998 research outputs found


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    Musholla Al-Amiin terletak di Dusun Badut Kelurahan Karangbesuki Kecamatan Sukun Kota Malang. Sejak tahun 2018 musholla tersebut disamping digunakan untuk shalat berjamaah juga digunakan untuk kegiatan Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini (PAUD) Nurul Huda dan parenting orangtua murid. Bertambahnya jumlah orang yang mengikuti kegiatan di musholla dengan durasi waktu yang lebih panjang (kurang lebih tiga jam perhari) menyebabkan timbulnya kebutuhan jamban. Untuk itu dilakukan pembuatan jamban sehat untuk musholla tersebut melalui kegiatan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat. Disamping itu jamban sehat tersebut juga dapat digunakan untuk percontohan bagi warga sekitar musholla yang berminat membuat. Kegiatan yang telah dilakukan untuk mencapai tujuan di atas adalah: (1) Membuat gambar rencana jamban sehat, (2) Menghitung volume pekerjaan pembuatan jamban sehat, (3) Menghitung Rencana Anggaran Biaya pembuatan jamban sehat, (4) Membuat jamban sehat. Kegiatan (1) sampai (3) dilakukan oleh Tim pelaksana Pengabdian pada Masyarakat Universitas Negeri sedangkan kegiatan (4) dilakukan bersama-sama antara Tim pelaksana Pengabdian pada Masyarakat Universitas Negeri Malang dengan Jamaah Musholla Al-Amin. Hasil kegiatan ini berupa dokumen gambar rencana, perhitungan anggaran biaya, dan fisik bangunan jamban sehat. Kata kunci: Jamban, Musholla, Pembuatan, Perencanaa


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    Dusun Badut di Kelurahan Karangbesuki Kecamatan Sukun Kota Malang memiliki ikon Candi Badut. Dengan demikian maka Dusun ini memiliki potensi untuk menjadi kampung tematik dengan tema Kampung Kepurbakalaan. Untuk mewujudkan tema tersebut perlu dibangun berbagai infrastruktur yang salah satunya adalah gapura pada pintu masuk ke Dusun tersebut. Gapura dengan menampilkan karakteristik Dusun Badut akan memberi pesan kepada siapapun yang melewati daerah tersebut tentang adanya Kampung Tematik.Untuk keperluan ini Tim Pelaksana Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat dari Jurusan Teknik Sipil Universitas Negeri Malang telah membantu perencanaanya dengan hasil: (1) gambar arsitektural, (2) gambar struktural, dan (3) rencana anggaran beaya

    Preliminary support for the role of alcohol cues in food cravings and attentional biases

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    This study examined whether alcohol odors, in isolation or when combined with pictures, would influence food attentional biases and cravings. Participants' cravings and attentional biases to food and alcohol pictures were assessed after exposure to alcohol or water odors ( n = 77; mean age = 30.84 years, 51.9% female, 83.1% Caucasian). Food attentional biases were increased by alcohol odors, but food cravings were increased only by a combination of alcohol odors and food pictures. These effects were related with self-reported problematic food consumption. These findings support a research program for further examining the effect of alcohol cues on problematic food consumption


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    Pesatnya perkembangan teknologi mempengaruhi banyak aspek, salah satunya adalah aspek ekonomi. Persaingan antar pelaku usaha semakin ketat. agar dapat bersaing di pasar, diperlukan upaya peningkatan kualitas kerja, kualitas pelayanan dan akurasi data. Pengelolaan Sistem Informasi Akuntansi pada perusahaan mini market masih belum optimal yaitu menggunakan buku pengawasan yang dibuat menggunakan microsoft excel sehingga sering terjadi kesalahan karena lupa mencatat dan waktu yang digunakan juga tidak efisien. Pada penelitian ini akan dirancang sistem informasi akuntansi kas kecil berbasis object oriented dengan menggunakan UML dan diimplementasikan ke dalam bahasa pemrograman visual dengan tujuan untuk memberikan kebutuhan pengelolaan data keuangan kas kecil pada perusahaan retail dan menghasilkan pelaporan yang dibutuhkan secara lebih efektif dan efisien


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    This study aims to determine marketing channels, the amount of margin and the farmer's share and the marketing efficiency masamo catfish in the fish farmer group sukas fish. The method used in this research is descriptive analysis method, data and literature studies. Based on the analysis results obtained in a research note that the marketing catfish masamo in a group of fish farmers efficiently halcyon sukas. It is based on the analysis of the purchase price, selling price and profit earned marketing agencies involved. The efficiency value of each institution, namely marketing, traders and retailers 0.051 0.038. There are three masamo marketing channel catfish in the fish farmer groups mina tranquility. Channel 1:farmers and consumers. Channel 2: growers, retailers and end customers. Channel 3: farmers, traders, retailers and end customers. The amount of margin cultivators (Rp.2.000), collector (Rp.3.500) and retailers (Rp.4.500). Farmer's share value on channel 1 (100%), channel 2 (82.05%) and channel 3 (81,25%)


