53 research outputs found

    Successful medical management of emphysematous gastritis with concomitant portal venous air: a case report

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p>The causes of diffuse abdominal pain following pelvic surgery are numerous. We present a rare case of acute abdominal pain in a woman in the post-partum period.</p> <p>Case presentation</p> <p>A 25-year-old Caucasian woman with neurofibromatosis type 1 presented to our hospital with diffuse abdominal pain immediately after a cesarean section. The patient was acutely ill and toxic with a fever of 38.8°C, a pulse of 120 beats per minute and a distended abdomen with absent bowel sounds. A computed tomography scan showed air in the wall of the stomach and portal venous system. The patient was successfully treated with intravenous antibiotics, bowel rest and total parenteral nutrition.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>It is rare for a case of emphysematous gastritis associated with portal venous air to be treated successfully without surgery. To the best of our knowledge, to date there has been no reported association of emphysematous gastritis with neurofibromatosis.</p

    Automatic transcription of Turkish microtonal music

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    Automatic music transcription, a central topic in music signal analysis, is typically limited to equal-tempered music and evaluated on a quartertone tolerance level. A system is proposed to automatically transcribe microtonal and heterophonic music as applied to the makam music of Turkey. Specific traits of this music that deviate from properties targeted by current transcription tools are discussed, and a collection of instrumental and vocal recordings is compiled, along with aligned microtonal reference pitch annotations. An existing multi-pitch detection algorithm is adapted for transcribing music with 20 cent resolution, and a method for converting a multi-pitch heterophonic output into a single melodic line is proposed. Evaluation metrics for transcribing microtonal music are applied, which use various levels of tolerance for inaccuracies with respect to frequency and time. Results show that the system is able to transcribe microtonal instrumental music at 20 cent resolution with an F-measure of 56.7%, outperforming state-of-the-art methods for the same task. Case studies on transcribed recordings are provided, to demonstrate the shortcomings and the strengths of the proposed method.QC 20161031</p

    A Turkish makam music symbolic database for music information retrieval: SymbTr

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    Turkish makam music needs a comprehensive database/nfor public consumption, to be used in MIR. This article/nintroduces SymbTr, a Turkish Makam Music Symbolic/nRepresentation Database, aimed at filling this void./nSymbTr consists of musical information in text, PDF, and/nMIDI formats. Raw data, drawn from reliable sources,/nand consisting of 1,700 musical pieces in Turkish art and/nfolk music was processed featuring distinct examples in/n155 diverse makams, 100 usuls and 48 forms. Special/ncare was devoted to selection of works that scatter across/na broad historical time span and were among those still/nperformed today. Total number of musical notes in these/npieces was 630,000, corresponding to a nominal playback/ntime of 72 hours. Synthesized sounds particular to Turkish/nmakam music were used in MIDI playback, and transcription//nplayback errors were corrected by input from/nexperts. Symbolic representation data, open to the public,/nis output from a computer program developed exclusively/nfor Turkish makam music. SymbTr was designed as a/nwholesome representation of aforementioned distinct auditory/nand visual features that distinguish Turkish makam/nmusic from other music genres. This article explains the/ndatabase format in detail, and also provides, through examples,/nstatistical information on pitch/interval allocation/nand distribution.This research was partly funded by the European Research/nCouncil under the European Union's Seventh/nFramework Program, as part of the CompMusic project/n(ERC grant agreement 267583)

