114 research outputs found

    Man as Image of Nature in Magnus Hundt: The Perspective of a Thomist ca. 1500

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    This paper draws on a late medieval example to show that images of nature can also be images of the human body. It presents the Anthropologium de hominis dignitate by the Leipzig magister Magnus Hundt (1449-1519). The Anthropologium is a text that prominently integrates the human body into its conception of man and its account of human dignity. The body is not presented as a prison of the soul, but as a perfectly balanced physical counterpart to the soul. The paper shows how Hundt's reflections were influenced by his commitment to the Thomistic school. Moreover, it reveals how the elevated Imago Dei thesis provides a justification for the study of the human body. Hundt is shown to offer nothing less than a theological-philosophical legitimation for practising medicine. In doing so, he also incorporates images of nature in a literal sense, insofar as he includes images of the human body in his book

    Zwischen institutioneller Beharrung und wissenschaftlicher Reform. Die Leipziger Universitätsreform von 1502 und der Fall Magnus Hundt

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    Stellt man die Frage nach Beharrung oder Reform im universitätshistorischen Kontext, ergibt sich mithin (wie so oft), dass es hier kein Entweder-Oder (d. h. entweder Beharrung oder Reform), sondern nur ein Sowohl-als-auch mit verschiedenen Gewichtungen geben kann. Der vorliegende Aufsatz soll zeigen, dass diese Dialektik von Beharrung und Reform auch soziale und wissenschaftliche Dynamiken erklärt, die immer wieder in der Geschichte der Universität auftraten. Das gilt sogar für das Spätmittelalter, aus dem der im Folgenden vorzustellende Fall stammt. Dafür werden in einem ersten Schritt die Quellen vorgestellt, die eine Universitätsreform an der Universität Leipzig im Jahr 1502 dokumentieren. Es handelt sich dabei um Gutachten, von denen das des Magisters Magnus Hundt in einem zweiten Schritt etwas genauer untersucht wird. Schließlich wird in einem dritten Schritt erläutert, wie sich anhand von Hundts Gutachten und seiner akademischen Schriften zeigen lässt, dass nicht alles, was auf den ersten Blick nach Beharrung aussieht, tatsächlich auch rückwärtsgewandt oder sogar rückständig ist. (DIPF/Orig.

    Schutzwürdige Böden in Niedersachsen – Die neue landesweite Gebietskulisse

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    Der Schutz des Bodens insbesondere der Schutz seiner Funktionen ist gesetzlich festgeschrieben. Alle unversiegelten Böden erfüllen Funktionen und sind demnach gemäß BBodSchG schützenswert. In Pla-nungs- und Bauvorhaben ist dieser Ansatz nicht zielführend, da hier Bautätigkeiten nur allgemein negativ bewertet werden, ohne die Bodendiversität zu berücksichtigen. Um eine Grundlage für die Planung zu schaffen wurde daher eine Kulisse mit den beson-ders schutzwürdigen Böden erarbeitet. Da-bei werden die natürlichen Bodenfunktio-nen und die Funktion als Archiv der Natur- und Kulturgeschichte gemäß § 2 Abs. 2 Nr. 1 und 2 BBodSchG als besonders wichtig eingestuft. Die Kulisse für Niedersachsen umfasst: • Böden mit hoher Lebensraumfunk-tion • Böden mit besonderen Standortbe-dingungen • Böden mit besonders ausgeprägter Archivfunktion: o Böden mit hoher naturgeschicht-licher Bedeutung o Böden mit hoher kulturgeschicht-licher Bedeutung • seltene Böden • repräsentative Böden Im Rahmen von Planungs- und Zulas-sungsverfahren der Raumordnung und Bauleitplanung sollen die räumlich ausge-wiesenen besonders schutzwürdigen Bö-den regelmäßig im Abwägungsprozess be-rücksichtigt werden

    A Systems Level, Functional Genomics Analysis of Chronic Epilepsy

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    Neither the molecular basis of the pathologic tendency of neuronal circuits to generate spontaneous seizures (epileptogenicity) nor anti-epileptogenic mechanisms that maintain a seizure-free state are well understood. Here, we performed transcriptomic analysis in the intrahippocampal kainate model of temporal lobe epilepsy in rats using both Agilent and Codelink microarray platforms to characterize the epileptic processes. The experimental design allowed subtraction of the confounding effects of the lesion, identification of expression changes associated with epileptogenicity, and genes upregulated by seizures with potential homeostatic anti-epileptogenic effects. Using differential expression analysis, we identified several hundred expression changes in chronic epilepsy, including candidate genes associated with epileptogenicity such as Bdnf and Kcnj13. To analyze these data from a systems perspective, we applied weighted gene co-expression network analysis (WGCNA) to identify groups of co-expressed genes (modules) and their central (hub) genes. One such module contained genes upregulated in the epileptogenic region, including multiple epileptogenicity candidate genes, and was found to be involved the protection of glial cells against oxidative stress, implicating glial oxidative stress in epileptogenicity. Another distinct module corresponded to the effects of chronic seizures and represented changes in neuronal synaptic vesicle trafficking. We found that the network structure and connectivity of one hub gene, Sv2a, showed significant changes between normal and epileptogenic tissue, becoming more highly connected in epileptic brain. Since Sv2a is a target of the antiepileptic levetiracetam, this module may be important in controlling seizure activity. Bioinformatic analysis of this module also revealed a potential mechanism for the observed transcriptional changes via generation of longer alternatively polyadenlyated transcripts through the upregulation of the RNA binding protein HuD. In summary, combining conventional statistical methods and network analysis allowed us to interpret the differentially regulated genes from a systems perspective, yielding new insight into several biological pathways underlying homeostatic anti-epileptogenic effects and epileptogenicity

