1,034 research outputs found

    The significance of parent-practitioner interaction in early childhood education

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    "The article will focus on the parentpractitioner interaction in the context of the educational conversations in a Finnish day care centre. The National Curriculum Guidelines in Finland seek to emphasise a new approach - referred to as early childhood education and care partnership - which involves participation that goes further than co-operation. The journey from co-operation to early childhood education and care partnership requires mutual, continuous and committed interaction in all matters concerning the child. The experience of being heard and mutual respect are essential for attaining shared understanding. In developing the partnership practices the conversations between the parents and the practitioners emerge as the key arenas. The task of the research described in the article was to discover how partnership is generated via the conversations between the parents and the practitioners. Special attention was paid to the issues discussed by the parents and the practitioners in the conversations; the course of the conversation; as well as to the roles the parents and the practitioners present in the conversations. The childspecific conversations (18) to be examined concerned the conversations between the parents of the 10 children and the day care professionals. The conversations took place in authentic co-operative situations." (author's abstract)"Der Artikel befasst sich mit der Eltern-ErzieherInnen-Interaktion im Rahmen der Erziehungsgespräche in einer finnischen Kindertagesstätte. In Finnland soll mit den National Curriculum Guidelines unter der Überschrift 'Früherziehung und partnerschaftliche Betreuung' ein neuer Ansatz eingeführt werden, der eine über die Kooperation hinausgehende Mitwirkung vorsieht. Der Weg von 'Kooperation' zu 'Früherziehung und partnerschaftliche Betreuung' erfordert eine kontinuierliche und engagierte beiderseitige Interaktion in allen das Kind betreffenden Fragen. Wesentlich für ein gemeinsames Verständnis ist die Erfahrung des aufeinander Hörens und einander Respektierens. Als zentraler Ort für die Entwicklung partnerschaftlicher Praktiken haben sich die Gespräche zwischen Eltern und ErzieherInnen erwiesen. Das hier vorgestellte Forschungsprojekt sollte klären, wie über die Gespräche zwischen Eltern und ErzieherInnen Partnerschaft aufgebaut wird. Besondere Aufmerksamkeit galt dabei den bei diesen Gesprächen diskutierten Fragen; dem Gesprächsverlauf; und den Rollen von Eltern und ErzieherInnen in den Gesprächen. An den zu untersuchenden kindbezogenen Gesprächen (18) waren die Eltern der 10 Kinder und die ErzieherInnen der Tagesstätte beteiligt. Die Gespräche fanden in realen Kooperationssituationen statt." (Autorenreferat

    Internet addiction: a systematic review of epidemiological research for the last decade

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    In the last decade, Internet usage has grown tremendously on a global scale. The increasing popularity and frequency of Internet use has led to an increasing number of reports highlighting the potential negative consequences of overuse. Over the last decade, research into Internet addiction has proliferated. This paper reviews the existing 68 epidemiological studies of Internet addiction that (i) contain quantitative empirical data, (ii) have been published after 2000, (iii) include an analysis relating to Internet addiction, (iv) include a minimum of 1000 participants, and (v) provide a full-text article published in English using the database Web of Science. Assessment tools and conceptualisations, prevalence, and associated factors in adolescents and adults are scrutinised. The results reveal the following. First, no gold standard of Internet addiction classification exists as 21 different assessment instruments have been identified. They adopt official criteria for substance use disorders or pathological gambling, no or few criteria relevant for an addiction diagnosis, time spent online, or resulting problems. Second, reported prevalence rates differ as a consequence of different assessment tools and cut-offs, ranging from 0.8% in Italy to 26.7% in Hong Kong. Third, Internet addiction is associated with a number of sociodemographic, Internet use, and psychosocial factors, as well as comorbid symptoms and disorder in adolescents and adults. The results indicate that a number of core symptoms (i.e., compulsive use, negative outcomes and salience) appear relevant for diagnosis, which assimilates Internet addiction and other addictive disorders and also differentiates them, implying a conceptualisation as syndrome with similar etiology and components, but different expressions of addictions. Limitations include the exclusion of studies with smaller sample sizes and studies focusing on specific online behaviours. Conclusively, there is a need for nosological precision so that ultimately those in need can be helped by translating the scientific evidence established in the context of Internet addiction into actual clinical practice


