40 research outputs found

    Institutional Development of Irrigation Management Based on The Local Wisdom in Indonesia

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    During 1980-1997, the management of water resources was done with a supply-driven approach.  This approach results in the expensive maintenance of water resources and the disregarded resources utilization of environmental sustainability.  Since 1998, The Government of Indonesia began to reform institutional irrigation with the financing supported by the World Bank. However, the institutional reforms of the irrigation have not yet reflected the exact changes as expected. Therefore, it is necessary to study the process of strengthening the institutional management of irrigation based on the local wisdom through the inventory of history series of irrigation management policy and empowerment of capacity building and institutional program of irrigation management. This paper presents an effort to develop the institutional irrigation management by exploring the local wisdom in the community. It can be used as a guide for future sustainable management of irrigation. JEL Classification: B30, Q15, Q2

    Predicting Discharge From Agricultural Catchment to Support Land and Water Management in Singkarak Basin, West Sumatra

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    Limited hydrological data in Paninggahan sub catchment in Singkarak basin has resulted in inappropriate land management practices for farming system development. Predicting stream flow using an appropriate hydrological model is critical for a catchment with limited data recording. The present study has been conducted from January 2006 to December 2007. The objective of this study is to characterize hydrological condition of the catchment and to predict river flow for supporting design of landand water management options. To some extend, the study is to provide inputs in negotiation of farmers community with other stakeholders in the Singkarak basin. An automatic water level recorder (AWLR) and an automatic weather station (AWS) have been installed in the catchment to record hydro-meteorological data in order to calibrate hydrological model for predicting river flow. An instantaneous discharge model based on Geomorphological Instantaneous Unit Hydrograph (H2U) and a daily discharge model of GR4J were used to predict the river flow. The instanteneous hydrological data suggested that stream discharge sharply increased during onset rain and implying that the draining water was dominated by rapid flow. After peak storm has been reached, the water was slowly released to the river the one is typical hydrological process for disturbed catchments where rainfall water may no longer be retained in thecatchment. Application of both hydrological models in Paninggahan sub catchment during a period of March to April 2006 has given an appropriate result. The GR4J model has been calibrated and has given the value of similarity coefficient of 87.9%, while calibration of H2U model applied for storm event and has given the value of similarity coefficient of 96%. Thesucceed of predicting discharge using both models is valuable to support planning program in land and water management for farming system development in the Singkarak basin

    Optimization of Water Utilization through Identification of Distribution and Types of Water Harvest Infrastructure to Increase Agricultural Production, Study Case in Lampung Province

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    Indonesian government has promoted the acceleration of local reservoirs development in rural areas. This development shall be integrated in agri-cultural areas to increase its production. Therefore, identification of the potential location and the type of water harvesting infrastructure are crucial to support and optimize the reservoir construction. Here, this research aims to identify the potential location distribution and the type of water harvesting infrastructure in Lampung Province. A Geographic Information System analysis was conducted using several base maps and thematic maps to extract each region characteristics, which include land use, rice field location, river network, slope, area status, buffer zone, groundwater basin, and rainfall pattern. In addition, a survey was conducted to identify potential water availability and land area, including flow discharge in each region. The results showed that the most suitable types of water harvesting infrastructure were channel reservoirs, followed by river water utilization and shallow wells. All infrastructures are highly dependent on rainfall. This means that channel reservoirs have the largest potential area for irrigation services, followed by the river water utilization, shallow wells, and small reservoirs (embung), respectively

    Hydrological Model of Upstream Aih Tripe Watershed for Drought and Flood Prediction

