225 research outputs found

    Sectoral structure of Slovak industry: A widening of the backwardness or a chance for the future

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    A main goal of my paper is to give a perspective of a future position of the Slovak industry in the coming information-age society. Disadvantageous sectoral structure is a main problem but there is also a chance for a better future development in the human potential (knowledge as well as cheap labour), established infrastructure and other developmental possibilities. In the paper I deal some theoretical (global world-economy, long waves of the world economy, product life cycles) as well as experiential (new international division of labour, Slovak cultural preconditions, experiences of similar newly industrialized countries...) preconditions inevitable for the optimal (sectoral) structure of Slovakian economy in a coming information age.

    “Mother has arrived!” : History, Race, and Family as Vehicles in RuPaul’s Drag Race’s Legacy Building

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    This thesis focuses on the reality tv show RuPaul’s Drag Race and its legacy building. The show is a popular competition show for professional drag queens. In this study I show how RuPaul’s Drag Race engages in building a legacy of drag and posits itself as the ambassador of drag for mainstream audiences. The elements of this legacy building I analyze in this study are the show’s version of history of drag in the USA and who fits in it; references to and appropriation of minority subcultures; employment and perpetuating of racializing stereotypes; and use of different types of family discourse. I focused on 2014’s RuPaul’s Drag Race Season 6 as a case study. I conducted several rounds of close reading and watching of the season’s 14 episodes, with corresponding episodes of the behind-the-scenes series Untucked, and transcribed relevant dialogue. For a more in-depth analysis of the show’s referential nature of history writing, I included in my analysis the 1990 documentary Paris Is Burning that is frequently referenced in RuPaul’s Drag Race. To support my analysis of the role of family discourse in RuPaul’s Drag Race’s legacy building, I also analyzed selected promotional material for the RuPaul’s Drag Race franchise that employs these discourses. Based on close reading and watching of RuPaul’s Drag Race Season 6, Paris Is Burning, and the selected promotional material for RuPaul’s Drag Race related products, and reflecting upon previous studies on drag in general and RuPaul’s Drag Race in particular, I identified and analyzed prominent themes in the episodes, recurring elements in the show, individual contest assignments, and the show’s panel of judges’ critiques of the contestants’ performances. I performed an in-depth analysis of the show’s cast and the references that RuPaul’s Drag Race makes to other cultural products and subcultures, from the point of view of narratives and discourses that I interpret as legacy building. Throughout this analysis, I kept language as one key focus. My analysis of the language used in RuPaul’s Drag Race is mainly informed by sociolinguistic studies on drag queens’ use of language conducted by Barrett (1998), Mann (2011) and Simmons (2014). I analyze the narratives that arise in RuPaul’s Drag Race concerning history writing and different traditions of drag, discussing with Shetina’s 2018 study on queer citation and Schottmiller’s 2017 study on camp referencing as queer memory in RuPaul’s Drag Race. My analysis of the portrayal of racializing stereotypes and appropriation of minority subcultures in RuPaul’s Drag Race discusses with hooks (1992), Strings and Bui (2014), and Rodriquez (2006). In my analysis of the different family discourses utilized by RuPaul’s Drag Race, I refer to Arnold and Bailey’s study on “houses” in ballroom culture (2009), and make use of the notion of queer chosen family (Hicks 2011). I show in this study how, through referencing other cultural products like Paris Is Burning, RuPaul’s Drag Race writes a version of the history of drag in the USA and appears as a keeper of this drag legacy and an educator of the audience on the history of drag; how this legacy includes gay men and largely excludes trans women; how different traditions of drag are portrayed through categorizations that introduce recognizable styles of drag to an outsider audience; how the show employs racializing stereotypes tailored to an outsider perspective of a presumed white audience and appropriates Black subcultures; and how Black street esthetics are used in the show for “authenticity” and “spice”, so that providing white middle-class audiences with fresh material from marginalized cultures becomes part of the show’s legacy. I also suggest that RuPaul’s Drag Race encompasses the audience and the cast of the show in an apparatus of an imagined family as spectacle in a legacy that is fortified by promoting the ‘code of sisterhood’ (Simmons 2014) that delineates proper conduct for ‘upholding drag family values’, which the RuPaul’s Drag Race franchise utilizes in a way that commodifies queer kinship

    Sectoral structure of Slovak industry: A widening of the backwardness or a chance for the future

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    A main goal of my paper is to give a perspective of a future position of the Slovak industry in the coming information-age society. Disadvantageous sectoral structure is a main problem but there is also a chance for a better future development in the human potential (knowledge as well as cheap labour), established infrastructure and other developmental possibilities. In the paper I deal some theoretical (global world-economy, long waves of the world economy, product life cycles) as well as experiential (new international division of labour, Slovak cultural preconditions, experiences of similar newly industrialized countries...) preconditions inevitable for the optimal (sectoral) structure of Slovakian economy in a coming information age

    Analysis of Outputs of a Planning Process: Sinza Strategic Urban Development Planning (SUDP) in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

