340 research outputs found

    The influence of maternal prenatal stress on the infant's gut microbiota development

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    Early life stress is known to have adverse, long lasting consequences on an infant’s behavioral, emotional and cognitive development, capable of persisting into adulthood. Early life stress initially manifests as maternal prenatal psychological distress during the prenatal period in an expectant mother. Composition of the infant gut microbiota may potentially serve as one of the underlying stress-mediating mechanisms by which maternal prenatal psychological distress alters the infant’s neurodevelopment. Past studies had investigated the association between maternal prenatal psychological distress and the infant gut microbiota using only the maternal saliva cortisol concentration. The aim of this thesis was to re-examine the association between maternal prenatal psychological distress and the infant gut microbiota, using instead the hair cortisol concentration, a newer and not yet widely used method. Statistical analyses were run to test whether maternal hair cortisol concentrations taken during the 24th week of pregnancy associate with the infant gut microbiota’s genera, enterotype clusters, species diversity, species richness, etc., at the age of 2.5 months. Results from the statistical analyses showed that hair cortisol concentrations taken during the 24th week of pregnancy were not associated with the infant gut microbiota’s enterotype clusters, and the variation in species identity & abundances within a sample – termed as alpha-diversity - at the age of 2.5 months. However, screening the infant gut microbiota composition revealed significant associations between hair cortisol concentrations and the infant gut microbiota genera; additionally, hair cortisol concentrations are perhaps associated with the infant gut microbiota’s variation in species identity & abundances between samples – termed as beta-diversity


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    Thin films, consisting of contacting layers of iron group metals Fe, Co, Ni and rare earth metals oxides are perspective for use in spintronics. Due to exchange f–d interaction at them interface, magnetization and magnetoresistance of this d – metals are rising

    Accreditation in the Russian Federation. New legislation

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    The objective is to introduce a new approach to accreditation in the Russian Federation. New Russian legislation in higher education significantly alters the structure of the accreditation system. The most important element of this reforms is the emergence of public accreditation. Some problems and their solutions are discussed in this paper  &nbsp

    Program Accreditation by Association of Classical Universities of Russia

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    Quality assurance is a general problem in the higher education system. The modern condition of this problem is out of a national frame and got the international measurement. There are a lot of the processes that display globalization in understanding of quality in higher education. Among them are the international universities ratings, the institute and the program accreditation by international bodies, professional accreditation in special area of education, distribution of a quality culture philosophy and other comparison technologies in estimation of higher education institutes activity

    The vocational activities of the professional educational institution as a means of resistance to educational migration of young people from small cities

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    Статья посвящена проблеме образовательной миграции из малых городов. Описан опыт Асбестовского политехникума по организации ранней профориентационной работы, совместно с градообразующим предприятием Асбестовского городского округа ОАО «Ураласбест».The article is dedicated to the problem of educational migration from small towns. The author describes the experience of «Asbestovsky Polytechnic» in the organization of early career guidance work, together with the major enterprise of Asbestovsky urban district JSC «Uralasbest»

    To the issue of countryside and industrial categorization in the identity concept (on the materials of contemporary England, UK)

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    Статья посвящена исследованию таких категорий идентичности, как «сельское» (глубинка) и «городское», антииндустриальное и индустриальное на примере Англии (Великобритании). Дан базовый обзор видений проблематики среди английской общественности. В работе использованы авторские этнографические материалы 2010-2012 гг. (исследования на территории регионов Северо-Западной и Северо-Восточной Англии).The article is devoted to the research of such identity categories as countryside and industrial ones on the example of England, UK. There is review of basic points of that theme within English discourse. The work is prepared also on the base of author ethnographic materials 2010-2012 (field work in the North-West and North-East of England

    Іноземна мова у професійній діяльності спеціаліста-юриста (за результатами соціологічного дослідження) (Foreign language in the professional activity of a lawyer (results of sociological research)