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    This article aims to examine students' mathematical reasoning abilities in finishing items based problems. The researcher reviewed several literatures related to mathematical reasoning ability, where the method used was literature study. The results of studies that have been carried out by researchers are problem-based questions that have an important role in mathematical reasoning abilities. Through mathematical reasoning abilities students can think logically, critically, effectively, and efficiently. This thinking equips students to be able to finishing items based problems. Next, based on a study of some literature, there are several indicators of mathematical reasoning ability that must be achieved to categorize high, medium, and low mathematical reasoning abilities in finishing items based problems. In this case, the researcher seeks support from experts to strengthen the argument during the study process

    Relational expertise in preschool–school transition

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    The complex and constantly evolving challenges of working life require individuals, groups and work communities to cooperate interprofessionally across sectors and institutional boundaries (Edwards, 2017). In this study, preschool-school transition is a context in which culturally and historically constructed institutional boundaries form an arena for professional learning. In interprofessional work, professionals’ different interpretations of the purpose of collaboration can bring challenges. How-ever, common understanding can be achieved through relational expertise. The aim of the study is to examine what kind of organizational and professional issues can be identified in the development towards relational expertise in the context of transi-tion. By studying the organizational narratives around boundary work, we seek to understand the nature of the processes involved in acquiring relational expertise. This study examines the development of relational expertise over a one-year period of interprofessional collaboration within the context of the boundary work of two institutions – preschool and primary school. The case study data consists of videoed authentic interprofessional planning and evaluation discussions (22.5 h) and was analysed drawing on organizational narratives. The findings of two different organ-izational narratives provide important information on the issues involved in achiev-ing relational expertise and of the possibilities for and obstacles to its development

