1,133 research outputs found

    Rock Slopes from Mechanics to Decision Making

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    http://lmrwww.epfl.ch/Eurock/Eurock2010/files/papers%20grouped.pdfRock slope instabilities are discussed in the context of decision making for risk assessment and management. Hence, the state of the slope and possible failure mechanism need to be defined first. This is done with geometrical and mechanical models for which recent developments are presented. This leads with appropriate consideration of uncertainties to risk determination and to the description of tools for risk management through active and passive countermeasures, including warning systems. The need for sensitivity analysis is then demonstrated, and final comments address updating through information collection.National Science Foundation (U.S.)MIT-Portugal ProgramPortuguese Science and Technology FoundationNorwegian Geotechnical Institute (International Centre for Geohazards)United States. Dept. of Energ

    Variation in gas chromatography (GC) analysis in setting up laboratory protocols for waste to energy novel fixed bed reactor setups

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    Gas Chromatography coupled with Mass Spectrometry (GC/MS) has been applied in various analytical chemistry works. However, to fine tune a system that can serve the purposes of pyrolysis oil identification has proven to be a laborious effort, especially when considering the fact that no standard protocol exists for such analysis. In addition, obtained products were yielded from a newly commissioned unit with a unique and novel design. In this study, a US patent office claimed reactor [SULTAN-1, Pyrolysis Reactor System for the Conversion and Analysis of Organic Solid Waste, Patent application number: 15,487,351] that degrades polyolefinc virgin and waste materials to obtain petroleum refinery and petrochemical feedstock, has been commissioned. The reactor produces three distinct physical states of matter products accumulated as testing specimens, i.e. solids, gaseous and oil. The samples analysed in this work were of the gas and oil produced by pyrolysis of end of life tyre (ELTs) shavings that required to have a special recipe to work with in the laboratory. Various MS cords were utilised and experimental setups to fine tune the process, and special emphasis was given on the gas samples variation in this communication. To reach the desired analysis results with high repeatability, a plethora of experiences of lab personnel and laboratory-based experimental work was accumulated. Laboratory protocols were also setup for this work. These will be detailed along the process execution which yielded a standard laboratory best practice analytical method as part of the State of Kuwait newly initiated Government Initiative project

    Man-in-the-barrel syndrome: Case report of ventral epidural abscess and review of the literature

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    Background: Man-in-the-barrel syndrome (MBS) is an uncommon clinical condition for which patients present with bilateral brachial diplegia but intact lower extremity strength. This syndrome is typically attributed to a cranial/cortical injury rather than a spinal pathology. Case Description: A 62-year-old diabetic male presented with bilateral upper extremity paresis attributed to a ventral cervical epidural abscess diagnosed on magnetic resonance imaging. Emergent cervical decompression resulted in slight improvement of upper extremity strength. However, he later expired due to sepsis and respiratory compromise. Conclusion: Establishing the correct diagnosis via clinical examination and proceeding with appropriate management of MBS attributed to a cervical epidural abscess is critical to achieve a good outcome

    Changes in undergraduate student alcohol consumption as they progress through university

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    BACKGROUND: Unhealthy alcohol use amongst university students is a major public health concern. Although previous studies suggest a raised level of consumption amongst the UK student population there is little consistent information available about the pattern of alcohol consumption as they progress through university. The aim of the current research was to describe drinking patterns of UK full-time undergraduate students as they progress through their degree course. METHOD: Data were collected over three years from 5895 undergraduate students who began their studies in either 2000 or 2001. Longitudinal data (i.e. Years 1–3) were available from 225 students. The remaining 5670 students all responded to at least one of the three surveys (Year 1 n = 2843; Year 2 n = 2219; Year 3 n = 1805). Results: Students reported consuming significantly more units of alcohol per week at Year 1 than at Years 2 or 3 of their degree. Male students reported a higher consumption of units of alcohol than their female peers. When alcohol intake was classified using the Royal College of Physicians guidelines [1] there was no difference between male and females students in terms of the percentage exceeding recommended limits. Compared to those who were low level consumers students who reported drinking above low levels at Year 1 had at least 10 times the odds of continuing to consume above low levels at year 3. Students who reported higher levels of drinking were more likely to report that alcohol had a negative impact on their studies, finances and physical health. Consistent with the reduction in units over time students reported lower levels of negative impact during Year 3 when compared to Year 1. CONCLUSION: The current findings suggest that student alcohol consumption declines over their undergraduate studies; however weekly levels of consumption at Year 3 remain high for a substantial number of students. The persistence of high levels of consumption in a large population of students suggests the need for effective preventative and treatment interventions for all year groups

