146 research outputs found


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    Explicit Computation of Input Weights in Extreme Learning Machines

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    We present a closed form expression for initializing the input weights in a multi-layer perceptron, which can be used as the first step in synthesis of an Extreme Learning Ma-chine. The expression is based on the standard function for a separating hyperplane as computed in multilayer perceptrons and linear Support Vector Machines; that is, as a linear combination of input data samples. In the absence of supervised training for the input weights, random linear combinations of training data samples are used to project the input data to a higher dimensional hidden layer. The hidden layer weights are solved in the standard ELM fashion by computing the pseudoinverse of the hidden layer outputs and multiplying by the desired output values. All weights for this method can be computed in a single pass, and the resulting networks are more accurate and more consistent on some standard problems than regular ELM networks of the same size.Comment: In submission for the ELM 2014 Conferenc

    Broadband Photometry of 105 Giant Arcs: Redshift Constraints and Implications for Giant Arc Statistics

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    We measure the photometric properties of 105 giant arcs that were identified in systematic searches for galaxy-cluster-scale strong lenses in the Second Red-Sequence Cluster Survey (RCS-2) and the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS). The cluster lenses span 0.2 < z_lens < 1.2 in redshift, with a median z_lens = 0.58. Using broadband color criteria we sort the entire arc sample into redshift bins based on u-g and g-r colors, and also r-z colors for the ~90% of arcs that have z-band data. This analysis yields broad redshift constraints with 71 +5 -4 % of the arcs at z > 1.0, 64 +6 -4 % at z > 1.4, 56 +5 -4 % at z > 1.9, and 21 +4 -2 % at z > 2.7. The remaining 29 +3 -5 % have z < 1. The inferred median redshift is z_s = 2.0 +/- 0.1, in good agreement with a previous determination from a smaller sample of brighter arcs (g < 22.5). This agreement confirms that z_s = 2.0 +/- 0.1 is the typical redshift for giant arcs with g < 24 that are produced by cluster-scale strong lenses, and that there is no evidence for strong evolution in the redshift distribution of arcs over a wide range of g-band magnitudes (20 < g < 24). Establishing that half of all giant arcs are at z > 2 contributes significantly toward relieving the tension between the number of arcs observed and the number expected in a Lambda-CDM cosmology, but there is considerable evidence to suggest that a discrepancy persists. Additionally, this work confirms that forthcoming large samples of giant arcs will supply the observational community with many magnified galaxies at z > 2.Comment: 16 pages, 8 figures, 3 tables, Accepted to ApJ; University of Chicago Department of Astronomy & Astrophysics PhD Thesi

    Shapes and Alignments of Galaxy Cluster Halos

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    We present distribution functions and spatial correlations of the shapes of dark matter halos derived from Hubble Volume simulations of a LambdaCDM universe. We measure both position and velocity shapes within spheres encompassing mean density 200 times the critical value, and calibrate small-N systematic errors using Poisson realizations of isothermal spheres and higher resolution simulations. For halos more massive than 3x10^{14} Msun/h, the shape distribution function peaks at (minor/major, intermediate/major) axial ratios of (0.64,0.76) in position, and is rounder in velocity, peaking at (0.72,0.82). Halo shapes are rounder at lower mass and/or redshift; the mean minor axis ratio in position follows (M,z) = c_{15,0} [1-\alpha\ln(M/10^{15}Msun/h)] (1+z)^{-\epsilon}, with c_{15,0}=0.631 \pm 0.001, \alpha=0.023 \pm 0.002 and \epsilon=0.086 \pm 0.004. Position and velocity principal axes are well aligned in direction, with median alignment angle 22∘22^\circ, and the axial ratios in these spaces are correlated in magnitude. We investigate mark correlations of halo pair orientations using two measures: a simple scalar product shows ≄1\ge 1% alignment extending to 30 \hinv \mpc while a filamentary statistic exhibits non-random alignment extending to scales \sims 200 \hinv \mpc, ten times the sample two-point correlation length and well into the regime of negative two-point correlation. Cluster shapes are unaffected by the large-scale environment; the shape distribution of supercluster members is consistent with that of the general population.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figures, submitted to Ap