    A Turkish makam music symbolic database for music information retrieval: SymbTr

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    Turkish makam music needs a comprehensive database/nfor public consumption, to be used in MIR. This article/nintroduces SymbTr, a Turkish Makam Music Symbolic/nRepresentation Database, aimed at filling this void./nSymbTr consists of musical information in text, PDF, and/nMIDI formats. Raw data, drawn from reliable sources,/nand consisting of 1,700 musical pieces in Turkish art and/nfolk music was processed featuring distinct examples in/n155 diverse makams, 100 usuls and 48 forms. Special/ncare was devoted to selection of works that scatter across/na broad historical time span and were among those still/nperformed today. Total number of musical notes in these/npieces was 630,000, corresponding to a nominal playback/ntime of 72 hours. Synthesized sounds particular to Turkish/nmakam music were used in MIDI playback, and transcription//nplayback errors were corrected by input from/nexperts. Symbolic representation data, open to the public,/nis output from a computer program developed exclusively/nfor Turkish makam music. SymbTr was designed as a/nwholesome representation of aforementioned distinct auditory/nand visual features that distinguish Turkish makam/nmusic from other music genres. This article explains the/ndatabase format in detail, and also provides, through examples,/nstatistical information on pitch/interval allocation/nand distribution.This research was partly funded by the European Research/nCouncil under the European Union's Seventh/nFramework Program, as part of the CompMusic project/n(ERC grant agreement 267583)

    Incorporating features of distribution and progression for automatic Makam classification

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    Comunicació presentada al 2nd CompMusic Workshop, celebrat els dies 12 i 13 de juliol de 2012 a Istanbul (Turquia), organitzat per CompMusic.Automatic classification of makams from symbolic data is a rarely studied topic. In this paper, first a review of an n-gram based approach is presented using various representations of the symbolic data. While a high degree of precision can be obtained, confusion happens mainly for makams using (almost) the same scale and pitch hierarchy but differ in overall melodic progression, seyir. To further improve the system, first n-gram based classification is tested for various sections of the piece to take into account a feature of the seyir that melodic progression starts in a certain region of the scale. In a second test, a hierarchical classification structure is designed which uses n-grams and seyir features in different levels to further improve the system.This work was funded in part by the European Research Council under the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) / ERC grant agreement 267583 (CompMusic) and in part by TÜBİTAK ARDEB grant no:3501-109E196. All staff notation representations used in this paper is taken from Mus2okur software, a digital encyclopedia for Turkish music (http://www.musiki.org/)

    Kitap Tanıtımı: Ahmet Avni Konuk Fihrist-i Makamat

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    Incorporating features of distribution and progression for automatic Makam classification

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    Comunicació presentada al 2nd CompMusic Workshop, celebrat els dies 12 i 13 de juliol de 2012 a Istanbul (Turquia), organitzat per CompMusic.Automatic classification of makams from symbolic data is a rarely studied topic. In this paper, first a review of an n-gram based approach is presented using various representations of the symbolic data. While a high degree of precision can be obtained, confusion happens mainly for makams using (almost) the same scale and pitch hierarchy but differ in overall melodic progression, seyir. To further improve the system, first n-gram based classification is tested for various sections of the piece to take into account a feature of the seyir that melodic progression starts in a certain region of the scale. In a second test, a hierarchical classification structure is designed which uses n-grams and seyir features in different levels to further improve the system.This work was funded in part by the European Research Council under the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) / ERC grant agreement 267583 (CompMusic) and in part by TÜBİTAK ARDEB grant no:3501-109E196. All staff notation representations used in this paper is taken from Mus2okur software, a digital encyclopedia for Turkish music (http://www.musiki.org/)

    Weighing diverse theoretical models on Turkish maqam music against pitch measurements: A comparison of peaks automatically derived from frequency histograms with proposed scale tones

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    Since the early 20th century, various theories have been advanced in order to mathematically explain and notate modes of Traditional Turkish music known as maqams. In this article, maqam scales according to various theoretical models based on different tunings are compared with pitch measurements obtained from select recordings of master Turkish performers in order to study their level of match with analysed data. Chosen recordings are subjected to a fully computerized sequence of signal processing algorithms for the automatic determination of the set of relative pitches for each maqam scale: f0 estimation, histogram computation, tonic detection + histogram alignment, and peak picking. For nine well-recognized maqams, automatically derived relative pitches are compared with scale tones defined by theoretical models using quantitative distance measures. We analyse and interpret histogram peaks based on these measures to find the theoretical models most conforming with all the recordings, and hence, with the quotidian performance trends influenced by them.TÜBİTA