1,074 research outputs found

    Unconventional superconductivity in the cage type compound Sc5_5Rh6_6Sn18_{18}

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    We have examined the superconducting ground state properties of the caged type compound Sc5_5Rh6_6Sn18_{18} using magnetization, heat capacity, and muon-spin relaxation or rotation (μ\muSR) measurements. Magnetization measurements indicate type-II superconductivity with an upper critical field μ0Hc2(0)\mu_0H_{c2}(0) = 7.24 T. The zero-field cooled and field cooled susceptibility measurements unveil an onset of diamagnetic signal below TcT_{\bf c} = 4.4 K. The interpretation of the heat capacity results below TcT_{\bf c} using the α−\alpha-BCS model unveils the value of α\alpha = 2.65, which gives the dimensionless ratio 2Δ(0)/kBTc\Delta(0)/k_B T_{\bf c} = 5.3, intimating that Sc5_5Rh6_6Sn18_{18} is a strong-coupling BCS superconductor. The zero-field μ\muSR measurements in the longitudinal geometry exhibit a signature of a spontaneous appearance of the internal magnetic field below the superconducting transition temperature, indicating that the superconducting state is characterized by the broken time-reversal symmetry (TRS). We have compared the results of broken TRS in Sc5_5Rh6_6Sn18_{18} with that observed in R5_5Rh6_6Sn18_{18} (R = Lu and Y).Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1411.687

    Broken time-reversal symmetry probed by muon spin relaxation in the caged type superconductor Lu5Rh6Sn18

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    The superconducting state of the caged type compound Lu5Rh6Sn18 has been investigated by using magnetization, heat capacity, and muon spin relaxation or rotation (?SR) measurements, and the results interpreted on the basis of the group theoretical classifications of the possible pairing symmetries and a simple model of the resulting quasiparticle spectra. Our zero-field ?SR measurements clearly reveal the spontaneous appearance of an internal magnetic field below the transition temperature, which indicates that the superconducting state in this material is characterized by broken time-reversal symmetry. Further, the analysis of the temperature dependence of the magnetic penetration depth measured using the transverse-field ?SR measurements suggests an isotropic s?wave character for the superconducting gap. This is in agreement with the heat capacity behavior, and we show that it can be interpreted in terms of a nonunitary triplet state with point nodes and an open Fermi surface


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    Seaweed cultivation in the marine waters of Banli, OP Village, Nunkolo District, South Central Timor Regency, has never been carried out by residents of the area. This cultivation activity is to provide new jobs for the Banli Jaya fishing group in particular and it is hoped that later this group will share with other residents. This activity is also a solution for residents whose livelihoods only choose beach pebbles to sell, which in the long term will damage coastal construction which can later lead to coastal degradation and erosion.This activity is intended to train the community so that they know how to cultivate seaweed. This will be a new source of livelihood for the Banli Jaya group in particular and the population in general.Although Banli Waters is located in the South Coast region which is known for strong currents, the timing of cultivation is an important point that must be considered. The timing of June to December is the right time because in this season the southern waters are relatively calm. The Community Service Activities (PKM) for Red Algae Cultivation Kappaphycus alvarezii were carried out well, where the red algae cultivated grew well

    Improved hematopoiesis in anemic Sl/Sld mice by splenectomy and therapeutic transplantation of a hematopoietic microenvironment

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    The ability of a clonal hematopoiesis-supportive bone-marrow stromal cell line GBlneor to engraft and alter the microenvironment-induced anemia of Sl/Sld mice was studied. Prior to stromal cell transplantation, Sl/Sld mice received 1 Gy total body irradiation (TBI) and 13 Gy to the right hind limb. Two months after intravenous (IV) injection of 5 x 10(5) GBlneor cells, 54.4% +/- 17.0% donor origin (G418r) colony-forming cells were recovered from the right hind limb of Sl/Sld mice. Long-term bone marrow cultures (LTBMCs) established from GBlneor-transplanted mice produced 189.5 CFU-GEMM-forming progenitors/flask over 10 weeks compared with 52.7 +/- 6.2 CFU-GEMM forming progenitors/flask from irradiated nontransplanted Sl/Sld mice. A partial correction of macrocytic anemia was detected 2 months after GBlneor transplantation in splenectomized, irradiated Sl/Sld mice (HgB 7.2 +/- 0.4 g/dL; MCV 68.3 +/- 7.0 fL) compared to splenectomized, irradiated, nontransplanted Sl/Sld mice (HgB 5.5 +/- 1.1 g/dL; MCV 76 +/- 8.5 fL) or control Sl/Sld mice (HgB 5.4 +/- 0.5 g/dL; MCV 82.4 +/- 1.3 fL). Mean RBC volume distribution analysis showed a 2.5-fold increase in percentage of peripheral blood RBCs with MCV less than or equal to 45 fL and confirmed reduction of the MCV in splenectomized-GBlneor-transplanted mice compared to control Sl/Sld mice. A hematopoiesis-suppressive clonal stromal cell line derived from LTBMCs of Sl/Sld mice (Sldneor) engrafted as effectively (43.5% +/- 1.2% G418r CFU-F/limb) as did GBlneor cells (38.3% +/- 0.16% G418r CFU-F/limb) to the irradiated right hind limbs of C57Bl/6 mice. LTBMCs established after 2 or 6 months from Sldneor-transplanted mice showed decreased hematopoiesis (182 +/- 12 [2 months] and 3494.3 +/- 408.1 [6 months] CFU-GEMM forming progenitors/flask over 10 weeks) compared to those established from GBlneor-transplanted mice (5980 +/- 530 [2 months] and 7728 +/- 607, [6 months] CFU-GEMM progenitors forming/flask). Thus, transplantation of clonal bone-marrow stromal cell lines in vivo can stably transfer their physiologic properties to normal or mutant mice

