532 research outputs found

    Wage differences between women and men in Sweden - the impact of skill mismatch

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    Since the early 2000s regional enlargement (“regionförstoring”) has become an important objective in the Swedish regional policy. Smaller regions are intended to be functionally integrated into larger neighbours through intensified commuting. This strive is facilitated by the fact that the coveted process seems self-propelled and already running. The number of functional regions is reported to have halved during the three last decades of the 20th century and are expected to half again until 2030. However, it has been difficult to confirm this fast development in other data. In this paper a set of explanations to this seemingly contradictory condition are suggested. The conclusion is that the Swedish regional enlargement partly might be fictitious, an effect of flaws and errors in the data and the way used to measure the process. The unfortunate message is that regional enlargement might not be such an easily practicable way to regional development it seems to be and that the assumption of a future Sweden of only 55-60 functional regions might have defective grounds.gender differences in wage; overeducation; undereducation

    Wage differences between women and men in Sweden - the impact of skill mismatch

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    We investigate skill mismatch and its impact on gender differences in wage gap and in returns to education in Sweden 1993 to 2002.Women are more likely to have more formal education than what is normally required for their occupation (overeducation), while men are more likely to have less (undereducation).Over- and undereducation contribute far more to the gender wage gap than years of schooling and work experience. In decompositions, adjusting for skill mismatch decreases the gender wage gap by between one tenth and one sixth. This is roughly a third to a half as much as is accounted for by segregation by industry. Thus, taking skill mismatch into account is essential for the analysis of gender wage differentiation, even though it does not alter the result that the estimated returns to education are smaller for women than for men in Sweden.Gender differentials; discrimination; over- and undereducation

    Lived religion and mystical experiences : Finding an inclusive umbrella concept for varieties of experiences deemed religious

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    This article discusses and argues for a ‘new’ and inclusive umbrella concept for varieties of experiences that have been called, inter alia, religious, spiritual, existential, paranormal, extraordinary or inexplicable. The umbrella concept to be explored is seen as a means of capturing one kind of ‘lived religion’ in contemporary society and simultaneously expanding the field of the sociology of religion. The discussion is theoretical and anchored in contemporary theories and traditions in sociology of religion, but it is also of pragmatical, methodological, empirical, and ethical concern. The main concepts that are currently in use and considered as offering a possible umbrella term for this cluster of often overlapping experiences, which are difficult to clearly define and distinguish, are summarized, and the main concepts, such as religious, spiritual and paranormal experiences, are elaborated in more detail. Thereafter follows a definition and in-depth discussion of the suggested concept of mystical experiences. In conclusion, I argue that William James’s concept of mystical experiences, with an upgraded and inclusive understanding considering religious, cultural and societal change, has the potential to work on etic, interdisciplinary and emic levels, without offending the experiencers or violating their interpretations and the meaning-making of their experiences

    Intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm of the pancreas : a study with magnetic resonance imaging

