71 research outputs found

    The Readiness of the Private English Schools to Improve the English Skill of the Tourism Human Resources in Polewali Mandar Regency West Sulawesi

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the readiness of language education institutions outside of school in the context of developing tourism human resources, as well as how the government and private parties support these educational institutions. The results of the study indicate that the Out-of-school Language Education Institution Program in Polewali Mandar Regency can be said to have increased, but the government has not carried out socialization. as well as the state of facilities and infrastructure that still needs to be developed, and also instructions for the location of the course location are not yet available, so it is rather difficult to get information about the location of the English language training place. With the location of the English village, it can be said that there is already a readiness of out-of-school educational institutions in Polewali Mandar Regency, in order to train human resources to speak English well, so that activities in the tourism sector. can take place well, because communication is established smoothly, especially to foreign tourists


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    The purpose of this study was to map the distribution of tourist attractions in the agro-tourism area of Bulo Village, Bulo District, Polewali Mandar Regency. After careful scrutiny, it turns out that Bulo Agrotourism has entered as a leading tourist attraction in Polewali Mandar Regency. The research was conducted through a field survey using Garmin GPS to determine the location of tourist objects and area boundaries, data processing was carried out using ArcGIS 10.8. The data processing produces attribute data in the form of spatial and coordinate data, so that 6 (six) objects can be mapped including Anugerah Bulo Hill, Tapenangi Durian Garden, Bulo Botanical Garden, Lemo Nipi Hill, Uhai Sibali Peak and Senayan Hill. Meanwhile, based on the 3 (three) components of tourism which include Attractions, Accessibility and tourist activities that really need to be addressed are the accessibility components, including transportation service facilities so that tourists can visit agro-tourism at any time and feel comfortable and safe, because the road conditions to the location are still in pioneering, so that the policy makers should immediately fix the road facilities to each tourist attraction.

    Pemetaan Potensi Air Tanah Dangkal Berbasis Sistem Informasi Geografi di Kecamatan Limboto Provinsi Gorontalo

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    Cekungan Air Tanah (CAT) Gorontalo memiliki peranan penting terhadap keberadaan dan ketersediaan air tanah dangkal di Kecamatan Limboto sehingga perlu dipetakan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memetakan potensi air tanah dangkal di Kecamatan Limboto Provinsi Gorontalo. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode survey yaitu dengan melakukan pengamatan dan pengukuran langsung di lapangan. Teknik pengambilan sampel yang digunakan adalah sampel acak sistimatik untuk pengukuran kedalaman muka air tanah dangkal atau air sumur. Analisis data dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode deterministik berbasis Sistem Informasi Geografis (SIG). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa di bagian Selatan lokasi penelitian atau di daerah sekitar Danau Limboto memiliki potensi air tanah yang tinggi, sedangkan di bagian utara lokasi penelitian potensi air tanahnya sedang sampai rendah. Berdasarkan parameter kondisi fisik air tanah atau sampe air sumur gali, desa Tenilo, Hepuhulawa dan Hutuo memiliki potensi kualitas air tanah dangkal yang terdiri atas kualitas baik dan kurang baik, dengan persebaran yang merata di seluruh wilayah desa. Potensi kualitas air tanah di desa Hunggaluwa dan Dutulunaa umumnya didominasi oleh kondisi fisik air dengan kualitas baik, sebaliknya di desa Kayumerh dan Kayubulan didominasi oleh kondisi fisik air tanah dangkal dengan kualitas kurang baik

    Evaluasi Kinerja Web Server Apache menggunakan Protokol HTTP2

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    Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengukur kinerja dari protokol HTTP/2 dan cara untuk mengaktifkan protokol ini, sehingga protokol ini dapat diimplementasi dan mempercepat kinerja dari berbagai web server. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini, ditunjukkan bahwa pengimplementasian protokol ini dapat berjalan pada web server apache versi 2.4.17. Pada pengukuran kinerja yang dilakukan bahwa kecepatan response time yang dihasilkan HTTP/2 dalam mentransfer data lebih kecil dari pada HTTP/1 dapat dilihat dari hasil response time HTTP/1 web server apache sebesar 128,6 ms sedangkan pada HTTP/2 86,3 ms, dan pada web server nginx juga menunjukkan response time HTTP/2 lebih kecil dari pada HTTP/1 yang sebesar 184,3 ms dan 141,6 pada HTTP/2. Dari hasil pengujian response time HTTP/2 menunjukkan performa kecepatan yang lebih cepat jika diterapkan dalam web server apache dari pada menggunakan web server nginx. Apache Web Server Performance Evaluation using the HTTP2 Protocol Abstract: This research was conducted to measure the performance of the HTTP/2 protocol and ways to activate this protocol, so that this protocol can be implemented and accelerate the performance of various web servers. Based on the results of this study, it was shown that implementing this protocol could run on the Apache web server version 2.4.17. In the performance measurement carried out that the speed of response time generated by HTTP/2 in transferring data is smaller than HTTP/1 can be seen from the results of the HTTP/1 web server response time of 128.6 ms while on HTTP/2 86.3 ms, and on the nginx web server also shows HTTP/2 response time is smaller than HTTP/1 which is 184.3 ms and 141.6 on HTTP/2. From the results of HTTP/2 response time testing shows the performance speed is faster if implemented in the Apache web server than using the Nginx web server. Keywords: Apache, HTTP/1, HTTP/2, Nginx, Response-Time

