16 research outputs found

    Urban versus rural health impacts attributable to PM2.5 and O3 in northern India

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    Ambient air pollution in India contributes to negative health impacts and early death. Ground-based monitors often used to quantify health impacts are located in urban regions, yet approximately 70% of India's population lives in rural communities. We simulate high-resolution concentrations of fine particulate matter (PM) and ozone from the regional Community Multi-scale Air Quality model over northern India, including updated estimates of anthropogenic emissions for transportation, residential combustion and location-based industrial and electrical generating emissions in a new anthropogenic emissions inventory. These simulations inform seasonal air quality and health impacts due to anthropogenic emissions, contrasting urban versus rural regions. For our northern India domain, we estimate 463 200 (95% confidence interval: 444 600–482 600) adults die prematurely each year from PM2.5 and that 37 800 (28 500–48 100) adults die prematurely each year from O3. This translates to 5.8 deaths per 10 000 attributable to air pollution out of an annual rate of 72 deaths per 10 000 (8.1% of deaths) using 2010 estimates. We estimate that the majority of premature deaths resulting from PM2.5 and O3 are in rural (383 600) as opposed to urban (117 200) regions, where we define urban as cities and towns with populations of at least 100 000 people. These findings indicate the need for rural monitoring and appropriate health studies to understand and mitigate the effects of ambient air pollution on this population in addition to supporting model evaluation

    Guidelines for Modeling and Reporting Health Effects of Climate Change Mitigation Actions.

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    BACKGROUND: Modeling suggests that climate change mitigation actions can have substantial human health benefits that accrue quickly and locally. Documenting the benefits can help drive more ambitious and health-protective climate change mitigation actions; however, documenting the adverse health effects can help to avoid them. Estimating the health effects of mitigation (HEM) actions can help policy makers prioritize investments based not only on mitigation potential but also on expected health benefits. To date, however, the wide range of incompatible approaches taken to developing and reporting HEM estimates has limited their comparability and usefulness to policymakers. OBJECTIVE: The objective of this effort was to generate guidance for modeling studies on scoping, estimating, and reporting population health effects from climate change mitigation actions. METHODS: An expert panel of HEM researchers was recruited to participate in developing guidance for conducting HEM studies. The primary literature and a synthesis of HEM studies were provided to the panel. Panel members then participated in a modified Delphi exercise to identify areas of consensus regarding HEM estimation. Finally, the panel met to review and discuss consensus findings, resolve remaining differences, and generate guidance regarding conducting HEM studies. RESULTS: The panel generated a checklist of recommendations regarding stakeholder engagement: HEM modeling, including model structure, scope and scale, demographics, time horizons, counterfactuals, health response functions, and metrics; parameterization and reporting; approaches to uncertainty and sensitivity analysis; accounting for policy uptake; and discounting. DISCUSSION: This checklist provides guidance for conducting and reporting HEM estimates to make them more comparable and useful for policymakers. Harmonization of HEM estimates has the potential to lead to advances in and improved synthesis of policy-relevant research that can inform evidence-based decision making and practice. https://doi.org/10.1289/EHP6745

    Missing emissions from post-monsoon agricultural fires in northwestern India: regional limitations of MODIS burned area and active fire products

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    A rising source of outdoor emissions in northwestern India is crop residue burning, occurring after the monsoon (kharif) and winter (rabi) crop harvests. In particular, post-monsoon rice residue burning, which occurs annually from October to November and is linked to increasing mechanization, coincides with meteorological conditions that enhance short-term air quality degradation. Here we examine the Global Fire Emissions Database (GFED), whose bottom-up emissions are based on the 500-m burned area product, MCD64A1, derived from Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) observations. Using a household survey from 2016, we find that MCD64A1 tends to underestimate burned area in many surveyed villages, leading to poor representation of small, scattered fires and consequent spatial biases in model results. To more accurately allocate such small fires and resolve within-village heterogeneity, we use an experimental hybrid MODIS-Landsat method (ModL2T) to map burned area at 30-m spatial resolution, which results in 44 ± 21% higher burned area than MCD64A1 and up to 105 ± 52% increase in dry matter emissions over GFEDv4s. In our validation and assessments, we find that ModL2T performs better relative to MCD64A1 in terms of bias and omission error, but may introduce commission error due to conflation of burning with harvest and still underestimate burned area due to Landsat’s coarse temporal resolution (every 16 days). We conclude that while MODIS and Landsat provide more than two decades worth of observations, their spatio-temporal resolution is too coarse to overcome several region-specific challenges: small median landholding size (1-3 ha), quick harvest-to-sowing turnover period, prevalence of partial burning, and increasing haziness. To further constrain agricultural fire emissions in northwestern India and improve model estimates of associated public health impacts, integration of finer resolution imagery, as well as better understanding of the spatial patterns in burn rates, burn practices, and fuel loading, is requisite