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    Intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm (IPMN) of the pancreas is a cystic tumor that has the potential of malignant transformation. In this thesis, our aims were to investigate the natural course of IPMN disease and possible causes that may associate with IPMN disease or its severity. Additionally, we examined whether a shorter and thus more cost-effective imaging protocol could be used in IPMN surveillance without losing any of its diagnostic value. First, we studied the natural course of side-branch IPMN disease by evaluating patient images and medical records from 521 patients who visited the Helsinki University Hospital pancreatic outpatient clinic between 2014 and 2016. Every patientÂŽs first and last surveillance images were evaluated retrospectively. A total of 377 side-branch IPMN patients were identified and classified into the following groups: presence or absence of worrisome features (WF) or high-risk stigmata (HRS) at the beginning of surveillance, the appearance of WF or HRS during surveillance, elevated or normal level of carbohydrate antigen 19-9 (CA 19-9), and stable or growing cysts that are under 15 mm. At the beginning of surveillance, 50% of patients had an under 15-mm primary cyst, of which 40% did not grow during surveillance. High-grade dysplasias or carcinomas did not exist in patients with normal CA 19-9 levels during surveillance. In conclusion, patients having side-branch IPMN cysts smaller than 15 mm that do not increase in size under surveillance and have no WF or HRS can be surveilled less frequently in the future. Second, we examined whether a shorter magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) protocol—the so-called ultrashort-protocol (USP) MRI—could be used for IPMN surveillance. Retrospectively, 183 IPMN patients that visited the Helsinki University Hospital pancreatic outpatient clinic between April 2015 and December 2016 were collected in this study. A total of 112 patients were included in the study. Two radiologists compared two imaging sets (USP versus long-protocol [S-LP]) per every patient separately, measuring the largest cyst and the main pancreatic duct (MPD) diameters and evaluating the presence or absence of MPD or cystic mural nodules and solid pancreatic tumors. Cyst or MPD nodules detection coincided in 95% and 99% of cases, WF or HRS detection in 92%, and solid pancreatic tumors in 99%. In conclusion, an ultrashort-protocol MRI provides nearly identical information compared to the longer protocols. Last, we studied if anatomical ductal variations have any association with IPMN disease. We retrospectively collected 108 IPMN patients and 106 subjects with healthy pancreas for the control population. Patients with meandering main pancreatic duct (MMPD) were more likely to belong to the IPMN group (odds ratio [OR] 6.4). The N-shape, which is one form of MMPD, associated with cystic mural nodules (OR 5.9), which are one of the worrisome features. The presence of ansa pancreatica associated with more extent cysts in the pancreas (OR 12.8). In conclusion, IPMN patients exhibit more often MMPD than control patients.Haiman intraduktaalinen papillaarinen musinoosi kasvain (IPMN) on kystinen tuumori, jolla on potentiaalia malignisoitua. TĂ€mĂ€n malignisoitumisriskin vuoksi potilaat ovat seurannassa, mikĂ€ puolestaan aiheuttaa potilaille ja terveydenhuollolle merkittĂ€vÀÀ taakkaa. TĂ€ssĂ€ vĂ€itöskirjassa tavoitteenamme oli tutkia IPMN-taudin luonnollista kulkua ja mahdollisia syitĂ€ taudin syntyyn ja kehitykseen. LisĂ€ksi tutkimme voisiko lyhyempÀÀ ja nĂ€in ollen kustannustehokkaampaa kuvantamisprotokollaa kĂ€yttÀÀ IPMN-seurannassa ilman, ettĂ€ diagnostiikan laatu kĂ€rsii. EnsimmĂ€isessĂ€ osatyössĂ€ tutkimme sivutiehyt IPMN-taudin luonnollista kulkua arvioimalla 521 potilasta, jotka olivat vuosien 2014–2016 vĂ€lillĂ€ kĂ€yneet Helsingin yliopistollisen sairaalan haimakirurgian poliklinikalla ensimmĂ€istĂ€ kertaa. Jokaisen potilaan ensimmĂ€inen ja viimeinen seurantakuvaus arvioitiin jĂ€lkikĂ€teen tutkimukseen. YhteensĂ€ 377 sivutiehyt IPMN-potilasta havaittiin ja luokiteltiin seuraaviin ryhmiin: huolestuttavien tai korkean riskin piirteiden olemassaolo seurannan alussa, huolestuttavien tai korkean riskin piirteiden kehittyminen seuranta-aikana, normaali tai kohonnut CA 19-9 antigeenipitoisuus veressĂ€, sekĂ€ stabiili tai kasvava alle 15 mm kokoinen kysta. Seurannan alussa 50%:lla potilaista oli alle 15 mm kokoinen kookkain kysta, joista 40%:ia ei kasvanut seurannan aikana. Potilailla, joilla oli normaali CA 19-9 pitoisuus seurannan ajan ei havaittu vahva-asteista dysplasiaa eikĂ€ karsinoomia. Tutkimuksemme perusteella niitĂ€ sivutiehyt IPMN-potilaita, joilla on alle 15 mm kokoisia kystiĂ€, jotka eivĂ€t kasva seurannan aikana eivĂ€tkĂ€ omaa huolestuttavia eikĂ€ korkean riskin piirteitĂ€, voitaisiin seurata jatkossa harvemmin. Toisessa osatyössĂ€ tutkimme voisiko lyhyempÀÀ magneettikuvantamis (MRI) protokollaa, niin kutsuttua ultralyhytprotokollaa, kĂ€yttÀÀ IPMN-seurannassa. Retrospektiivisesti otimme tutkimukseen mukaan 183 IPMN-potilasta, jotka kĂ€vivĂ€t Helsingin yliopistollisen sairaalan haimakirurgian poliklinikalla huhtikuun 2015 ja joulukuun 2016 vĂ€lillĂ€. YhteensĂ€ 112 potilasta sisĂ€llytettiin tutkimukseen. Kaksi radiologia analysoi potilaan kuvat kahteen kertaan: ensin alkuperĂ€isillĂ€ kuvasarjoilla ja uudelleen vain tietyillĂ€ kahdella kuvasarjalla. Kuvista kerĂ€ttiin mm. seuraavat tiedot: kookkaimman kystan koko, haimatiehyeen leveys, ja arvioitiin seinĂ€mĂ€noduluksen tai haimatuumorin mahdollista esiintymistĂ€. Kystan tai haimatiehyeen sisĂ€isen seinĂ€mĂ€noduluksen havaitseminen vastaavuus ultralyhyen ja alkuperĂ€isten kuvien vĂ€lillĂ€ oli 95%:ia ja 99%:ia, huolestuttavien tai korkean riskin piirteiden havaitsemisen 92%:ia, ja haimatuumorin 99%:ia. Tutkimuksemme perusteella ultralyhytprotokolla on verrannollinen pidemmĂ€n protokollan kanssa. Kolmannessa osatyössĂ€ tutkimme onko anatomisilla haimatiehyeen variaatioilla yhteyttĂ€ IPMN-tautiin. Retrospektiivisesti kerĂ€simme 108 IPMN-potilasta sekĂ€ nĂ€ille 106 vertailupotilasta, joilla oli terve haima. Potilaat, joilla oli niin kutsuttu kiemurteleva haiman pÀÀtiehyt (MMPD) olivat todennĂ€köisemmin IPMN-potilaita (odds ratio [OR] 6.4). MMPD tiehyeen tietynlainen N-muoto puolestaan oli yhteydessĂ€ kystan seinĂ€mĂ€nodulusten esiintymisen kanssa (OR 5.9), mikĂ€ on yksi ns. huolestuttavista piirteistĂ€. Tietynlaisen kiepin tekevĂ€n haiman lisĂ€tiehyeen, ns. ansa pancreatican, esiintyminen oli yhteydessĂ€ laajemmin haimaparenkyymin kattaviin kystiin (OR 12.8). JohtopÀÀtöksenĂ€mme on, ettĂ€ IPMN-potilailla on useammin kiemurteleva haiman pÀÀtiehyt