    Struktur Komunitas Plankton di Perairan Pantai Tanjung Kasuari, Kecamatan Sorong Barat, Kota Sorong

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui struktur komunitas plankton yang meliputi kelimpahan, keanekaragaman, keseragaman, dominansi, kesamaan habitat di Perairan Pantai Tanjung Kasuari. Hasil pengamatan menunjukkan bahwa fitoplankton yang ditemukan terdiri dari 3 kelas yaitu kelas Bacillariophyceae (27 genera), kelas Cyanophyceae (1 genus), dan kelas Dinophyceae (3 genera): zooplankton terdiri dari 7 kelompok yaitu Crustacea (8 genera), Protozoa (8 genera), Rotifera (1 genus), Urochordata (1 genus), larva Gastropoda (1 genus), larva Pelecynoda (1 genus), dan larva Polychaeta (1 genus). Komposisi jenis fitoplankton tertinggi pada setiap stasiun dari kelas Bacillariophyceae yang berkisar antara 81-91 % dan zooplankton dari kelompok Crustacea berkisar antara 31-55 % dari total jenis yang ada. Kelimpahan fitoplankton pada setiap stasiun pengamatan berkisar antara 527-6.991 ind/I dan kelimpahan zooplankton berkisar antara 8-152 ind/l. Jenis fitoplankton selalu ditemukan pada setiap stasiun pengamatan adalah Coscinodiscus, Navicula, Nitzschia, Rhizosolenia, Thalassiothrix, Peridinium. Sedangkan zooplankton selalu ditemukan adalah Calanus, Nauplius, dan Oithona. Nilai indeks keanekaragaman plankton berkisar antara 1.74-2,84 nits/individu, indeks keseragaman berkisar antara 0,53-0,80 dan indeks dominansi berkisar antara 0,08-0,27. A B S T R A C T The present study aimed to determine the structure of the phytoplankton community including abundance, diversity, uniformity, dominance, habitat similarity in Tanjung Kasuari Coastal Waters. The results showed that the phytoplankton found consisted of 3 classes, namely Bacillariophyceae class (27 genera), Cyanophyceae class (1 genus), and Dinophyceae class (3 genera): zooplankton consisted of 7 groups, namely Crustacea (8 genera), Protozoa (8 genera), Rotifera (1 genus), Urochordata (1 genus), Gastropod larvae (1 genus), Pelecynoda larvae (1 genus), and Polychaeta larvae (1 genus). The highest phytoplankton species composition was from the Bacillariophyceae class which ranged from 81-91% and the zooplankton from the Crustacean group ranged from 31-55% of the total species. The abundance of phytoplankton each observation station ranged from 527 to 6,991 ind/I and the abundance of zooplankton ranged from 8-152 ind/l. Types of phytoplankton often found in all observation station are Coscinodiscus, Navicula, Nitzschia, Rhizosolenia, Thalassiotrix, Peridinium. The zooplankton often found, Calanus, Nauplius, and Oithona. The plankton diversity index value ranged from 1.74-2.84 nits/individual, the uniformity index ranged from 0.53-0.80 and the dominance index ranged from 0.08-0.27

    Mopo’alati Tradition In The Coastal Muslim Community At Molotabu Beach Bone Bolango District

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    This paper elaborates on the reality of the Mopo'alati tradition in Gorontalo. It expresses respect, hopes to the sacred, and supernatural. This tradition is celebrated once a year in the month of Muharram by Muslim communities on the coast of Molotabu as an expression of gratitude and prayer of salvation in facing a hard life and challenging sea. The study used a qualitative descriptive method through ethnographic design in order to understand deeply the philosophy of the tradition and its correlation with world life. Mopo’alati tradition is urgent to be studied in order to identify the inconsistency values deviates from Islam and encouraged the ritual ceremony to Islamic nuance. The finding illustrates that Gorontalo society is very fanatical about Islam, thus all mental-spiritual activities, social activities, and traditions must be based on the philosophy of “Adati hulo huloa to Syara’ah,  Syara’ah hula hula’a to Qur’ani”. It means the custom bases on religious values and the religious values base on Alquran.  This philosophy contains the very deep meaning of tauhid (God's values). On another side, Gorontalo society defenced the ancestor's tradition even though it deviated from Islamic values. Nowadays, Mopo’alati tradition is packaged in a ritual format by giving a more objective moral light. The ceremony was started by doing two rakaat of unobligation pray, reciting al-Waqi’ah verse, al-Rahman verse, and Yasin verse, reciting zikir, and closed by reciting safety pray. Mopo’alati ceremony was closed by giving food, cakes, and money which collected in a ceremony to poor people around the village