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    У статті проаналізовано комунікативні потреби фахівців-юристів при використанні іноземної мови в професійній діяльності, які вимагають інтеграції з профільними дисциплінами і є не лише засобом спілкування, а й засобом інформаційної діяльності та засобом систематичного поповнення професійних знань. Доведено необхідність ново го підходу до викладання та вивчення іноземної мови в умовах інтеграції української освіти в європейську освітню систему та обрання загального культурного вектора на глобалізацію освіти. Визначено актуальність дослідження за запровадження новітніх методик вивчення іноземної мови студентами юридичних спеціальностей українських вишів. Висвітлено найважливіші компетенції, якими повинен оволодіти майбутній фахівець-юрист під час вивчення іноземної мови, та принципи спрямування навчального процесу, що сприяють оволодінню цими компетенціями. (The communicative needs of legal professionals using a foreign language in the professional activity that require integration with specialized disciplines and is not only a means of communication but also a means of information and means of systematic acquirement of professional knowledge are analyzed in this article. The necessity of a new approach to teaching and learning of a foreign language in the conditions of integration of the Ukrainian education into the European education system and the choice of the general cultural vector to globalization of education is proved. The relevance of research of introduction of the latest techniques of foreign language learning by the students of legal specialities of the Ukrainian higher education institutions is defined. The major competences which a future lawyer has to master at learning foreign languages, and the principles of educational process that promote mastering these competences are described. It is proved that the process of learning a foreign language should be as close as possible to the actual professional activity of the lawyer using a foreign language as a means of information activities and professional communication – direct (speaking) or indirect (reading). Cognitive-communicative approach which is focused on the development and activization of speech and mental activity of the students including various approaches, tasks and exercises, first of all situational exercises which are close to reality is chosen as a priority approach. Here we can mention: micro / macro dialogues, polylogues, case studies, situational training exercises, role-playing games, discussions, presentations, «round tables», staging, creative tasks, etc., in particular synthesizing contents of sentences and texts, group projects and other types of team work. The use of test- tasks, tasks of open type with the expression of the opinion are aimed at the critical analysis of the read information, independent generalizations, expression of own understanding of events, interpretation of lexical units by means of a foreign language, the use of the Internet – sources, video and audio-materials and other technical means. The particular emphasis is placed on a selective component of independent work taking into account interests and preferences of a future lawyer and the level of the student’s knowledge, as well as on interdisciplinary relations with implementation of monitoring research of students’ achievements in studying a foreign language.

    Composite scintillators as new type of a scintillation material

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    For radioecological tasks, we have developed a new type of scintillation materials - composite scintillators, consisting of dielectric gel as a base into which granules of scintillating substances were introduced. It has been shown that such material can be created both on the basis of organic and inorganic granules. In the first case, efficient fast neutron detectors can be created, with neutron discrimination on the background of gamma-radiation close to organic single crystals. In the second case, efficient detectors of thermal neutrons could be developed, with variation of the granule size allowing substantial reduction of the effects of background radiation. Separate fragments of the scintillator can be linked together, creating endless planes. A possibility of using bases with higher radiation hardness as compared with standard scintillator bases, as well as using any scintillating substance for granules allows thinking about possible application of such technological approach not only for radioecological tasks (ultra-low fluxes), but also in high energy physics.Для радиоэкологических задач нами был разработан новый вид сцинтилляционного материала композиционные сцинтилляторы, состоящие из диэлектрического геля в качестве основы, в которую внедрены гранулы сцинтиллирующего вещества. Показано, что данный материал может создаваться как на основе органических, так и неорганических гранул. Первые позволяют создавать эффективные детекторы быстрых нейтронов со степенью разделения нейтронов на фоне гамма-излучения, близкой к органическим монокристаллам. Вторые явились эффективными детекторами тепловых нейтронов, а варьирование размеров их гранул позволило существенно уменьшить влияние фоновых излучений. Отдельные фрагменты сцинтиллятора можно соединять вместе, создавая бесконечные плоскости. Возможность выбора более радиационно-стойких основ, чем стандартные сцинтилляционные основы, и любых сцинтилляционных веществ для создания гранул позволяет задуматься о возможности использования такого технологического подхода не только для задач радиоэкологии (сверхмалые потоки), но и для задач физики высоких энергий.Для радiоекологiчних задач нами був розроблений новий вид сцинтиляцiйного матерiалу композицiйнi сцинтилятори, що складаються з дiелектричного гелю в якостi основи, в яку введенi гранули сцинтилюючої речовини. Показано, що даний матерiал може створюватися як на основi органiчних, так i неорганiчних гранул. Першi дозволяють створювати ефективнi детектори швидких нейтронiв з ступенем подiлу нейтронiв на фонi гамма- випромiнювання, близькою до органiчних монокристалiв. Другi є ефективними детекторами теплових нейтронiв, а варiювання розмiрiв їх гранул дозволило iстотно зменшити вплив фонових випромiнювань. Окремi частини сцинтилятора можна з'єднувати разом, створюючи нескiнченнi площi. Можливiсть вибору бiльш радiацiйностiйких основ, нiж стандартнi сцинтиляцiйнi основи, та будь-яких сцинтиляцiйних речовин для створення гранул дозволяє замислитися про можливiсть використання такого технологiчного пiдходу не тiльки для задач радiоекологiї (надслабкi потоки), а й для задач фiзики високих енергiй