250 research outputs found

    A New Vision for Addressing Youth Unemployment in Africa

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    Marta Santoboni and Alexandra Karlsson highlight the need for a long-term strategy for combating African youth unemployment that incorporates investing in economic upgrading, linkages within domestic economies, strengthening regionalisation and negotiating for more favourable global trade agreements

    An interface solution at 53.76 Gb/s input bandwidth to a single Xilinx Virtex-II Pro FPGA: a practical challenge

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    When High Energy Physics meets high speed electronics, and state of the art methods fail to deliver the required performance, alternative methods have to be developed. This paper presents a novel solution for hardware trigger processing. Analog signals from 112 inputs are converted into high speed serial data with 12 bit resolution, representing a bandwidth of 53.76 Gb/s of trigger data streamed into a single Xilinx Virtex-II Pro FPGA node. The system automatically corrects for clock phase misalignments of 112 channels, each of those being received at 480 Mb/s. This solution has been implemented in the Trigger Region Unit (TRU) of the ALICE Photon Spectrometer (PHOS) detector, a highly integrated board for processing analogue signals received via intermediate Front-End Electronics cards from a large matrix of PWO crystals

    ATCA: Its Performance and Application for Real Time Systems

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    The Advanced Telecom Computing Architecture (ATCA), describes a high bandwidth, high connectivity, chassis based architecture designed principally to appeal to the telecommunications industry. The object of the exercise was to closely connect compute engines within the chassis to multiple user services brought in at the front panel. This maps closely to the needs of real time systems and the main points of the architecture are reviewed and discussed in that light. The performance of an ATCA backplane has been tested and measured using a Backplane Tester developed within a 10 Gb/s Ethernet switch project that was an early adopter of the ATCA standard. Some results from these tests are presented

