63 research outputs found

    Evaluating the use of in-store measures in retail food stores and restaurants in Brazil.

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    OBJECTIVE: To assess inter-rater reliability, test-retest reliability, and construct validity of retail food store, open-air food market, and restaurant observation tools adapted to the Brazilian urban context. METHODS: This study is part of a cross-sectional observation survey conducted in 13 districts across the city of Sao Paulo, Brazil in 2010-2011. Food store and restaurant observational tools were developed based on previously available tools, and then tested it. They included measures on the availability, variety, quality, pricing, and promotion of fruits and vegetables and ultra-processed foods. We used Kappa statistics and intra-class correlation coefficients to assess inter-rater and test-retest reliabilities in samples of 142 restaurants, 97 retail food stores (including open-air food markets), and of 62 restaurants and 45 retail food stores (including open-air food markets), respectively. Construct validity as the tool's abilities to discriminate based on store types and different income contexts were assessed in the entire sample: 305 retail food stores, 8 fruits and vegetable markets, and 472 restaurants. RESULTS: Inter-rater and test-retest reliability were generally high, with most Kappa values greater than 0.70 (range 0.49-1.00). Both tools discriminated between store types and neighborhoods with different median income. Fruits and vegetables were more likely to be found in middle to higher-income neighborhoods, while soda, fruit-flavored drink mixes, cookies, and chips were cheaper and more likely to be found in lower-income neighborhoods. CONCLUSIONS: The measures were reliable and able to reveal significant differences across store types and different contexts. Although some items may require revision, results suggest that the tools may be used to reliably measure the food stores and restaurant food environment in urban settings of middle-income countries. Such studies can help .inform health promotion interventions and policies in these contexts

    Barreras en la interrupción voluntaria del embarazo en Colombia

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    La consecución y reconocimiento de derechos fundamentales, hacen parte de esa evolución histórica de la humanidad, todo estos avances apoyados en principios como la autodeterminación, la dignidad humana y del libre desarrollo de la personalidad, entre otros; en Colombia la Corte Constitucional a través de la sentencia T-355 de 2006 marca el rumbo histórico de la despenalización del aborto y otorga a las mujeres ese derecho fundamental de decidir voluntariamente sobre la interrupción de su embarazo cuando se esté frente a causales que objetivamente se han establecido. Mediante la dogmática jurídica se analizó la sentencia en cita, al igual que las normas que han permitido su implementación, materialización y los derechos involucrados; así mismo se identificaron los diferentes pronunciamientos que con posterioridad se dieron en la Corte Constitucional y que llegaron a su conocimiento por la revisión a las que fueron sometidas; mostrándose el panorama que ha tenido este tema, y donde se pone en evidencia los obstáculos y barreras impositivas e injustificadas que se han presentado en cuanto a la efectivización de este derecho fundamental.The achievement and recognition of fundamental rights are part of that historical evolution of humanity, all these advances supported by principles such as self-determination, human dignity and the free development of the personality, among others; In Colombia, the Constitutional Court, through ruling T-355 of 2006, marks the historical course of the decriminalization of abortion and grants women that fundamental right to voluntarily decide on the interruption of their pregnancy when faced with causes that objectively have established. Through legal dogmatic, the judgment in question was analyzed, as well as the norms that have allowed its implementation, materialization and the rights involved; Likewise, the different pronouncements that were subsequently given in the Constitutional Court and that came to their attention due to the review to which they were submitted were identified; showing the panorama that this issue has had, and where the obstacles and tax and unjustified barriers that have arisen in terms of the realization of this fundamental right are highlightedIntroducción. -- Tema de investigación y planteamiento del problema. -- pregunta de investigación. -- Justificación. -- Justificación. -- Objetivos de la investigación. -- Objetivo general. -- Objetivos específicos. -- Metodología. -- Marco referencial. -- Marco Teórico. -- Marco histórico. – Marco jurídico. -- Postulados internacionales. -- Postulados nacionales. -- Marco conceptual. -- De la objeción de conciencia. -- Conceptos del ministerio de salud. -- Conceptos de la fiscalía general de la nación. -- Conceptos superintendencia de salud. -- Resultados. -- Conclusiones. -- Referencias bibliográficas

    Representaciones sociales que se hacen los estudiantes de diferentes niveles escolares de la relación entre la lectura y la escritura.