    Wage Differentials and Gender Discrimination - Changes in Sweden 1981-1998

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    The purpose of this paper is to follow the development of the Swedish gender earnings gap through the 1980s and 1990s. We follow the changes in the wage gap and in factors to which it can be related, step-by-step, and year-by- year. This is done by analysing cross sectional data from statistics Sweden (HINK) for the years 1981, 1983-1991 and 1993-1998. The preliminary results show that the unadjusted wage gap varied between 15-20 percent up to 1989 when the differentials began to increase. During the 90s the size of the gap was around 25 percent. There is an increase in the wage differentials between the 1980s and late 1990s. In a decomposition analysis we find that the measured differences in jobs and qualifications between women and men can account only for between two and three fifths of the gender wage gap, if they are assumed to be rewarded according to the wage function for men. If the female wage function is applied, considerably less of the differentials are explained. Differences in the educational requirements for jobs have contributed considerably to gender earnings inequality. The impact has, however, decreased over the period studied and is about half as large in the 1990s as it was in the 1980s.Gender differentials; wage differentiation; Swedish labour market discrimination

    Wage differences between women and men in Sweden: The impact of skill mismatch

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    We investigate skill mismatch and its impact on gender differences in wage gap and in returns to education in Sweden 1993 to 2002.Women are more likely to have more formal education than what is normally required for their occupation (overeducation), while men are more likely to have less (undereducation).Over- and undereducation contribute far more to the gender wage gap than years of schooling and work experience. In decompositions, adjusting for skill mismatch decreases the gender wage gap by between one tenth and one sixth. This is roughly a third to a half as much as is accounted for by segregation by industry. Thus, taking skill mismatch into account is essential for the analysis of gender wage differentiation, even though it does not alter the result that the estimated returns to education are smaller for women than for men in Sweden

    Prevalens av osteochondros hos avkommor efter svenska halvblodshingstar : en retrospektiv tvÀrsnittstudie utförd med hjÀlp av rutinmÀssigt insamlade klinikdata frÄn röntgade hÀstar vid ett svenskt djursjukhus