    Det resilienta barnet : teorier, metoder och ett genusperspektiv

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    Detta examensarbete har gjorts inom projektet Det resilienta barnet. Avsikten med projektet är att utveckla modeller, metoder och material som kan ingå i ett socialpedagogiskt interventionsprogram ”Dagis Master”. Examensarbetet är en delrapport i projektet och koncentrerar sig på resiliensteorier och redan existerande resiliensförstärkande arbetsmetoder. Examensarbetets syfte är att beskriva hur ”Dagis Master”-programmet förankras teoretiskt och metodmässigt. Eftersom examensarbetet också beskriver resiliens ur ett genusperspektiv är syftet även att tillföra projektet ett nytt perspektiv så att de som arbetar med barn på daghem blir medvetna om de könsmönster som existerar. Frågeställningarna i examensarbetet har varit hur ”Dagis Master”-interventionsprogrammet förankras teoretiskt och metodmässigt, vilket delområde inom barnets resiliens arbetsmetoderna i arbetsmetodklassificeringen stöder, vad resiliens för en 5-åring innebär och hur den genusmedvetna pedagogiken stöder resiliensen hos barn. I de examensarbeten som tidigare gjorts inom projektet Det resilienta barnet har fokuseringen varit på social kompetens och nästa steg i projektutvecklingen är att behandla resiliens utifrån barnets personliga disposition. Inom projektet saknas ännu fördjupning i genusmedveten pedagogik samt material och produkter som stöder denna pedagogik, material tillämpade för utomhuspedagogik och en logo för projektet. Litteraturen om resiliens i de redan skrivna examensarbetena är ensidig och därmed skulle ett mångsidigare urval av resilienslitteratur i de kommande examensarbetena inom Det resilienta barnet även gynna projektets utveckling.This Bachelor's Thesis is a part of a project called ”Det resilienta barnet”. The purpose of the project is to develop models, methods and materials that can be included in a social pedagogical intervention program called ”Dagis Master”. This thesis has its focus on theories of resilience and existing methods that strengthen resilience in children. The purpose of this thesis is to describe how the ”Dagis Master”-program is connected to theories and methods of resilience. This thesis also describes resilience from a gender perspective and therefore the aim of this thesis is also to add a new perspective to the project, so that those, who work with children, will become aware of the existing gender role patterns in our society. This thesis aims to answer questions about how the intervention program is connected to theories and methods of resilience, which part of resilience the methods in our method scheme contribute to, what it means for a 5-year-old to be resilient, and how a gender sensitive pedagogy strengthens resilience in a child. The focus in the earlier theses in Det resilienta barnet has been on social competence and the next step in the development of the project is to focus on a child’s personal disposition in relation to resilience. The project is still missing a wider description of gender sensitive pedagogy, materials and products that support this form of pedagogy and that support outdoor pedagogy. The project is also still missing a logo. The literature that has been used to describe resilience in the earlier theses in this project is not very versatile and therefore it would promote the aim of this project if the theories about resilience in the theses that have not been written yet would consist of a wider range.Tämä opinnäytetyö on osa projektia Det resilienta barnet. Projektin tarkoituksena on kehittää malleja, menetelmiä ja materiaaleja, jotka voivat sisältyä sosiaalipedagogiseen interventio-ohjelmaan nimeltään ”Dagis Master”. Tämä opinnäytetyö on projektin väliraportti, joka keskittyy resilienssiteorioihin ja olemassa oleviin resilienssiä vahvistaviin menetelmiin. Opinnäytetyö pyrkii kuvailemaan, miten ”Dagis Master”-ohjelma pohjautuu teoriaan ja menetelmiin. Tässä opinnäytetyössä resilienssiä tarkastellaan myös sukupuolinäkökulmasta ja siten tämä opinnäytetyö pyrkii myös lisäämään projektiin uuden näkökulman resilienssistä ja lisäämään tietoa yhteiskunnassa vallitsevista sukupuolirooleista päiväkodeissa. Tässä opinnäytetyössä käytetään seuraavaa kysymyksenasettelua: Miten ”Dagis Master”-interventio-ohjelma pohjautuu teorioihin ja menetelmiin? Mitä osaa resilienssistä tässä opinnäytetyössä mainitut työmenetelmät tukevat? Mitä resilienssi merkitsee viisivuotiaan lapsen kohdalla? Miten sukupuolisensitiivinen kasvatus tukee lapsen resilienssiä? Projektin aiemmissa opinnäytetöissä on pyritty kuvailemaan sosiaalista kompetenssia ja täten seuraava askel projektin sisällä olisi lähestyä resilienssiä lapsen henkilökohtaisista ominaisuuksista. Projektista puuttuu vielä laajempi kuvaus sukupuolisensitiivisestä kasvatuksesta sekä siihen ja ulkoilmapedagogiikkaan sovellettuja materiaaleja. Projektilla ei myöskään vielä ole logoa. Resilienssiin liittyvä kirjallisuus on projektin aiemmissa opinnäytetöissä ollut yksipuolista ja siksi monipuolisempi resilienssi-kirjallisuuden käyttö tulevissa opinnäytetöissä hyödyttäisi projektin kehitystä

    Hamburgare, snigel eller mittemellan – En kvantitativ studie om implicita och explicita associationer mellan matens hälsosamhet och smak

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    Antalet överviktiga har i Sverige sedan slutet av 1980 talet fördubblats. Övervikt är något som dels påverkar den enskilda individen men är även något som kan medföra stora problem för samhället om utvecklingen fortsätter. Denna uppsats är tänkt att förse en bit av svaret till vad denna viktökning kan bero på. Uppsatsen ämnar utröna hur svenskar förhåller sig till en automatisk association gällande hur varierande hälsograd av matprodukter påverkar smakuplevelsen samt om denna association kan predicera framtida beteende angående val av önskad mat. Associationen mättes både på implicit nivå med hjälp av ett datortest kallat Sorting Paired Features Task och på explicit nivå. I studien undersöktes även om Dietary Restraint Scale (ett mått på kontrollerat ätande) och Body Mass Index modererade styrkan av associationen. I studien deltog 60 personer. Samtliga dataanalyser gällande hypoteserna genererade icke-signifikanta resultat

    The Impact of Deep Fjord Water Temperatures on the Ice Flow Velocities of Helheim Glacier, Greenland