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    El presente estudio describe y analiza las Representaciones Sociales (RS) que se hacen los estudiantes sobre la relación de la lectura y la escritura. Es una investigación de tipo cuanti-cualitativo descriptivo; se realizó la construcción, organización y análisis de datos que fueron recogidos mediante dos técnicas: la entrevista semi-estructurada y el cuestionario. Debido al tipo de investigación, se establecieron dos muestras. Con respecto a lo cuantitativo, se consideró una población - muestra conformada por 168 estudiantes, 66 estudiantes de sexto grado de primaria, 60 estudiantes de tercer año de secundaria y 42 estudiantes de quinto año de secundaria del Centro Educativo Particular San José de Cluny – Surquillo; para lo cualitativo, se utilizó una muestra de 6 estudiantes, 2 estudiantes de sexto grado de primaria, 2 estudiantes de tercer año de secundaria y 2 estudiantes de quinto año de secundaria del mismo centro. Los instrumentos empleados en nuestra investigación fueron: el cuestionario para la entrevista semiestructurada, que nos permitió la recogida de datos cualitativos y; el cuestionario de las RS de la relación entre la lectura y la escritura para la obtención de los datos cuantitativos, el mismo que fue validado y de mostró su confiabilidad. Los resultados obtenidos en el análisis cualitativo, nos permitieron establecer las categorías que conforman el sistema de las Representaciones Sociales de la relación entre la lectura y la escritura, éstos indican que los estudiantes perciben más los efectos positivos de la lectura sobre la escritura, que los de la escritura sobre la lectura. En cuanto a las prácticas, se estableció que los estudiantes las realizan diariamente en actividades dentro o fuera del colegio; y que existe una mayor actitud positiva a la lectura que a la escritura. Asimismo, los resultados del análisis cuantitativo muestran que no existe diferencia significativa en las RS que se hacen los estudiantes en relación a los Efectos de la lectura sobre la escritura, ni en las RS de los estudiantes en cuanto a sus Prácticas. También obtuvimos que a menor año de estudio las categorías: Efectos de la escritura sobre la lectura, Semejanzas, RS de la lectura y la escritura y Actitudes, son más significativas. La variable género no es un factor determinante en la construcción de una RS. Este estudio brinda las pautas necesarias para beneficiar a cada uno de los estudiantes en el proceso de aprendizaje y tener presente las implicaciones de los efectos que puede tener la lectura sobre la escritura, como también la escritura sobre la lectura. Esta investigación nos muestra la necesidad de implementar proyectos, con propuestas que consideren las Representaciones Sociales que se hacen los estudiantes sobre la relación de la lectura y la escritura debido a su incidencia en la práctica de las mismas.The following study analyses and describes social representations (SR) that students have about the connection between reading and writing. This research is considered to be both: a quantitative and qualitative descriptive paper since its organization and analysis were built using data collected by using two common techniques such as a questionnaire and a semi-structured interview. Due to the type of research, two samples were established. Regarding the quantitative one; a sample of 168 students were considered (66 students in sixth grade of primary, 60 students in third grade of secondary and 42 students in fifth grade of secondary level), concerning about the qualitative sample, 6 students were involved (2 students in sixth grade of primary, 2 students in third grade of secondary and 2 students in fifth grade of secondary level). All were students of San Jose de Cluny School located in Surquillo, Lima. The qualitative data was collected with the questionnaire for the semistructured interview whilst the quantitative data was collected with the questionnaire of the SR about the connection between reading and writing. The results give us very detailed information about each of the categories worked in this thesis. They also show that students perceive more the positive effects that reading has on writing than the ones that writing has on reading. Indeed, the paper proves the validity and reliability of the questionnaire of the SR about the connection between reading and writing. This study allowed us recognize that there is no difference in the SR that students have about the effects that reading has on writing or about the SR of students regarding their practice. It was also determined that the lower the school grade is the more meaningful the categories are. These categories are: effects of writing on reading, similarities, SR of the reading and writ ing and attitudes. The gender is not a determining factor in the construction of a SR. It is important for educators to be aware of the implications of the effects that reading has on writing and writing on reading so they can provide students with the necessary guidelines to enhance their learning process. This research show us the need to introduce projects with suggestions that consider the social representations that students have about the relationship between reading and writing based on their own practiceTesi

    A BK (Slo1) channel journey from molecule to physiology

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    Calcium and voltage-activated potassium (BK) channels are key actors in cell physiology, both in neuronal and non-neuronal cells and tissues. Through negative feedback between intracellular Ca2+ and membrane voltage, BK channels provide a damping mechanism for excitatory signals. Molecular modulation of these channels by alternative splicing, auxiliary subunits and post-translational modifications showed that these channels are subjected to many mechanisms that add diversity to the BK channel ́ subunit gene. This complexity of interactions modulates BK channel gating, modifying the energetic barrier of voltage sensor domain activation and channel opening. Regions for voltage as well as Ca2+ sensitivity have been identified, and the crystal structure generated by the 2 RCK domains contained in the C-terminal of the channel has been described. The linkage of these channels to many intracellular metabolites and pathways, as well as their modulation by extracellular natural agents, has been found to be relevant in many physiological processes. This review includes the hallmarks of BK channel biophysics and its physiological impact on specific cells and tissues, highlighting its relationship with auxiliary subunit expression.Facultad de Ciencias Exacta