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    Abstrak:Balok beton gradasi merupakan suatu inovasi di dunia konstruksi karena dengan adanya gradasi mutu dapat mereduksi penggunan semen, namun dapat meningkatkan kekakuan dari elemen struktur tersebut mendekati mutu tertingginya. Gradasi mutu dilakukan dengan meletakkan mutu rendah di bagian serat tarik dan mutu tinggi di bagian serat tekan. Penggunaan mutu rendah pada serat tarik berdasarkan asumsi bahwa beton sama sekali tidak menanggung tegangan tarik. Balok beton gradasi yang hemat semen dapat menjadi salah satu solusi dalam dunia konstruksi yang sedang menggalakkan green building. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengobservasi pengaruh dimensi penampang melintang dan rasio pembesian lentur terhadap kapasitas beban yang mampu ditahan oleh balok beton gradasi. Penelitian dilakukan secara eksperimental dengan mempersiapkan spesimen ujinya dan kontrol sebagai pembanding. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tahanan balok terhadap risiko retak meningkat seiring dengan peningkatan rasio penampang dan rasio pembesian yang digunakan. Walaupun demikian, luas penampang perlu dikaji ulang agar kinerja antar spesimen dapat dibandingkan.Kata-kata kunci: Beton Gradasi, Green Building, BalokAbstract: Graded concrete beams are an innovation in the world of construction because the presence of quality gradations can reduce the use of cement, but can increase the stiffness of the structural elements close to their highest quality. Quality grading is done by placing low strength in the tensile fiber section and high strength in the compression fiber section. The use of low strength in tensile fibers is based on the assumption that the concrete does not bear any tensile stress at all. Cement-efficient graded concrete blocks can be a solution in the world of construction that is promoting green building. This study aims to observe the effect of cross-sectional dimensions and the ratio of flexural steel to the load capacity that can be supported by graded concrete beams. The research was conducted experimentally by preparing the test specimens and the control as a comparison. The results showed that the resistance of the beam to the risk of cracking increased with the increase in the cross-sectional ratio and the ratio of the iron used. However, the cross-sectional area needs to be reviewed so that performance between specimens can be compared.Keywords: Gradated Concrete, Green Building, Beam

    Experimental Study on the Failure of Bamboo Laminated Hollow Section Beam-Column Joints using Glue-in-Rod Bracket

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    Building materials that emit pollutants, are non-renewable, and generate environmental waste require attention. Wood, a popular and natural material, is facing increasing scarcity, necessitating a substitute. Laminated bamboo emerges as the most akin and natural alternative to wood. Research into laminated bamboo encompasses diverse cross-sections, joint types, and field applications, demanding further investigation.This study aimed to ascertain failure types and damage patterns in laminated bamboo hollow section beam-column joints modified with glue-in rod-bracket connections, using petung bamboo (dendrocalamus asper). The research employed an experimental approach with descriptive analysis. Joint failures were evaluated based on moment-rotation relationships within prescribed rotational limits per standards, while joint damage was assessed through visual inspection of joint components.The study's dependent variables included thread rod diameters of 6 mm, 8 mm, 10 mm, and 4 6 embedded thread rods, while the independent variables were failure types and joint collapses. Results revealed serviceability failures in samples 8.6, 10.4, and 10.6. Joint damage across all test specimens primarily manifested as broken thread rods. The highest joint strength observed was 6.28 kNm in sample 10.6, with the lowest at 2.25 kNm in sample 6.4.Based on the findings, increasing thread rod diameters to achieve ductile joints resulted in longer rotations but did not meet the planned strength due to bracket-induced prying effects causing bolt head failure. Despite this, the collapse type aligned with the research plan. Addressing the bracket's fulcrum effect during field applications requires solutions, potentially involving enlarging the bracket's base and increasing the number of thread rod points. The tests did not damage the laminated bamboo components, emphasizing the need to consider laminated bamboo cross-sectional dimensions and thread rod fulcrum effects in subsequent tests to ensure uniform component performance.

    Perancangan Sistem Informasi Akuntansi Penjualan Online Menggunakan Visual Studio Di Gbescoot

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    This research was conducted with the aim of analyzing and designing a Sales Information System at the GBEscoot store. According to the research results that have been obtained by the author, sales at this store are carried out in 3 marketplaces so it is necessary to manually re-record all online sales and count them manually. So that this method is less effective and efficient which causes errors in making sales reports. To minimize these errors, the authors create software engineering for online sales with programming applications with the aim of making it easier to find and obtain information related to sales that occur accurately and efficiently. In this study the authors used a qualitative method with a descriptive approach. The process of collecting data carried out by the author is observation, literature study, and interviews. Microsoft Visual Studio programming language with MySQL as the database used to create this sales information system. The author can conclude that by utilizing the sales information system created, sales data can be inputted and processed quickly and the resulting reports are accurate. Keywords: Sales Accounting Information System, Online, Marketplace and Microsoft Visual Studio
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