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    Based on the analysis result, the research sites are divided into three levels of mass movement vulnerability; low as much as 10,98, moderate as much as 84,41, and high as much as 4,61% out of the entire research areasMass movement occurs due to the natural process in the changes of surface structure, in which there is a disturbance of stability in the soil or rocks making up the slope. The disturbance is caused by some conditions such as a relatively steep slope, the condition of rock or soil making the slope, high rainfall intensity, uncontrolled human activity in exploiting the nature as well as the state of geological structures. The research site is located in three sub-districts in Bone Bolango District; Suwawa Timur, Suwawa Tengah, and Suwawa Selatan. These three sub-districts have a history of mass movement during the rainy season. The availability of up-to-date data is required to reduce the impact caused by the mass movement. This research aims to identify the areas prone to mass movement. One of the approaches applied to identify the areas prone to mass movement is Storie Index method by calculating the parameter, which is considered influencing the mass movement. Among others, the parameters are steepness of the slope, rainfall, type of soil, land usability, and lineament density as the parameter of geological structures


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    Pembangunan fasilitas dengan jenis apapun wajib diikuti dengan adanya penilaian dampak lalu lintas untuk mengetahui kapasitas infrastruktur transportasi khususnya jalan dalam melayani volume kendaraan eksisting dan volume kendaraan baru yang akan hadir akibat dari pembangunan tersebut. Pendekatan yang dilakukan merujuk pada PM Perhubungan Nomor 17 Tahun 2021 tentang Penyelenggaraan Andalalin dengan kategori Andadlalin Bangkitan Sedang. Hasil simulasi kinerja lalu lintas menunjukkan bahwa volume kendaraan yang bertambah tidak terlalu signifikan dalam merubah volume lalu lintas secara total saat operasional cafe dan resto. Kemudian beberapa dampak yang timbul antara lain terjadi gangguan keamanan dan kelnacaran lalu lintas pada masa konstruksi, ketersediaan parkir yang belum memenuhi kebutuhan, terjadi gangguan keamanan dan kelancaran lalu lintas pada masa operasional, terjadi gannguan keamanan lalu lintas dan kawasan sekitar pada masa operasional dan terjadi dampak yang tidak diprediksi sebelumnya mengenai kelancaran dan ketertiban lainny


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    2013Muh. Fauzan Kasim (B111 09 297). Criminological Overview Of Abuse \ud Aibon Glue by Street Children, (A Case Study in Makassar in 2012). Guided \ud by H.M. Said Karim as the first mentor and Hijrah Adhyanti M as the \ud second mentor. \ud This research aims to know the factors that led to the street children abuse Aibon \ud glue and to know the efforts that should be done to get the solution of abuse \ud Aibon glue by street children. \ud This research was conducted in Makassar precisely in the office of Polrestabes \ud East Makassar and the Office of National Narcotics Agency of South Sulawesi \ud province and in different streets or gathering place for respondents. \ud The research method which is used was a qualitative by case study approach by \ud interview, observation and documentation method. The research was carried out \ud on 10 (ten) of the respondents, from different places and roads in the city of \ud Makassar, as well as from several other informants. \ud The results of the study writer, there are factors that encourage street children in In getting solution the abuse of Aibon glue, Pre-emptive effort so far only limited \ud to providing education or enlightenment about the dangers of narcotics and other \ud addictive substances to parents and students at various schools in the city of \ud Makassar, Preventive efforts are also in the form of regular patrols and \ud surveillance along with raids by police and assisted by Satpol PP around the \ud streets of the city of Makassar, and the last Repressive efforts by law enforcement, \ud returning of the child to their parents along with reprimands and building rehab \ud for drug users and other addictive substances including for abusers of Aibon glue, \ud so from the three efforts are needed improved the function as well as a helping \ud hand and community participation. \ud \ud using Aibon glue in the city of Makassar namely that the dominant factor is the \ud influence of their environment both in neighborhoods in their place and in \ud schools, and also due to the inability to afford drugs which is relatively expensive \ud and incapabilities economy of street children as a user, so as an alternative using \ud a dangerous addictive substance that is relatively easy to obtain by inhaling Aibon \ud glue, beside that there is also because of a curiosity on the Aibon glue itself, so \ud they started trying and finally in addicting, as well as other reasons due to the lack \ud of harmonis family relationships, thus leading to abuse Aibon glue as an escape \ud on their problem


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