    The outcome of necrotizing enterocolitis and spontaneous intestinal perforation

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    Background. Among the gastrointestinal diseases of preterm infants, necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) and spontaneous intestinal perforation (SIP) cause the highest morbidity and mortality rates. Aim of the study. Retrospective assessment of outcome in NEC and SIP of morbidity, mortality, intestinal failure associated cholestasis (IFAC), late abdominal surgical interventions, and the effects of patients´ characteristics. Patients and methods. Data was obtained by review of hospital records with institutional ethical consent. The setting was Finnish university hospital centres: two in studies I-II and one in studies III-IV. Included were 225 surgical NEC and SIP patients from 1986 to 2014 (I-II), 93 surgical NEC and SIP patients and 20 medical NEC patients from 2002 to 2019 (III), and 165 surgical NEC and SIP patients from 1986 to 2019 (IV). The main outcome measures were mortality (I, II, III), development of IFAC (II), and late reoperations (IV). Secondary outcome measures were loss of small intestine and duration of parenteral nutrition (PN) (III). Survival statistics were assessed with LogRank (Mantel-Cox) test and risk levels with logistic regression analysis. Results. Overall three-month survival in surgical NEC and SIP was 74 %. From 1986-2000 to 2001-2014, overall three-month survival improved from 69% to 81 % (p=0.04), in NEC from 69% to 77% (p=0.30) and in SIP from 69% to 89% (p=0.04). Independent risk factors of overall three-month survival (1986-2014) were admittance to the newborn intensive care unit (NICU), birth weight (BW), gestational age (GA), respiratory distress syndrome (RDS), and septicaemias: RR=1.6-3.3 (95%CI= 1.1-8.6), p=0.005-0.01. The strongest overall predictor was the admittance to the NICU: RR=2.8 (95% CI = 1.4-5.3), p=0.003 (I). IFAC developed in 41% of patients (NEC 48%, SIP 31%, p=0.04) and was predicted by septicaemias (p=0.001) and abdominal reoperations (p<0.001). All patients with unresolved IFAC died (II). Preoperative transfusions predicted the two-week mortality in surgical NEC, although weakly: RR=1.1-1.2 (95%CI= 1.0-1.5), p= 0.03-0.04 (III). The major cause of late abdominal reoperations was small bowel obstruction with a cumulative risk 8.7% at ten years and 16% at 20 (IV). Conclusions. Overall three-month survival in NEC and SIP patients increased significantly from 69% in 1986-2000 to 81% in 2001-2014. Admission to NICU was the strongest predictor of mortality. IFAC developed in 42% of surgical patients. Unresolved IFAC was lethal. Preoperative transfusion increased two-week mortality in NEC. Small bowel obstruction was the most common late reoperation with 16% risk at two years.Tausta. Keskosten maha-suolikanavan sairauksista nekrotisoiva enterokoliitti (NEC) ja spontaani suolen perforaatio (SIP) aiheuttavat korkeimman sairastuvuuden ja kuolleisuuden. Tutkimuksen tavoite. NEC:n ja SIP:n seurausten retrospektiivinen arviointi liittyen sairastuvuuteen, kuolleisuuteen, suolen vajaatoimintaan liittyvään kolestaasiin (IFAC), myöhäisiin vatsan alueen kirurgisiin toimenpiteisiin ja potilaiden erityisominaisuuksiin. Potilaat ja menetelmät. Tiedot saatiin tarkastelemalla sairaalatietoja kyseisten laitosten eettisellä suostumuksella. Tarkastellut sairaalatiedot tulivat Suomen yliopistollisista sairaalakeskuksista: kahdesta eri sairaalasta tutkimuksissa I-II ja yhdestä tutkimuksissa III-IV. Tutkimuksen kohteena oli 225 kirurgista NEC- ja SIP-potilasta vuosilta 1986-2014 (I-II), 93 kirurgista NEC- ja SIP-potilasta ja 20 lääketieteellistä NEC-potilasta vuosilta 2002-2019 (III), sekä 165 kirurgista NEC- ja SIP-potilasta vuosilta 1986-2019 (IV). Tärkeimpiin tulosmittareihin kuuluivat kuolleisuus (I, II, III), IFAC:n kehittyminen (II) ja myöhäiset uusintaleikkaukset (IV). Toissijaisiin tulosmittareihin kuuluivat ohutsuolen menetys ja parenteraalisen ravitsemuksen kesto (PN) (III). Eloonjäämistilastot arvioitiin LogRank (Mantel-Cox) -testillä ja riskitasot logistisella regressioanalyysillä. Tulokset. Kolmen kuukauden kokonaiseloonjäämisprosentti kirurgisten NEC- ja SIP-potilaiden kohdalla oli 74%. Vuodesta 1986–2000 vuoteen 2001–2014 kolmen kuukauden kokonaiseloonjäämisaste parani 69 prosentista 81 prosenttiin (p=0,04), NEC-potilaiden kohdalla 69 prosentista 77 prosenttiin (p=0,30) ja SIP-potilaiden kohdalla 69 prosentista 89 prosenttiin (p = 0,04). Kolmen kuukauden kokonaiseloonjäämisasteeseen liittyviin (1986-2014) riippumattomiin riskitekijöihin kuuluivat joutuminen vastasyntyneiden tehohoitoon (NICU), syntymäpaino (BW), raskausikä (GA), hengitysvaikeusoireyhtymä (RDS) ja verenmyrkytys: RR = 1,6 - 3,3 (95% CI = 1,1 - 8,6), p = 0,005 - 0,01. Vahvin yleinen ennustaja oli joutuminen NICU:hun: RR = 2,8 (95% CI = 1,4 - 5,3), p = 0,003 (I). 41 prosentilla potilaista kehittyi IFAC (NEC 48%, SIP 31%, p = 0,04), ja se ennustettiin septikemian (p = 0,001) ja vatsan uudelleenleikkausten (p < 0,001) perusteella. Kaikki potilaat, joilla oli ratkaisematon IFAC, kuolivat (II). Preoperatiiviset verensiirrot ennustivat kahden viikon kuolleisuuden kirurgisten NEC-potilaiden kohdalla, vaikkakin heikosti: RR = 1,1 - 1,2 (95% CI = 1,0 - 1,5), p = 0,03 - 0,04 (III). Suurin syy myöhään tehtyihin vatsan uudelleenleikkauksiin oli ohutsuolen tukos, jonka kumulatiivinen riski oli kymmenen vuoden kohdalla 8,7% ja kahdenkymmenen vuoden kohdalla 16% (IV). Johtopäätökset. Kolmen kuukauden kokonaiseloonjäämisaste NEC- ja SIP-potilailla kasvoi merkittävästi 69 prosentista vuosina 1986–2000 81 prosenttiin vuosina 2001–2014. Joutuminen NICU:hun oli vahvin kuolleisuuden ennustaja. 42 prosentilla kirurgisista potilaista ilmaantui IFAC. Ratkaisematon IFAC oli tappava. Preoperatiivinen verensiirto lisäsi kuolleisuutta kahden viikon jälkeen NEC-potilaissa. Ohutsuolen tukos oli yleisin syy myöhäiseen uusintaleikkaukseen, jonka riski oli 16% kahden vuoden kohdalla