    Urban versus rural health impacts attributable to PM2.5 and O3 in northern India

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    Ambient air pollution in India contributes to negative health impacts and early death. Ground-based monitors often used to quantify health impacts are located in urban regions, yet approximately 70% of India's population lives in rural communities. We simulate high-resolution concentrations of fine particulate matter (PM) and ozone from the regional Community Multi-scale Air Quality model over northern India, including updated estimates of anthropogenic emissions for transportation, residential combustion and location-based industrial and electrical generating emissions in a new anthropogenic emissions inventory. These simulations inform seasonal air quality and health impacts due to anthropogenic emissions, contrasting urban versus rural regions. For our northern India domain, we estimate 463 200 (95% confidence interval: 444 600–482 600) adults die prematurely each year from PM2.5 and that 37 800 (28 500–48 100) adults die prematurely each year from O3. This translates to 5.8 deaths per 10 000 attributable to air pollution out of an annual rate of 72 deaths per 10 000 (8.1% of deaths) using 2010 estimates. We estimate that the majority of premature deaths resulting from PM2.5 and O3 are in rural (383 600) as opposed to urban (117 200) regions, where we define urban as cities and towns with populations of at least 100 000 people. These findings indicate the need for rural monitoring and appropriate health studies to understand and mitigate the effects of ambient air pollution on this population in addition to supporting model evaluation

    Contribution of Isoprene Epoxydiol to Urban Organic Aerosol: Evidence from Modeling and Measurements

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    In a region heavily influenced by anthropogenic and biogenic atmospheric emissions, recent field measurements have attributed one-third of urban organic aerosol by mass to isoprene epoxydiols (IEPOX). These aerosols arise from the gas-phase oxidation of isoprene, the formation of IEPOX, the reactive uptake of IEPOX by particles, and finally the formation of new compounds in the aerosol phase. Using a continental-scale chemical transport model, we find a strong temporal correspondence between the simulated formation of IEPOX-derived organic aerosol and these measurements. However, because only a subset of isoprene-derived aerosol compounds have been specifically identified in laboratory studies, our simulation of known IEPOX-derived organic aerosol compounds predicts a mass 10-fold lower than the field measurements, despite abundant gas-phase IEPOX. Sensitivity studies suggest that increasing the effective IEPOX uptake coefficient and including aerosol-phase reactions that lead to the addition of functional groups could increase the simulated IEPOX-derived aerosol mass and account for the difference between the field measurements and modeling results

    Emissions and Air Quality Impacts of Truck-to-Rail Freight Modal Shifts in the Midwestern United States

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    We present an examination of the potential emissions and air quality benefits of shifting freight from truck to rail in the upper Midwestern United States. Using a novel, freight-specific emissions inventory (the Wisconsin Inventory of Freight Emissions, WIFE) and a three-dimensional Eulerian photochemical transport model (the Community Multiscale Air Quality Model, CMAQ), we quantify how specific freight mode choices impact ambient air pollution concentrations. Using WIFE, we developed two modal shift scenarios: one focusing on intraregional freight movements within the Midwest and a second on through-freight movements through the region. Freight truck and rail emissions inventories for each scenario were gridded to a 12 km × 12 km horizontal resolution as input to CMAQ, along with emissions from all other major sectors, and three-dimensional time-varying meteorology from the Weather Research and Forecasting model (WRF). The through-freight scenario reduced monthly mean (January and July) localized concentrations of nitrogen dioxide (NO<sub>2</sub>) by 28% (−2.33 ppbV) in highway grid cells, and reduced elemental carbon (EC) by 16% (−0.05 μg/m<sup>3</sup>) in highway grid cells. There were corresponding localized increases in railway grid cells of 25% (+0.83 ppbV) for NO<sub>2</sub>, and 22% (+0.05 μg/m<sup>3</sup>) for EC. The through-freight scenario reduced CO<sub>2</sub> emissions 31% compared to baseline trucking. The through-freight scenario yields a July mean change in ground-level ambient PM<sub>2.5</sub> and O<sub>3</sub> over the central and eastern part of the domain (up to −3%)