15 research outputs found


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    Siswa Sekolah Menengah Pertama dalam  proses belajar mengajar  untuk mata pelajaran olahraga masih berupa penyampaian langsung  dari guru khususnya bola voli. Sebagaipenunjang adalah membaca buku materi, namun metode tersebut kurang interaktif. Oleh karena itu dibutuhkan media yang menarik siswa dalam memahami materi.Berdasarkan permasalahan tersebut, peneliti akan merancang dan membangun serta menguji media pembelajaran berupa website.Website ini memuat tentang materi olahraga bola voli dasar secar alengkap dan benar dengan tampilan yang menarik sehingga mampu menarik minat serta meningkatkan pemahaman siswa untuk mata pelajaran olahraga bola voli.Metode pembuatan media pembelajaran ini menggunakan metode SDLC (System DevelopmentLifeCycle) yaitu model waterfall, dimana dalam merancang dan pembangunannya melalui beberapa tahapan meliputi definisi kebutuhan, analisis kebutuhan, desain sistem, pembangunan sistem, pengujian, dan pemeliharaan.Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah media pembelajaran berupa website dengan memuat materitentang teknik dasar olahraga bolavoli sesuai dengan kurikulum untuk siswa Sekolah Menengah Pertama yaitu mampu melakukan servis, passing, smash,dan blocking.Dari data dapat disimpulkan bahwa tampilan media ini menarik, mampu menarik minat siswa untuk mempelajari materi sehingga dapat meningkatkan pemahaman siswa terhadap mata pelajaran olahraga bolavoli

    Antropometri dan Biomotorik Atlet Bolavoli Duduk Paralympic Indonesia ditinjau dari Karakteristik Cidera dan Kualitas Kondisi Fisik

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    The purpose of the study was to identify and analyze the anthropometric and biomotor skills of athletes with disabilities in sitting volleyball in terms of injury characteristics and quality of physical condition. The research method used is descriptive quantitative. Data analysis used descriptive percentage analysis technique with the help of SPSS version 24.0 application. The results of this study indicated that anthropometric and biomotor in terms of injury characteristics and quality of physical condition as an important component to improve the performance of seated volleyball athletes in terms of injury characteristics and quality of physical condition. In conclusion, to improve the performance and achievement of athletes, one of them is to identify injuries and the quality of physical conditions. Keywords: Anthropometrics, Biomotor, Injury, Physical Condition, Sitting Volleybal


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    This  study aimed  to  determine  the  occurrence  Causes  Aggressiveness At  Football Athletes  Compete  In Regional Sports Week  (POPDA) Kab Sumenep.  This  study used  a qualitative  methodology with a  phenomenological approach.  The  data  collected  by using observation and semi-structured interviews. Determination of research subjects by using purposive sampling with a reference from your observation. Researchers took four of the 17 athletes that competed POPDA football as a primary Subject and two as secondary subjects, which includes the coach and one player. Data analyzed using an interactive model data reduction, the data display, and verification of conclusions by Miles andHuberman. The results indicate that the factors that caused the aggressiveness of the athletes POPDA Kab Sumenep  is the referee's  leadership, endangering any bodily contact that makes the aggressiveness of football athletes POPDA uncontrolled Kab Sumenep, any negative utterances spoken by the opponent, and the presence of other aggressive that wish to injure an opponent

    How Does The Covid-19 Pandemic Impact On The Training Patterns Of Indonesian Sitting Volleyball Athletes?

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    This study aims to determine the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the training patterns of seated volleyball athletes for the Indonesian national team. All members of the Indonesian seated volleyball national team participated in filling out a questionnaire consisting of sports participation, exercise intensity and volume, the impact of COVID-19 on exercise patterns, and training support infrastructure. A total of 11 athletes who were all male with an average age of 31.91 (± 7.43) had completed the questionnaire in the period July to August 2020. Most of the athletes practiced 5 times per week (73%) which was carried out in the morning and evening. in the afternoon (36%), they do exercises with direct guidance from online trainers both synchronously and asynchronously (82%). Athletes also feel that they experience a reduction in exercise volume and intensity (45%) compared to when they were at the national training center. Most athletes (82%) felt that they had experienced a decline in their physical condition. it is very clear that the COVID-19 pandemic is having a huge impact on the training patterns of seated volleyball athletes, they must focus more on maintaining their training to maximize their fitness so that they perform optimally when competition resumes

    Adaptation of The New Normal Sports Training Centering System

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in the temporary suspension of the training centering system which has resulted in complex decisions relating to the continuation of training activities in accordance with existing circumstances. This paper aims to provide education and guidance in the implementation of regular exercise programs that must be realized as a solution to minimize the occurrence of COVID-19 transmission in the regular training process as well as provide understanding to the main sports branch management, coaches and athletes in carrying out regular training programs. This study uses a literature review method where the researcher conducts a series of studies by reviewing and analyzing various content and data, which involves various kinds of information related to the implementation of the training centering system in the new normal era. There are 4 key principles in the re-implementation of the training process on a regular basis or training camps, including preparation for resumption of training, criteria for training commencement, assessments and guidelines that serve as a reference for the implementation of training camps, as well as management and strategies for mitigating COVID-19 risks at training camps

    Evaluasi Proses Belajar Mengajar Matakuliah Bermain dan Permainan Anak Sekolah Dasar

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    Evaluasi pengajaran merupakan langkah yang efektif untuk meningkatkan kualitas pengajaran, meningkatkan kualitas pengajaran guru, dan mencapai pengelolaan pembelajaran yang ilmiah dan sistematis. Studi ini menggali informasi yang berkaitan dengan proses belajar mengajar melalui evaluasi ekstensif pada matakuliah bermain dan permainan anak Sekolah Dasar yang menjadi salah satu matakuliah di Program Studi Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Mataram. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif eksploratif yang bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan suatu keadaan tertentu dari objek yang akan diteliti. Secara lebih khusus penelitian ini akan menggambarkan kondisi apa adanya tentang evaluasi proses belajar mengajar (PBM) pada matakuliah bermain dan permainan anak SD di Program Studi Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Mataram. Hasil evaluasi yang telah dilakukan pada matakuliah ini menunjukkan bahwa seluruh rangkaian proses belajar yang dilakukan telah dirasakan sangat baik dan bermakna oleh mahasiswa. Seluruh proses belajar mengajar yang dikemas dalam bentuk pembelajaran aktif (active learning) dengan memadukan teori dan praktik dapat dipertanggungjawabkan efekivitas dan efisiensinya serta dapat terlaksana dengan terarah dan terukur sesuai dengan Standar Capaian Pembelajaran Lulusan (SCPL) yang termaktub pada matakuliah bermain dan permainan anak Sekolah Dasar


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    AbstrakTujuan kegiatan ini adalah melakukan dengan menerapkan hasil penelitian untuk pemecahan permasalahan yang terkait dengan penerapan ilmu kepelatihan olahraga yang diprioritaskan pada pembenahan kondisi fisik serta bersama-sama meyakini adanya perubahan peningkatan prestasi atlet sebagai hasil tindakan penerapan iptek dalam program latihan pada cabor yang bersangkutan. Metode tindakan digunakan untuk mengetahui penerapan berbagai aspek performa fisik sehubungan dengan latihan setelah merefleksikan dalam beberapa episode pelatihan melalui program latihan yang disusun oleh pelatih. Secara lebih spesifik kegiatan ini dibagi menjadi empat tahapan utama, diantaranya: perencanaan, tindakan, pengamatan dan refleksi/evaluasi. Pelatih merasakan dampak yang sangat luar biasa dengan adanya pendampingan yang dilakukan oleh akademisi dalam hal penyusunan dan pengembangan program latihan serta adanya pendampingan terhadap pelaksanaan latihan yang dilakukan selama masa persiapan atlet menuju Asean Para Games 2020. Berdasarkan perspektif atlet, pendampingan ini juga dianggap berhasil karena memberikan kesadaran penuh kepada atlet tentang dasar-dasar program latihan sehingga secara mandiri mereka dapat mereka melaksanakan latihan dan merasakan manfaat latihan yang telah disusun oleh pelatih dan kolaborator.Kata kunci: disabilitas, latihan, fisik, sitting volleyball


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    The evaluation is conducted with the aim to get a comprehensive, holistic, and empirical picture of Indonesia Paralympic coaching both strategic and technical level, either off the field and in the field. The method of this research is using descriptive method with survey technique. Assessment and analysis were conducted directly on the context dimensions, inputs, processes and products on Indonesia Paralympic coaching. Instruments used to retrieve data includes: (1) questionnaires for athletes; (2) interviews for trainers; (3) interviews for managers; (4) Observation; and (5) secondary data in the form of documents related to the National Paralympic Committee (NPC). The results of data analysis in general is a combination of all data on each factor and indicator, the condition of development of Indonesia Paralympic: (1) athlete recruitment system has been implemented according to the stages that have been set; (2) trainers and assistant trainers meet the criteria set by Indonesia Paralympic; (3) implementation of the exercises, namely: annual program, monthly program, weekly program, daily program, evaluation program has been implemented by Indonesia Paralympic coach; (4) Centralized consumption meets 74%; of expectations (5) board and lodging meet 84% of expectations ; (6) the carrying capacity of infrastructure and facilities meets 72% of expectations ; (7) the characteristics of the central sports are: a) Induk Cabang Olahraga has not been conducted yet, b) regional or central NPC, at the same time, play a role as Induk Cabang Olahraga; (8) the main source of funds from the government in accordance with applicable legislation through the allocation of APBN and APBD funds, community assistance and membership fees.  Article visualizations


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    ABSTRAKKegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk membuat rancangan desain dan rencana anggaran biaya (RAB) gapura Desa Kromengan yang dapat menjadi sebuah identitas yang dapat menjadi penanda wilayah dan diwujudkan dalam bentuk gapura yang menjadi pintu gerbang. Pendekatan atau metode yang digunakan dalam rangka pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini adalah Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) yang merupakan sebuah pendekatan dengan mengajak masyarakat untuk berpartisipasi dalam proses pembangunan dan pengembangan melalui sebuah kegiatan. Kegiatan pengabdian ini menghasilkan beberapa capaian diantaranya:  desain gapura yang memiliki konsep arsitektural lokal Jawa Timur dengan unsur kontemporer yang diwarnai dengan ekspresi budaya Desa Kromengan dan dapat dipadukan dengan unsur-unsur modern; dan RAB dan desain gapura dibuat secara efisien, menarik tapi tidak berlebihan dan dapat direalisasikan. Produk berupa desain dan RAB yang dihasilkan dalam kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat dalam bentuk gambar desain dan RAB telah memenuhi azas kemanfaatan dan dapat menjadi solusi terhadap kebutuhan dan dapat menjadi pembentuk identitas Desa Kromengan. Kata kunci: gapura; identitas; desa. ABSTRACTThis community service activity aims to make a design plan and budget plan (RAB) for the gate of Kromengan Village which can become an identity that can become an area marker and is manifested in the form of a gate that becomes the gate. The approach or method used in the context of community service is Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) which is an approach by inviting the community to participate in the process of development and development through an activity. This dedication activity resulted in several achievements including the design of the gate which has a local East Javanese architectural concept with contemporary elements colored by the cultural expressions of Kromengan Village and can be combined with modern elements; the RAB and the gate design are made efficiently, attractive but not excessive and realizable. Products in the form of designs and RAB produced in community service activities in the form of design drawings and RAB have fulfilled the principle of expediency and can be a solution to needs and can form the identity of Kromengan Village. Keywords: gate; identity; village


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    The aim of this research is to map research literature on learning media in physical education over two decades. This study uses meta-data from the Scopus repository, retrieved using relevant keywords and extracted in terms of field development, productivity, collaborative networks and thematic structure in the field. We analyzed the data in VOSviewer and Biblioshiny software. A total of 265 documents/articles were published in the Scopus database in the period 2000-2022. Based on publications in the Scopus database, the findings show that: (1) academic interest in physical education learning media in the first decade tended to fluctuate and began to increase in the last decade; (2) Most publications are written by researchers spread across various countries, although most research is still published by a small number of authors and countries; (3) there is a noteworthy level of scientific collaboration in this field, where there is no collaboration between co-authorship clusters; (5) The conceptual dynamics of the literature reveal the multidimensionality of this topic of inquiry. Our significant contribution is the explanation of past findings relevant to current research that offers interesting insights into the evolution of the field of instructional media in physical education. These findings suggest the need for more interdisciplinary studies and broader collaboration of authors between countries