220 research outputs found

    Letter to the Study by Hyvonen et al. on Moisture Damage and MCS

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    Due to the significant methodological problems in the empirical part of the paper and the very selective literature review, the conclusions of the paper are mostly unsupported.Non peer reviewe

    Essays on earnings management in private firms

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    Jälleenrakennuskauden pientalon korjausopas

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    Väestön tiedot kosteusvaurioihin liittyvistä sairauksista

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    Risk of adult-onset asthma increases with the number of allergic multimorbidities and decreases with age

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    Background The aim was to study the association between allergic multimorbidity and adult-onset asthma considering the number of allergic diseases and the age effect. Methods We used population-based data from Finnish national registers including 1205 adults over 30 years of age with recently diagnosed asthma (age range: 30-93), matched for gender, age, and living region with one or two controls (n = 2050). Allergic rhinitis (AR), allergic conjunctivitis (AC), and allergic dermatitis (AD) were defined from self-completed questionnaire. Conditional logistic regression adjusted on potential confounders (smoking, growing in countryside, childhood hospitalized infection/pneumonia, parental asthma/allergy, parental smoking, education level, professional training, number of siblings, and birth order) was applied to estimate the asthma risk associated with allergic multimorbidity. Results A total of 1118 cases with asthma and 1772 matched controls were included [mean (SD, min-max) 53 (11, 31-71) years, 37% men)]. AR, AC, and AD were reported by 50.2%, 39.6%, and 33.8%, respectively, among subjects with asthma and 26.1%, 20.0%, and 23.5%, respectively, among controls. Compared to nonatopics, adult-onset asthma increased with the number of allergic diseases; adjusted OR for asthma [95% CI] associated with 1, 2, and 3 allergic diseases was 1.95 [1.52-2.49], 2.87 [2.19-3.77], and 4.26 [3.07-5.90], respectively. The association between adult-onset asthma and >= 1 allergic multimorbidity decreased with increasing age (3.52 [2.51-4.94], 2.44 [1.74-3.42], and 1.68 [1.04-2.71]) in subjects 62 years, respectively (p for age*>= 1 allergic multimorbidity interaction, 0.002). Conclusions Adult-onset asthma was positively associated with the number of allergic diseases, and this association decreases with age.Peer reviewe

    Turvetyöryhmän loppuraportti

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    Pääministeri Sanna Marinin hallitusohjelman mukaan turpeen energiakäyttö tulee vähintään puolittaa vuoteen 2030 mennessä ja muutoksen tulee tapahtua alueellisesti ja sosiaalisesti oikeudenmukaisella tavalla sähkön ja lämmön toimitus- ja huoltovarmuutta vaarantamatta. Työ- ja elinkeinoministeriö asetti kansallisen laaja-alaisen turvetyöryhmän 31.3.2020 valmistelemaan toimenpide-ehdotuksia em. tavoitteiden mukaisesti. Raportissa kuvataan turvealan nykytila ja arvioidut kehityssuunnat. Työryhmä katsoo, että suurimmat haasteet liittyvät turveyrittäjien tilanteen parantamiseen ja huolto- ja toimitusvarmuuden turvaamiseen, sillä turpeen energiakäyttö vähenee paljon aiempaa ennakoitua nopeammin. Nämä esitykset koostuvat turveliiketoiminnan lopettaville yrittäjille suunnatusta luopumispaketista sekä tuista turveyrittäjien siirtymiselle uuteen yritystoimintaan. Huoltovarmuuden osalta ehdotetuilla toimenpiteillä pyritään säilyttämään energiaturpeen tuotantovalmius ns. siirtymäkauden aikana. Raportti sisältää myös muita toimenpide-ehdotuksia esimerkiksi kasvu- ja kuiviketurpeen tuotannon turvaamisesta sekä turvesoiden jälkikäytöstä. Turvetyöryhmällä ei ole ollut mahdollisuutta arvioida ehdotusten valtiontukivaikutuksia. Valtiontukiin sekä JTF-rahastoon liittyviä kysymyksiä on selvitettävä poliittisessa jatkovalmistelussa

    Association between sagittal spinal alignment and mechanical complications after primary total hip arthroplasty : a systematic review

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    Objective: Total hip arthroplasty (THA) affects pelvic posture and spinal alignment. These postural changes may further predispose patients to mechanical complications (MCs) after THA. The aim of this study was to conduct a systematic review to investigate whether any high-quality studies have assessed the association between sagittal spinal alignment and MCs after primary THA. Methods: Inclusion criteria for studies were adult patients (age ≥18 years), primary THA, pre- and postoperative spinopelvic standing sagittal radiographs acquired preoperatively and at a minimum of 6-month follow-up, measurements of spinopelvic parameters, and reporting of possible MCs after THA. The review was conducted according to the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-analyses guidelines. Results: Six articles met the inclusion criteria. Although several studies confirmed the importance of spinal alignment when planning THA, these mainly investigated pelvic mobility as a risk factor for THA dislocation. Radiological follow-up imaging practices varied, and studies focused on different individual spinopelvic parameters. Conclusion: Based on our study findings, no conclusions can be drawn regarding the association between sagittal spinal alignment and MCs after primary THA. Further research is needed to improve our knowledge of the connection between MCs after THA and sagittal spinal alignment.publishedVersionPeer reviewe

    Diseases with oral manifestations among adult asthmatics in Finland : a population-based matched cohort study

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    Objectives Many comorbidities are associated with adult asthma and may exacerbate the asthma burden of disease. This study aims to investigate the risk for major oral diseases or oral-manifesting diseases in asthmatic compared with non-asthmatic adults. Design We conducted a population-based matched cohort study with a 13.8-year follow-up. Setting A baseline questionnaire was completed by participants in 1997 and follow-up data were extracted from the national hospital discharge registry of the National Institute for Health and Welfare in Finland from 1997 to 2014. Participants A total of 1394 adults with asthma were matched with 2398 adults without asthma based on sex, age and area of residence. Asthmatic adults were identified from the Drug Reimbursement Register of the Finnish Social Insurance Institution based on a special drug reimbursement right resulting from asthma. Participants without asthma were identified from the Population Register. Main outcomes and measures Oral health-related primary diagnoses were retrieved using codes from the International Classification of Diseases, 10th edition and divided into groups of diseases. Cox's proportional hazards models stratified by matching unit and models matched and adjusted for pack-years, education level and body mass index (when possible) were used to evaluate the matched and further adjusted HRs for diseases comparing asthmatic and non-asthmatic cohorts. Results Adult asthma was associated with a higher risk for any oral-manifesting disease (adjusted HR 1.41, 95% CI 1.11 to 1.80), herpes zoster (adjusted HR 6.18, 95% CI 1.21 to 31.6), benign tumours of the oral cavity and pharynx (matched HR 1.94, 95% CI 1.05 to 3.56) and dermatological diseases (pemphigus, pemphigoid, dermatitis herpetiformis, psoriasis and lichen planus, HR 1.67, 95% CI 1.01 to 2.78). Conclusions In this study, adult asthmatics experienced a higher risk for a major oral disease or oral-manifesting disease.Peer reviewe