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    The objectives of this research is to analyze biophysic caharacteristics of Upstream Aih Tripe Watershed and to predict discharge characteristic of Aih Tripe River based on hydrological models application. Modified H2U model is applied to predict instantaneous discharge, meanwhile GR4J model is applied to predict daily discharge. Upstream Aih Tripe characteristics are,1,115.2 km2 wide, stretch watershed type (Gravelius index 4.31), equivalent length (L) 252.40 and equivalent width (l) 4.42, parallel drainage pattern, maximum river order is 5 and drainage dencity 1.37 m m-2, global slope index (Ig) 2.0 and specific high different (Hg) 0.06. Instantaneous discharge simulation results at dry season are: instantaneous maximum discharge is 364.8 m3 s-1 and time to peak 4 hours, rainfall maximum intensity is 29 mm hour-1, rainfall is 45.9 mm with duration 5 hours. In rainy season, maximum discharge is 605.2 m3 s-1 and time to peak 2 hours, rainfall maximum intensity is 40.8 mm hour-1, rainfall is 73.2 mm with duration 7 hours. Maximum discharge during El Nino condition is 131.4 m3 s-1 (30 September) and minimum dischargeis 8.2 m3 s-1 (31 March). Discharge simulation during La Nina, maximum discharge is 328.3 m3 s-1 (11 December) and minimum discharge is 8.5 m3 s-1 (5 October)

    Pemetaan Potensi Air Tanah untuk Mendukung Pengembangan Pertanian Lahan Kering

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    Abstrak. Informasi potensi air tanah merupakan salah satu acuan yang sangat penting dalam pengelolaan air pada lahan kering baik untuk pemanfaatan aktivitas rumah tangga maupun untuk pengembangan pertanian. Sampai saat ini, metode atau survei geolistrik merupakan metode cepat dan penting untuk mempelajari dan menggambarkan kondisi akuifer di lahan kering. Teknik Vertical Electrical Sounding (VES) dipergunakan untuk menentukan potensi air tanah melalui dua elektroda arus yang diinjeksikan secara vertikal ke dalam bumi, dan sangat populer dalam studi air tanah karena tekniknya sederhana. Dari hasil pengukuran arus dan beda potensial untuk setiap jarak elektroda tertentu, dapat ditentukan variasi nilai hambatan jenis masing-masing lapisan di bawah titik ukur (titik sounding). Perbedaan sifat kelistrikan batuan antara lain disebabkan oleh perbedaan karakteristik batuan (kerapatan, porositas, ukuran pori, bentuk), kandungan air, suhu, dan sebagainya. Hasil penelitian di beberapa agroekosistem lahan kering yang tersebar di Pulau Sumatera, Jawa, Bali, Nusa Tenggara Barat dan Nusa Tenggara Timur memberikan informasi bahwa wilayah lahan kering tersebut memiliki air tanah dengan kategori sangat buruk sampai bagus dengan potensi debit antara <0,4 sampai 16,7 l detik-1. Peta potensi air tanah yang dihasilkan memberikan informasi tentang lokasi/titik pengamatan yang berpotensi untuk dilakukan pengeboran air tanah untuk digunakan sebagai sumber irigasi.Abstract. The information of groundwater potency is one of the most important reference in the water management on dry land for the utilization of household activities and agricultural development. Nowadays, the observation of geoelectrics has been utilized as quick and important exploring tool for studying and depicting the subsurface aquifer in arid areas. The Vertical Electrical Sounding (VES) technique was employed to determine the groundwater potential through two current electrodes vertically planted on the ground, and has proved very popular with groundwater studies due to simplicity of the technique. By measuring the resulting variations in electrical conductivity potential at other pairs of planted electrodes, it is possible to determine the variations in electrical conductivity of the layer at the VES’s point. It is based on measuring the contrast in electrical conductivity of the different rock units which is varying according to the rock nature (density, porosity, pore size and shape), water content and temperature. Result of the researches in several upland agroecosystem at Sumatera, Java, Bali, East and West Nusa Tenggara provided the information of groundwater potency. These upland areas have a groundwater potency between very poor to excellent categories, with potential discharge between <0,4 to 16,7 l sec-1. Groundwater potential maps provided the informations of the area which potential for groundwater drilling as a source of irrigation

    Alternative Method for Calculating Runoff Coefficient Based on Discharge Simulation Model by Applying Unit Hydrograph Concept (Kali Kripik Sub Watershed Case Study)