    Multijunction Solar Cell Development and Production at Spectrolab

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    Development of multijunction space solar cells is much like that for any high technology product. New products face two major pressures from the market: improving performance while maintaining heritage. This duality of purpose is not new and has been represented since ancient times by the Roman god Janus.[1] This deity was typically represented as two faces on a single head: one facing forward and the other to the rear. The image of Janus has been used as symbolism for many combined forces of dual purpose, such as the balance in life between beginnings and endings, or between art and science. For our purposes, Janus represents our design philosophy balance between looking to the future for improvement while simultaneously blending past heritage. In the space photovoltaics industry there are good reasons for both purposes. Looking to the past, a product must have a space flight heritage to gain widespread use. The main reason being that this is an unforgiving business. Spacecraft are expensive to build, launch and operate. Typically once a satellite is launched, in-field service for a power systems problem is near impossible.[2Balanced with this is looking forward. New missions typically require more power than previous programs or attempt new objectives such as a new orbit. And there is always the cost pressure for both the satellite itself as well as the launch costs. Both of which push solar technology to improve power density at a lower cost. The consequence of this balance in a high-risk environment is that space PV develops as a series of infrequent large technology steps or generational changes interspersed with more frequent small technology steps or evolutionary changes. Figure 1 gives a bit of clarification on this point. It depicts the historical progress in space solar cells tracked by efficiency against first launch date for most major products introduced by Spectrolab. The first generation is the Si-based technology reaching a peak values near 15% AM0 (herein denoted for max. power, AM0, 1.353 W/cm2, 28 C). The GaAs single junction device generation supplanted this technology with first flight of GaAs on GaAs substrate in 1982.[3] More recently this generation has been supplanted by the multijunction solar cell GaInP/GaAs/Ge generation. The first launch of a commercial satellite powered by multijunction technology was in 1997 (Hughes HS 601HP) using solar arrays based on Spectrolab s dual junction (DJ) cells. The cells at that time were an impressive 21.5% efficient at beginning-of-life (BOL).[4] Eight years later, the multijunction device has evolved through several versions. The incorporation of an active Ge subcell formed the Triple Junction (TJ) product line at 25.1% efficient, on orbit since November 2001. The evolution of the TJ into the Improved Triple Junction (ITJ) at 26.8% efficient has been on orbit since June of 2002.[5

    Altered expression of a putative progenitor cell marker DCAMKL1 in the rat gastric mucosa in regeneration, metaplasia and dysplasia

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Doublecortin and calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase-like-1 (DCAMKL1) is a candidate marker for progenitor cells in the gastrointestinal mucosa. Lineage cells in the gastric mucosa are derived from progenitor cells, but this process can be altered after injury. Therefore, we explored DCAMKL1 expression under pathological conditions.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>An immunohistochemical analysis was performed in rat stomach with acute superficial injury, chronic ulcer, intestinal metaplasia and dysplasia.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>DCAMKL1 was exclusively expressed in immature quiescent cells in the isthmus of normal fundic glands, where putative progenitor cells are thought to reside. DCAMKL1-positive cells and proliferating cells shed into the lumen after superficial injury and re-appeared during the regenerative process, mainly in the superficial mucosa. In the marginal mucosa around the active ulcer, parietal and chief cells diminished, foveolar hyperplasia was evident, and trefoil factor family 2 (TFF2)/spasmolytic polypeptide-expressing metaplasia (SPEM) emerged at the gland base. DCAMKL1 cells re-emerged in the deep mucosa juxtaposed with SPEM and proliferating cells. In the healing ulcer, the TFF2 cell population expanded and seemed to redifferentiate to chief cells, while proliferating cells and DCAMKL1 cells appeared above and below the TFF2 cells to promote healing. SPEM appeared and PCNA cells increased in the intestinalized mucosa, and DCAMKL1 was expressed in the proximity of the PCNA cells in the deep mucosa. DCAMKL1, PCNA and TFF2 were expressed in different dysplastic cells lining dilated glands near SPEM.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The ultrastructural appearance of DCAMKL1-positive cells and the expression patterns of DCAMKL1 in normal and pathological states indicate that the cells belong to a progenitor cell population. DCAMKL1 expression is closely associated with TFF2/SPEM cells after injury. DCAMKL1 cells repopulate close to proliferating, hyperplastic, metaplastic and dysplastic cells, and the progenitor zone shifts according to the pathological circumstances.</p