    Severidade de cárie em crianças e relação com aspectos sociais e comportamentais

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    OBJETIVO: Conhecer os fatores de risco para a alta severidade de cárie dentária em crianças de 12 anos de idade. MÉTODOS: Partindo-se dos resultados obtidos no levantamento epidemiológico em saúde bucal, realizado em Florianópolis, em 1995, comparou-se algumas condições sociais e de comportamento entre dois grupos com severidades distintas da cárie dentária: um com alto/muito alto (n=50) e outro com muito baixos níveis da doença (n=50), através da análise de regressão logística multivariada. RESULTADOS/CONCLUSÕES: Os fatores de risco para alta severidade de cárie foram a freqüência de consumo de doces e a renda familiar. Crianças que consumiram produtos cariogênicos duas a três vezes ao dia, todos os dias, apresentaram 4,41 vezes mais chances de ter alta severidade de cárie quando comparadas com as que consumiram esses produtos no máximo uma vez ao dia -- IC95% (OR) = [1,18; 16,43]. A renda familiar foi o fator socioeconômico de maior importância. Crianças cuja renda familiar foi menor que 5 salários-mínimos tiveram 4,18 vezes mais chances de apresentar alta severidade de cárie quando comparadas com as que apresentaram renda familiar superior a 5 salários-mínimos -- IC95% (OR) = [1,16; 15,03]. Novos estudos acerca dos determinantes gerais da cárie dentária, como os diferentes aspectos da vida dos indivíduos, deveriam ser desenvolvidos, a fim de contribuir para implantar medidas amplas de promoção de saúde bucal.OBJECTIVE: To identify social and behavioral conditions that could act as risk factors to the severity of dental caries in 12-year-old children. METHODS: Based on the oral health survey data obtained in Florianópolis, Brazil, in 1995, social and behavior conditions were compared between two 12-year-old children groups with dental caries with different severity: high and very high severity, and very low severity. In the interview, there were questions about each family were part of the interview, besides social-economic conditions and behavior aspects. RESULTS/CONCLUSIONS: The multivariate logistic regression analysis showed that the risk factors for dental caries with high severity were candy intake and family income. Children who consumes cariogenic products 2 or 3 times a day on a daily basis has 4.41 more chance of having dental caries with high severity when compared to children who consumes these same products only once a day -- CI (OR) = [1.18; 16.43] ). Family income was the most important socialeconomic factor. Children whose family income is lower than five minimum wages has 4.18 more chance of having high severity dental caries when compared to children whose family income is higher than five minimum wages -- CI (OR) = [1.16; 15.03]. The purpose of this study was to have a a better knowledge of dental caries occurrence in 12-year-old children who, in most cases, have a complete permanent dentition that showed the illness history

    Presentación de diagnóstico financiero y análisis bursátil Walmart

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    En el presente trabajo se encuentra consolidado el proyecto desarrollado durante del Diplomado de profundización en finanzas; en él se analizaron los Estados Financieros de la empresa Walmart, la cual es una organización multinacional de origen estadunidense, fundada por Sam Walton el 2 de julio de 1962, que trabaja con cadenas de grandes almacenes de descuento y clubes de almacenes y cotizado en la Bolsa de Nueva York desde 1972. En ella se analizó su capacidad para generar valor económico, mediante las diferentes actividades operativas y financieras, entre ellas tenemos el diagnóstico financiero que es la principal herramienta para evaluar la gestión administrativa y financiera en la que Walmart puede tomar decisiones y alcanzar sus objetivos al igual que proyectarse en el futuro. Además, se tienen las diferentes fuentes de financiamiento con que la empresa financia el 90% de su capital, clave para determinar el adecuado apalancamiento que le permite maximizar sus rendimientos mediante los establecimientos de crédito y en el mercado de capitales. Por último, se relacionan los hechos de los mercados financieros internacionales con el comportamiento de los resultados empresariales.In the present work the project developed throughout the Diploma of deepening in finances is consolidated; In it, the financial statements of the Walmart company were analyzed, which is a multinational organization of American origin, founded by Sam Walton on July 2, 1962, which works with chains of large discount stores and warehouse clubs and listed on the New York Stock Exchange since 1972. Its capacity to generate economic value was analyzed through the different operational and financial activities, among them we have the financial diagnosis, which is the main tool to evaluate the administrative and financial management in which Walmart can take decisions and achieve their objectives as well as project themselves into the future. In addition, there are the different sources of financing with which the company finances 90% of its capital, key to determining the adequate leverage that allows it to maximize its returns through credit establishments and in the capital market. Finally, the facts of international financial markets are related to the behavior of business results