    Monitoring of total copper contents in organically and conventionally managed soils. Part 4: – Total contents in German pomiculture soils

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    Die Auswirkungen dauerhafter Anwendung kupferhaltiger Fungizide auf die Nachhaltigkeit der BodengĂĽte sind im Rahmen der Europäischen Wirkstoffzulassung Gegenstand eines EU-weiten Programms zur Erfassung der Kupfer­gehalte im Boden geworden. 1613 Einzelproben wurden aus den Bodenhorizonten 0–5 und 5–20 cm von Baumobstlagen an 40 ökologisch und 12 konventionell bewirtschafteten Standorten unter den Aspekten einer möglichst repräsentativen Erfassung der Belastungsverteilung entnommen. Das Erhebungs­ergebnis soll als Grundlage fĂĽr die Auswahl gebietstypischer Anbausituationen dienen, die in Verbindung mit einer spezifischen Expositionsermittlung die Erfassung der Wirkungsausprägung an empfindlichen Indikator­arten der jeweiligen Regenwurmzönosen ermöglicht. Auf der Basis von Gesamtgehalten wird die Belastungssituation und -verteilung auf PrĂĽfflächen und Referenzflächen in deutschen Baumobstbaugebieten als Minimal-, Mittel- und Maximalwert sowie fĂĽr verschiedene Perzentile dargestellt. DarĂĽber hinaus werden aus der Bewirtschaftungshistorie resultierende Schwermetallein­träge quantifiziert und Belastungsunterschiede zwischen Obstbaumreihen und Fahrgassen diskutiert. Bei der Belastungserhebung konnte durch VerknĂĽpfung von Daten zur Bewirtschaftungsgeschichte mit vorhandenen Flächenbelastungen in Verbindung mit beispielhaft fĂĽr das Anbaugebiet Niederelbe ermittelten Kupferaufwandmengen im Zeitraum 1960 bis 2010 nachgewiesen werden, dass diese Belastungen aus den Jahren 1960 bis etwa 1995 resultieren, wo noch zwischen 10 und 13 kg Reinkupfer pro Jahr und Hektar zur Schaderregerbekämpfung im Baumobstbau angewandt wurden. Welche Anteile von diesen ‚gealterten’ Kupfergesamtgehalten bioverfĂĽgbar sind und damit auf die Bodenzönose wirken, wird derzeit untersucht. Anhand der in der Vorbeprobung erhobenen Daten zur Belastungssituation, Standortbeschreibung und Bewirtschaftungsdauer werden 2 bis 3 Baumobstlagen vorgeschlagen, die sich fĂĽr eine biologische Statuserhebung zu Auswirkungen auf die Regenwurmzönose eignen.    Implications of long-term usage of copper fungicides on sustainable soil quality have been described for a long time, and according to the regulation of active substances, are objective of a survey on copper contents in agricultural soils in several EU member countries. 1613 single samples from the soil horizon 0–5 and 5–20 cm were taken from 40 organically and 12 conventionally managed pomiculture sites trying to make reference to all aspects relevant for a representative assessment of copper loads. The result of that survey is intended to enable the selection of site-typical types of cultivation being the prerequisite of an assessment of effects to the earthworm coenosis in combination with a refined exposure analysis. On the basis of total contents, the copper load and their distribution on test and reference fields of German pomiculture cultivation sites is presented including the minimum, maximum and mean value as well as percentiles. Additionally, the heavy metal content in general was determined and differences in copper contents between tree row and driving lines were identified. Comparing managing history and current management, it is obvious that load peaks result from copper applications between 1960 to 1995, when between 10 to 13 kg copper per ha and year were applied to control plant diseases. The evaluation of bio available copper, resulting from aged total copper contents, is not yet completely finished. By means of data, generated in preliminary samplings concerning load situation, site description and duration of management, 2–3 pomiculture sites are suggested being appropriate to assess the recent situation of soil quality in terms of responses on a population level.   &nbsp

    Prevalence of pathogenic BRCA1/2 germline mutations among 802 women with unilateral triple-negative breast cancer without family cancer history