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    The main purpose of this study was to study the heredity of osteochondrosis (OC) in fetlock-, hock- or stifle joints within the Swedish half-bred population, using data from the regional animal hospital in Helsingborg. A large number of horses with clinical symptoms, for example lameness, are radiographed every year at the regional animal hospital in Helsingborg. In addition, many clinically healthy horses are radiographed in order to be sold (inspection radiographed / export radiographed). This study is based on electronically stored data from horses in both of these groups of patients that underwent joint radiography at the regional hospital in Helsingborg during the years 1992-1999. The first file (inspection file) contained 1035 observations from 983 horses that had their fetlock-, hock - or stifle joints radiographed for inspection or export. The other file (clinical file) contained 6121 observations from 3800 horses that were radiographed due to clinical symptoms in the fetlock-, stifle or hock joints. Mainly horses with known fathers or maternal grandfathers were used in this study. For the fetlock joints 715 observations (horses) for fathers and 632 observations for maternal grandfathers from the inspection file were used and 1454 observations for fathers and 1218 observations for maternal grandfathers from the clinical file were used. There was one stallion in the inspection file that statistically significantly deviated from the average with respect to osteochondrosis in the fetlock joints in the offspring. Also in the data from the file of horses with clinical symptoms this stallion deviated statistically significantly from the average. A high prevalence of osteochondrosis in the fetlock joint of the second generation offspring in both of the files was passed on by the maternal grandfather of this stallion. The same maternal grandfather is a paternal grandfather of another stallion that passes on a lot of osteochondrosis in the clinic file. This indicates that osteochondrosis in the fetlock joint can be passed on by the maternal as well as the paternal grandfather. Another two stallions in the clinic file pass on a high prevalence of ostechondrosis in the fetlock joint. Apart from the high prevalence of ostechondrosis in the fetlock joint, one of the stallions pass on the highest prevalence of osteochondrosis in the stifle joint and the other stallion passes on the highest prevalence of ostechondrosis in the hock joint. This indicates that the same individual can pass on osteochondrosis in different specific joints.Huvudsyftet med denna studie var att studera Àrfligheten av osteochondros (OC) i kot-, has- eller knÀled, inom den svenska halvblodspopulationen med hjÀlp av uppgifter frÄn regiondjursjukhuset i Helsingborg. PÄ regiondjursjukhuset i Helsingborg röntgas Ärligen ett stort antal hÀstar i samband med kliniska symtom pÄ sjukdom ex. hÀlta. MÄnga kliniskt friska hÀstar röntgas Àven i samband med försÀljning (besiktningsröntgen / exportröntgen). Detta arbete baseras pÄ elektroniskt lagrade data frÄn hÀstar i bÄda dessa patientgrupper som ledröntgats pÄ regiondjursjukhuset i Helsingborg under Ären 1992-1999. Den första filen (besiktningsfilen) innehöll 1035 observationer frÄn 983 hÀstar som besiktningsröntgats eller exportröntgats i kota, has och / eller knÀ- leder. Den andra filen (klinikfilen) innehöll 6121 observationer frÄn 3800 hÀstar som röntgats pÄ grund av kliniska symtom i kota, has, och / eller knÀleder. I innevarande studie anvÀndes frÀmst de hÀstar med fader och / eller morfader angiven. För exempelvis kotleder anvÀndes för fader 715 observationer (hÀstar) och för morfader 632 observationer frÄn besiktningsfilen och för fader 1454 observationer och för morfader 1218 observatoner frÄn klinikfilen. UtifrÄn materialet i besiktningsfilen Àr det en hingst som skiljer sig statistiskt signifikant frÄn genomsnittet med avseende pÄ OC i kotlederna hos avkomman. Denna hingst utmÀrker sig Àven i materialet frÄn hÀstar med kliniska symtom. Morfadern till denna hingst nedÀrver hög prevalens av kotledsosteochondros till andragenerationsavkomman i bÀgge materialen. Samma morfader Àr farfader till en annan hingst som nedÀrver mycket kotledsosteochondros i klinikfilen. Detta samband ger indikationer pÄ att kotledsosteochondros kan nedÀrvas frÄn bÄde fadern och morfadern. Ytterligare tvÄ andra hingstar i klinikfilen nedÀrver hög prevalens av kotledsosteochondros. Förutom den höga prevalensen av kotledsosteochondros nedÀrver den ena av dem den högsta prevalensen av knÀledsosteochondros och den andra av dem den högsta prevalensen av hasledsosteochondros. Detta indikerar att en och samma individ kan nedÀrva osteochondros i olika specifika leder

    “Advice and Consent” in Historical Perspective

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    In recent years, commentators have complained about what they regard as an increasingly dysfunctional confirmation process for judges and high-ranking executive officials, and the proper role for the Senate in the confirmation process has been much debated. This Article suggests that confirmations have been contentious throughout American history, and that the focus on ideological issues in today’s confirmation proceedings is not anomalous. Indeed, historically, both Republicans and Democrats have used the confirmation process to delay or oppose nominations when the President hails from a different political party, and, sometimes, even when the President comes from the same party but there are ideological objections to the nominee. That the appointments process has, at times, been difficult and contentious should come as no great surprise. The Framers of the United States Constitution intentionally created a governmental structure that was more prone to obstructionism than other comparable systems. Relying on concepts like “separation of powers,” and “checks and balances,” the Framers sought to constrain the federal government in ways that would limit the possibilities for governmental abuse. The appointments power reflects this approach. Like many other constitutional powers, it is a shared power. Although the President has the power to nominate Article III judges, as well as ambassadors and “officers,” nominees can only be confirmed with the “advice and consent” of the Senate. By placing the power to appoint in two politically elected entities, the Constitution establishes a system whereby political influences will sometimes have a major impact on the confirmation process. Although contentiousness can arise during any type of nomination, some Supreme Court nominations have been particularly bitter. Both the Senate and the American public have increasingly become aware that the courts make law and that the political and judicial attitudes of nominees matter. Under such circumstances, the Senate’s inquiry quite naturally goes beyond the simple question of whether a nominee is qualified or unqualified. However, the confirmation process is more difficult today, even for nonjudicial nominees, because of the bitter partisanship that has infected the U.S. political system