    Multicore implementation of a fixed-complexity tree-search detector for MIMO communications

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    [EN] Multicore systems allow the efficient implementation of signal processing algorithms for communication systems due to their high parallel processing capabilities. In this paper, we present a high-throughput multicore implementation of a fixed-complexity tree-search-based detector interesting for MIMO wireless communication systems. Experimental results confirm that this implementation allows to accelerate the data detection stage for different constellation sizes and number of subcarriers.This work was supported by the TEC2009-13741 project of the Spanish Ministry of Science, by the PROMETEO/2009/013 project and ACOMP/2012/076 of the Generalitat Valenciana, and the Vicerrectorado de Investigacion de la UPV through Programa de Apoyo a la Investigacion y desarrollo (PAID-05-11-2898).Ramiro Sánchez, C.; Roger Varea, S.; Gonzalez, A.; Almenar Terré, V.; Vidal Maciá, AM. (2013). Multicore implementation of a fixed-complexity tree-search detector for MIMO communications. The Journal of Supercomputing (Online). 65(3):1010-1019. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11227-012-0839-xS10101019653Paulraj AJ, Gore DA, Nabar RU, Bölcskei H (2004) An overview of MIMO communications—a key to gigabit wireless. Proc IEEE 92(2):198–218Jiang M, Hanzo L (2007) Multiuser MIMO-OFDM for next-generation wireless systems. Proc IEEE 95(7):1430–14693GPP TS 36.201, V10.0.0, Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access (E-UTRA); Physical layer—general description, December 2010Lin Y, Lee H, Woh M, Harel Y, Mahlke S, Mudge T, Chakrabarti C, Flautner K (2007) SODA: a high-performance DSP architecture for software-defined radio. IEEE MICRO 27(1):114–123Yang C-H, Markovic D (2008) A multi-core sphere decoder VLSI architecture for MIMO communications. In: Global telecommunications conference, November, pp 1–6Wu D, Eilert J, Liu D (2011) Implementation of a high-speed MIMO soft-output symbol detector for software defined radio. J Signal Process Syst 63(1):27–37Tan K, Liu H, Zhang J, Zhang Y, Fang J, Voelker GM (2011) Sora: high-performance software radio using general-purpose multi-core processors. Communun ACM 54(1):99–107Roger S, Ramiro C, Gonzalez A, Almenar V, Vidal AM (2012) An efficient GPU implementation of fixed-complexity sphere decoders for MIMO wireless systems. Integr Comput-Aided Eng 19(4):341–350Chen Y-K et al (2009) Signal processing on platforms with multiple cores: Part 1-Overview and methodologies. IEEE Signal Proc Mag 6:24–25Karam LJ, AlKamal I, Gatherer A, Frantz GA, Anderson DV, Evans BL (2009) Trends in multicore DSP platforms. IEEE Signal Process Mag 26(6):38–49Barbero LG, Thompson JS (2008) Fixing the complexity of the sphere decoder for MIMO detection. IEEE Trans Wirel Commun 7(6):2131–2142Hassibi B, Vikalo H (2005) On sphere decoding algorithm. Part I, The expected complexity. IEEE Trans Signal Process 54(5):2806–2818Agrell E, Eriksson T, Vardy A, Zeger K (2002) Closest point search in lattices. IEEE Trans Inf Theory 48(8):2201–2214OpenMP v3.0, http://www.openmp.org/mp-documents/spec30.pdf , May 200