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    For several reasons current urban development in Dar es Salaam City has not adhered to requirements of both general and detailed planning schemes This in turn has encouraged local authorities and other stakeholders to produce planning outputs using a Strategic Urban Development Planning SUDP process The methodology involved appraising a ward environmental profile holding a stakeholders consultative workshop and analysing the issues identified Analysis has shown that under the current urban development diversities in terms of interests and priorities the befitting output of an urban planning process cannot be a mere future land use map It is inclined to be a package of well-thought outputs forming an acceptable future land use plan The ability to produce an acceptable future land use plan based on core tenets of SUDP is a strenghth of same This defeats earlier claims of SUPD weaknesses related to future land use and urban development contro

    Design of the Switching Structure Implementing Depeletion MOSFETs in Power Electronics

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    Tato bakalářská práce se zabývá použitím MOSFET tranzistorů ve výkonové elektronice, konkrétně se jedná o aplikaci MOSFET tranzistorů ve spínacím režimu. Práce cílí k otestování tranzistorů se zabudovaným kanálem jako výkonových spínačů. Zároveň je řešena problematika jejich řízení pomocí budičů. Bakalářská práce je rozdělena na 4 části, kdy v prvních 2 částech je řešena teoretická část a v následujících částech se nalézá praktická realizace. Cílem bakalářské práce bylo vytvořit funkční návrh desky plošných spojů.This bachelor thesis deals with the application of MOSFET transistors in power electronics, specifically the application of MOSFET transistors in switching mode. This bachelor thesis aims to test the built-in channel transistors as power switches. At the same time, the problem of their control using gate drivers is addressed. The bachelor thesis is divided into 4 parts, where in the first 2 parts the theoretical part is addressed and in the following parts the practical implementation is found. The aim of the bachelor thesis was to create a functional design of a printed circuit board.430 - Katedra aplikované elektronikyvýborn

    Contact List Management for Android

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    Tato bakalářská práce se zabývá návrhem a implementací nástroje, který je schopen na / z paměťové karty importovat, exportovat a synchronizovat údaje o kontaktech uložených v nativním programu systému Android. Nástroj podporuje pro export a import údaju Outlook a Thunderbid CSV formát. Výsledkem je aplikace, která je kompatibilní od Android verze 2.1 a výšší.This bachelor thesis describes the design and implementation of tool that is able to from / to the memory card import, export and synchronize contacts data stored in the native Android program. The tool supports for exporting and importing data Outlook and Thunderbird CSV format. The result of this thesis is application which is compatible from Android version 2.1 and higher.

    Diferenciální diagnostika muskuloskeletálních a kardiopulmonálních příčin bolesti na hrudi

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    Klinika rehabilitace a tělovýchovného lékařstvíDepartment of Rehabilitation and Sports Medicine2. lékařská fakultaSecond Faculty of Medicin

    Web-Based GPS Data Management System in a Cloud Environment

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    Tato práce se zabývá vývojem webového systému pro správu GPS dat v cloudovém prostředí. Práce seznamuje čtenáře s nejpoužívanějšími aplikačními rozhraními pro tvorbu vlastní mapové aplikace. Nabízí také porovnaní cloudových platforem Google App Engine a OpenShift Online. Dále se zabývá návrhem a implementací systému pro platformu OpenShift Online. Systém se zaměřuje na import tras z formátu GPX, správu tras, zobrazení tras na mapových podkladech Mapy.cz, vyhledávaní v trasách, tvorbu výškového profilu a různých statistik.This thesis focuses on development of web-based GPS data management system in a cloud environment. The thesis introduces the most used application interfaces for building custom mapping applications. It offers a comparison of cloud platforms such as Google App Engine and OpenShift Online. It also deals with the design and the implementation of system for OpenShift Online platform. The system focuses on importing tracks from GPX format, managing tracks, viewing tracks on map tiles from Mapy.cz, searching for tracks, creating an elevation profile and various statistics.

    Determinants of Quality Education Provision in Tanzania: A Case of Public Primary School in Mbeya District.

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    The aim of this study was to assess the determinants of education quality in public primary schools in Mbeya District Council. The study had three objectives which were; to examine the presence of supportive external environment and its effect on the provision of quality primary education, to assess on how school internal learning environment affect the provision of quality primary education, and to determine the extent to which the school environment affect the provision of quality primary education. The study involved mixed approach where qualitative and quantitative data was obtained. The study used descriptive survey design. Qualitative data was analyzed by using Social Package of Social Sciences (SPSS) and Micro soft excel. Whereas qualitative data were analysed by content analysis. Results show that presence of supportive external environment in primary schools has a positive influence on provision of quality education. Other factors were; low parent contributions on extra school expenses, poor attendance in meetings, distance to school, providing pupils with a lot of work at home. Internal learning environment factors were; shortage of teachers, inadequacy of learning materials, overcrowded classes, poor teacher-students ratio, low teachers morale, congruence of the text books, lack of teachers’ job morale. Moreover, lack of administrative skills, low involvements of parents in decision making and inadequate classes were other factors which were found to affect provision of quality education at primary school level. Keywords: Determinants, Quality Education, Primary Education and Public Schoo