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    Comparison of two method on calculating runoff coefficient (Cr), is discussed in this paper i.e. classical method and alternative method. The first one calculates Cr based on the hydrograph separation analyses, and the second one based on the discharge model simulation by applying unit hydrograph concept. The classical Cr values is calculated using simple method and the alternative Cr values is calculated using H2U (Hydrogramme Unitaire Universel) transfer rainfall-discharge model, for 47 rainfall and discharge events from September 1998 to March 1999 on Kripik sub Watershed. The H2U model calculates discharge based on convolution product between excess rainfall and hydrological network density that was represented by probability density function. The Cr value according to this model is determined when the Cr is resulting the best discharge simulation. During the period of September 1998 to March 1999, the classical Cr value varied between 2,8 to 69,1%, while alternative Cr between 1,0 to 48,8%. The smallest and the biggest differences between classical and alternative Cr values were 0,3% and 26,5%, respectively. According to regression analyses and Nash-Sutcliffe criterion, the coefficient of determination (R2) and the coefficient of efficiency (F) were 0,9312 and 0,6829, respectively. Statistically, these values indicate that the alternative Cr value was similar to classical one

    Pengembangan Tanaman Mangga Berbasis Iklim dan Dinamika Waktu Panen

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    Mangga gedong gincu yang merupakan buah khas dari Kabupaten Indramayu, Jawa Barat, merupakan buah yang banyak dikonsumsi yang berarti meningkatkan diversifikasi. Tujuan dari penulisan ini adalah mengidentifikasi produksi dan puncak panen tanaman mangga gedong gincu secara spasial dan temporal, mengkaji hubungan musim panen dan puncak panen dengan parameter iklim dan air, serta menyusun strategi pengembangan pertanaman mangga gedong gincu berdasarkan perbedaan waktu panen. Penelitian dilakukan pada tahun 2013 di Desa Krasak, Kecamatan Jatibarang dan Desa Sliyeg Lor, Kecamatan Sliyeg, Kabupaten Indramayu. Metode penelitian terdiri dari survei, pengumpulan data lapang seperti pengamatan kelengasan tanah, data iklim, pembungaan, panen, analisis hubungan curah hujan dengan kelengasan tanah, karakteristik fase generatif atau waktu pembungaan dan panen tanaman mangga. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa waktu panen mangga gedong gincu berbeda, rata-rata bobot mangga di Desa Krasak 211 gram/biji, diameter 6,31 cm dan panjang 7,797 cm dan di Desa Sliyeg Lor 300 gram/biji, diameter 7,75 cm dan panjang 8,88 cm. Hasil analisis menunjukkan terdapat korelasi antara curah hujan dengan tingkat kelengasan tanah dan tingkat pembungaan. Pengembangan mangga gedong gincu dilakukan pada areal yang mempunyai kesamaan kondisi iklimnya khususnya pola curah hujan dan sebaran tanahnya dan dilakukan secara bertahap sesuai dengan waktu panen dan puncak panen

    Analysis of Crop Water Requirement for Maize with Planting Hole System under Dry Climate Condition

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    Crop water requirement is an important factor to increase water use efficiency and avoid crop failure in dryland. A way to increase water use efficiency is by determining an irrigation interval scenario and utilizing a planting hole system. Research on the analysis of water requirement in the planting hole system with an irrigation interval for maize is still limited. Therefore, this study aims to analyze the level of water requirement for maize in dryland. This research was conducted in Camplong Village, Kupang District, East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) from January-May 2020. The design used was a split-plot of various treatments. There were three different techniques of applying fertilizer as the main plot, and two treatments of pruning maize leaves as sub-plots. The different treatments of fertilizer application includes: 1) mixing manure with rice husk charcoal (Ls+As), 2) separating manure from rice husk charcoal (Ls/As), 3) no addition of manure or rice husk charcoal into the planting hole (control). The sub-plots were divided into 2 treatments namely with leaf pruning (P) and without leaf pruning (TP). The water requirement was analyzed based on the FAO 56 approach with the production calculation in weight unit of tiles (ubinan). The results showed that 75% water efficiency was achieved or there was a water saving of 3,119 m3/ha/planting season when compared to conventional techniques. The highest maize productivity (7 tons/ha) was attained in treatment of mixing manure with rice husk charcoal with leaf pruning. The result indicated that this water savings may be used to expand the planting area to 3 ha