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    Background: There is no international consensus up to which age women with a diagnosis of triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) and no family history of breast or ovarian cancer should be offered genetic testing for germline BRCA1 and BRCA2 (gBRCA) mutations. Here, we explored the association of age at TNBC diagnosis with the prevalence of pathogenic gBRCA mutations in this patient group. Methods: The study comprised 802 women (median age 40 years, range 19–76) with oestrogen receptor, progesterone receptor, and human epidermal growth factor receptor type 2 negative breast cancers, who had no relatives with breast or ovarian cancer. All women were tested for pathogenic gBRCA mutations. Logistic regression analysis was used to explore the association between age at TNBC diagnosis and the presence of a pathogenic gBRCA mutation. Results: A total of 127 women with TNBC (15.8%) were gBRCA mutation carriers (BRCA1: n = 118, 14.7%; BRCA2: n = 9, 1.1%). The mutation prevalence was 32.9% in the age group 20–29 years compared to 6.9% in the age group 60–69 years. Logistic regression analysis revealed a significant increase of mutation frequency with decreasing age at diagnosis (odds ratio 1.87 per 10 year decrease, 95%CI 1.50–2.32, p < 0.001). gBRCA mutation risk was predicted to be > 10% for women diagnosed below approximately 50 years. Conclusions: Based on the general understanding that a heterozygous mutation probability of 10% or greater justifies gBRCA mutation screening, women with TNBC diagnosed before the age of 50 years and no familial history of breast and ovarian cancer should be tested for gBRCA mutations. In Germany, this would concern approximately 880 women with newly diagnosed TNBC per year, of whom approximately 150 are expected to be identified as carriers of a pathogenic gBRCA mutation

    Expanding the phenotypic spectrum of lupus erythematosus in Aicardi-Goutie`res syndrome

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    Objective. Aicardi-Goutie`res syndrome (AGS) isan early-onset encephalopathy resembling congenitalviral infection that is characterized by basal gangliacalcifications, loss of white matter, cerebrospinal fluid(CSF) lymphocytosis, and elevated interferon- levels inthe CSF. Studies have shown that AGS is an autosomalrecessivedisease linked to mutations in 5 genes, encodingthe 3 -repair DNA exonuclease 1 (TREX1), the 3subunits of ribonuclease H2 (RNASEH2A–C), and sterilealpha motif domain and HD domain–containingprotein 1 (SAMHD1). In this study we further characterizedthe phenotypic spectrum of this disease.Methods. Clinical and laboratory data were obtainedfrom 26 patients fulfilling the clinical diagnosticcriteria for AGS. Genomic DNA was screened for mutationsin all 5 AGS genes by direct sequencing, and serawere analyzed for autoantibodies.Results. In 20 patients with AGS, 20 mutations,12 of which were novel, were identified in all 5 AGSgenes. Clinical and laboratory investigations revealed ahigh prevalence of features (some not previously describedin patients with AGS) that are commonly seen inpatients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), suchas thrombocytopenia, leukocytopenia, antinuclear antibodies,erythematous lesions, oral ulcers, and arthritis,which were observed in 12 (60%) of 20 patients withAGS. Moreover, the coexistence of AGS and SLE, wasfor the first time, demonstrated in 2 patients withmolecularly proven AGS.Conclusion. These findings expand the phenotypicspectrum of lupus erythematosus in AGS andprovide further insight into its disease mechanisms by showing that activation of the innate immune system asa result of inherited defects in nucleic acid metabolismcould lead to systemic autoimmunity

    Early detection of duodenal cancer by upper gastrointestinal-endoscopy in Lynch syndrome

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    Small bowel cancer (SBC) is the malignancy with the highest standardized incidence ratio in Lynch syndrome (LS) patients. Of all SBCs, about 50% are duodenal cancers (DCs), therefore being accessible by esophago-gastro-duodenoscopy (EGD) for surveillance. We asked whether early detection of DC is possible for LS patients undergoing surveillance by EGD and if surveillance should be limited to specific subgroups. Data for LS patients with DC were retrieved from the registry of the German Consortium for Familial Intestinal Cancer. Patients undergoing active surveillance by EGDs (surveillance group) were compared to those who did not (nonsurveillance group) regarding tumor stage at diagnosis. Union for International Cancer Control stages I-IIA were defined as early stage disease and IIB-IV as advanced stage disease. Statistical analysis was performed using Fisher's exact test. Among 2015 patients with pathogenic variants in any mismatch-repair-gene, 47 patients with 49 DCs were identified. In 10% of cases, patients were under 35 years at diagnosis; family and personal tumor history did not correlate with DC diagnosis. Pathogenic germline variants in MSH6, PMS2 or EPCAM were present in 10% of patients. Statistical analysis could be performed on 13 DC patients in the surveillance group and 14 in the nonsurveillance group. Early detection was possible for 71% of patients in the surveillance group and 29% of patients in the nonsurveillance group (P = .021). Early detection of DC by EGD in LS patients is feasible regardless of family history, mutational status and should start no later than 25 years of age
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