    A BK (Slo1) channel journey from molecule to physiology

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    Calcium and voltage-activated potassium (BK) channels are key actors in cell physiology, both in neuronal and non-neuronal cells and tissues. Through negative feedback between intracellular Ca2+ and membrane voltage, BK channels provide a damping mechanism for excitatory signals. Molecular modulation of these channels by alternative splicing, auxiliary subunits and post-translational modifications showed that these channels are subjected to many mechanisms that add diversity to the BK channel ́ subunit gene. This complexity of interactions modulates BK channel gating, modifying the energetic barrier of voltage sensor domain activation and channel opening. Regions for voltage as well as Ca2+ sensitivity have been identified, and the crystal structure generated by the 2 RCK domains contained in the C-terminal of the channel has been described. The linkage of these channels to many intracellular metabolites and pathways, as well as their modulation by extracellular natural agents, has been found to be relevant in many physiological processes. This review includes the hallmarks of BK channel biophysics and its physiological impact on specific cells and tissues, highlighting its relationship with auxiliary subunit expression.Facultad de Ciencias Exacta

    Facial Affect Recognition by Patients with Schizophrenia Using Human Avatars

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    People with schizophrenia have difficulty recognizing the emotions in the facial expressions of others, which affects their social interaction and functioning in the community. Static stimuli such as photographs have been used traditionally to examine deficiencies in the recognition of emotions in patients with schizophrenia, which has been criticized by some authors for lacking the dynamism that real facial stimuli have. With the aim of overcoming these drawbacks, in recent years, the creation and validation of virtual humans has been developed. This work presents the results of a study that evaluated facial recognition of emotions through a new set of dynamic virtual humans previously designed by the research team, in patients diagnosed of schizophrenia. The study included 56 stable patients, compared with 56 healthy controls. Our results showed that patients with schizophrenia present a deficit in facial affect recognition, compared to healthy controls (average hit rate 71.6% for patients vs 90.0% for controls). Facial expressions with greater dynamism (compared to less dynamic ones), as well as those presented from frontal view (compared to profile view) were better recognized in both groups. Regarding clinical and sociodemographic variables, the number of hospitalizations throughout life did not correlate with recognition rates. There was also no correlation between functioning or quality of life and recognition. A trend showed a reduction in the emotional recognition rate as a result of increases in Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale (PANSS), being statistically significant for negative PANSS. Patients presented a learning effect during the progression of the task, slightly greater in comparison to the control group. This finding is relevant when designing training interventions for people with schizophrenia. Maintaining the attention of patients and getting them to improve in the proposed tasks is a challenge for today’s psychiatry

    The principle of situated practice in literacy learning: students’ perspectives

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    O artigo resulta de uma investigação realizada no âmbito de uma iniciativa governamental destinada a melhorar os níveis de literacia nas séries iniciais do ensino fundamental em Portugal. A investigadora estudou as representações dos alunos sobre essa experiência por meio da realização de entrevistas em grupo. Este artigo analisa os dados referentes às representações dos alunos sobre uma das dimensões pedagógicas centrais da aprendizagem da literacia, nomeadamente a constituída pela prática situada. A análise qualitativa revela representações muito positivas sobre a prática que situou a aprendizagem, tendo os alunos expressado opiniões e sentimentos extremamente favoráveis sobre a prática de aprendizagem de literacia que experimentaram. A análise dos dados desvelou ainda que o contexto que situou a aprendizagem foi ativo, lúdico, colaborativo e mediado pelas TIC. Esses resultados fundamentam, do ponto de vista único dos próprios aprendentes, uma redefinição do entendimento atual do princípio da prática situada da literacia nas séries iniciais do ensino fundamental, no sentido do reconhecimento da centralidade da ludicidade nessa aprendizagem.This article derives from research developed in the context of the implementation of a governmental initiative aimed to enhance literacy learning in primary education in Portugal. The researcher studied students’ representations about their learning experience through group interviews. This article focuses on data concerning students’ representations about one of the central pedagogical dimensions of literacy learning, namely situated practice. Qualitative analysis revealed students’ very positive representations about the practice which situated their learning, as they expressed extremely favourable opinions and feelings. Data analysis further unveiled that the context of learning was active, playful, collaborative, and mediated by ICT. Such results provide foundations for a theoretical redefinition of current conceptions of situated practice by evidencing the centrality of playfulness as learning practice in the education of the first grades of primary education. This is an original contribution made from the perspectives of learners themselves(undefined)info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio