92 research outputs found

    Simulated Environment in Robot Soccer

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    Investeerimisega seotud teadmised, käitumine ning hoiakud

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    This study aims to improve Suggestion and Offer capabilities and improve student responses in Suggestion and Offer teaching and learning by applying the Numbered Heads Together (NHT) type of cooperative learning model. This class research was conducted in class XI IPS 2 Denpasar Public High School 7 Academic Year 2018/2019 which was located at No. Cambodia Street. 9 Denpasar. The subjects of this class action research were students of class XI IPS 2 in Public High School 7 Denpasar in 2018/2019 Academic Year, amounting to 36 students, consisting of 15 female students and 21 male students and the object of research was the application of the Numbered Heads type of cooperative learning model Together (NHT). In this study a set of data collection methods are used, namely test methods and observation methods. This research will be carried out in several cycles, each of which consists of four stages, namely (1) planning, (2) implementation of actions, (3) observation, and (4) reflection.         The results showed that (1) The application of the Numbered Heads Together (NHT) type of cooperative learning model can improve students' Suggestion and Offer comprehension skills. (2) The application of the Numbered Heads Together (NHT) type of cooperative learning model can improve the responses of students of class XI IPS 2 in Denpasar Public High School 2018/2019 in learning the ability to understand Suggestion and Offer material

    Multivariable Decoupling Compensator for a Tank Level Control

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    As multivariable systems are usually quite complex some possible simplifications of nonlinear model of three coupled tanks are presented in the paper. Well known decoupling method is combined with classical design and finally improved with so called conditioned technique which can always be realised if decoupling is possible. The simplification is so dual. This approach enables the use of design methods for univariable systems but can also be very helpful when switching between automatic and manual control is needed, especially when combined with anti-windup method known as conditioned technique. We believe that in process industry there are many cases where this solution can be successfully used. Some other possibilities still under development are also indicated

    The effect of alternating and biphasic currents on humans' wound healing: a literature review

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    [Abstract] Although different types of currents, including bidirectional currents, have been used to promote healing, there is neither a summary about their effects nor consensus on best parameters to be used. The aim of this article is to provide an overview of current evidence on the effectiveness of bidirectional electrical stimulation on wound healing in accordance with the parameters used. Relevant articles were selected following a search of Medline, Cochrane, Embase, CINAHL, and PEDro for English, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, or French articles published between 1980 and 2011. Ten trials and four case-series were found that deal with pressure ulcers, diabetic ulcers, venous ulcers, skin flaps, and amputation. Eight trials were of low-quality. Five of ten controlled trials found a statistically significant difference on wound healing, and another four trials found positive trends. Both of the two skin flap trials, one of two diabetic trials, and two of five pressure ulcer trials found a significant difference in bidirectional stimulated groups. Both TENS and NMES types of currents were used, but many parameters were not specified. In general, bidirectional currents appear to increase wound healing rates and reduce size of wounds, above all in skin flaps. However, there is a lack of well-designed studies on biphasic and alternating stimulation, and there is a need for improvement in description of parameters and in uniformity of nomenclature


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    V diplomski nalogi je obravnavan umetnostni zgodovinar Sergej Vrišer (1920–2004), ki je poznan predvsem kot poznavalec baročnega kiparstva. Manj znano in zlasti manj upoštevano pa je dejstvo, da je bil sistematičen in pronicljiv opazovalec sodobnega likovnega dogajanja in je s svojo kritično mislijo veliko pripomogel k razvoju in uveljavljanju sodobne likovne umetnosti v Mariboru. Svoja opažanja in mnenja je sistematično objavljal v več slovenskih revijah in časopisih, tako da je s tem ustvaril celovit vpogled v tedanjo umetniško sceno. Skozi njegov kritični pogled je predstavljeno takratno aktualno mariborsko kulturno dogajanje, ki se je po drugi svetovni vojni zelo razmahnilo in doseglo svoj prvi višek z ustanovitvijo Umetnostne galerije Maribor (7. februar 1954), ki je imela pomembno vlogo pri rasti in razvijanju umetniških hotenj. Na osnovi Vrišerjevih zapisov sem sestavila kronološki pregled takrat delujočih umetnikov, za katerih opus se je zanimal Sergej Vrišer. S tem sem želela podati Vrišerjev pogled na mariborsko likovno dogajanje in izpostaviti poudarke, ki so se njemu zdeli najpomembnejši, in ki so tudi sicer najvidnejše vplivali na razvoj mariborske likovne umetnosti ter sočasnega kulturnega dogajanja. Med slikarji starejše generacije v Vrišerjevih prispevkih izstopata Ivan Kos in Ante Trstenjak, v srednji generaciji slikarja Maks Kavčič in Lajči Pandur. Janez Vidic in Rudolf Kotnik sta zaznamovala mlajšo generacijo slikarjev. Najvidnejši med mariborskimi grafiki je Bojan Golija. Predstavljeno pa je tudi kiparstvo, ki je bilo kljub manjši zastopanosti, kvalitetno. Najpomembneje je likovno sceno zaznamoval akademski kipar Slavko Tihec. Pomembno mesto pa so zasedali tudi Gabrijel Kolbič, Milan Vojsk ter kiparka Vlasta Zorko Tihec, ki je prijateljevala s Sergejem Vrišerjem in v Mariboru postavila mnogo kiparskih del.The present diploma paper presents the work of art historian Sergej Vrišer (1920–2004), known mainly as a connoisseur of baroque sculpture. Less widely known and acknowledged, however, is the fact that he was a systematic and acute observer of developments in contemporary art, as well as the fact that his critical thought greatly contributed to the development and establishment of contemporary art in the city of Maribor. He systematically published his observations and opinions in several Slovenian journals and newspapers, creating a comprehensive overview of the contemporary art scene. Through his critical eyes, he presented the cultural developments of his time in Maribor, which greatly increased in the wake of World War II, and reached its peak with the foundation of the Maribor Art Gallery (7 February 1954), which played an important role in stimulating the growth and development of artistic ambitions. Based on Vrišer’s notes, I have prepared a chronological overview of artists active at the time, whose bodies of work were of particular interest to Sergej Vrišer. By doing so I wanted to present Vrišer’s perspective on the art developments in Maribor and offer some highlights which he felt were the most important, and which offered the most transparent insight into the development of Maribor’s art history and cultural activity taking place at the same time. Among the older generation of painters, Vrišer’s notes prominently mention Ivan Kos and Ante Trstenjak, and among the middle generation, painters Maks Kavčič and Lajči Pandur are mentioned. Janez Vidic and Rudolf Kotnik are featured among the younger generation of painters. The most prominent of Maribor’s graphic artists is Bojan Golija. Sculpture is also presented, which was of high quality, albeit less represented. Academic sculptor Slavko Tihec had the strongest impact on the the visual art scene. Other important representatives include Gabrijel Kolbič, Milan Vojsk and female sculptor Vlasta Zorko Tihec, who was a friend of Sergej Vrišer and set up many sculptures in Maribor