    Zalberg Carole, OĂą vivre ?

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    Où vivre ? Telle est la question que se posent, à un ou plusieurs moments de leur vie, neuf personnages appartenant à trois générations d’une même famille juive, dont les plus âgés sont rescapés de la Shoah. Neuf personnages aux parcours et aux questionnements personnels divers, dispersés entre Israël, la France, les États-Unis ou encore l’Australie, mais étroitement liés par leur attachement indéfectible à Israël, si complexe voire problématique soit-il. Carole Zalberg définit son livre com..

    Nuclear Safeguards in Finland 2004

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    DO YOU KNOW HOW YOUR FOOD HAS BEEN PRODUCED? : Sustainable Development in Food Industry

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    Food is a vital thing for all the humans in the world, as surviving without it is not possible. Enormous amount of food is consumed every day and therefore food industry is a huge business nowadays. However, food industry is not a trouble-free industry, as there are many broad problems related to it. The aim of this thesis was to examine food industry from the sustainable development point of view. The main aim was to find out what ordinary consumers are thinking about the topic and what are the things that matter the most for them when they are buying food. In this research, Centria students were chosen as a target group. The theoretical framework of this thesis consisted of three topics: problems related to food industry, sustainable development methods and supporting sustainable food production as a consumer. For doing the research, a quantitative research method was chosen and a questionnaire was designed. The survey was conducted in Centria’s main campus in talonpojankatu Kokkola in 12th of October. The survey revealed that a thing which mattered the most for students when buying food, was cheap price. Healthiness was also an important matter for several students. Many of the students bought organic food every week or couple times a month. A clear majority had a diet which included meat or fish but still quite many of them had also thought about reducing their meat and fish eating.Ruoka on elintärkeää kaikille maailman ihmisille, sillä selviytyminen ilman sitä ei ole mahdollista. Joka päivä, maailmassa kulutetaan valtava määrä ruokaa ja ruokateollisuus onkin sen vuoksi nykyään todella iso bisnes. Ruokateollisuus ei kuitenkaan ole täysin ongelmaton teollisuudenala, sillä siihen liittyy myös monia laajoja ongelmia. Tämän opinnäytetyön tavoitteena oli tutkia ruokateollisuutta kestävän kehityksen näkökulmasta. Työn päätavoitteena oli selvittää mitä tavalliset kuluttajat ajattelevat aiheesta ja mitkä ovat ne asiat, joihin he kiinnittävät eniten huomiota ruokaa ostaessaan. Tämän opinnäytetyön teoreettinen viitekehys muodostuu kolmesta aiheesta, joita ovat ruokateollisuuten liittyvät ongelmat, kestävän kehityksen metodit sekä kestävän ruokatuotannon tukeminen kuluttajana. Tutkimusmetodina käytettiin määrällistä tutkimusta ja tutkimustulosten keräämiseksi suunniteltiin kyselylomake. Tutkimuksen kohderyhmänä olivat Centrian opiskelijat ja tutkimus toteutettiin Centrian pääkampuksella talonpojankadulla, Kokkolassa 12. lokakuuta. Tutkimustulokset osoittivat, että asia joka merkitsi opiskelijoille eniten ruokaa ostaessa, oli edullinen hinta. Myös terveellisyys oli tärkeä asia usealle. Monet opiskelijoista ostivat luomuruokaa joka viikko tai pari kertaa kuussa. Selvällä enemmistöllä vastaajista oli lihaa tai kalaa sisältävä ruokavalio, mutta melko moni heistä oli myös ajatellut vähentää lihan ja kalan syöntiään ja syödä enemmän kasvisruokia
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