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    Increasing ice flow velocities of marine terminating glaciers are often linked to rising ocean temperatures. Unfortunately, direct comparisons between glacier velocity and ocean temperatures are impeded by the fact that few oceanographic datasets span multiple years or contain temperatures at depth. Here, we use an oceanographic dataset collected in Helheim Fjord over several years (described in Straneo et al., 2011, Nat. Geoscience) in both shallow and deep waters. We compare the water temperatures at different depths with ice flow velocities that have been calculated from feature-tracking of LandSAT 7 and 8 images. Our results cover the period 2009–2013 and show both seasonal and inter-annual variability. We find that the velocity of Helheim glacier is likely influenced by the deep ocean water temperatures, namely the influx of warm Atlantic water, whereas water temperature at shallower depths do not have a significant influence on glacier speed. This is in contrast with findings from, for example, Svalbard. Our study demonstrates the need for multiple–year ocean datasets at different depths, if we are to disentangle the complex interactions between glaciers and ocean

    Solar cells for Uppsala’s sports facilities

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    The aim of this project was to evaluate the possibilities for solar panels on Uppsala’s sporting facilities and to suggest an expansion strategy. The project was based on a literature study concerning solar panels in general, an investigation of the most established solar panel manufacturers and an evaluation of their panels on a variety of factors. Additionally, an evaluation of Uppsala Sport- och Rekreationsfastigheters sporting facilities was made and combined with a field trip to gain more information about the buildings. The results from these investigations were used in the simulation programme PV*SOL, where five different facilities where simulated in two different scenarios with three different solar modules. The main difference between the two simulated scenarios was the amount of electricity sold to the grid. The simulation results show that facilities with large roof areas and high electricity consumption are most suited for installation. PV-modules of the manufacturer Sonnenstrom are recommended and a dimensioning of the installation according to scenario 2, where some electricity is sold to the grid, is proposed

    Subglacial geology and tectonics of the Dome F, Dronning Maud Land,East Antarctica: preliminary results

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    The region around Dome Fuji is considered as one of the most suitable areas in East Antarctica to find the oldest continuous ice record on Earth. Besides this importance, a basic understanding of the subglacial geology and its interpretation in terms of the tectonic histories of Rodinia and Gondwana is lacking. To address this, new airbornemagnetic data covering ca. 170 000 km2with 10 to 15 km line spacing were acquired by the Alfred Wegener Institute during the austral summer 2016/17. The magnetic data analysis, combined with the survey’s radar-derivedbed topography and gravity data from the ANTGG compilation, allow mapping of geological domains and their assumed bounding structures. Combined with existing studies of the adjacent areas, this approach provides a tectonic interpretation. Magnetic data reveal three magnetic domains delineated by N-S oriented boundaries that are enhanced by the pseudo-gravity and upward continuation data filtering technics. These magnetic domains partly correlate with gravity domains characterized by imaging and filtering of isostatic residual gravity anomalies. In addition, three major sets of magnetic lineaments can be distinguished: (1) NW–SE-oriented lineaments of short to intermediate lengths that correlate with mountain ranges and valleys; (2) E–W-oriented elongated lineaments that correlate with steep slopes and the locations of marked magnetic anomaly offsets, and thus can be interpreted as E–W oriented faults; (3) short and less numerous NE–SW trending lineaments. Moreover, a set of curvilinearmagnetic highs correlate well with gravity highs. These may represent circular granitoids in a continuation of the Tonian Oceanic Arc Super Terrane, allowing us to determine its continuation further south than previously known. Finally the potential field analysis may reveals the eastern extent of the recently-proposed subglacial Valkyriecraton

    Deterministic evolution and stringent selection during preneoplasia

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    The earliest events during human tumour initiation, although poorly characterized, may hold clues to malignancy detection and prevention1. Here we model occult preneoplasia by biallelic inactivation of TP53, a common early event in gastric cancer, in human gastric organoids. Causal relationships between this initiating genetic lesion and resulting phenotypes were established using experimental evolution in multiple clonally derived cultures over 2 years. TP53 loss elicited progressive aneuploidy, including copy number alterations and structural variants prevalent in gastric cancers, with evident preferred orders. Longitudinal single-cell sequencing of TP53-deficient gastric organoids similarly indicates progression towards malignant transcriptional programmes. Moreover, high-throughput lineage tracing with expressed cellular barcodes demonstrates reproducible dynamics whereby initially rare subclones with shared transcriptional programmes repeatedly attain clonal dominance. This powerful platform for experimental evolution exposes stringent selection, clonal interference and a marked degree of phenotypic convergence in premalignant epithelial organoids. These data imply predictability in the earliest stages of tumorigenesis and show evolutionary constraints and barriers to malignant transformation, with implications for earlier detection and interception of aggressive, genome-instable tumours