting language production experiments with overt articulation in online settings using the picture–word interference paradigm – a classic task in language production research. In three pre-registered experiments (N = 48 each), participants named object pictures while ignoring visually superimposed distractor words. We implemented a custom voice recording option in two different web experiment builders and recorded naming responses in audio files. From these stimulus-locked audio files, we extracted voice onset latencies offline. In a control task, participants classified the last letter of a picture name as a vowel or consonant via button-press, a task that shows comparable semantic interference effects. We expected slower responses when picture and distractor word were semantically related compared to unrelated, independently of task. This semantic interference effect is robust, but relatively small. It should therefore crucially depend on precise timing. We replicated this effect in an online setting, both for button-press and overt naming responses, providing a proof of concept that naming latency – a key dependent variable in language production research – can be reliably measured in online experiments. We discuss challenges for online language production research and suggestions of how to overcome them. The scripts for the online implementation are made available.Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (1034)Peer Reviewe

    "Also es gibt keine weitere Frau" - Prozesse der Geschlechterdifferenzierung auf der Führungsebene

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    Frauen waren und sind in Führungspositionen deutscher Wirtschaftsunternehmen unterrepräsentiert. Trotz politischer und betrieblicher Gleichstellungsmaßnahmen liegt der Anteil weiblicher* Führungskräfte in nahezu allen wirtschaftlichen Sektoren deutlich unter dem Anteil weiblicher* Beschäftigter insgesamt. Unabhängig davon, ob Organisationen als strukturell vergeschlechtlicht (Acker 1991, 2006) betrachtet werden oder die Aktualisierung von Geschlecht als kontextabhängig (z. B. Heintz/Nadai 1998) und kontingent analysiert wird, problematisiert die Geschlechterforschung, dass politische Gesetze und/oder einzelne Selbstverpflichtungen von Unternehmen jene mehr oder weniger subtilen Prozesse der Geschlechterdifferenzierung in Organisationen über die Ungleichheit hergestellt werden, kaum berühren. Anhand einer qualitativen Untersuchung in der Verwaltung eines großen Einzelhandelsunternehmens in Deutschland wird gezeigt, wie informelle Prozesse einer Geschlechtergleichstellung entgegenstehen - selbst wenn die Organisation eine Erhöhung des Frauenanteils in Führungspositionen wünscht und in den untersten Führungsebenen der Frauenanteil bereits vergleichsweise hoch ist.Women remain underrepresented in management positions in Germany. Despite political, legal and company-level equal opportunities measures, the proportion of female* managers in almost all economic sectors is significantly lower than the overall proportion of female* employees. Irrespective of whether organizations are regarded as structurally gendered (Acker 1991, 2006) or gender is analyzed as a contextual and contingent category (i. e. Heintz/Nadai 1998), the main challenge is that political laws and/or individual voluntary commitments by companies hardly touch subtle processes of gender differentiation and inequality at organizational level. Using findings from a qualitative study in the administrative department of a large retail company in Germany, the article shows how informal processes oppose cultural change towards gender equality even though the organization aims at bringing more women into management position. And it shows that a larger percentage of women in lower management positions does not automatically improve their career opportunities

    A mobile and intelligent device for customized logopedic therapy

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    An expert system for customized logopedic therapy must allow the training of children depending on its speech disabilities and former progress. The children’s training is accomplished using exercises chosen by the expert system and can be performed either in the doctor’s office or at home for each child using an intelligent mobile device. The expert system generates a set of exercises for each child depending on the doctor’s recommendation. These exercises are transferred from PC to mobile devices using a Universal Serial Bus connection. The mobile device saves the result of each therapy session and when it is connected to PC it transfers the results to the expert system for analysis. Using the results of these analyses the expert system will decided whether a new session is needed and if that is the case, compute a new set of exercises

    Spin Quartets. Sonification of the XY Model

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    Presented at the 16th International Conference on Auditory Display (ICAD2010) on June 9-15, 2010 in Washington, DC.We present an intuitive sonification of data from a statistical physics model, the XY-spin model. Topological structures (anti-/vortices) are hidden to the eye by random spin movement. The behavior of the vortices changes by crossing a phase transition as a function of the temperature. Our sonification builds on basic acoustic properties of phase modulation. Only interesting structures like anti-/vortices remain heard, while everything else falls silent, without additional computational effort. The researcher interacts with the data by a graphical user interface. The sonification can be extended to any lattice model where locally turbulent structures are embedded in rather laminar fields

    Three-Dimensional Observation of Atmospheric Processes in Cities

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    To cope with weather and climate-induced impacts as well as with air pollution in cities, the German research programme “Urban Climate Under Change” ([UC]2) aims at developing, testing and validating a new urban climate model, which is able to cover the full range of temporal and spatial scales of urban atmospheric processes. The project “Three-dimensional Observation of Atmospheric Processes in Cities” (3DO), which forms the module B of the [UC]2 research programme, aims at acquisition of comprehensive, accurate three-dimensional observational data sets on weather, climate and air quality in the German cities of Berlin, Hamburg and Stuttgart. Data sets from long-term observations and intense observation periods allow for evaluation of the performance of a new urban climate model called PALM‑4U that is developed by the project “Model-based city planning and application in climate change” (MOSAIK), which forms the module A of the [UC]2 research programme. This article focuses on collaborative activities for compilation of existing and acquisition of new observational data within the 3DO project