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    Pembangunan infrastruktur panen air (embung dan bangunan air lainnya) merupakan upaya mengatasi permasalahan penyediaan air irigasi di lahan pertanian di Indonesia. Sesuai Direktif Presiden RI pada acara Rakernas Pembangunan Pertanian di Hotel Bidakara, Jakarta tanggal 5 Januari 2017 dan Pekan Nasional Petani Nelayan ke-15, di Aceh tanggal 6 Mei 2017, Presiden mengamanatkan untuk membangun embung dan penampung air lainnya  sebanyak 30.000 unit. Direktif tersebut ditindaklanjuti dengan rencana diterbitkannya Inpres tentang percepatan pembangunan embung kecil dan bangunan penampung air lainnya tahun 2017. Pembangunan ditujunan untuk tanaman padi sangat bermanfaat dan menguntungkan karena tidak membutuhkan investasi besar.   Pembangunan infrastruktur panen air  dengan layanan seluas 4 juta ha akan diperoleh keuntungan kotor Rp 81,7 T, sehingga pendapatan bersih mencapai Rp. 59,1 T. Sedangkan untuk tanaman jagung diperoleh keuntungan kotor Rp 72,96 T dan pendapatan bersih mencapai Rp. 50,37 T. Demikian pula manfaatnya untuk bawang merah akan menghasilkan penerimaan kotor sebesar Rp. 324,25 T sehingga pendapatan bersih mencapai Rp. 301,67 T

    Pengelolaan Tanah dan Air Pada Budidaya Padi Gogo dan Palawija di Bawah Tegakan Tanaman Tahunan untuk Meningkatkan Produktivitas Lahan

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    Abstrak. Pengembangan padi gogo di lahan kering yang ditunjang oleh teknik pengelolaan tanah dan air yang tepat, berpeluang sebagai salah satu alternatif penyediaan pangan masa depan dan mampu mendukung peningkatan ketahanan pangan nasional. Perluasan areal tanam untuk tanaman padi gogo di lahan kering di bawah tegakan merupakan salah satu strategi dalam menyokong peningkatan produksi padi sawah. Inovasi teknologi pertanian untuk pengembangan padi gogo pada lahan kering di bawah tegakan tanaman tahunan perlu dilaksanakan secara terpadu meliputi: 1) penggunaan varietas toleran naungan, 2) pengembangan teknik konservasi tanah seperti pembuatan teras, guludan, rorak; penggunaan mulsa dan penanaman rumput, 3) pengembangan sistem  integrasi tanaman-ternak, 4) pemanfaatan teknologi panen air melalui embung, dam parit, long storage, dan pemanfaatan air sungai. Pengelolaan air pada pengembangan padi gogo dan palawija di bawah tegakan tanaman tahunan terutama pada musim kemarau merupakan hal yang mutlak dilakukan. Sumber air irigasi dapat berasal dari infrastruktur panen air atau sumber air lainnya.Abstract. The development of upland rice in dry land, which is supported by appropriate soil and water management techniques, has the opportunity as an alternative in future food procurement efforts. It could also support the improvement of national food security. Expansion of the planting area for upland rice in dry land under crops is one of the strategies to support the increasing rice production. Innovations of agricultural technology for the development of upland rice on dry land under estate crops or forestry should  be implemented in an integrated manner, including: 1) the use of shade tolerant varieties, 2) the development of soil conservation techniques such as terraces, mulch and grass planting, 3) development of crop-livestock integration systems, and 4) utilization of water harvesting technology through small reservoir, channel reservoir, long storage, and river utilization. Water management is absolutely necessary in the development of upland rice and secondary crops under annual crops.  The alternatives  water resources for irrigation are water harvesting infrastructure and other water sources