    A sensitivity matrix approach using two-stage optimization for voltage regulation of LV networks with high PV penetration

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    The occurrence of voltage violations is a major deterrent for absorbing more rooftop solar power into smart Low-Voltage Distribution Grids (LVDGs). Recent studies have focused on decentralized control methods to solve this problem due to the high computational time in performing load flows in centralized control techniques. To address this issue, a novel sensitivity matrix was developed to estimate the voltages of the network by replacing load flow simulations. In this paper, a Centralized Active, Reactive Power Management System (CARPMS) is proposed to optimally utilize the reactive power capability of smart Photovoltaic (PV) inverters with minimal active power curtailment to mitigate the voltage violation problem. The developed sensitivity matrix is able to reduce the time consumed by 55.1% compared to load flow simulations, enabling near-real-time control optimization. Given the large solution space of power systems, a novel two-stage optimization is proposed, where the solution space is narrowed down by a Feasible Region Search (FRS) step, followed by Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO). The failure of standalone PSO to converge to a feasible solution for 34% of the scenarios evaluated further validates the necessity of the two-stage optimization using FRS. The performance of the proposed methodology was analysed in comparison to the load flow method to demonstrate the accuracy and the capability of the optimization algorithm to mitigate voltage violations in near-real time. The deviations of the mean voltages of the proposed methodology from the load flow method were: 6.5×10−3 p.u for reactive power control using Q-injection, 1.02×10−2 p.u for reactive power control using Q-absorption, and 0 p.u for active power curtailment case

    The 400d Galaxy Cluster Survey Weak Lensing Programme: I: MMT/Megacam Analysis of CL0030+2618 at z=0.50

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    The mass function of galaxy clusters at high redshifts is a particularly useful probe to learn about the history of structure formation and constrain cosmological parameters. We aim at deriving reliable masses for a high-redshift, high-luminosity sample of clusters of galaxies selected from the 400d survey of X-ray selected clusters. Here, we will focus on a particular object, CL0030+2618 at z=0.50 Using deep imaging in three passbands with the MEGACAM instrument at MMT, we show that MEGACAM is well-suited for measuring gravitational shear. We detect the weak lensing signal of CL0030+2618 at 5.8 sigma significance, using the aperture mass technique. Furthermore, we find significant tangential alignment of galaxies out to ~10 arcmin or >2r_200 distance from the cluster centre. The weak lensing centre of CL0030+2618 agrees with several X-ray measurements and the position of the brightest cluster galaxy. Finally, we infer a weak lensing virial mass of M_200=7.5 10^{14} M_sun for CL0030+2618. Despite complications by a tentative foreground galaxy group in the line of sight, the X-ray and weak lensing estimates for CL0030+2618 are in remarkable agreement. This study paves the way for the largest weak lensing survey of high-redshift galaxy clusters to date.Comment: 32 pages, 24 figures, submitted to Astronomy & Astrophysics; fixed some LaTeX issues, now 30 pages v3: Improved version accepted by Astronomy & Astrophysic

    The Bio-Politics of Population Control and Sex Selective Abortion in China and India

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    China and India, two countries with skewed sex ratios in favor of males, have introduced a wide range of policies over the past few decades to prevent couples from deselecting daughters, including criminalizing sex-selective abortion through legal jurisdiction. This article aims to analyze how such policies are situated within the bio-politics of population control and how some of the outcomes reflect each government’s inadequacy in addressing the social dynamics around abortion decision making and the social, physical, and psychological effects on women’s wellbeing in the face of criminalization of sex-selective abortion. The analysis finds that overall, the criminalization of sex selection has not been successful in these two countries. Further, the broader economic, social, and cultural dynamics which produce bias against females must be a part of the strategy to combat sex selection, rather than a narrow criminalization of abortion which endangers women’s access to safe reproductive health services and their social, physical, and psychological wellbeing
