50 research outputs found

    Winter Habitat Use by Moose, Alces alces, in Central Interior British Columbia

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    In central British Columbia, recent epidemics of Mountain Pine Beetle (Dendroctonus ponderosae) have resulted in the use of expansive clearcut areas to remove infested mature and old Lodgepole Pine (Pinus contorta) stands. This study aimed to determine if Moose (Alces alces) use late-successional Lodgepole Pine stands in mid- to late-winter. Moose activity and habitat use was determined during February-March track surveys in 2000 (60 km) and 2001 (55.7 km). In 2000 (69 tracks) and 2001 (313 tracks), Moose track distribution differed significantly (P < 0.05) from random. They were significantly more abundant than predicted in young stands (dominated by Picea spp.), or early seral stages; they were less abundant than predicted in mature and old Lodgepole Pine stands. It is unlikely that harvesting late-successional Lodgepole Pine stands would affect Moose winter habitat supply


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    Kariz Ananta Graha. The growth of stem cuttings of red dragon fruit (Hylocereus polyrhizus (Web.) Britt. Et R) and white dragon fruit (Hylocereus undatus (Haw.) Britt. Et R) on some immersion coconut water’s dilution. Under the guidance of Abdul Rizal AZ dan Maryana. ABSTRACT Dragon fruit development opportunities is wide open. It can be seen from the frequent inventory vacancies dragon fruit at the supermarket and the supermarket, which is caused by the dragon fruit development area in Indonesia is still limited so as not to meet the dragon fruit production in the country. Limitations of the dragon fruit development area due to the unavailability of sufficient quantities of seed. One effort to accelerate the propagation of dragon fruit seedlings are cuttings. The purpose of this study was to determine the dilution of the best coconut water soaking on the growth of red dragon fruit cuttings and white dragon fruit. The study is a field experiment using a polybag with a split plot design treatment. The main plot, is a type of dragon fruit with 2 level: S1 = red dragon fruit cuttings, S2 = white dragon fruit cuttings. Subplots, is coconut water dilution with 5 level: KO = Cuttings untreated water immersion oil, K1 = 150 ml/l, K2 = 250 ml/l, K3 = 350 ml/l, K4 = 450 ml/l. The parameters observed were percentage of cuttings of life, the emergence of shoots, number of shoots, shoot length, root length, root volume, root dry weight and shoot dry weight. Data were analyzed observations diversity at the level α = 5%. Diversity indicates significant difference tested further with Multiple Test Distance Duncan or Duncan's Multiple Range Test (DMRT) at level α = 5%. To determine the relationship between the dilution of coconut milk with growth parameters in each type of dragon fruit, regression and correlation analysis using STAT version 2.7 application. The results showed that coconut water’s dilution 450 ml/l and 350 ml/l give better effect to the growth of dragon fruit cuttings at the time of the emergence of shoots, shoot length aged 8 weeks after planting to 11 weeks after planting, root’s length, root’s volume and dry weight of shoots other than dilution. Keywords : Dragon fruit red and White dragon fruit, Cuttings, Coconut wate

    Effect of Thermal Modification of Spruce Wood on Nails Embedment Strength

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    Nails represent the easiest and most common method to connect timber members, but, since joints and connections frequently represent the weakest points in timber structures, they need special attention. The embedment strength of nails is one of the important properties of construction wood, since it determines the joint’s strength and required size and the number of nails used in the connection. The embedment strength of nails in spruce wood thermally modified at different temperatures (170, 190, 210, and 230°C) was measured. Nail embedment strength was determined according to EN 7383:2007 Timber Structures – Test methods – Determination of embedment strength and foundation values for dowel-type fasteners. The embedment strength was tested for nails, without pre-bored holes, in three ways: compression parallel to grain, tension parallel to grain and compression perpendicular to grain. The research showed that the embedment strength of nails slightly decreased with the temperature of the thermal treatment of wood, but the statistically significant differences were only between control samples and the most modified samples. The average nail embedment strength decreased with thermal modification at 230°C by 18% (compression parallel to the grain), 34% (compression perpendicular to the grain) and 33% (tension parallel to the grain). The highest decreases were recorded in nail embedment strength measured in compression perpendicular to the grain. This trend had been expected, since wood loses its strength with thermal modification. The measurements showed that thermally modified spruce has lower embedment strength and thus joints with nails need to be constructed differently and with a larger number of nails and larger spacing, in order to achieve the required strength comparable to non-modified wood

    Hrapavost i stupanj kvašenja ugušćene površine pregrijane smrekovine (Picea abies L. Karst.)

