40 research outputs found
Photoproduction of mesons off nuclei
Recent results for the photoproduction of mesons off nuclei are reviewed.
These experiments have been performed for two major lines of research related
to the properties of the strong interaction. The investigation of nucleon
resonances requires light nuclei as targets for the extraction of the isospin
composition of the electromagnetic excitations. This is done with quasi-free
meson photoproduction off the bound neutron and supplemented with the
measurement of coherent photoproduction reactions, serving as spin and/or
isospin filters. Furthermore, photoproduction from light and heavy nuclei is a
very efficient tool for the study of the interactions of mesons with nuclear
matter and the in-medium properties of hadrons. Experiments are currently
rapidly developing due to the combination of high quality tagged (and
polarized) photon beams with state-of-the-art 4pi detectors and polarized
Photoproduction of pions and properties of baryon resonances from a Bonn-Gatchina partial wave analysis
Masses, widths and photocouplings of baryon resonances are determined in a
coupled-channel partial wave analysis of a large variety of data. The
Bonn-Gatchina partial wave formalism is extended to include a decomposition of
t- and u-exchange amplitudes into individual partial waves. The multipole
transition amplitudes for and are
given and compared to results from other analyses.Comment: 18 pages, 14 figure
Evaluation of the polarization observables I^S and I^C in the reaction gamma p --> pi^0 eta p
We evaluate the polarization observables I^S and I^C for the reaction gamma p
--> pi^0 eta p, using a chiral unitary framework developed earlier. The I^S and
I^C observables have been recently measured for the first time by the
CBELSA/TAPS collaboration. The theoretical predictions of I^S and I^C, given
for altogether 18 angle dependent functions, are in good agreement with the
measurements. Also, the asymmetry dSigma/dcos(theta) evaluated here agrees with
the data. We show the importance of the Delta(1700)D33 resonance and its S-wave
decay into eta Delta(1232). The result can be considered as a further
confirmation of the dynamical nature of this resonance. At the highest
energies, deviations of the predictions from the data start to become
noticeable, which leaves room for additional processes and resonances such as a
Delta(1940)D33. We also point out how to further improve the calculation.Comment: Version accepted for publication by the European Physical Journal A,
9 pages, 7 figure
First measurement of the circular beam asymmetry in the gamma p --> pi0 eta p reaction
The circular photon asymmetry for pi0 eta photoproduction on the proton was
measured for the first time at the tagged photon facility of the MAMI C
accelerator using the Crystal Ball/TAPS photon spectrometer. The experimental
results are interpreted within a phenomenological isobar model that confirms
the dominant role of the Delta(1700)D33 resonance. The measured asymmetry
allows us to identify small contributions from positive-parity resonances via
interference terms with the dominant D33 amplitude.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figures, submitted to Phys.Lett.
Measurement of the beam-helicity asymmetry in photoproduction of π0η pairs on carbon, aluminum, and lead
The beam-helicity asymmetry was measured, for the first time, in photoproduction of
π0η pairs on carbon, aluminum, and lead, with the A2 experimental setup at MAMI. The results are compared to an earlier measurement on a free proton and to the corresponding theoretical calculations. The Mainz model is used to predict the beam-helicity asymmetry for the nuclear targets. The present results indicate that the photoproduction mechanism for π0η pairs on nuclei is similar to photoproduction on a free nucleon. This process is dominated by the D33 partial wave with the ηΔ(1232) intermediate state
Photoproduction of ηπ pairs off nucleons and deuterons
Quasi-free photoproduction of πη-pairs has been investigated from threshold up to incident photon energies of 1.4 GeV, respectively up to photon-nucleon invariant masses up to 1.9 GeV. Total cross sections, angular distributions, invariant-mass distributions of the πη and meson-nucleon pairs, and beamhelicity asymmetries have been measured for the reactions γp → pπ0η, γn → nπ0η, γp → nπ+η, and γn → pπ-n from nucleons bound inside the deuteron. For the γp initial-state data for free protons have also been analyzed. Finally, the total cross sections for quasi-free production of π0η pairs from nucleons bound in 3He nuclei have been investigated in view of final state interaction (FSI) effects. The experiments were performed at the tagged photon beam facility of the Mainz MAMI accelerator using an almost 4π covering electromagnetic calorimeter composed of the Crystal Ball and TAPS detectors. The shapes of all differential cross section data and the asymmetries are very similar for protons and neutrons and agree with the conjecture that the reactions are dominated by the sequential Δ*3/2- → ηΔ(1232) → πηN decay chain, mainly with Δ(1700)3/2- and Δ(1940)3/2-. The ratios of the magnitude of the total cross sections also agree with this assumption. However, the absolute magnitudes of the cross sections are reduced by FSI effects with respect to free proton data
Measurement of the decay η′ →π0π0η at MAMI
An experimental study of the η′→π0π0η→6γ decay has been conducted with the best up-to-date statistical accuracy, by measuring η′ mesons produced in the γp→η′p reaction with the A2 tagged-photon facility at the Mainz Microtron, MAMI. The results obtained for the standard parametrization of the η′→π0π0η matrix element are consistent with the most recent results for η′→ππη decays, but have smaller uncertainties. The available statistics and experimental resolution allowed, for the first time, an observation of a structure below the π+π- mass threshold, the magnitude and sign of which, checked within the framework of the nonrelativistic effective-field theory, demonstrated good agreement with the cusp that was predicted based on the ππ scattering length combination, a0-a2, extracted from K→3π decays
First measurement using elliptically polarized photons of the double-polarization observable E for γp→pπ0 and γp→nπ+
We report the measurement of the helicity asymmetry E for the pπ0 and nπ+ final states using, for the first time, an elliptically polarized photon beam in combination with a longitudinally polarized target at the Crystal Ball experiment at MAMI. The results agree very well with data that were taken with a circularly polarized photon beam, showing that it is possible to simultaneously measure polarization observables that require linearly (e.g.,
G) and circularly polarized photons (e.g., E) and a longitudinally polarized target. The new data cover a photon energy range 270–1400 MeV for the pπ0 final state (230–842 MeV for the nπ+ final state) and the full range of pion polar angles, θ, providing the most precise measurement of the observable E. A moment analysis gives a clear observation of the pη
cusp in the pπ0 final state
First measurement of helicity-dependent cross sections in π0η photoproduction from quasi-free nucleons
The helicity-dependent cross sections for the photoproduction of
pairs have been measured for the first time. The experiment was performed at
the tagged photon facility of the Mainz MAMI accelerator with the combined
Crystal Ball - TAPS calorimeter. The experiment used a polarized deuterated
butanol target and a circularly polarized photon beam. This arrangement allowed
the (photon and target spin antiparallel) and
(parallel spins) components to be measured for quasi-free production of
pairs off protons and neutrons. The main finding is that the two
helicity components contribute identically, within uncertainties, for both
participant protons and neutrons. The absolute couplings for protons and
neutrons are also identical. This means that nucleon resonances contributing to
this reaction in the investigated energy range have almost equal
electromagnetic helicity couplings, and .
Identical couplings for protons and neutrons are typical for
resonances and identical and components are only possible
for states, which constrains possible contributions of nucleon
resonances.Comment: accepted for publication in Phys. Lett.