    Pendampingan Masyarakat Dalam Pengolahan Limbah Organik di Desa Samkai Kecamatan Merauke

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    Kegiatan pendampingan berupa pengolahan sampah organik berupa sampah rumah tangga menjadi kompos sebagai pupuk dilaksanakan karena banyaknya limbah rumah tangga yang dihasilkan warga dan berdampak pada pencemaran lingkungan. Kegiatan ini melibatkan pihak pemerintah desa khususnya organisasi PKK dan Dinas Lingkungan Hidup Kabupaten Merauke. Tahapan kegiatan yang dilakukan ada tiga yaitu pembuatan komposter, sosialisasi dan demonstrasi pembuatan kompos oleh Dinas Lingkungan Hidup dan dosen ahli, dan pendampingan pemanfaatan kompos untuk tanaman di pekarangan. Sasaran program ini adalah warga di Kelurahan Samkai khususnya anggota PKK sejumlah 20 orang. Pengukuran ketercapaian program adalah dengan menggunakan instrumen pengamatan dan wawancara ke mitra. Hasil dari kegiatan ini adalah sebanyak 75% warga memperoleh peningkatan pengetahuan dalam membuat kompos dan sebanyak 56% warga memperoleh peningkatan pengetahuan dalam memanfaatkan kompos sebagai pupuk tanaman pekarangan. Potensi keberlanjutan program ini adalah diharapkan warga akan melakukan pembiasaan dalam memanfaatkan limbah untuk diolah menjadi pupuk yang dapat dimanfaatkan secara langsung

    Basic Measurements of Division 1 Collegiate Baseball Pitchers to Predict Grip Strength and Spin Rate

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    Basic measurements such as range of motion (ROM), grip strength (GS), height, and arm length have been associated with the rate that the ball spins. Increased spin rate along with the axis of rotation of a baseball is linked to the movement that a pitch experiences during its delivery. This spin rate gives a batter difficulty when trying to contact the ball. Plainly, the more spin the more likely the chance the batter will miss. PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to use external range of motion (EROM), GS, height, weight, forearm length, and forearm circumference to predict spin rate. METHODS: Thirteen right-handed division 1 collegiate baseball pitchers (height 183.2cm± 6.9cm, weight 90kg ± 12kg, forearm length 27.5cm ± 1.3cm, forearm circumference 29.8cm ± 2.1cm, EROM 111.3° ± 9.0°, GS 57.3kg ± 8.4kg, spin rate 2057.2rpm ±160.5rpm) were recruited for this study. Height and weight measurements were recorded using a Doran physician\u27s scale. Measurements of the right forearm were taken from the medial epicondyle of the humerus to the styloid process of the ulna. Forearm circumference was taken from the thickest portion of the forearm. External rotation was measured using a goniometer from a lying position. Spin rate was calculated using a Yakkertech which uses visual imaging technology to calculate spin rate and eliminates the gyro spin of the ball. Ipsilateral hand grip strength was assessed using a Delsys handgrip dynamometer at 90-degree elbow flexion with the elbow unsupported and hand in a neutral grip. The participant was given three attempts to exert as much force as possible and the maximum force in kg was recorded. External rotation of the glenohumeral joint was measured using a goniometer from a lying position with the humerus abducted 90 degrees the subjects were instructed to start with their forearm in a vertical position then slowly drop the back of their hand toward the table. RESULTS: Data were assessed using a forward stepwise multiple regression to identify a statistically significant (p\u3c 0.05) prediction model of spin rate using basic measurements described above. Forearm length was the only variable that was a statistically significant predictor and accounted for 41.8% of the variance in predicting spin rate. The resulting prediction equation was as follows: Spin rate= -165.655rpm - (80.945x FL; R2.418; SEE=127.8). CONCLUSION: Increased forearm length allows for the moment arm to produce more torque on the ball thus increasing the spin rate allowing increased movement on the ball

    Field Theory in Noncommutative Minkowski Superspace

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    There is much discussion of scenarios where the space-time coordinates x^\mu are noncommutative. The discussion has been extended to include nontrivial anticommutation relations among spinor coordinates in superspace. A number of authors have studied field theoretical consequences of the deformation of N=1 superspace arising from nonanticommutativity of coordinates \theta, while leaving \bar{theta}'s anticommuting. This is possible in Euclidean superspace only. In this note we present a way to extend the discussion by making both \theta and \bar{theta} coordinates non-anticommuting in Minkowski superspace. We present a consistent algebra for the supercoordinates, find a star-product, and give the Wess-Zumino Lagrangian L_{WZ} within our model. It has two extra terms due to non(anti)commutativity. The Lagrangian in Minkowski superspace is always manifestly Hermitian and for L_{WZ} it preserves Lorentz invariance.Comment: 8 pages, added references, two-column format, published in PR

    Perturbation theory of the space-time non-commutative real scalar field theories

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    The perturbative framework of the space-time non-commutative real scalar field theory is formulated, based on the unitary S-matrix. Unitarity of the S-matrix is explicitly checked order by order using the Heisenberg picture of Lagrangian formalism of the second quantized operators, with the emphasis of the so-called minimal realization of the time-ordering step function and of the importance of the ⋆\star-time ordering. The Feynman rule is established and is presented using ϕ4\phi^4 scalar field theory. It is shown that the divergence structure of space-time non-commutative theory is the same as the one of space-space non-commutative theory, while there is no UV-IR mixing problem in this space-time non-commutative theory.Comment: Latex 26 pages, notations modified, add reference
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