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    Surface roughness and wettability of the heat-treated and then surface densified spruce (Picea abies L. Karst.) wood were measured to determine the effect of densification and heat-treatment on wood surface properties. The process of heat-treatment with an initial vacuum was performed in a vacuum chamber on oven dried lamellas with dimensions of 630 mm (longitudinal direction) x 45 mm (tangential direction) x 25 mm (radial direction). The lamellas were heat-treated at four different temperatures which were 170 °C, 190 °C, 210 °C and 230 °C. Control specimens were not exposed to heat-treatment. The lamellas were first heated to 100 °C, the creation of a vacuum taking 30 min at this temperature, and then heated to the desired temperature, and treated at this constant temperature for 3 h. The lamellas were then cooled down by using coils with cold water inside the chamber. Surface densification of lamellas with compression from 22 mm to 15 mm thickness was made by press platens heated at 150 °C and held in that position for 60 s. After the 1 min, the heated platen was cooled to 90 °C, whilst the specimen remained under compression to minimize immediate spring back. The total time of compression was 2 min (30 s closing, 60 s pressing and approx. 30 s cooling). In the treatment groups, the optimum treatment temperature on the one-side densified wood specimens was found to be 170 °C based on the surface roughness and wettability values. Surface densification significantly decreased the surface roughness of the wood specimens. The surface quality of wood can be improved when the wood is exposed to the heat-treatment and then surface densification.Cilj istraživanja bio je izmjeriti hrapavost i stupanj kvašenja površine pregrijane i površinski ugušćene smrekovine (Picea abies L. Karst.) kako bi se utvrdio utjecaj ugušćivanja i pregrijavanja na svojstva površine drva. Proces pregrijavanja s početnim vakuumom proveden je u vakuumskoj komori na apsolutno suhim lamelama dimenzija 630 mm (uzdužni smjer) × 45 mm (tangentni smjer) × 25 mm (radijalni smjer). Lamele su pregrijane na četiri različite temperature: 170 °C, 190 °C, 210 °C i 230 °C. Kontrolni uzorci nisu bili pregrijani. Lamele su najprije zagrijane na 100 °C i pri toj je temperaturi za postizanje vakuuma bilo potrebno 30 min. Uzorci su nakon toga zagrijani na željenu temperaturu koja je konstantno održavana tri sata. Potom su lamele ohlađene uz pomoć hladne vode koja se nalazila u spiralnim cijevima unutar komore. Ugušćivanje površine lamela s 22 mm na 15 mm debljine provedeno je prešanjem zagrijanim pločama na temperaturi 150 °C u trajanju 60 s. Nakon jedne minute zagrijana je ploča ohlađena na 90 °C, dok je uzorak ostao pod pritiskom kako bi se umanjio trenutačni povrat. Ukupno vrijeme prešanja iznosilo je 2 min (30 s zatvaranje, 60 s prešanje i oko 30 s hlađenje). Na temelju vrijednosti hrapavosti i stupnja kvašenja utvrđeno je da je optimalna temperatura za jednostrano ugušćivanje ploče 170 °C. Ugušćivanjem površine znatno se smanjila hrapavost površine uzoraka drva. Zaključeno je da se kvaliteta površine drva može poboljšati pregrijavanjem i ugušćivanjem površine

    Entangled Photons from Small Quantum Dots

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    We discuss level schemes of small quantum-dot turnstiles and their applicability in the production of entanglement in two-photon emission. Due to the large energy splitting of the single-electron levels, only one single electron level and one single hole level can be made resonant with the levels in the conduction band and valence band. This results in a model with nine distinct levels, which are split by the Coulomb interactions. We show that the optical selection rules are different for flat and tall cylindrically symmetric dots, and how this affects the quality of the entanglement generated in the decay of the biexciton state. The effect of charge carrier tunneling and of a resonant cavity is included in the model.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figure

    Investigation into the material properties of wooden composite structures with in-situ fibre reinforcement using additive manufacturing

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    In contrast to subtractive manufacturing techniques, additive manufacturing processes are known for their high efficiency in regards to utilisation of feedstock. However the various polymer, metallic and composite feedstocks used within additive manufacturing are mainly derived from energy consuming, inefficient methods, often originating from non-sustainable sources. This work explores the mechanical properties of additively manufactured composite structures fabricated from recycled sustainable wood waste with the aim of enhancing mechanical properties through glass fibre reinforcement. In the first instance, samples were formed by pouring formulation of wood waste (wood flour) and thermosetting binder (urea formaldehyde), with and without glass fibres, into a mould. The same formulations were used to additively manufacture samples via a layered deposition technique. Samples manufactured using each technique were cured and subsequently tested for their mechanical properties. Additively manufactured samples had superior mechanical properties, with up to 73% increase in tensile strength compared to moulded composites due to a densification of feedstock/paste and fibre in-situ directional alignment

    Sistem Operasi Windows 2000

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    Cork Plastic Composite Optimization for 3D Printing Applications

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    The Role Of The Government In The Impact Of Hospital Hazardous Toxic Waste Pollution In Ponorogo

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    In Indonesia, the COVID-19 pandemic is closely linked to the rise in infectious waste produced by the general public and medical professionals. Assuming that many individuals are tainted Coronavirus, the medical clinics limit can influence and how much irresistible waste produced is increment. Irresistible waste remembers for the Hazardous Toxic Waste (B3) squander classification, which contains unsafe and harmful materials that can contaminate, harm, and jeopardize the climate, wellbeing, and the endurance of living things. Ponorogo Regency, which is known as a "red zone" for the spread of COVID-19, is unavoidably affected by Hazardous Toxic  (B3) waste. With the expansion in that measure of Hazardous Toxic  (B3) squander, the public authority job is expected to satisfy the prudent rule and closeness standard of B3 squander the board. As the mandatory environmental affairs executor, DLHK Ponorogo, the regional government must address Hazardous Toxic  (B3)  waste management issues at the regional level